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Chapter 49 Sejong Chapter 50 Whose Family Will the Flower Become?

Chapter 2174: King Sejong Chapter 50: Whose Family Will the Flower Become?

It is obviously summer, but Chongzheng Hall gives people a somewhat eerie and depressing feeling. The white candles in the hall have not been removed, and the emperor has obviously added a bit of white silk to his bun. He is sitting cross-legged on the throne with his shoulders hunched. , with his back slightly hunched, silently flipping through some unknown works and articles of Prince Zhang De during his lifetime.

After the death of the prince, these things were sealed for the emperor's review. Liu Jili wrote quite a lot during his lifetime, including poems, songs, and political articles, many of which were of great literary value. For Liu Wenji, the most important The valuable thing is to understand people through literature and understand the little-known mental journey of the prince during his lifetime.

Reading it, one feels extremely sad. The country lost its heir apparent, and the father lost his son. No matter which one happened, it was a major blow to Liu Wenji, who was in his sixties. After a long time, Liu Wenji raised his hand and gently wiped the redness. With his eyes open, he directed at Shi Quanbin, the eunuch who was standing in front of the emperor, and ordered: "Return these things to the East Palace, and let the scholars from the Hongwen Hall edit them and compile the prince's legacy into a book as a souvenir."

"Yes!" Shi Quanbin responded quickly, feeling inexplicably relieved.

Although the emperor's voice was hoarse and low, it was much smoother and firmer than the previous few days, and he was obviously slowly recovering from the shock of the prince's death. After all, such a huge empire still needs the support of His Majesty the Emperor, especially At a time when the country's foundation is shaken and people's minds are agitated, it is even more indispensable for the old emperor to preside over the overall situation.

At least, we have to wait until the new prince is established

Shi Quanbin was forty and one-year-old at the time, but he had been working as an errand with the emperor for seven or eight years. He was assigned to the job of Zheng Kang, the former chief chamberlain. Just from the perspective of the palace and the chamberlain supervisor system, Shi Quanbin was considered to be a leader. Since Shizu's later years, there has been basically no "general manager of the inner court" who is as "young" as Shi Quanbin.

After nearly ninety years of development and changes, the eunuchs of the Han Dynasty gradually formed three systems. One is the eunuchs and queens who are in charge of the imperial palace and the imperial palace. This is the eunuchs closest to the emperor and the nobles of the Han palace. A group of people whose status is far above other eunuchs;

The second is the internal affairs department that is in charge of the palace's various prisons and temples. This is a transactional department and the main maintainer of the normal life and operation of the palace. It has a lot of real power, complicated components, fierce struggles, and many problems;

The third is the Imperial City Department. As a special agent supervision agency with eunuchs as the main body, it is parallel to the Wude Department. It is destined to have a special status within the palace. It is unshakable and easy to recruit talents.

Each of the three major systems has its own inheritance traditions and its own set of rules and regulations, and even formed a "family of eunuchs" over the long years. Shi Quanbin is the product of the "family of eunuchs", and his grandfather was a member of the imperial family during the second dynasty of Shizu-Taizong. The great eunuch Shi Zhiyong was one of the top eunuchs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he was in charge of the tea and wine warehouse in the palace all year round.

Shi Quanbin, who was born in the former province of the chamberlain, became the "big boss" of the chamberlain and the rear province. This was also an important symbol of the breaking of the boundaries between the three major eunuch systems of the empire and the mutual exchange of personnel, duties, and power.

Compared with the time when Liu Wenji ascended the throne, the three major systems of the inner court in the 19th year of Jianlong have also undergone great changes. On the one hand, the repressive power of the imperial power has become stronger, and on the other hand, the minions have become sharper. At the same time, the There have also been major changes or accidents in personnel matters.

Zheng Kang, the former chief chamberlain, was executed for accepting bribes, overstepping the limits, interfering in government affairs, bullying officials and harming the people, and abusing living beings. This was an apparent reason, but the fundamental reason was that he colluded with the former prime minister Wang Qinruo.

, dark passage song.

At the same time, Cai Jing, the imperial envoy who had been in charge of the Imperial City Division for twenty years, was also demoted two years ago, and then completely disappeared without any news. The background is that of Ding Wei begging for the skeleton. It is self-evident what the connection is...

Shi Quanbin was on an errand according to the imperial edict. Not long after he left, a small Huangmen came to report that Chen Wei, the imperial envoy, asked to see him. Chen Wei was also a minister in the Huangmen family and started his family. His grandfather was named Chen Yanshou, who was originally a powerful official in the Southern Guangdong Kingdom.

First, because he had defected to the Han Dynasty early and lost his loyalty to the imperial court, after Pan Mei pacified Lingnan, she successfully entered the Han Palace as a "meritorious official" and held a post in the Han Palace, and this continued.

Chen Wei had something important to report when he came here. In the days after the death of Prince Zhang De Liu Jili, there was probably no more nervous and busy yamen office in the entire palace than the Imperial City Office.

On the one hand, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate whether there is any hidden secret behind the death of the prince. On the other hand, he is ordered to monitor all movements in the capital. With Liu Wenji's sophistication, how could he not know the great impact Liu Jili's death had on the imperial court?


During this period, thanks to the efficient efforts of the Imperial City Division, countless news poured in to Liu Wenji, both inside and outside the palace, both inside and outside the court, almost overwhelming him. And every piece of news would make his gloomy heart clouded again.

The previous layer of shadow.

Of course, with the experience and experience of an old emperor like Liu Wenji, he could always look down upon the turmoil in Beijing, not to mention his calmness. He had been there in the same way when he was young, so this kind of scene was not surprising.

