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Chapter 29 Taizong Chapter 29 Uprising in Shu

Sharp social conflicts and cruel land exploitation caused the people of Sichuan and Sichuan to boil with resentment and support each other. However, there is another extremely important reason why the peasant uprising in Sichuan and Sichuan that took place in the autumn of the first year of Xi was able to succeed.

That is, Wang Xiaobo, the leader of the rebel army, put forward two slogans that shocked the people of Sichuan and Sichuan. The first was "I am sick, the rich and the poor are unequal, but now it is you who are equal", and the second is "Avenge Pan Shijun".

There is no need to elaborate on the former, which is the fundamental conflict and general contradiction in Sichuan-Sichuan society. As for the latter, we have to mention Pan You, the political envoy to Jiannan who was assassinated.

During the few years that Pan You took office in Jiannan, he actually focused on two things: fighting against the powerful and powerful, fighting against natural and man-made disasters, and actually doing a lot for the people of Sichuan.

In terms of tax reform, it was implemented to the letter, and no one hesitated to take advantage of the powerful and landlords. The backlash and various back-room operations that occurred in other places also occurred in Jiannan, and there were many of them, which were even more excessive.

However, as the chief envoy, Pan You is a person who can't get rid of dirt in his eyes, and he is also a more serious person. If he is targeted, there must be a result, and he has a big order and firmly stands on the tax side.

If you change your position, the final result will often be unfavorable to the powerful.

As an experienced man of action, how could the tricks used by noble bureaucrats and powerful landlords be hidden from Pan You's eyes? Even if they could be hidden for a while, they would not be hidden forever.

As long as you are targeted by him, the final result will be the loss of land and wealth. When there is a land dispute, under Pan You's leadership, the final punishment will be more beneficial to small farmers and small people. Usury, disguised slavery, exploitation, etc.

Force, threats, and contracts that visibly lose basic fairness are all invalid in Pan Shijun's case. They can be directly banned and the perpetrators severely punished.

Pan You's "extremely crooked stance" naturally abhorred the vested interest groups in Sichuan, and they were filled with hatred. However, Pan You had power, fame, and support from the imperial court, so it was difficult for him to do so for a while.


Therefore, for a long time, the political situation in Jiannan was that Pan You, the dragon crossing the river, was making waves and constantly attacking, while local snakes were constantly fighting, to no avail, compromising, and retreating.

In the past few years, some people have chosen to wait and see and be patient, while others have caused trouble for Pan You at all levels and in all aspects. Of course, people with great energy have tried to find ways from the court to see if they can get Pan You out of the way.

The "scourge" is removed.

But one can imagine what the result would be. Pan You dared to fight even in places like Gyeonggi Province where the powerful gathered, and he was able to scrape a layer of oil and water out of the powerful, not to mention the gang of people nestled in Jiannan.


Of course, there are still some influential dignitaries in Sichuan and Shu, such as the Erwang family in Jiannan (Wang Quanbin, Wang Renfan), and the Cui Shi family in eastern Sichuan (Cui Yanjin, Shi Yande). These are the people who conquered Shu and Pingnan in the past.

Meritorious officials still exert important influence decades later, and even occupy leadership positions among nobles and bureaucratic collectives.

However, although these forces are powerful and have a certain influence in the court, they are not enough to make Pan You fearful. In the face of criticism and criticism, he remains calm and calm, his attitude is still tough, and his methods are still fierce.

Pan You knew that the vested interests had plenty of means to confront the court and Taoist officials, so he continued to send his confidants and officials to patrol various places, and even went so far as to seek help from Jiannan's Wudesi, risking everything to fight against Jiannan.

The "reactionaries" fight.

At the same time, a report box was set up in front of the Daosi Yamen in Chengdu for officials and people throughout Jiannan to report. However, if there was a problem, once it was verified, Pan You would be punished immediately.

Throughout Pan You's entire tenure in Jiannan, Jiannan Road has been in this kind of direct and fierce confrontation. The political situation is very unstable and the struggle is fierce. The vested interests in Jiannan have certainly been tortured.

Exhausted and suffering heavy losses, Pan You was also exhausted and exhausted in endless troubles.

Although his opponent is stubborn and powerful, although there are constant troubles and problems, although his followers are decreasing day by day, and even though the people in Guizhou Province that he is dedicated to protecting sometimes do not understand him, Pan You is always like a wedge, nailing him to death.

