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Chapter 953 Keep her!

 Everyone at the scene looked at Shen Yiyu, but Shen Yiyu looked at Lin Ran.

However, Thorins’ assistant had previously asked those students to turn on the live broadcast on their mobile phones!

I don’t know how many people witnessed this shocking scene from various live broadcast rooms!

At this time, Lucaton University was in a state of excitement!

They will not support Solins because he is a professor at their own school. In the scientific research world, in the eyes of these college students who are not afraid of authority, there is no one who can rest on the credit book once and for all!

Those who can continuously overturn the research results of their predecessors are truly amazing!

What's more, what is being proved at this moment is the source antimatter conjecture that has troubled those scholars for nearly a hundred years!

What these students were thinking was - although I couldn't understand it, I was greatly shocked!

Everyone realizes that a new star in Yuanli's scientific research community has been born!

And he made his debut with the most incredible explosive gesture!

Thorins' complexion was extremely pale.

He knew that from the moment this girl pressed the enter key, he would be completely unable to stand up in the Yuanli scientific research world!

Yuan Li's antimatter conjecture has been proven, so there is no need to argue about the remaining arguments of both parties!

Facing the waves of applause, Shen Yiyu bowed slightly, walked off the stage, and came directly in front of Lin Ran.

"Is my performance okay?" Shen Yiyu asked, her eyes sparkling like stars, extremely moving.

Lin Ran smiled and hugged her, and said: "You are great, what kind of exchange are you participating in? In my opinion, those old experts have to be your students."

Being hugged by Lin Ran in public, Shen Yiyu pursed her lips and said: "Actually, according to my personality, I shouldn't do such a high-profile thing. I don't know what happened today..."

I don't know if she wanted to show off in front of the man she liked, or if she saw Solins's student insulting Lin Ran, Shen Yiyu deliberately wanted to vent his anger for him.

However, just to vent his anger, Shen Yiyu threw out the proof process of this difficult conjecture that has troubled scientists for nearly a hundred years. This slap in the face was too powerful. Thorins' I will live under the shadow of this slap for the rest of my life!

At this time, an old scientist stood up and said seriously: "Girl, do you want to take off your mask? Do you want to leave your name in the history of Luccaton University?"

Shen Yiyu shook her head gently, and then pulled Lin Ran outside.

Seeing Shen Yiyu's reaction, the eyes of the old scientists were full of admiration!

No one thought that Shen Yiyu would refuse such an attractive proposal!

You have done such an earth-shattering thing and you still don’t want to reveal your name?

Seeing that Shen Yiyu did not take off her mask and leave her name, Thorins was not relieved, because he knew that afterward, this girl would become a star scientist sought after by capital! He would replace him !

At this time, one of Thorins's students wanted to comfort his tutor. He came closer and said: "Tutor, maybe this girl is
I memorized the problem-solving process, so I didn’t dare to show my face, haha..."

However, before he could finish his words, he was slapped hard on the face!

"Stupid!" Solins yelled angrily: "That's the source of antimatter conjecture! I can hardly understand the proof process. Even if she memorizes it, it's still amazing!"

"Besides..." Thorins lowered his voice and gasped, "I want to know who she is! Try every means to keep her from leaving the federal capital! I want to keep her!"


At this moment, a woman wearing a black suit was not far from the conference hall.

She sat on the bench in the corridor, watching Shen Yiyu shine in the live broadcast on her mobile phone, and pursed her lips slightly.

It’s none other than Black Bishop Wika!

"This girl is really powerful." Wika said, shaking her head, but there was not much complexity in her expression.

She couldn't explain why. Even though Wika knew that the relationship between Lin Ran and Shen Yiyu was somewhat ambiguous, she couldn't feel any hostility toward this simple academic girl.

Then, she looked at the old scientist who was the first to stand up and applaud Shen Yiyu.

This is the one that the new monarch asked Wika to take away.

However, Wika instinctively no longer wanted to do this.

It was because the old scientist always stood on the side supporting Shen Yiyu.

Moreover, the Black Bishop has her own information channel, and she has already obtained the information - after she left the Ideal City, the Knight Commander also went to the Black Hawk Federation.

Then, Wika's eyes fell on Thorins through the screen.

Out of the strong instinct, Wika had already sensed that Solins was going to have some shady ideas towards Shen Yiyu.

However, if Lin Ran is beside Shen Yiyu, the latter should not have any big problems.

The only thing that might go wrong is that Lin Ran might be lured away.

Wika narrowed her eyes, stood up and walked away, quickly disappearing deep into the campus of Lucaton University.


At this time, Li Senhan, who had been wanted by the Daxia Military Headquarters, was in a small conference room at Lukaton University.

In front of the conference room, there is a screen hanging, which is broadcasting the situation in the conference room in real time.

Looking at the proof process on the screen, Li Senhan's face also showed very obvious excitement.

"Once Yuanli's antimatter conjecture is completely proven, then this result can also be applied to the human body, and my research can also take a big step forward!" Li Senhan clenched his fists, his face obviously turned red, and said: "Today , it is also an epoch-making day for us! The birth of the super soldier is just around the corner!"

Sitting opposite Li Senhan were actually Chu Jianxuan and Morand!

Could it be that Li Senhan said before that he wanted to meet his old friend, who is the President of Daxia?

