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Chapter 129 The country of waves, a country without hope

Before Hinata could do anything in front of Naruto, Kakashi, holding a short sword with purple lightning flashing "Bilibili" in both hands, stood in front of her and took a stance. He looked like he didn't want his disciple to rush up and give it away in vain.


Himawari looked at Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata, and Kakashi at four points and one line, plus the "eagle catching the chicken" formation that she could transform into, and she almost wanted to laugh.

But Kakashi would not let go of this flaw of being in a daze and holding back laughter, and waved his short sword: "[Purple Electricity]!"


Himawari immediately and habitually manifested a layer of rib cage called Susanoo to block the lightning.

Kakashi looked past Himawari and looked behind her, right now——

"Wow!" Unka jumped out of the water behind Himawari, immediately activated [Susanoh], and slashed it down with a sword.

Sunflower only caught Winka's gaze for a moment.

Ah, is that what you think? Don’t you think about tasks and other things other than the level of subsistence income? Why do you like physical communication, are you a fighting maniac? Is this enough? No, I know you are not such a fairy.

I can understand the essence of fighting that makes you happy, so now you are not happy.


The moment the pupil technique, which specializes in genjutsu and Susanoo, was used, Unka vomited a large mouthful of blood and lost strength. Himawari grabbed his head and lifted him up.

"How is that possible?" Kakashi couldn't see what Himawari had done at all. When he saw Winka being held hostage, he could only stop and stop other friends who wanted to have sex.

"Oh, is this a matter of compatibility? You should be stronger than ordinary ANBU, but I have a harder time facing ordinary ANBU. If Danzo hadn't been careless in the end, I would have been almost killed once

Oh, that guy Danzo, he definitely doesn’t know I’m here, otherwise why would he send these guys here to perform the mission?” Himawari muttered.

"What do you want to say?" Kakashi said while on guard and looking for opportunities.

"Ah, I really can't stand it anymore. Life like this is also very good, but I'm tired of being on guard against running into Konoha ninjas at any time." Sunflower scratched her hair and stretched out the hand she was scratching, "First filter

Let’s talk to the next person, [Group All Races Sleep [[mass hypnotism species]].”

Remove the low-level objects, and in an instant, all the minor humans behind Kakashi fell down. Seeing that everyone was about to sink, Kakashi quickly created a shadow clone to get them to the ruins of the bridge pier where Anko and Tatsuna were and guard them.

, the main body continues to confront Sunflower.

"Aren't you going to give her back?" Kakashi tentatively glanced at Unka, who was being held by Himawari.

"No, I let her go, and you came to beat me, or Kakashi, you have a mission to kill me regardless of sacrifice?" Himawari shrugged.

"How about 'Akatsuki'?" Kakashi continued to test.

Danzo really asked him and Anko to go to the Land of Waves to carry out the mission of investigating "Akatsuki", because a certain fairy was really a little too ambitious. He only concealed his identity as "Uchiha Moonflower" but did not fully deal with "Akatsuki".

Action impact.

Himawari: "Let me make it clear first that there is no "Akatsuki" stronghold in the Country of Waves, only me."

Kakashi: "Then what are you doing here?"

Sunflower: "Making money, what else besides making money? I also need expenses to live and do various things, right? By the way, I didn't do anything bad. Regarding the bridge demolition permit, Bo

The government of the country has approved it, and the copy of the document is here. By the way, I also have my visa. The only person who wants me is Konoha Village. I have multiple important legal identities in several countries, which means that if you want to kill me, you can

It’s a provocation to many countries, but Danzo might push away these insignificant small countries with a wave of his hand, but I will run away. Please see the documents if you want." After saying that, he took out the rolled documents from his pocket and threw them away.

To Kakashi.

Kakashi took it carefully, making sure there was no trap, and started reading it, feeling a little scared.

"Mr. Dazner, let's not talk about anything else. The cancellation of the project and the demolition permit for this bridge are indeed true. We need an explanation."

"How is it possible? This is the bridge of hope for the Land of Waves!" How could Dazna believe it?

Himawari looked at Dazna: "Idiot, do you really think so? You are an excellent engineer, not only in the construction industry, but also in the field of civil machinery. You are quite famous in the country of waves. But what are you paupers doing?

Maybe it has the money to build a bridge? The country of Waves can’t even afford basic armed forces, so it has the money to build a bridge? Whose has the greatest right to use the bridge? Yours? The people’s? How is that possible? It’s just a competition with Cardo

The land transport company you are connected with joins the market competition in the Country of Waves. Once it is built, it is just one or a few more people with the same card. Are you idiots? The return you poor people can get in the end will not make any difference at all.

What Cardo is afraid of for this bridge is the emergence of similar competitors. He just sorted out the relationship with the officials of the Kingdom of Waves in a pleasant manner, and it was easily approved. I will find a way to solve the aftermath."

After all, he was the one who took care of her when she was sleeping, and her brain was already very good at talking. Besides, Sunflower was not 100% unreasonable.

Himawari continued: "Besides, it is strange that the geographical location of Wave Country would become an independent country. It has no resources, few citizens, and cannot even be self-sufficient in food. The economic structure of an island country that relies on imports is doomed.

It is a country whose destiny can only be controlled by the rich who are willing to invest and the big country next door. Also, because the country of Waves has no military armed forces, it is also a gathering place for ronin, samurai, and rebellious ninjas. These people have no other choice but to fight.

There is no merit, such as Zabuza. They will be hired by the rich, leaving the poor with no chance to resist. The current situation of this country is jointly decided by the people of heaven and earth, and it is not a matter of one bridge or one card. If we insist on political independence

, it is inevitable that the gap between rich and poor is large."

"Then... what should we do?" Dazna murmured, unable to reply.

Himawari half-closed his eyes and plucked his ears and said: "If Mr. Guan can save his dignity and downgrade one level, I suggest you join Konoha. After all, the Country of Fire happens to be bordering the Country of Waves. I'd like to mention this to Danzo. I miss him."

I will be happy to expand my territory and formulate an implementation plan immediately. Of course, don’t say it was me who said this.”

"Wait," Kakashi interrupted, "Although the last sentence seems very tempting to Konoha, is this the reason to shield Cardo and destroy Dazuna's hard work?"

Xiangkui clicked her tongue in her heart. Cardo is the president of a large multinational company and a rich man, but is he really a villain? His level of darkness is nothing compared to the Ninja Village? That’s all, I’ve already found the reasons anyway.


(to be continued)

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