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Chapter 5 Dolls

 At the end of the note, it read: "Remember, never call the police or ask for help from anyone else. This will only cause them to suffer misfortune. No one can do it except the person who can give you that kind of business card."

I can save you!"

Lu Yanran felt like the world was spinning when she saw the four words "bad luck and bad luck".

She had seen this kind of opening note dozens of times in countless costume dramas.

She never dreamed that one day she would become the heroine of such a story!

"Calm down, calm down...it's just that there are more dangers than there are chances, and there is less luck, it's not that there is nothing...at least it doesn't mean that when I see this note, he is already dead..."

Faced with this unexpected situation, Lu Yanran sat on the bed and began to read the note carefully.

She was certain that this was Zhang Bei's handwriting. His handwriting was so unique, and just like his personality, it was extremely neat. At first glance, one might even suspect that it was printed. Not everyone can imitate such handwriting.


"You can't leave the building for more than twelve hours in a day, and eat one gram of meat in the morning and evening... These two points are not difficult."

Lu Yanran has been a full-time housewife since she got married, and there is indeed enough food stored in the refrigerator. It won't be a big problem if she doesn't go out to buy groceries during these days.

Obviously, according to the content of the note, she would have to wait until the full moon night on October 20 before she could escape from the Muyang Building.

And if she doesn't take the meat as instructed, it means that some invisible entity may knock on the door again.

"Red...black cross...business card?"

What Zhang Bei means is that she can only open the door if the person holding this card comes over?

No one else can open the door!

This sentence, if you think about it carefully, is simply terrifying.

Zhang Bei knew that "something" would knock on the door! He also knew what it was that was knocking on the door.

"Zhang Bei... why don't you tell me! Tell me! Then I can share some of the burden for you?"

Just as Lu Yanran finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something.

When they were dating in the past, she and Zhang Bei mentioned the experience of being frightened by what her grandma said when she was a child.

Perhaps in order to stimulate Zhang Bei's protective desire, she was a little more jealous when she said it, describing it as a shadow of her childhood. Therefore, in Zhang Bei's mind, she was a very timid person.

Lu Yanran immediately understood that it was because of this that Zhang Bei had been hiding it from her.

"On a full moon night... why is it a full moon? It's not a werewolf transformation?"

She thought for a while, picked up her phone, and started searching for "red black cross skull business card".

However, after searching for a long time, I did not find any valuable information. Most of them were advertisements for business card design.

"At least you also left me a phone number or something on the note? On the night of the full moon, the person who came with the business card...who is this person?"

Lu Yanran gritted her teeth and pressed her head against the wall.

She pressed her forehead against the wall like this for five minutes before lifting it up.

"Okay... take a step back... take a step back and say... the person knocking on the door today is really that unclean thing."

When Lu Yanran said these words, she felt like she was crazy.

She really hoped that her grandma was still alive, so that maybe she could call her and ask.

Lu Yanran is not a person who likes to talk to herself, but now, if she doesn't say a few words, she feels that she will definitely go crazy.

"So, what is that meat? What is this doll? Most importantly, what is that person with the red business card about?"

She raised her hand and moved it on the wall in front of her.

"A month ago, Zhang Bei encountered something terrible in this building one night, and then he fled back home."

She moved her nails a few times, then slowly moved downwards.

"But he knew that I was timid, so he lied to me and said that a wolf dog was chasing him."

At this time, Lu Yanran started to use her brain, recalling every detail of her time with Zhang Bei in the past month.

In fact, there was one thing she didn't tell the police, mainly because it was too difficult to talk about. In this month, Zhang Bei rarely asked her to "pay public food", and she took the initiative. If she hadn't trusted Zhang Bei very much, she would have

We have to wonder if he has eaten the food secretly outside because he cannot hand over the public food. From this, we can see how much mental pressure he is under, so much so that he has no energy to even do that.<


At this moment, a phone call suddenly came over.

She picked up her phone and saw that it was an unknown number.

She answered the phone.


"Is this Ms. Lu Yanran?"

"I am."

"Hello, I am from Kangyu Logistics Company. My name is Zhao Heng. I am your husband Zhang Bei's boss."

"Oh, hello, Mr. Zhao!"

"Well, that's the case. I only found out what happened because the police came to me. Our department was also shocked by Zhang Bei's disappearance."

"How do you know my mobile phone number?"

"Every employee has filled in the emergency contact number. In fact, we had to contact you earlier. The main departments are really busy today."

"I...I don't know where Zhang Bei went..."

"It's like this. The company will use a car tomorrow, and Zhang Bei has always kept the car keys. We looked for them at his workstation, but couldn't find them. He may have left them at home."


"I know it's a bit inappropriate to say this at this time, but the company really needs to use the car tomorrow... Well, can you help me look for it? If you find it, we will send someone to pick it up tomorrow."

"I know, I will look for it. Mr. Zhao, I want to ask you a question."

"You said."

"Do you think there is anything unusual about Zhang Bei this month?"

"If I want to talk about the abnormality, it's that he left early every time he worked overtime this month, and he took two days off."

"Two days off?"

Lu Yanran remembers clearly that Zhang Bei went to work normally every working day in this month!

"He takes leave twice a month, which is rare."

"Two vacations?"

"Yes. Not two consecutive days. One was a month ago, and the other was about a week ago."

"Did he say the reason for taking leave?"

"He said he wanted to see a doctor. He said it was because the specialist clinic was only open on working days, so he had no choice but to ask for leave."

"Seeing...a disease? Also seeing a specialist outpatient clinic? Did he say what the disease was? A follow-up visit in such a short time?"

"He didn't say anything specific, so I didn't ask any more questions. After all, some diseases are more private, so it's understandable that employees don't want to talk about it."

Lu Yanran is certain that Zhang Bei is lying!

After ending the call, she found Zhang Bei's outpatient manual and medical insurance card, opened the outpatient manual, and found that the last time he went to see a doctor was when he went to see a doctor for periodontitis a year ago.

Of course, she also found the car keys.

"The expert clinic he said he was attending must be false. So what did he do when he asked for leave?"

Lu Yanran immediately realized...

The meat in the refrigerator and the dolls in the cabinet must have come from those two days off!

At the same time, he also contacted the person with the red business card.

Who is that person?

She knew Zhang Bei's character very well, and he was definitely not someone who would be easily deceived. She still remembered clearly that on a previous date, he had a chat with her and talked about a lot of anti-fraud knowledge.

He was dumbfounded and didn’t know there were so many dazzling fraud tricks. Therefore, it was unlikely that he would be defrauded by someone.

Could that meat... be given to him by the person holding some business card?

She looked at the note again.

There was another point above that concerned her.

What does it mean... to believe everything he says after getting a business card? Then what exactly will be written on the business card?

Can't you write more clearly? Lu Yanran asked herself that she didn't have the IQ of Sherlock Holmes, so she couldn't deduce so much information!

Red...skull...black cross...

Why does it make her feel something is wrong?

But now, she can only believe Zhang Bei.

At least one thing is certain...it is impossible for the police to catch the invisible entity knocking on her door!

This chapter has been completed!
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