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Chapter 138 Capturing a Woman


He is Haider's famous S-class master!

It was him who severely damaged Lin Ran after he wiped out the Marine Division!

However, after Miss Aaliyah disappeared, Barrymore parachuted directly to the border!

"Mr. President arranged for me to come here to find Miss Aaliyah." Barrymo said in a deep voice: "You bunch of losers, if Miss Aaliyah doesn't come back alive, your heads will be screwed off!"

There was a huge power in his body, which made the soldiers around him breathless!

In Haider, who is both martial and military-political, it is obvious that the S-class has the supreme status, especially for a long-established strong man like Barrymore, and even a very senior general like Rutar, he can directly rebuke.

Hearing this, Lutar's eyes flashed with horror: "Please rest assured, Lord Barrymo, I and all the soldiers under my command will fully cooperate with you!"

Barrymore said in a deep voice: "Even if we fight until the earth collapses here, it is impossible to save Miss Aaliyah. Now immediately mobilize troops to go to the border of Nibistan!"


Although Nibistan is also close to the northern border of Daxia, with a mountainous terrain and a higher altitude, it is not covered by year-round snow.

However, although there is no wind or snow due to the terrain, the temperature here is not too high, probably around five degrees above zero at most.

Lin Ran landed here yesterday, late at night, and it was not until noon the next day that he saw the wreckage of the Vulture fighter plane under a cliff!

Originally, under the "Fearless" attack, only half of the Vulture fighter's fuselage was left. At this time, it hit the cliff at extreme speed. No matter how tough the fuselage was, it was directly hit and exploded!

Now, this can no longer be called a wreckage, the ground is full of vulture fragments.

Even the pilot's arms and legs were scattered in all directions!

Lin Ran carefully inspected the scene and counted the broken limbs. He was very sure that at the moment the Vulture fighter plane crashed, there was only one person on board!

Judging from the clothes on the torso of the corpse, this person should be a pilot. So, just a pilot, even if he is an ace in the air force, does he need other fighters to cover the retreat?

At this time, Lin Ran suddenly discovered that dark blue cloth fragments appeared at the crash site!

"This should be someone's clothes, but it obviously doesn't come from a pilot." Lin Ran squinted his eyes, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.

This kind of fabric is more like some kind of uniform.

"In Haider, which army has blue uniforms?" Lin Ran thought.

He did not immediately think of Haider's National Security Agency, because Haider's Air Force uniform was also blue.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran saw another burnt thing.

This seems to be a ball of cloth, but the Vulture fighter must have caught fire when it hit the cliff. At this moment, it is difficult to distinguish the original appearance of the cloth.

However, Lin Ran took a closer look and found that the clothes were made of wool.

"Wool?" He frowned.

Wool clothing and dark blue uniforms?

This combination is a bit beyond the imagination of straight men.

In fact, this piece of burned clothing is Aaliyah’s woolen cloak!

"There is another person on the plane, but where has this person gone?" Lin Ran frowned slightly.

He instinctively felt that these clothes were enough to show that that person's identity was not simple!

However, at this time, he suddenly heard some noise.

Through the gaps in the woods, Lin Ran suddenly saw that the border guards from Nibistan were coming at this moment!

It is estimated that the noise of the crash last night was too loud and attracted the attention of many people.

Seeing this situation, Lin Ran didn't have time to carefully check the footprints at the scene, so he had to find a place to hide them first.


The defenders searched for a while but found nothing effective, not even the Haider logo on the aircraft fragments.

"These losers left so many footprints and destroyed the entire scene."

Lin Ran shook his head, and after all these people left, he took a closer look at the scene.

This time, there was indeed a new discovery.

More than a hundred meters away from the crash site, several small trees were broken in succession, and even the bushes were crushed!

And there are no fuselage fragments nearby!

The most important thing is that Lin Ran found blood stains on the dead leaves that had solidified and turned black!

This shows that before the Vulture crashed, another person on the plane was thrown here!

However, looking at the powerful impact, even if this person is very strong, he will probably be seriously injured when he falls!

Looking around, Lin Ran found some unclear footprints. The footprints obviously belonged to the same person, but they were different in depth. Apparently, the person was injured and staggered a little.

"The size of this footprint must be 42 yards." Lin Ran also put his own foot on it to compare.

This size made Lin Ran basically exclude women from the first place.

However, he did not realize that the size 42 shoes were not Aaliyah's real size.

In order to improve the protective strength, Aaliyah's shoes are also specially made, and the edges of the shoes are reinforced with special materials, so they will be larger than the standard shoe size.

However, before walking too far, the footprints disappeared.

It was replaced by a larger foot.

The footprints of this big foot are also deeper, indicating that the visitor is obviously heavier.

"Probably a man came and carried the injured person on his back." Lin Ran gave his own judgment.

Unfortunately, as he walked, there were more and more rotten leaves and dead branches, making it difficult for Lin Ran to find any footprints.

However, he now knows the general direction.

For Lin Ran, who was born in the special forces, this kind of field tracking was actually something he was already familiar with.

Along the previously predicted direction, a

It wasn't until the afternoon that Lin Ran saw a village.

