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Chapter 954 A familiar assassin!

 President Moreland’s daughter is named Bonita.

When she was in middle school, she obtained more than forty invention patents, and all the top universities in the federation extended an olive branch to her.

In the end, Bonita chose to enter Luccaton University. From then on, she became obsessed with the laboratory every day and transformed into a super scientific research madman.

When Bonita was in her sophomore year, she had already won the Pumingli Medal, which symbolizes the Black Hawk Federation's highest annual science award.

This behavior is simply a feat, unprecedented, and it will be difficult for others to do so in the future. ??

Because, before her, the youngest recipient of the Prudential Medal was fifty-five years old.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Bonita having a politician father. She won such an award entirely by relying on her hard power, and the series of research results she achieved are still at the forefront of the entire industry.

Some secret scientific research institutions of the Black Hawk Military Department have benefited greatly from this.

Even Tina's super-body plan on Song Ziyuan was also influenced by Bonita.

Moreover, there are some similarities between the research directions of Bonita and Li Senhan.

As soon as the two of them cooperated, Li Senhan, the "evil scientist" being hunted by Daxia, became even more powerful!

Of course, science has no bottom line, but people do. Tina has been hesitant about whether to fully cooperate with Li Senhan. Even though there is great pressure on Tina from above, the latter has never made a complete decision.

However, Li Senhan did not care about this. The Black Hawk Federation provided him with an extremely favorable experimental environment, and he continued to hand over his research results to this country one after another.

Morand was interrupted by his daughter and did not feel any embarrassment. He immediately stood up and said: "My Bonita, do you want to keep that girl?"

The president who wants to repair the relationship between father and daughter is already preparing to send someone to complete this matter for his daughter!

"Isn't what I just said clear enough?" Bonita really has no good feelings towards her father: "Her name is Shen Yiyu. If there are two people in this world who are born for scientific research, and one is me, then,

The other one must be her! She must not be allowed to leave the Black Hawk Federation!"

Bonita’s words are really full of confidence!

However, anyone who knows her well knows that this scientific research madwoman who thinks highly of herself will never praise others like this!

Putting Shen Yiyu on the same level as herself is Bonita's highest praise for Shen Yiyu!

Li Senhan was not surprised by Bonita's excited reaction. He said slowly: "Bonita, do you want to keep her alive or dead?"

After Bonita heard this, she seemed a little surprised that Li Senhan asked this question. She was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Of course she is alive."

When Chu Jianxuan saw this, his eyes moved slightly and he nodded slightly.

At least, judging from Bonita's reaction, she probably didn't want to take Shen Yiyu's life from the beginning to the end.

Li Senhan tapped his fingers lightly on the table: "Now that I'm here, it's impossible for her to leave."

This sentence contains an extremely strong sense of control!

As he said these words, Chu Jianxuan's eyes changed into another kind.

He looked at Morand and then said: "Shall we go first?"

Moreland didn't want to leave his daughter just yet. He said: "I
You have to have a good talk with Bonita. Don’t you also have to talk to Li Senhan about some important things..."

"Moland, there is nothing left to talk about between us." Bonita said extremely coldly: "I am not interested in your political opinions at all."

"Bonita, you have already won the Prime Minister Award at a young age. This, coupled with my political resources, will definitely make you the most dazzling rising star in politics!" Morand said earnestly: "I am serious. I really want to see a female president appear in the Black Hawk Federation, and this female president must be my daughter!"

After hearing this, Bonita turned around and left with a cold face.

Every time they meet, her father always does this, which makes her extremely bored.

Seeing this, Chu Jianxuan smiled and shook his head: "Moland, you are so boring. You have such an outstanding scientist daughter, but you insist on letting her pursue a political career. I can't understand it either."

However, after saying this, Li Senhan frowned slightly.

Then, he looked at everyone present, but neither Chu Jianxuan nor Morand had any change in their expressions.

And Li Senhan was very sure that there was indeed a strong sense of danger rushing through his heart just now!

That feeling was like an electric current, making his mind still numb!

However, Chu Jianxuan and Morand were completely indifferent to this?

So, why is he the only one who can feel this danger?

At this moment, Bonita's hand was already on the doorknob!

She didn't want to spend another minute with her father at all.

However, Li Senhan immediately stopped him: "Stop! Don't open the door!"

It's too late.

Bonita has opened the conference room door!

However, the next second, a fierce murderous aura rushed towards him!


A cold light flashed in front of everyone's eyes!

That cold light is a sword light!

Because, at this moment, a long knife had directly penetrated Bonita's shoulder!


Bonita groaned uncontrollably, and the shoulders of her white coat were immediately stained red with blood!

A black shadow instantly appeared in front of Bonita!

After stabbing the latter in the shoulder, he grabbed her arm and ran away in an instant!

"Let Bonita go!"

Morand immediately chased after him!

At this moment, he was focused on his daughter and didn't care about her safety at all!

However, as soon as Morand stepped out of the door, he tripped and fell to the ground!

His head hit the ground hard, making a heart-stopping sound!

At this moment, the corridor outside the door of the small conference room was already filled with bodyguards!

Morand's entourage, as well as several of Chu Jianxuan's men, were all unconscious!

After the man in black appeared, he quietly killed all the bodyguards without anyone noticing.


