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Chapter 28 Taizong Chapter 28 Jiannan 'played' and got off

With a complicated and heavy heart, Liu Yang planned to go out again. The empire was so big, and he wanted to see further places.

However, this idea was tried hard to dispel by those who were close to him. Crossing the river incognito, more than a hundred miles away from the capital, already made them nervous. How could they dare to let the emperor go further? No one could bear the burden if something went wrong.

If you want to travel far, you must prepare a guard of honor and accompany the officials and soldiers. The safety of Luan Jia must be absolutely guaranteed. This is your responsibility to the emperor, the country, and the people of the world. Liu Yang was even inconvenienced by what he said.

To retort, I could only suppress the aroused enthusiasm in my heart and return to Beijing for the time being.

Of course, there is a more important factor. A piece of news came from Jiannan Road, a bad news. Pan You, the chief minister of Jiannan Road, died. It was not a normal death, so the funeral report said that Pan You died.

Assassinated by the mob.

It was Jiannan again, and it involved the Chief Minister Pan You. The first time he received this news, Liu Yang remembered the previous impeachment of Pan You by Wang Shenrui. And this funeral report contained hidden information.

The content included is even richer than last time.

Although it is very complete and describes the causes and consequences of Pan You's death and the circumstances of his assassination in detail, the strange feeling it brings to Liu Yang is even stronger. There are too many things worthy of consideration. What kind of rioters would think of assassinating the dignified chief minister?

An envoy, a chief official, succeeded!

Even if we don’t delve into the hidden story behind it, on the surface, the assassination of the chief envoy is the first time in the 47 years since the founding of the Han Dynasty. It is simply sensational and outrageous. This is a naked provocation to the imperial court.


If it is true as the report says, this is really the work of a group of rioters, then their energy is too great and their courage is too great! Therefore, regarding the Jiannan report, Liu Yang only believes in one thing, and that is

Pan You's death, as well as everything else, is debatable, and even before investigation, everyone is doubtful!

After hurriedly returning to Luoyang, Liu Yang went straight to the political hall to discuss the assassination of Pan You. He was furious and shocked the power of heaven. This was a necessary attitude, and it was also a time when Liu Yang had a lot of troubles during this time.


Of course, the prime ministers can also understand that Pan You's death is such a serious matter. Even they, veterans who have experienced changes in the world, can't help but be stunned and horrified when they hear about it. It is hard to overstate how serious this matter is.

, no matter what the secret behind it is, this is a blatant challenge to the empire's rule, and it is absolutely zero tolerance.

Therefore, regarding the matter of Jiannan, all the ministers agree with the emperor. The authority of the central government must be upheld, the rule of the imperial court must be maintained, and the death of Pan You and the politics of Jiannan must also be thoroughly investigated.

On the spot, the imperial edict was drafted and issued as quickly as possible. The chief minister selected and dispatched important officials to Chengdu to investigate. At the same time, Jiannan Road was asked to report more detailed information. The court must give a clear and unambiguous explanation.

On the other hand, Pan You's death inevitably triggered a power struggle within the imperial court. For example, after the court meeting, people like Zhao Kuangyi kept looking at the financial envoy Zhang Yong.

The prime ministers of the Zhengshitang all have their own "basic base", and Zhang Yong stayed in the Southwest for fourteen or five years, from Chengdu Prefecture to Chief Envoy of Jiannan Road and then to Southwest Transfer Envoy.

If there is a big problem in Jiannan, how can Zhang Yong's disciples, former officials, disciples, and grandsons there not be involved? Ordinary things can certainly not shake this old minister of the late emperor and the hero who opened the treasure, but this time, anyone with a discerning eye can see it

Come out, the problem is serious!

It was simply lawless that a dignified chief envoy and a chief official were killed in such a way. Compared with others, Zhao Kuangyi concluded that Pan You's death was inextricably linked to certain people and forces in Jiannan Road.

Adopting such an approach is certainly stupid, but it also shows from the side that the situation in Jiannan is tense and the contradictions are irreconcilable. And Pan You, just like what he did in Gyeonggi Province, forced the powerful people in Jiannan to do this.

, doesn’t seem that strange.

Pan You, a copper pea, has really hard bones and is also a person who is dedicated to doing things. If he does things too seriously, he will inevitably offend others and infringe on the interests of others. Jiannan does not need Gyeonggi Province and does not have the direct authority of the court to deter him.

The relatively remote and closed geographical environment also creates a complex political atmosphere, which is chaotic and dark.

However, Zhao Kuangyi did not bring up these things, but just echoed some remarks. One matter has not been investigated clearly, so it is inconvenient to say more. On the other hand, he also wants to see how this matter can develop and how Jiannan will end it.