In Jiannan, we maintain the faint trace of clarity in the world that rarely appears in Jiannan.

In fact, some of Pan You's actions were also crude, and there were too many issues worthy of discussion. They even violated the imperial court's concept of "rule of law" and went astray in some transactions.

In the early days, due to various misunderstandings, rumors, and slanders, Pan You's reputation in the eyes of the people in Shu was not good, because this man was too troublesome, leaving them with no "peaceful" life.

However, although people are easily misled and fooled, the support of people's hearts needs to be tested over time. Over the past few years, no matter how many things Pan You has accomplished, he cares about the people and has always made decisions for the people.

His style has infected many people.

Pan Shijun is a good official and the "Qingtian" of the people in Jiannan. A similar reputation spread a few years later. Such a good reputation makes people even more jealous.

Of course, the core of good or bad reputation lies in the benefits it brings to the people. For example, Wang Xiaobo and Pan You in this uprising have carried out a major rectification and standardization of Jiannan tea politics. To put it simply, they have reorganized the benefits of the tea industry.


The tea market in Jiannan is only that big, and the profits are basically constant. Under the premise that the government must guarantee its dues, Pan You naturally cuts meat from those nobles, bureaucrats, and big tea merchants, and feeds it back to the lower-level tea merchants and tea farmers.

Not to mention solving the serious problem of rich and poor people, it has at least alleviated the livelihood pressure of tea merchants and tea farmers to a certain extent.

In the two major industries of well salt and silk, Pan You followed a similar approach, sparing no effort to leverage the abnormal vested interest system and allocate part of the profits to the bottom businessmen to alleviate social conflicts.

It can be said that when Pan You was in office, he challenged vested interests in almost all aspects, from land and tea to salt and tea. With the silent support of the imperial court, he really accomplished a lot.

If God had not been unfaithful in the past few years and disasters continued, and if Emperor Shizu had persisted for a few more years and given Pan You a certain amount of time, Jiannan's reforms might have been implemented with a smoother result.

However, God did not give him this opportunity, and the drastic changes in the empire were too sudden. Many of the upper-class dignitaries in Gyeonggi were at a loss as to what to do, especially in the remote Sichuan and Shu.

In the past few years, in order to get rid of Pan You, the dignitaries and landlords of Sichuan and Sichuan have also used various methods and methods, even at the risk of threats, and caused countless deaths, but in the end they all ended in failure. This man is really

It's too stubborn and difficult to correct.

As a result, Pan Shijun was unfortunately stabbed by rioters during his inspection tour, and such a sad drama occurred. And for people to use such methods, maybe some people are at the end of their means and have no other options. Pan

Yuta is so unreasonable and unforgiving

When the news of Pan You's death spread, countless people in Xichuan remembered Pan Youjun. When the government concluded that Pan You was assassinated by some "rioters", the public sentiment became boiling. Jiannan's people all over the country began to express their gratitude to those who did not know.

To be grateful is to be resentful and denounced by a wolf-hearted person.

However, some of the government's subsequent actions were incomprehensible. The government posted notices everywhere to declare the matter, and at the same time dispatched government officials and even some officers and soldiers to arrest the "assassin" and capture the "murderer"

In the name of the police, they arrested people on a large scale.

Especially those traders and lackeys in the tea, salt, and silk industries who were under the protection of Pan You. When the local governments heard that Pan You was dead, not only the landlords became powerful, but also some officials celebrated that the god of plague was finally gone. Isn't it right?

When "our generation" rises up?

As a result, something close to the "Returning Regiments" occurred in some states and counties, and the Chengdu Plain fell into a state of boiling under the counterattacks of noble bureaucrats and powerful landowners.

At this time, the entire Xichuan has not yet shaken off the impact of the spring drought, and a large number of farmers are still crying out for food, waiting for government support and relief. However, the government's relief loan has not yet been received, and the "loan contract" from the gentry has been

Put it before your eyes

It is conceivable that under such a background, when someone climbed up and shouted out a strong voice of resistance from the bottom of Guizhou, what kind of reaction was there in the land of Sichuan and Sichuan.

Wang Xiaobo was a short and capable man, but also because of the hunting and oppression by the government. At first, he only gathered hundreds of tea merchants and tea farmers. He first killed the officials, then attacked the county seat, broke the county government office, took off the heads of the county magistrate, prime minister, and lieutenant, and was released from prison and arrested.

innocent people, and then looted the rich households in the county, took their money and food, and distributed it to the poor.

