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Chapter 4 Raw Meat and Knocks

 Lu Yanran remembered that before her grandmother passed away, she would often tell her some creepy-sounding stories.

I remember that when my grandfather just passed away from illness, my grandmother always insisted that my grandfather’s soul would return, so she stayed at the mourning hall during the first seven days of my grandfather’s life.

When Lu Yanran was a child, her grandmother told her that she was very scared, but her grandmother would say to her: "Yanran,"

Don't be afraid, your grandpa died at the end of his life. Even if he comes back, he is just a ghost, not a resentful spirit, and will not hurt you."

"Aren't these all the same... unclean things?" Lu Yanran was still very scared at that time.

"It's different." Grandma shook her head, pointed to the portrait of grandpa, and said: "Wraiths are ghosts that can harm people, but ghosts can't harm people. Many people die after death.

Ghosts will stay in this world, but they wish to return to the underworld. Unless ghosts stay in the world, they will become resentful spirits."

These words said by her grandma when she was a child have always brought a strong psychological shadow to Lu Yanran. Because her father was very filial to her grandma and would obey her words, it made Lu Yanran even more afraid. It was not until she went to school and read that

I knew that the ghosts and resentful spirits my grandma was talking about were completely nonsense. I would even come back with the school textbook and argue with my grandma every time. But every time, my grandma would just smile and say nothing.

Now, recalling this experience as a child, Lu Yanran suddenly got goosebumps all over her body.

She turned on all the lights in the room, and then moved a sofa.

Hold it against the door,

Even though she repeatedly made sure the door was locked properly.

Then, she turned on the TV and turned the volume to the maximum. She chose a channel at random, not caring what the content was. It was just to embolden her.

Then, she took the quilt, sat in front of the TV, wrapped herself in the quilt, and kept her eyes locked on the door.

Will there be "someone" knocking on the door at night?

What should I do now?

Now, thinking about that night, when Zhang Bei said he was chased by a wolf dog, Lu Yanran began to doubt. Is what he said true?

Could it be some unknown and terrifying thing chasing Zhang Bei?

"Ghosts... resentful spirits..."

She murmured these four words and wrapped herself even more tightly in the quilt.

After a long time, she slowly turned her head and looked towards...


If what Zhang Bei said is true,

Then he must have hidden something in the bedroom.

But the police have also searched this place and found nothing special.

What exactly did he leave for himself?

Lu Yanran really wants to find it,

However, she was a little scared...

Thinking of the strange piece of raw meat in the refrigerator, what could Zhang Bei have left for himself?

The unknown things are the most terrifying.

As the person he is most familiar with, Zhang Bei has concealed such a big secret of his own? This month, he has not told himself anything, but has been feeding himself this kind of meat that he doesn’t know where it comes from?

She thought for a while, picked up her phone, and called Zhang Bei's cousin.

The relationship between Zhang Bei and several relatives in his family can be said to be quite bad, and the relationship with this cousin is naturally not much better. But now, she has no other choice but to go there and ask.

The phone rang for a long time before being answered.


"Sister-in-law?" Soon the voice of Zhang Bei's cousin Lu Xin came: "The police came to us before to ask about Zhang Bei's affairs. But we really don't know why he disappeared!"

"I, I want to ask..."

"Sister-in-law, you, please relax. Maybe Zhang Bei has some difficulties and left temporarily. Well, I have been quite busy at work recently. When I have more free time, we will come to see you again."

Lu Yanran still doesn’t know? Unless it’s a loan, they won’t be able to visit in another three hundred years.

A very important reason why Zhang Bei has such a bad relationship with these relatives is that he never lends money to his relatives. His relatives have always wanted to know how much inheritance his parents left him. Regarding these inheritances,

These relatives have been racking their brains to investigate and have asked him to borrow money several times. Zhang Bei's father had lent money to his uncle and uncle before, but the result was nothing. No matter how hard and soft his relatives tried,

No one is willing to lend money.

But that's it, the rift between the two parties has definitely not developed to the level of kidnapping.

"What I want to ask is, have you seen Zhang Bei this month?"

"Well, the police asked me that just now. No! Really not! We rarely see each other and we are both busy with work, so..."

"Then have you sent any messages to each other?"

"That's not true...Sister-in-law, I know what you want to ask, but I really don't know. Zhang Bei, he just has a bit too principled personality, but he really doesn't have any enemies." Then, Zhang Bei changed the subject.

: "Sister-in-law, there is something I want to discuss with you. What are your plans now?"


"What are you going to do with this house?"

"We bought the house with full payment, using the money from selling the old house."

"So...you haven't paid a penny for this house, and the property certificate doesn't have your name on it...right?"

Lu Yanran suddenly showed disgust. How long had Zhang Bei been missing, and now he started to think about this house? Just kidding, what a beautiful thought!

"Well, I'm about to boil the water, so I won't tell you for now. If you think of anything, cousin, let me know."

Lu Yanran hung up the phone without hesitation.

If Zhang Bei might have some contact with any relative, it would be Lu Xin. If he didn't even contact him, it's unlikely that anyone else would know the inside story.

She buried her head in the quilt for a while, and then raised her head again after ten minutes.

"That's all... we can't just sit here and wait to die!"

The police searched the building but were unable to find Zhang Bei, but according to surveillance, Zhang Bei must be inside the building.

Maybe...he's still alive?

Lu Yanran walked to the bedroom door, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Perhaps only by searching here can we find out what Zhang Bei has hidden about himself.

The bedroom is small or big. The bookcases are filled with Zhang Bei's books, which she doesn't usually look through. The clothes in the wardrobe are all washed and ironed by her hands.

There are things that you don’t know exist.

If you want to say what he left behind, the bookcase is the most likely place.

She came to the bookcase. The bookcase has five floors in total. The upper three floors can be seen through the glass, while the lower two floors require a cabinet to be opened.

She gently opened the second-to-last cabinet below...

Inside, there are some ordinary books.

Finally...it's the cabinet on the bottom floor.

She never opens this cabinet, and when she cleans it, she only wipes the outside.

She tried to open the cabinet, but found that... the cabinet was locked!

This made Lu Yanran wary. Where could the key to this cabinet be?

Since Zhang Bei asked her to come to the bedroom on the phone, if the thing was really in there, then she must be able to get the key. He took it off and hung it on a hanger after get off work last night.

This is not the key to the home.

She returned to the bedroom, inserted it into the keyhole of the cabinet, turned it... and pulled it open!

Then, she saw that inside... there was a doll that looked like it was wearing red clothes.

Next to it, there is a small balance scale.

Even if the police saw it during the search, they wouldn't think it was strange.

This doll... this is the first time Lu Yanran has seen it.

She stretched out her hand and picked up the doll.

I can't see anything unusual. It seems to be like the dolls in the claw machines in shopping malls.

However, based on her understanding of Zhang Bei and his straight male aesthetics, he would never like this kind of thing. Remember, he was a Gundam fan at the time, but he had never bought any figures, let alone this kind of doll?
Turning the doll over, she suddenly saw a small note stuck behind it.

"Yanran, if you see this note, I may be in danger. Next, you remember to eat one gram of meat that I put in the red plastic bag in the refrigerator in the morning and evening, and you cannot leave the building for more than twelve hours a day.

Hours. On the night of the full moon on October 20th, a person will come to your home. Unless the person gives you a red business card with a skull and a black cross on it, and after you get the business card, you will believe everything he says.

Otherwise, never open the door to that person. When the time comes, give him the doll, and he will tell you how to use it. Before that, never think about escaping from this building!"

This chapter has been completed!
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