The economic level of Nibistan is far from comparable to that of Daxia, and the living standards of ordinary people are also very backward. However, this country's army is powerful and its soldiers are fierce and aggressive. Moreover, according to large sample data from a certain research institution

According to statistics, the average talent of the Nibistan people is higher than that of Daxia and Haider.

However, no matter how high the talent is, it is of no use. Even basic survival is a problem for most people here. How can they buy the Origin Crystal Liquid?

However, after walking some distance further, Lin Ran stopped and lurked quietly.

This village occupies a large area, but it is obviously no ordinary village.

Because, he saw the patrol!

Every few hundred meters, there are mobile sentries!

These sentries are all wearing the uniforms of the Nibistan government forces!

It turns out that this village is actually one of the garrison locations of the Nibistan border guards!

And from the center of the village, some white smoke continued to appear.

This white smoke always gave Lin Ran a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it before somewhere.

However, he was very sure that this was definitely not smoke!

Thinking of this, Lin Ran was about to change his lurking position, but before he went far, he saw some paste scattered in the bushes.

"This is... drug-making garbage!"

Lin Ran's eyes condensed instantly!

At this time, several more pickup trucks drove out of the village. The trucks of these pickup trucks were covered with tarpaulins, and from time to time, some similar drug-making garbage fell from them.

This is Nibistan's drug manufacturing base!

It is well known that Nibistan is rich in drugs. In Daxia, at least 30% of the drugs are imported from Nibistan!

And here, it is so close to the national border of Daxia! I don’t know how many drugs have entered Daxia from this drug production base in the past!

However, what Lin Ran didn't expect was that the military was involved in manufacturing drugs in Nibistan! This is incredible!

No wonder this country spends so much on arms purchases every year. It seems that it is the considerable income from manufacturing and selling drugs that supports Nibistan's huge military expenditures!

"Interesting, we just happened to meet each other this time." Lin Ran's eyes released a sparkle.

Ten minutes later, two Nibistan patrol posts happened to pass by Lin Ran's lurking position.

"By the way, I heard that our leader snatched a woman from a couple of hunters at noon and planned to sleep with her after the meeting ended. Have you heard about this?"

"Of course I've heard about it. I went out with the transport convoy and saw it with my own eyes." Another soldier said, "Our convoy was passing by at that time, and the leader wanted to go to the hunter's house to have a rest, but he found that the hunter's sister was very beautiful, so he went directly to the hunter's house.

We snatched people back."

"Then the hunter couple agreed?"

"Does it matter whether we agree or not? The woman the leader wants to rob, and what else can he do?
Not even there?" The witness curled his lips and said, "The hunters were hacked to death with random knives, and then we returned with the woman."

"How beautiful must a woman be to make the leader so tempted?"

"She's not that beautiful. I guess her family is poor and shabby, but her figure is really great." The soldier licked his lips: "Besides, this woman is sick and very weak. She probably won't wait until the regiment leader finishes making the long-distance call."

She can't resist whatever he wants to do to her during the meeting... Gee, it's exciting just thinking about it!"

Lin Ran heard these words clearly.

The woman is safe until the group leader dismisses the meeting.

"It seems that whether it is destroying the drug manufacturing factory or rescuing the woman, it has become something that must be done." Lin Ran said.

And he had a vague intuition in his heart that it seemed that the man who escaped from the crashed Vulture fighter plane might have some relationship with this village!

Lin Ran stood up and quickly disappeared into the jungle.

He needs to understand the surrounding terrain first, and then take action in a targeted manner!


At this moment, there was a joyful atmosphere in the village.

Whenever the regiment leader has a new woman, the garrison here will kill chickens and cows for a feast!

The leader's name is Jisli. He is in his forties and has been in this position for five years.

In his words - this regiment commander is so happy that he wouldn't change him even if he were a military commander!

In this drug factory, he made a lot of money, and he could still be a groom every night!

Jisli successfully completed the escort of the goods and ended the conference call. He was in a good mood. As soon as he entered the camp, he laughed and said: "Just now, the military commander praised our regiment highly in the meeting! Tonight, brothers, let go

Let’s eat and drink! When all this batch of goods is delivered to Daxia, my leader invites you to go to the city and have a good time!"

For a time, cheers came and went.

Obviously, this regiment is the most special among the border guards in Nibistan.

No team is more "profitable" than them!

"Tonight, except for the patrol guards who cannot participate in the party, the rest of the brothers are open to me to eat and drink!" Jisli shouted with a smile.


Jisli did not participate in the party, all his thoughts were focused on the woman in the room.

Even if the camp is so lively tonight, extremely strict guard posts are arranged next to Gisli's yard. It is almost impossible to sneak in!

"How is that woman doing now?" Guisely asked his adjutant.

"She has been tied up until the group leader comes back from the meeting to take her down."

"That's great." Keasley's eyes were already filled with the fire of uncontrollable desire, "I've never seen such a figure that kills a man!"

After saying that, Jisli walked into the room excitedly!

And a woman wearing gray clothes was lying on the bed, her hands and feet were all cuffed, unable to move!

This chapter has been completed!
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