After the news spread, tens of thousands of people gathered in one day. Liu Long, the military commander of Shuzhou, heard about it and hurriedly led his troops to suppress it. However, the incident happened in a hurry and he underestimated the rebels. Although the equipment was sophisticated, the troops were weak.

In the first battle, he was defeated by Wang Xiaobo, Liu Long was also captured, and his head was used to sacrifice the flag.

A victory washed away all timidity and hesitation, and the haze that the imperial court cast over the hearts of everyone who participated in the incident was completely eliminated with the frontal defeat of the official army.

After winning the "Battle of Qingcheng", Wang Xiaobo took advantage of the situation and led his army to sweep through the counties of Shuzhou, looting bureaucrats, landlords, and wealthy households, and relieving the poor. He implemented his slogan of "equalizing the rich and the poor" and his appeal skyrocketed.

After completing the attack on Shuzhou, the number of rebels also expanded rapidly. In less than ten days, it increased to more than 40,000 people. Tea farmers, salt collectors, and side households from all over the country, watching the wind and shadow follow, rose up one after another to carry out righteous acts.

The flames grew rapidly.

As far as the rebels are concerned, not only have their numbers increased, but they have also obtained a lot of weapons and equipment, and have assembled a main army with initial combat effectiveness.

Seeing the rebellion rising sharply and getting more intense, the upper echelons of Jiannan Road could no longer sit still. It was the duty of the capital commander to suppress and defend the country. In the face of an uprising, the most anxious person was the commander of Jiannan Road. Make the superior official rectified.

Under his command, a total of four armies from Qiong, Peng, Mei, and Jian states rushed to Shuzhou with more than 20,000 people, intending to annihilate the rebels. Facing the menacing official army, Wang Xiaobo certainly felt great pressure, but he had already won the victory. After two lives, there will be a third life, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

You can come from four directions, but I will only go one way. Under the leadership of Wang Xiaobo, the rebel army, which has exceeded 50,000 people, went straight to Pengzhou. After a sudden attack, the official army was defeated and more than 2,000 people died. Pengzhou soldiers and horses commanded the envoy Wang Keng was outnumbered and fled back to Pengzhou in a hurry.

Wang Xiaobo took advantage of the situation and advanced troops, defeating Chongning, Daojiang, and Guankou counties, killing the county magistrate, and plundering Pengzhou. After resting and replenishing troops and weapons, he returned to the division's prefecture to fight with Qiong who was pursuing them. The three Han armies of Jiazhou, Jiazhou, and Jianzhou fought against each other. They first defeated Zhu Tiao of Qiongzhou and executed him, and then defeated Wang Yuanzhen of Jianzhou, killing more than a thousand people. Only Zhang Qi, the commander of the troops and horses of Meizhou, saw that the situation was not good and gathered the defeated soldiers. , retreated to Jinyuan County.

Wang Xiaobo was unwilling to give up, pursued and attacked Jinyuan, but Zhang Qi was a capable man and kept entangled with him. Although he was eventually driven back to Meizhou, he also caused a lot of casualties to the rebels.

From the battles between the government and the rebels, the rebels stood out for their bravery. They relied on their fearlessness of death, their vengeful rage, their numerical superiority, and a large number of sacrifices in exchange for several victories over the government troops.

As for the officers and soldiers, they lost their professionalism and were arrogant and underestimated the enemy. They constantly gave people every opportunity to defeat them, which also caused huge losses and led to the expansion of the thieves' power. Of course, this cannot be blamed on the officers and soldiers who worked hard below. The problem still lies in the command from above. official.

With the failure of the four-pronged encirclement and suppression strategy, the Sichuan-Sichuan rebellion could no longer end in a "decent" way, and the upper-class dignitaries in Jiannan finally "awoke" to what happened in the core area of ​​Tianfu. The rebellion should be given the highest priority.

However, the first encirclement and suppression was defeated in a hurry, and it was not easy to quickly organize the second one. Jiannan has been at peace for a long time, and it seems that top to bottom are unable to cope with such a large-scale chaos. , and the frontier army, local army, and regiment training in Jiannan numbered more than 50,000, but the stalls were spread out, and they could not concentrate their strength for a while.