"Why doesn't such a talent belong to the Black Hawk Federation?" Staring at Shen Yiyu's back, President Morand's breathing was a little hot.

Chu Jianxuan had obviously recognized Lin Ran, even though the latter was wearing a mask and sunglasses, but he did not make any mention of Lin Ran.

Nodding gently, Chu Jianxuan said: "Since he is a talent from Daxia, don't try to pry him away. We have already left Li Senhan wandering around, and we cannot lose this super scientific research genius anymore."

A sarcastic sneer appeared on Li Senhan's lips: "I don't want to seek asylum from the Black Hawk Federation, but you Daxia almost drove me to death."

Blackhawk President Morand frowned, and then said helplessly: "In front of me, you don't need to express your feelings for Daxia like this, right?"

Chu Jianxuan's expression did not change and he said: "You know, that is Marshal Xingyue's decision. I can't interfere. Even Marshal Zhao Ruifeng, who has been protecting you, is dead."

"Daxia has always been pedantic. Since you want to become stronger in the era of source power, and since there is such a clear path to becoming stronger in front of you, why not go for it?" Li Senhan frowned and said: "Shangguan Xingyue himself is Genius, so she only believes in the idea that genius can change the times!"

After a pause, taking a deep breath, Li Senhan added: "But, I can make ordinary people strong! I can make every insignificant person become a great person in the era of Yuanli!"

As he spoke, he became a little uneasy, his tone fluctuated greatly, and he was obviously a little excited inside.

Over the past few years, his dissatisfaction with Shangguan Xingyue has accumulated in his heart, and it is increasing day by day!

After listening to this, the smile on Morand's face gradually became fuller: "That's why the Black Hawk Federation needs you, Professor Li Senhan, we are a perfect match. The Federation needs to seize a place in the era of source power, so let the pedantic Daxia be Leave it behind completely!"

Listening to these two people complaining about Daxia, Chu Jianxuan's face showed no expression, let alone anger.

Li Senhan nodded: "In the past few years, the Black Hawk Federation has indeed provided me with a lot of convenience in scientific research, especially President Morand's daughter, who has provided me with many new ideas. She is also a real genius. , maybe you can replace me in the future...this kind of support cannot be compared with Daxia."

At the mention of his daughter, Moreland sighed.

"I really want to meet her, but since she had a fight with me last time, she deleted all my contact information." Morand said self-deprecatingly: "I am also a president after all. It’s so shameless.”

Chu Jianxuan said with a smile: "The president is also a human being. Only when you act like this do you become more down-to-earth."

Morand sighed, and then a trace of brilliance began to flash in his eyes: "I really miss the empire era. Now the president's power is limited everywhere. It would be great if I could be an emperor in this life.


There is clear ambition in his eyes!

Chu Jianxuan smiled, shook his head, and then said: "With Professor Li Senhan's help, you may not be able to realize your dream of becoming an emperor."

Li Senhan looked at Chu Jianxuan and said, "Let's get down to business."

Chu Jianxuan nodded, put away his smile, and his eyes began to look a little solemn: "Okay."

Then the two of them looked at Morand together.

"What do you mean?" Morand was stunned for a moment: "You want me to avoid it?"

"If it is convenient for Mr. Morand, you can indeed avoid it." Chu Jianxuan said with a smile: "Of course, if you are willing to stay, we will not object too much."

"We have already talked about this. If I don't leave, I will be too ignorant." Morand snorted coldly: "I am the master of this land, but you actually have to avoid talking about things.

I do make people very unhappy."

Then, he leaned forward and lowered his voice: "Let me guess, does Professor Li have some private dealings with Chu Jianxuan?"

Morand didn't wait for Li Senhan's answer, he clapped and laughed: "It's so shocking, so exciting. If this news gets out, the Great Xia Military Department may have to immediately gather elites and attack the Presidential Palace!"

A smile began to appear on Chu Jianxuan's lips: "In this case, President Morand does not need to leave, and there is nothing to hide about these things... I am not doing it for personal reasons, but for family considerations... I just

I just want the family to stand firmer in the face of invasion from foreign enemies, that’s all.”

Morand was slightly startled: "So, I guessed it right just by saying it casually?"

Seeing his slightly surprised expression, Chu Jianxuan's tone contained a hint of ridicule: "Stop pretending to be so innocent. Your acting skills haven't improved at all over the years."

Morand laughed loudly and looked extremely happy.

However, at this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened!

A woman in a white coat suddenly appeared at the door!

She looks to be in her mid-twenties, has short, brown hair, is 1.75 meters tall, but has a slim figure. The sleeves of her white coat are rolled up to her arms, making her look quite capable.

As soon as he saw this woman appear, Morand's expression became obviously excited!

"My child, you are finally willing to see me! I really didn't expect that you would come to me... This is so rare..."

This person is actually Morand’s daughter!

However, before Morand could speak, his daughter gave him a cold look, and then directly interrupted her father's words.

She said coldly: "No matter what, we cannot let the girl who proved the source of antimatter conjecture leave Luccaton University!"


PS: The fever has subsided, but I am still very weak, and my physical strength is only about 10 to 20% of normal. I finally got through it.

Update one chapter first and recover slowly... Everyone must take good precautions. Really, health is priceless.

This chapter has been completed!
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