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Chapter 1160 Soul spontaneous combustion

"Soul of the Sky Tomb?"

"What a strong and evil spirit!"

Xiao Yu's beautiful eyes were flowing, and her pretty face was already solemn.

The pressure from the soul of the Sky Tomb made her breathless.

"No problem!"

Lu Yunxiao waved his hand to disperse the intruding pressure from around him.

The pressure dissipated, which made the two women sigh in relief at the same time.

"Xiao Xuan, we have always kept our peace. Do you want to break the agreement between us today?"

The huge face rolled, and a pair of emotionless eyes stared at Xiao Xuan suspended in the sky. The cold voice, like thunder, wandered between the heaven and the earth.

Facing the question from the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb, Xiao Xuan looked calm and said calmly: "Your birth was a mistake."

"The powerful Dou Emperor who created the Tomb of Heaven didn't expect that a strange creature like you would be born here."

"It was originally a place where strong men could have a resting place after death, but since you were born, the world here has become distorted."

"Mistakes like yours shouldn't exist."

"Nonsense, I was born according to the master's wishes. I am the guardian of this space. If you survive again because of me, you should follow my rules!"

The huge face of the Soul of the Sky Tomb trembled, and a cold voice resounded in the Sky Tomb.

"The reason why we survive is because of the Sky Tomb, not because of you."

Xiao Xuan said coldly.

The soul of the Heavenly Tomb is, at most, the manager of the Heavenly Tomb.

It cannot represent the tomb itself.

There is no ability for the strong to survive again.

"I am the Tomb of Heaven, and the Tomb of Heaven is me." The voice of the soul of the Tomb of Heaven became extremely sharp.

"Oh, really?"

"You are not the Tomb of Heaven, and even your birth is not because of the Tomb of Heaven."

"You are the condensation of their remaining souls. It can even be said that you were born because of them. They are your creators."

Xiao Xuan's tone was calm, but the words he spat out made the soul of the Tomb of Heaven suddenly furious.

"Xiao Xuan, you fart!"

"Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you."

Xiao Xuan's words undoubtedly hit the taboo point of the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb, causing its emotions to get a little out of control.

The giant face surged, and from the giant mouth, a huge soul storm violently spewed out. The storm rotated crazily, and with a destructive momentum, it shot towards Xiao Xuan fiercely.

However, Xiao Xuan seemed extremely calm when faced with the attack from the Soul of the Tomb of Heaven.

He just moved forward step by step, and the seemingly raging soul storm suddenly dissipated out of thin air when he approached Xiao Xuan.

This way of disappearing can be described as extremely strange. The huge face of the Soul of the Sky Tomb trembled, and a look of surprise appeared on its face.

But Xiao Xuan didn't stop there. He walked to the Soul of the Tomb without any hindrance.

A strange spark emerged from his body, and it felt as if his soul was actually burning!

"Hand over the origin of your soul."

Xiao Xuan chuckled, strange flames kept emerging from the pores all over his body, and his eyes became colder and colder.

"Spontaneous soul combustion?"

The huge face of the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb changed, and there was an expression of disbelief, "Xiao Xuan, are you fucking crazy?"

The Soul of the Heavenly Tomb was extremely shocked. The spontaneous combustion of the soul was completely irreversible. Once started, the consequences would be extremely serious.

"You madman, you will completely disappear from this world."

The Soul of the Heavenly Tomb shouted crazily.


"The soul spontaneously combusts and completely disappears from the world?"

Below, Xiao Yu, who heard the words of the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb, was also shocked and his heart trembled.

Self-combustion of the soul is to obtain a sudden increase in power by burning the soul, but the price is that after the battle, the soul will be completely wiped out.

Is this what Xiao Xuan said he could deal with?

Is this what Xiao Xuan said is not too troublesome?


Xiao Yu turned her head suddenly and stared at Lu Yunxiao, her beautiful eyes a little red.


"Why it came out like this?"

Xiao Yu couldn't help but ask.

Isn't it a transaction?

But why did the price of the transaction turn out to be that Xiao Xuan's soul spontaneously ignited and completely disappeared from the world?

Xiao Yu couldn't accept it.

She couldn't accept that this old man who had done everything for the Xiao family and treated her extremely well would just disappear.

She had never said a harsh word to Lu Yunxiao, but now, she really wanted to ask Lu Yunxiao why this happened?

"I understand your feelings, but don't worry, senior Xiao Xuan will be fine."

Lu Yunxiao sighed softly and said.

"How can it be possible that nothing will happen? This is the spontaneous combustion of the soul."

There were tears in Xiao Yu's eyes, and she was very sad.

"It's true that his soul spontaneously combusted, but I have a way to save him. Don't worry, I will definitely give you a lively senior Xiao Xuan."

Lu Yunxiao took two steps forward, patted Xiao Yu's shoulder, and said with a serious expression.


Xiao Yu raised her head to look at him. Her delicate little face looked quite pitiful.

"Of course it's true, can I still lie to you?"

Lu Yunxiao said in a sincere tone.

Xiao Yu paused and looked at Lu Yunxiao's sincere eyes. Although he still felt a little incredible in his heart, he already believed it.

Indeed, Lu Yunxiao has never lied to her.

"Then the ancestor can really return to normal?"

Xiao Yu asked expectantly.

"Of course, I don't want you to hate me all the time."

Lu Yunxiao said with a smile.

"I just... I won't..."

Xiao Yu lowered his head and muttered.

"Can't do anything?"

Lu Yunxiao smiled.

"I...I won't hate you."

Xiao Yu whispered.

Hearing this, Lu Yunxiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly and patted Xiao Yu's shoulder gently.

"Take a good look, don't worry, there will be a surprise for you in the end."


Xiao Yu looked at him doubtfully, with a puzzled expression.

"Yeah, surprise!"

Lu Yunxiao smiled faintly and looked at the battle in the sky.

Xiao Xuan and the Soul of the Tomb were originally equally matched opponents.

But this time, Xiao Xuan's soul spontaneously ignited as soon as he came up, but the soul of the sky tomb was stingy with his life, and the offensive and defensive momentum was naturally biased towards Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan used all his firepower and beat the soul of the Tomb of Heaven, leaving him with little power to fight back.


Fireworks filled the air, and the soul of the Heavenly Tomb let out a shrill scream.

Xiao Xuan, whose soul spontaneously ignites, is too powerful. The fireworks of his soul's spontaneous combustion are extremely lethal to a soul like him.

In the sky, the giant face of the soul was filled with flames. Finally, the giant face shrank rapidly, and even the momentum became much weaker in an instant.

It was obvious that the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb was injured under Xiao Xuan's attack.

This chapter has been completed!
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