It was inevitable that the situation would escalate. As news of Wang Xiaobo's incident and victory over the government troops spread throughout Sichuan and Shu, the whole of Sichuan and Shu became noisy. In early October, Rongzhou, Fuzhou, and Rongzhou in the southeast of Jiannan each had their own troops. In response to the rebellion, the rebellion even spread from Jiannan to Hezhou, Changzhou, Luzhou and other places in Sichuan Province. For a time, rebellions spread across the country, causing disaster to prefectures and counties.

However, at this time, as far as Jiannan Road is concerned, other places can no longer take care of it, and they can only defend themselves. Shangguan Zheng even issued a death order to all prefectures and counties, and those who lost their land will be killed.

All he wanted to do was to exterminate the traitor king Xiaobo. This was not only the initiative of the traitor, but also active in his heart. Not to mention how uncomfortable it felt.

Shangguan Zheng is also a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time. He was once a subordinate of Prince Quanbin of Pingnan. He followed him to conquer Dali and regain Yunnan. He later served in Yulin and performed well in suppressing the Dangxiang Rebellion. He was promoted to Jiannan

The commander of Daodu, reached the pinnacle of his official career.

Shangguanzheng was undoubtedly under the greatest pressure regarding the Shuzhou Rebellion. Behind him, there were not only the urgings from the dignitaries who had a major say in Jiannan, but also the huge pressure from the Luoyang court, and several consecutive inquiries from the capital.

, accountability and edict, the words listed in the list all show the court's anger towards the rebellion in Shuzhong.

When the situation and development of the rebellion in central Shu were reported to Luoyang one after another, it is conceivable that the government and the public were shocked, followed by anger, and Emperor Liu Yang lost his composure again!

I thought that Pan You's assassination was already a huge event, but I never thought that such a big disaster would be waiting for me. At that moment, Liu Yang couldn't help but feel violent. He was too serious about being an emperor.

Too bad, the first year of Yongxi's reign has not passed yet, and these "surprises" are popping up one by one.

However, no matter how angry he was, it was of no use. When the news that the Fourth Route Han Army failed to suppress the rebellion arrived in Beijing, Liu Yang completely realized that the military and political corruption in Jiannan was probably more serious than he imagined.

At the same time, at this point, although he was extremely unwilling to do so, he had to put his mind and energy on countering the rebellion. As for other things, including the "death of Pan You" he wanted to use and even the causes and consequences of the rebellion, he had to put it aside.

.Liu Yang can still distinguish the priorities and the top tasks.

Therefore, even though the Luoyang court was full of anger, it did not take much action against the military affairs of Jiannan Road. It only ordered them to control the scope of the chaos, suppress the local area, put down the rebels as soon as possible, and restore peace to the people.

At the same time, Wen Guogong Xiang Deming was appointed as the Chief Envoy to Jiannan, and he quickly went to Chengdu to take up the post. With the development of the rebellion, the struggle between the DPRK and China for the position of Chief Envoy to Jiannan suddenly subsided from fierceness, and the consensus was that

If it is easy to achieve, counterinsurgency will be given priority.

At that time, Pingshu was commanded by Xiang Xun. Although the Xiang family was not as rooted in the southwest as the two kings, as Xiang Xun's successor, Xiang Deming went to Chengdu and was obviously able to exert great influence. Furthermore, as the former Anxi

Xiang Deming, a giant in the military, has extensive experience and training, and possesses sufficient ability and prestige.

On the other hand, Liu Yang did not place all his hopes of quelling the rebellion on Sichuan and Shu. At that time, all the powerful troops and generals were in Shu, and it took a lot of effort to quell the rebellion in Shu, let alone now.

Of course, more importantly, what happened in Jiannan made Liu Yang lose trust in the military and administration there. Therefore, while urging Sichuan and Shu to suppress the rebellion, Liu Yang also ordered the four counties in western Beijing, Hubei, Shannan, and Guanzhong to

Dao, reorganized the army, deployed weapons and food, and mobilized the imperial army to go west, ready to enter Sichuan to suppress the rebellion at any time.

In this autumn and winter of the first year of Yongxi, the attention of the entire Han Empire was attracted by the great rebellion that took place in Sichuan and Shu.

In Jiannan, pressure from all sides was coming, and Shangguan Zheng did not dare to risk his life anymore. He mobilized his troops and generals, preparing to deal a fatal blow to the rebels, and even ignored Wang Xiaobo's subsequent external expansion and harassment.