What will the emperor do in the end?

Perhaps, there are many people who have similar ideas to Zhao Kuangyi. They are all foxes for thousands of years. If there is any problem, they can always detect something wrong if they can see it at a glance.

When the discussion was over, Zhang Yong looked particularly ugly, and without saying hello, he returned directly to the Yamen Office, and then sent letters to Jiannan, trying to figure out the situation. Apparently, the financial envoy was also caught off guard.

At the same time, many ministers also paid attention to Emperor Liu Yang and paid attention to the changes in his actions. Some emotions were inevitable. If Emperor Shizu were to face such a situation, he would have raised his butcher's knife and waited for the culprit to show up.

, just cut it off.

Of course, it is more likely that if Emperor Shizu was here, such things would never happen. At least a feudal official of the level of the Taoist Chief Officer would not end up like this.

Obviously, Emperor Liu Yang once again faced a battle to establish his authority since he ascended the throne. This time, there was no reason or room for compromise.

Liu Yang naturally took other actions and followed the authority when the situation was urgent. He was not so pedantic as to follow the orthodox procedures under such circumstances.

After returning to Chui Gong Hall, he summoned Lin Te, the deputy envoy of Wude, and asked him to arrange an investigation to thoroughly investigate the Jiannan accident and Pan You's death.

In the past year, Wu Deshi Wang Xuanzhen's energy was mainly focused on rectifying prison camps across the country. In many places, he was required to personally suppress and command arrangements. However, the daily affairs of Wu Desi were handled by Deputy Lin Te.

The envoy is in charge.

There is no doubt that this is a process of power transfer and transition, and Lin Te is the person Liu Yang chose to take over the Wude Division.

Lin Te is an old minister of the East Palace with a good reputation. According to rumors, Lin Te's experience is quite legendary. When Liu Yang entered Jinling from Zhengpingnan, Lin Te, who was 12 years old at the time, brought an article he had written to invite him.

The attendant Li Fang gave me advice, and Li Fang was quite surprised.

After all, there are many child prodigies. He was literate at 5 years old and literary at 8 years old. Li Fang has seen them all, but there are not many who are so good at seizing opportunities and actively seeking to make progress.

Later, Li Fang took Lin Te under his tutelage, and when he got older, he recommended him to the prince as a minister in the East Palace, successfully achieving this magnificent turn.

And Lin Te was on duty in the East Palace for more than 20 years. Before that, he was the crown prince, Shao Zhanshi, and Liu Yang ascended the throne. Naturally, everything has improved. To be arranged to take over as the military envoy, he is even more talented and trustworthy.

At the end of the Mid-Autumn Festival in the first year of Yongxi's reign, the death of Pan You affected the hearts of everyone in the imperial court. Of course, more importantly, an overt and covert struggle had begun surrounding the position of the chief envoy of Jiannan Road.

After all, Jiannan Road is not just Jiannan Road, it is the core of the Five Southwest Roads, and its radiation range covers the entire southwest, including the Tubo region. This position is worthy of fighting for by all the nobles.

But there is a premise: Pan You's death requires a conclusion, and the process of reaching a conclusion is also a process of struggle.

However, not long after, a piece of news came that shocked the court and even the whole world. A rebellion broke out in Qingcheng County. A bandit leader named Wang Xiaobo led the crowd to attack the prefectures and counties, killing officials.

Even if it was just a riot like that in Fengcheng County, Jiangxi, which was quickly quelled by sending troops, the court would have to hold it accountable, but it was more than that. This was a major riot and a major rebellion.

At the beginning, although the imperial court paid attention to it, it was more dissatisfied with the military administration of Jiannan Road. It issued stern orders and ordered them to suppress, appease the people, and restore public order. This was considered a daily operation.

The subsequent development of the matter was far beyond the expectations of the imperial court. Military reports came one after another and were urgently reported to the civil and military halls. The chaos in Jiannan became more and more intense. When the rebels attacked Lianzhou County, they successively attacked more than ten counties around Chengdu Prefecture.

When the crowd numbered more than ten thousand, the imperial court truly realized how serious the situation in Dao Jiannan was.

In the conversation with his son Zhao Dechong, Zhao Kuangyi couldn't help but joke, saying that some people "got lost". Since Qianyu pinged Shu, Sichuan and Shu, which had experienced "prosperity and stability" throughout the Kaibao era, once again ushered in a new era.

A huge turmoil.

The direct cause is, of course, the frequent disasters that occurred in Sichuan and Sichuan in recent years, especially the spring drought in the first year of Yongxi's reign. For the people of Sichuan and Sichuan, it was even worse, with many acres of land experiencing reduced yields, and even no harvest.

