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Chapter 128 Eight-foot Qionggouyu VS Tianyu Yuya

Himawari summoned her own [Susanoh] and threw [Hachiku Magatama] to attack the bridge built under the supervision of Tatsuna, preparing to demolish it.

Facing the magatama are six huge arrows mounted on the giant golden-pink [Susanoh] crossbow on the bridge.

"Archery is a straight-line attack, right? You can't hit it. Or are you cooperating with me for a show?" Sunflower didn't know.

"Come on, [Tianyu Yuya]!" The golden-pink giant controlled by Wenka fired the crossbow and fired the arrow.

Sunflower waved her hand, causing the flying magatama to distort its trajectory, and then the arrow also turned around to catch up!

Sunflower's brows jumped and she said to herself: "Huh? Are you serious? It is true that we only need to paddle now... There is no rule that we can't compete with each other to cause trouble? Since Wenka wants to compete, I won't be polite."

The tracking response of the arrow is somewhat delayed. If the distance is close enough, it may be easy to escape pursuit, but the distance is not close. But if the magatama flies straight towards the bridge, it will definitely be overtaken, and flying around trying to get away will give the opponent additional time to respond.

However, are the arrows controlled? Or are they automatically guided?

Himawari added [栲淡千千姫], letting the magatama fly straight to the bridge, letting the arrows catch up.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The Magatama were all shot down, and Winka was unscathed.

"Autopilot? No wonder the delay is so big." Sunflower muttered.

"Can you do it?" Cardo suddenly panicked when he saw that his opponent was not weak at all.

"Shut up, you! I'm upset." Sunflower failed to destroy the bridge, even though her compatriots had lost the game, she was still in a bad mood, and cursed, leaving Kado speechless.

"What about this move? Fantasy Summoning!" Sunflower activated the infinite mp mode and threw [Eight-foot Magatama] towards the bridge in waves like blue.

When he needs to open his bow and fire an arrow, it must be a beat slow and Winka, who has limited chakra, is naturally unable to do what he wants.

Seeing that the golden-red magatama that had not been shot down continued to fly towards the bridge, most people were desperate. Except for Kakashi, who had lost his Sharingan and no longer lacked blue, he began to prepare ninjutsu. Naruto also yelled: "How can you let this happen?"

This bridge that carries people’s hopes is destroyed!”

"[Multiple Shadow Clone Technique]! [Rasengan Dangan]!" Hundreds of Naruto's shadow clones rolled the balls and jumped out of the bridge, blasting the balls towards the golden and red Magatama.

However, after a face-to-face encounter, Magatama's attack continued unabated, and Naruto's shadow clones retreated and disappeared.

"That guy's signature move is that the accuracy of his moves is not high, but the scale is huge. It is perfect for destruction, but even if he drains my chakra -" Kakashi completed the ninjutsu, "[Soil

Escape·Multiple Earth Current Walls], [Water Escape·Multiple Water Formation Walls].”

Under the bridge piers, earth walls surround the piers to reinforce the piers. In front, a water wall as long as the bridge rises from the water, and in front of it is another layer of earth walls, like a composite

Armor is average.

It is extremely spectacular and gives people a sense of security with strong protection.

However, in front of [Bachi Qiong Magatama], this kind of defense is just like paper.

In other words, if Kakashi focuses on the defense of himself and his companions, it is still possible to block it. Now the dispersion is too large. Even if the chakra can still keep up, the accuracy is too low.

But it is not without effect, at least it gives the bridge a few more seconds to remain in the world.

"Mr. Cardo, you'd better drive away first. If you die in the aftermath of the battle, you won't have any money." Sunflower spread her wings and flew towards the wreckage of the bridge that had almost completely collapsed.

Seeing the scale of the battle, Cardo dared not stay, so he ordered the crew to turn around and sail away. He considered that it might be better to personally fund the training of ninjas as private armed forces in the future.

The bridge has been smashed into pieces by the [Eight-foot Magatama] and sunk to the bottom of the water, leaving only the remains of some bridge piers above the water.

Anko helped Dazna onto the bridge pier, then fell down holding her neck.

"What's wrong?" Kakashi threw Zabuza and Haku onto the wreckage of another bridge pier on the opposite side. Seeing that the others were standing on the water without any problems, he jumped to Anko's side, leaned down and asked, staring at the back of her neck.

The three magatama curse seals seemed to be burning.

"There is... Orochimaru's breath." Anko said in pain. That was the curse mark left by Orochimaru. Things that are close to Orochimaru or have Orochimaru's breath will hurt. This time it was surprisingly painful. It hurt.

It's difficult to move.

This is what Himawari did. She also has the Heavenly Curse Seal left by Orochimaru. Once mastered, it can be used to control the early low-level curse seals. The effect is pretty good, and it directly destroys Anko's combat power. But it can only be used once.

After this incident, Anko's curse seal was suppressed by Kakashi using the [Evil Sealing Seal].

Turning his eyes, Sunflower flapped his wings and slowly landed dozens of steps away from everyone in Konoha.

"I thought I could make money and live in peace, so I let Konoha off the hook, but Konoha really came to ruin my good deeds." Sunflower said displeased.

Sasuke suddenly started to go crazy: "I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself! I'm going to kill you! [Fire Release·Hao Fireball Technique]!"

Sunflower looked at Sasuke casually. Although he was in a bad mood, he flew over to vent his anger on a whim, but should he kill or not? What impact would killing or not killing have on the future? Thinking of the ultimate goal that Star had explained, Sasuke asked.

It's not that it can't be used...

Hmm? Where's the fireball?

It's okay, Sunflower let the fireball hit her face, because it didn't break the defense at all.

Hinata and Naruto were shocked, their faces were not hurt even after receiving the fireball?!

"[Chidori]!" Sasuke poured Thunder Chakra into his hands fiercely, and the "Bilibili" electric shock sounded like birds chirping around. Perhaps Uchiha's power is most reliable driven by hatred. This time he

It worked.

Sasuke used the galloping thunder and locked the Sharingan on Himawari's chest, instantly rushed in front of her and stabbed out.

"Oh, you work so hard, but I don't feel any pain at all. The dissatisfaction of being caused trouble by Konoha makes me feel tired." Sunflower lowered her head and looked at the hand that was attacking her chest, waited for the lightning to dissipate, and then gently kicked it.

Sasuke, who had a stiff face, kicked back.

It really didn't break the defense. Just now, Himawari scanned Sasuke's level. If he was less than level 40, he would definitely not be able to hurt her.

Himawari didn't exert much force, but Sasuke, who was supported by Naruto, couldn't move for a while. His attack failed. He would keep challenging, but his strongest killing move couldn't even pierce the skin. There was a gap.


When Naruto saw Sasuke motionless, he glared at Himawari: "What on earth did you do to Sasuke!"

He passed Sasuke and was about to rush forward, but Hinata immediately stopped him in Baguazhang posture: "Naruto-kun, be careful! Her chakra is very strange!"

Unlike Sasuke's Sharingan, which has insufficient insight, her eyes can see. There is a fixed source in Himawari's body that is constantly outputting chakra. If this is not sealed, there is no chance of winning. Although it is terrible, only she can tap the acupuncture points.

[Soft Fist], which blocks chakra, is most suitable as the first attack.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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