However, the officers and soldiers were preparing, and the rebel army did not stop. After Wang Xiaobo completely captured Shuzhou, he reorganized his subordinates and actively prepared for war.

At the same time, he sent his confidants to contact the rebels in various places to build up their momentum. He also sent troops everywhere to conquer the prefectures and counties. Everywhere they went, they attracted a large number of angry and oppressed poor people, and the number of rebels also swelled like a snowball.

The Han Dynasty was rich in martial virtue, which led to the spread of a large number of weapons among the people. Iron forging was also constantly improving, which also led to many poor people who prepared their own weapons and joined the rebel army. Even if the quality was not good, it could still kill someone if cut on the neck.


Seeing that the thieves were growing stronger, Shangguan Zheng could no longer sit still. However, before he could take action, the rebels led by Wang Xiaobo took the initiative to invade. Wang Xiaobo really had no choice. With more people, Shu could only

The state and the food obtained from previous looting were simply not enough to eat. You must know that by November of the first year of Yongxi, the number of rebels under the banner of Wang Xiaobo in various places had exceeded 200,000, and those under his direct command were as many as 150,000.

With so many people and so many mouths to feed, Wang Xiaobo was forced to continue to expand, and the most suitable place for food in the entire Chengdu Plain was undoubtedly Chengdu Prefecture.

Chengdu Prefecture is the essence of Tianfu, with the most food, the densest population, the most powerful and wealthy households, and more poor people. Of course, the "reactionaries" are concentrated and are the strongest.

However, once the Chengdu Prefecture can be captured, there will be no shortage of food, soldiers, and wealth, and these people will become completely powerful.

With this mentality, Wang Xiaobo, who had won several bets before, mobilized all his rebel troops and marched eastward from Jinyuan, Shuzhou towards Chengdu Prefecture. He claimed that he had an "army of 300,000", which shocked Sichuan and Shu for a while.

However, this time Wang Xiaobo lost the bet. They all know the importance of Chengdu Prefecture. As a stubborn fortress of the exploiting class, when Chengdu Prefecture is threatened, how can the superiors and subordinates sit idly by and ignore it?

In short, when faced with the invading rebels, we can provide you with people, money, and food, and even weapons can be provided.

With the full support of the "nobles and sages", Shangguan Zheng also quickly organized an army of more than 70,000 people in Chengdu Prefecture, with the Jiannan official army as the core, mixed with regiment training, and the "rebel army" marched westward to meet the enemy.


The two sides fought in Shuangliu. It was a dark and dark battle. The battle lasted for three days and resulted in countless casualties. It ended with the defeat of the rebel army. The direct reason was that Zhang Qi, who was promoted to be the inspector of the four prefectures of Mei, Qiong, Jia and Ling, led

Soldiers and horses from four states attacked from behind.

The fundamental reason is that the officers and soldiers are too strong. From top to bottom, from the front desk to the backstage, they all work under the pressure of the rebel army. At the same time, they have the organization and discipline that the rebel army cannot achieve.

With a large number of people, bravery, and no fear of death, certain results can indeed be achieved. However, when the official army resists those axes, the only way to meet the rebel army is defeat.

Although Wang Xiaobo has some ability and bravery, he is just a trafficker and a pawn with limited knowledge. Not to mention the 150,000 people, even the original 10,000 rebels, he only relied on his blood and bravery to initiate the righteous move.

Reputation lies in leadership and command.

In the Shuangliu battle, the rebel army was directly defeated, with 60,000 to 70,000 dead. Wang Xiaobo also died while covering the retreat of his subordinates, and his head was presented in front of the commander-in-chief, Shangguan.

The rebel army fled in all directions, while the official army chased them north, taking advantage of the situation to regain Shuzhou and the occupied places. Seeing that the general situation was determined, the next step was to clear out the remaining party members. Shangguan Zheng couldn't help but feel satisfied, and immediately sent people to seize Shuangliu.

The great victory and the head of Ni Kui Wang Xiaobo were sent to Luoyang on Pegasus to pray for the good news.

For Shangguan Zheng, although he had been under tremendous pressure before, the benefits were also obvious. By suppressing the rebellion, he not only completed the redemption of previous crimes, but might also be able to go further in his later years.

But obviously, he was a little too happy. The conflicts caused by the abuses in Sichuan and Sichuan for more than 30 years, the uncontrolled oppression and exploitation by the powerful and powerful, are far from the turmoil of less than two months, let alone this battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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