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Chapter 137 Haider S-class dispatched

 Aaliyah has never seen such an attack method!

The moment the white light came from across the sky, a strong sense of crisis surged in her heart!

It seemed like a feeling of being illuminated by the light of death!

This is the strongest attack move of the Daxia Falcon fighter - fearless!

This kind of attack can seemingly destroy everything!

In front of the Falcon and Vulture fighter planes, several Snow Eagles were soaring.

However, the moment the endless white light shone, these snow eagles disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Not even a feather fell!

Super purifying! Cleans everything!

Immediately afterwards, these white lights instantly enveloped the Vulture fighter plane ahead!


The moment the white light shone, a clear "creak" sound passed into Aaliyah's ears!

That was the sound made by the fighter plane's fuselage being squeezed and deformed under tremendous pressure!

And the atmosphere in the cabin instantly became extremely dull!

With Aaliyah's strength, she even had a strong urge to vomit blood!

"The Vulture fighter's defense is so strong, how could such a situation happen!" Her eyes once again showed disbelief!

Just by being illuminated by this inexplicable light, the fuselage began to be squeezed and deformed?

This is simply unheard of!


At this time, the pilot next to him could no longer bear the pressure and spit out a large mouthful of blood uncontrollably!

Aaliyah is stronger. Although she is also very uncomfortable, she can still use her internal power to resist.

She said: "Hold on! We will be in Nibistan soon!"

In the night sky ahead, there was not a single Daxia fighter plane!

Just hold on for another half minute, that's enough!

However, at this time, the white light behind Aaliya seemed to become more dazzling! The overwhelming pressure also became real!


A louder sound came to Aaliyah's ears!

That's the cabin door falling down!

The strong wind has filled the cabin!

Along with the strong wind, there was also the vast white light!

The white light cannot reach the cockpit yet, but the configurations in the tail cabin have begun to crack rapidly!

"Miss Aaliyah, we have lost our tail fin! The wings on both sides have also cracked and deformed!" the pilot next to him shouted with difficulty.

As soon as he finished shouting this sentence, the instrument panel and display screen in the cockpit instantly turned into darkness!

Black screen, power outage!


The engine of the fuselage made several feeble roars and then completely stalled!

When an airplane loses energy control, it means it will start free fall immediately!

br> Aaliyah is still pressing the engine button frantically, trying to break through the border of Daxia!

"It's going to disintegrate!"

The pilot roared, and then spat out a mouthful of blood again!

He passed out completely! He was lying on the dashboard, completely unconscious!

This Vulture fighter has no tail, and only half of the cabin is left! The wings on both sides are also missing!

The remaining half of the cabin was also full of cracks!

This dilapidated Vulture fighter plane was unable to fly at all. With the help of the inertia brought by its extreme speed, it plunged into Nibistan's airspace!

And the next second, Aaliyah opened the ejection device!

She's going skydiving!

However, at this moment, the entire machine was powered off, the ejection was damaged, and the ejection failed!

There was a hint of despair in Aaliyah's eyes!

Little did they know that even if she ejected from the cabin at this time, she would be enveloped in a vast white light and instantly turn into endless pieces of flesh and blood, disappearing like a jade!


At this time, the white light emitted from the Falcon fighter jet went out!

The awe-inspiring energy is exhausted!

The amount of energy consumed by this move is extremely staggering, and it is fine against the human body. However, if it is used against the most advanced aerial beast like the Vulture fighter plane, the output power required is even more terrifying!

If it lasts two more seconds, the Falcon fighter will not have enough energy to support its return!

"The power is indeed amazing." Lin Ran said with a bit of pity, "It's just that I finally used such a big move once, but only shot down one enemy plane. It's really a waste."

In the vast white light just now, no matter whether it was one Vulture or five, it was impossible to hold on, and they were all facing the end of disintegration!

However, when Lin Ran was fighting with those vultures before, he did not dare to use this move at all. If the direction was not aligned, those people on the ground would be dead!

In any case, Lin Ran defeated one against five, and all the opponent's Vulture fighter jets were shot down, which was a great victory!


"General Lin, shall we return?" pilot Liu Yongzhuo asked.

At this moment, the Falcon fighter plane was circling back and forth along the border between Nibistan and Daxia, but there was not much fuel left, and the source engine was directly out of action.

"I'll parachute down, and then you return." Lin Ran looked at the dark night and made a decision.

This sentence surprised Liu Yongzhuo.

"General Lin, the people in the Vulture cabin should be dead. After all, it would be difficult to survive if the plane crashed from such a high place..." Liu Yongzhuo dissuaded.

Lin Ran's eyes released a strong light: "There must be an important person sitting on that plane, maybe it's Haider."

An old acquaintance of mine."

"Okay, General Lin, be careful." Liu Yongzhuo said and opened the hatch.