However, the output has been reduced, and it is even more difficult for ordinary people to make a living, especially those who rely on the powerful and wealthy families to make ends meet.

For a long time, taxes in Sichuan and Sichuan have been basically borne by small farmers and peripheral households. Most of the powerful people, bureaucrats, and landlords who occupy the main means of production have no awareness of sharing the taxes and relieving the people's plight, and do not exploit them excessively.

That's considered conscientious.

Against this background, it is not surprising that when disasters strike repeatedly, small farmers go bankrupt and become unable to survive. When they cannot survive, they either become homeless and look for food, or they rebel.

In the final analysis, the problem is still the extremely sharp and profound land conflict in Sichuan and Shu, especially in the Chengdu Plain where there is less land and more people. It reminds people of the chaos after the peace of Shu thirty-five years ago. However,

The direct cause that time was a man-made disaster.

At that time, due to the reckless behavior of Pingshu soldiers and their wanton looting, they caused huge damage to the production and management, production relations and even the social structure of Sichuan and Shu, especially the Chengdu Plain area.

Of course, it was precisely because of that turmoil that a large part of the legacy of the Meng-Shu era was eliminated. Although it took a long time to recover, it was actually beneficial to the imperial court in establishing a new rule in Sichuan and Shu.


It's just that thirty-five years is enough to bring about a sea of ​​changes, and after so many years, the problems that existed in Meng Shu at the beginning still inevitably arose during the Han Empire.

In the crowded Chengdu Plain, the situation of land annexation is becoming more and more serious, and the burden of the middle and lower class scholars and small farmers is also getting heavier and heavier. There are no complaints, but the people are almost boiling.

The geographical environment of Sichuan and Sichuan is destined to have special customs and customs. The complicated and difficult transportation has made it blocked, and it has also made this place a breeding ground for the powerful and powerful, making the people here more susceptible to fooling and exploitation.

Over the years, while filling the power void left by the powerful men of Meng and Shu, the generals, heroes, and bureaucrats who had been in Sichuan and Shu for a long time gradually merged with the local powerful people, and together they formed a more powerful society than the Meng and Shu period.

A stronger and more stubborn exploiting class.

In fact, based on the tolerance of the people, as long as a stable social order, a relatively clear political environment, and less trouble are ensured, apart from those barbaric chaos, it will be difficult for there to be any major chaos in Sichuan and Shu.

However, under the rule of the Han Empire, the first two could be guaranteed. As for the third point, it was really difficult. You must know that after Sichuan and Shu were pacified, the world had not yet been unified, and the southeast and central and southern half had not yet surrendered.


In order to unify at the end of Qianyou, he entered the Kaibao era, taking Hexi in the west, conquering Khitan in the north, and conquering Dali in the south. Including the conquest of Anxi and Tubo in the past ten years, Jiannan Road has borne a lot of people and taxes.

These burdens and pressures are passed on layer by layer, and naturally fall on the vast number of small farmers in Sichuan and Sichuan.

As the core, Jiannan Road not only provides support to the imperial court, but also supports the local dignitaries, bureaucrats, and the army. In addition, it also needs to fulfill its obligations as the "big brother" of the southwest, and needs to coordinate and support the poor brothers around it every year.

Coupled with the disasters that occurred from time to time, all these were imposed layer by layer. The fact that the scholars and people of Sichuan and Shu could persist for so long without major troubles is already a manifestation of their endurance.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, when the imperial court sent troops to quell the rebellion in Tubo, riots had already broken out in Rong, Qiong and other places in Jiannan. However, the chaos was not serious, and Emperor Shizu was there again, so the superiors and subordinates worked particularly hard to maintain stability and control.

, the situation was quickly calmed down.

But this time, the situation is different. After the late emperor left, the court's deterrent effect was reduced on the one hand, and the severe drought disaster was on the other hand. In addition, there was infighting among the upper echelons of Jiannan Road and the lack of restraint among the powerful, bureaucrats, and landlords.

The oppression jointly contributed to such a great turmoil that spread throughout Sichuan.

The leader of the incident, Wang Xiaobo, was a tea merchant. As one of the three treasures of Sichuan, most of the profits of tea were shared by the court, dignitaries, bureaucrats and big tea merchants. However, as the lowest level peddler in the tea industry, he could only start from

Thousands of small tea merchants and tea farmers are at the bottom of the profit chain, fighting for some leftovers. It is difficult to make ends meet, let alone others.

Just like tea, the same is true for the salt and silk industries. It can be said that the great rebellion in Sichuan and Sichuan was a general outbreak of the people at the bottom of all walks of life in Sichuan.

This chapter has been completed!
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