As for Chu Jianxuan, who is A-level, he actually has no perception of this! This shows how powerful the opponent is!

Regardless of the pain in his head, Morand immediately shouted to his watch: "Hurry up and save Bonita! Hurry up!"

As Morand finished speaking, several figures in black suddenly rushed out from other corners of the campus, chasing after Bonita in the direction where she was kidnapped! .??.

Those are all the experts from the Presidential Palace who came to Luccaton University with Morand!

If Bonita hadn't been in danger, these people wouldn't have been able to show up from beginning to end!

Li Senhan also rushed out and shouted: "Hurry up and stop that person!"

His finger points in one direction!

Afterwards, several figures with powerful auras rushed out from the depths of the campus due to his orders!

At this moment, the man in black who kidnapped Bonita had already rushed out for hundreds of meters.

However, his speed was not at its maximum. I wonder if he was deliberately luring those federal masters to catch up.

Even more arrogantly, the man in black rushed to the roof of the famous century-old auditorium at Luccaton University and stopped moving!

The wind blew onto his black robe, and when it blew out again, it gave off a chilling breath of death.

Then, this aura began to spread around, quickly attracting the attention of everyone on campus.

"do not run!"

Ten seconds later, the men of Morand and Li Senhan had already rushed to the vicinity of the auditorium.

A few masters even jumped to the top of the auditorium, but they did not dare to get too close! For fear of Bonita's life safety being in question!

"This is the legendary Black Eagle Federation. Haha, is this the most powerful country on the planet?" The man in black spoke slowly, with a sense of ridicule in his words.

He glanced at the other experts on the roof, but his eyes showed contempt, obviously not taking them seriously.

"Who are you?" Bonita asked, enduring the pain.

This woman's mind was also tough enough. Even if her shoulders were still bleeding profusely, she just frowned.

"I am an existence that you can't imagine." The man in black said: "I was ordered to take you back, but it took a lot of effort to come here... Haha, wouldn't it be a pity if I just left like this?"

This man in black is the new knight commander of the ideal country!

He has the experience of another civilization, so he naturally looks down on the "indigenous" people on this planet!

"Why are you taking me away?" Bonita asked.

The next second, she let out a scream!

Because the knight commander’s thumb dug directly into Bonita’s shoulder wound!

This action is full of blood and cruelty!

This action of the knight commander significantly accelerated the blood flow from Bonita's wound!

She was shaking all over in pain! There was not much blood left on her lips!

"Haha, you talk too much. If you keep talking so much, it won't be your shoulders that I want to pick."

The knight commander took out his hand and spread the blood on Bonita's thumb evenly.
on his lips, and then looked at the woman who had been "made up" by him as if appreciating a work of art, and said with a satisfied smile: "Well, it looks better this way."

His bloody and cruel look was something Bonita had never seen before! She couldn't help but shudder!

However, Bonita was not frightened. Instead, she gritted her teeth and said, "This is the capital of the Black Hawk Federation. I am the president's daughter. You can't take me away."

"Really? But you don't know that in my opinion, the so-called president here is no different from the chief of an indigenous tribe!"

The knight commander smiled slightly and suddenly raised his hand!


A dazzling sword light shot out directly from his long sword!

Two of Morand's men were slashed to pieces with blood! They screamed and fell from the roof of the auditorium!

Before the remaining people could make any evasive moves, the knight commander raised his hand again!

Swish, swish, swish!

Several heads spun up in succession!

Then these heads rolled down from the roof to the ground, and rolled far away!

Bonita's eyes immediately widened! Her body was trembling with shock!

Because she knew that the masters who were killed instantly were all A-level or above!

"Your strength is too weak, which makes me a little disappointed." The knight commander said with a sarcastic smile: "So, today, I am going to go on a killing spree."

After saying that, a huge and boundless momentum began to rise from his body!

Bonita said: "Stop killing people, we can talk...don't you want to take me away? I can go with you without resistance..."

"Bonita, hold on, I'm here to save you!"

At this time, Morand had also rushed to the bottom of the auditorium.

At this moment, the sound of sirens has been heard in the distance, and the members of the security department of Lucaton University have also quickly arrived nearby, blocking Morand in front of him, ready to stand ready!

In the National Security Bureau and the Presidential Palace, several helicopters are already preparing to take off!

Indeed, in the federal capital, the response speed of these agencies is really quite good!

If you look carefully through the porthole window, you will find a pretty figure wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform sitting in the cabin!

Moreland looked at the blood on the floor, and then said to a tall man in a black suit who was following him: "Agent Trang, thank you for your hard work."

"Mr. President, please rest assured."

As the agent named Telange spoke, strong momentum began to spurt out from the soles of his feet, directly supporting his tall body and falling steadily to the top of the church!

Wika had already seen this scene. She stood silently under the shade of the tree and did not step forward.


PS: After writing an update, I went to lie down, my vitality was severely damaged, and now my heart, liver, and lungs are coughing out, and I am still recovering hard. Alas, I don’t know why it reacted so violently in me...

Thank you all for your concern.

By the way, it seems that the fourth shot will be available soon. Everyone must remember to take it. At least it can alleviate the symptoms. The past week of fever was like a nightmare.

This chapter has been completed!
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