Lin Ran left the driver's seat, carried an umbrella bag, jumped out of the cabin, and jumped into the vast night of Nibistan!


Rutar stood at the door of the city hall, looking at the night sky, his face full of anxiety.

However, after waiting and waiting, no news came back from the five Vulture fighter planes!

The communication channel is always silent!

At this moment, for Lutar, no news is the biggest bad news!

If Aaliya died in Daxia, then Lutar, the commander of the border forces, would be blamed!

That iron-fisted president will definitely let him take full responsibility!

"General, it's been two hours." The secretary next to him said, "The Vulture fighter should have insufficient fuel."

In order to pursue the ultimate speed, the Vulture fighter has carried out lightweighting in all aspects, and naturally the fuel tank has also been designed to reduce weight.

This is fast enough, but the flight distance will be shortened a lot.

Therefore, compared with the Vulture fighter, Daxia's Falcon dual-power fighter can fly farther and has a huge advantage in endurance!

After hearing these words, Lutar's heart sank again.

Indeed, if those five Vulture fighter planes have not found a place to land by now, they have probably crashed because they ran out of fuel!

"Maybe Miss Aaliyah and the crew have parachuted out and escaped." Lutar's voice sank and he growled: "Now, attack the Northern Field Army of Daxia at all costs! Even if you face the risk of a full-scale war between the two countries,



Si Mingjian was standing in front of the headquarters, looking at the rumbling artillery fire in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "Why are Haider's border guards so crazy today? It must be more than just for General Ren Chong, right?"

The secretary came over: "Commander Si, all thirty Haider military planes that broke into Daxia's airspace have been shot down. Just now, news came from the military headquarters that all five Vulture fighter planes have been shot down. Thirty people

Agent Haider has been wiped out, and General Ren Chong is safe."


Si Mingjian clenched his fists and couldn't help but shouted "Hello".

"You can even keep all five Vulture fighter jets! What a great job!" Si Mingjian said: "But since Haider's side has failed, why are they still attacking so desperately?"

Before the secretary could answer, Si Mingjian gave the answer himself.

"There is no doubt that this shows that among the five Vulture fighter planes that crashed, there must be people who are very important to the entire country of Haider! They want to see their lives alive, and they want to see their bodies even if they die!"

After saying these words, Si Mingjian became excited. He squinted his eyes and looked at the flames of war and gunpowder smoke in the distance: "Okay, in that case, things will be simpler!"
"Send the order and stop Haider's attack at all costs, if possible..." At this point, Si Mingjian's voice deepened, and the fire of fighting in his eyes became fiercer: "If

Okay, let’s fight to their territory!”


The border suddenly went crazy.

Xia Chuyi had already escorted Ren Chong to the secret location of the Department of Homeland Security. Lin Zijin, who had made great contributions to this battle, simply said goodbye and left with a sword in his hand.

She didn't even leave her own name.

"Is this girl the military's secret weapon? With such skills at such a young age, her future will be limitless!" Xia Chuyi said in shock.

From Xia Chuyi's point of view, this girl was only in her early twenties, several years younger than her, but the strength of the other party was clearly above hers!

"Can you judge the strength of this girl?" Ren Chong asked from the side.

"At least above mid-A level, or even stronger." Xia Chuyi's eyes were obviously shocked.

Tonight, Director Xia was indeed shocked.

And this kind of shock comes not only from Lin Zijin's super combat power, but also from the invincible fighter plane in the night sky!

She really wanted to meet the ace pilot who completed this air battle!

Take down five Vulture fighter jets alone! This is easy to say, but no pilots from all over the world have ever done it!

This is a super achievement worthy of being written into the annals of history!

At this time, Xia Chuyi received a message on his mobile phone.

She looked down and saw a solemn look in her beautiful eyes.

"After five Vulture fighter planes were shot down, Haider's offensive intensified." Xia Chuyi analyzed the news, "Their move should be to divert Daxia's attention and create problems for some people."

No chance of escape."

"We have searched the scene, and except for the agent who was captured by us, there is no one alive, including the four crashed Vulture fighter jets."

"There was something fishy about the last Vulture that was shot down." Xia Chuyi analyzed in a deep voice: "The person who can make the Haider border troops go so crazy must be on that fighter plane!"


Lutar led his men to attack frantically for more than half an hour, but failed to penetrate Daxia's defensive positions. However, at this time, a fighter plane had already flown over the heads of the border guards!

The fighter plane didn't even lower its altitude before the hatch opened and a figure jumped out and quickly fell to the ground!

When this person landed, he carried a powerful impact and stirred up a cloud of smoke and dust!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Lutar finally saw the figure in front of him clearly!

The general's eyes couldn't help flashing shock!

Rutar lowered his head and shouted respectfully: "Lord Barrymore!"

This chapter has been completed!
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