What really made Liu Wenji feel heartbroken and uncomfortable was that some people really bullied him into becoming unscrupulous in his old age and did not know how to restrain himself. Even before Liu Jili's bones were cold, the people below were already instigating and conspired to choose a new prince for him.

Although in the name of consolidating the country's foundation, how could Liu Wenji be confused by it? How could he not doubt his heart? He was too anxious.

What Chen Wei brought this time was another thing that made Liu Wenji extremely angry, related to Jinan Duke Liu Jide. Liu Jide, the younger brother of Prince Zhangde Liu Jili, were both born to Empress Li. In the fifteenth year of Jianlong's reign, the princes entered the palace.

He was granted the title of Duke of Jinan.

Although Liu Wenji had high demands and strict control over the princes, he had always been very restrained when it came to secret surveillance, and even forbade the Imperial City Secretary to wantonly install spies on the princes.

But after Liu Jili passed away, this bottom line was quickly broken, simply because Liu Wenji needed to pay more detailed attention to the situation of the princes, and he demanded that every move should be reported.

Behind this kind of move, it can also reflect some of Liu Wenji's psychology. As a qualified and sinister emperor, even though he has an emotional side, he is more of an emperor, with a self-centered and solitary temperament.

Perhaps as soon as he learned that Prince Liu Jili had passed away, he was deeply saddened and had already subconsciously thought about "what to do".

What Chen Wei reported secretly were some of Jinan Duke Liu Jide's behaviors after the death of Prince Zhang De and during the mourning period. Several of them were very fatal. For example, when the news of the prince's death arrived, Liu Jide was drinking with a group of guests.

At a banquet, when hearing the news, you will first be happy and then sad;

For example, during the funeral, Liu Wenji asked the princes to keep vigil for his brother. Liu Jide fell asleep and was very impatient. Later, he played with his concubines in the palace and uttered arrogant words;

For example, after the burial of Prince Zhang De, the imperial court gradually called for the appointment of a new crown prince. Liu Jide summoned his staff and guests to discuss secretly. The content was roughly how to contact and bribe ministers in the court to compete for the crown prince's position.

When Liu Wenji learned about these situations from Chen Wei, although Liu Wenji maintained the habit of an emperor doubting everything, his mood was obviously affected, his tone became cold, and he stared at Chen Wei coldly and sharply: "These situations are true


"Every word is true. Duke Jinan's words and deeds are rarely concealed, and there are many witnesses available for your Majesty's verification at any time!" Chen Wei assured Liu Wenji in a cautious manner.

Hearing this, Liu Wenji fell silent. After a while, a tired voice came out of his mouth: "I understand! Please step back. Every move of the Duke of Jinan, who he interacts with, and who responds will be reported to me."

Record it truthfully!”

After Chen Wei left, Liu Wenji couldn't help but straighten his upper body. There seemed to be a gloomy air surrounding him, and his breath gradually became faster. Finally, he couldn't help but angrily yelled: "Idiot! You also want to be the prince!"

Although he was angry and dissatisfied in his heart, Liu Wenji once again deeply realized that the new crown prince was a problem that he and the Han Empire had to face. And this problem accompanied him almost throughout his entire reign.

And surrounding the election of the new crown prince, a political whirlpool quickly formed in the upper echelons of the empire, swallowing up almost all the central court officials. As long as in this power field, few people can stay outside it.

In this matter, the upper-class dignitaries of the Han Empire seemed to have woken up one by one, including the founding princes, Yuan Conggujiu, who had prominent family backgrounds, but had been gradually marginalized as the years passed. And this kind of struggle,

It's almost inevitable.

The noble ministers actually gave Emperor Liu Wenji more than half a year to relax, hoping that he could recover from the pain of mourning. Therefore, it was not until the spring of the 20th year of Jianlong's reign that with the envoy of Gyeonggi Province Chai Xirang

(formerly held the post of Shangshu of the Ministry of Civil Affairs) petitioned to establish a prince and establish the foundation of the country as early as possible. This undercurrent that had been brewing for more than half a year was finally exposed.

Immediately after Chai Xirang, memorials asking for the crown prince flew to Emperor Liu Wenji like snowflakes. This was clearly requested. There were also many insinuations, circumlocutions, and similar memorials that hinted to the emperor in various forms. Ten of the emperor's official imperial papers.

There are no more cases to hold.

And after this kind of wind officially blows, it is difficult to calm down before there is a definite result. As the call for "appointment of a crown prince" becomes rampant, it spreads throughout the court and the public, and the opinions of the prince are gradually divided into formal divisions within the court.

Three factions.

Liu Jiying, Duke of Suiyang, and Liu Weizhen, the eldest grandson of the emperor, are the two core factions. There is also a faction that holds a "neutral" attitude. To be precise, they follow the imperial edict. But no matter which faction, when it comes to the matter of appointing a prince,

, the attitude is consistent. No matter what thoughts and plans he has, the prince should establish it as soon as possible.

The fight between supporters of Liu Jiying and Liu Weizhen also formed the first sharp and large-scale political struggle on the issue of succession in the empire since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The impact was so far-reaching that it even led to the corruption of the government.

From a general perspective, the two sides represent the struggle between the two forces that has continued since the time of Emperor Shizu, the struggle between the noble and common people groups. Those who support Liu Jiying are of course the military aristocrats headed by the Yang family, while Liu Weizhen relies on the common people and bureaucratic groups.

Most of them, at the same time, also lacked the support of the nobles. After all, the Yang family tree was so popular that it would inevitably attract jealousy. On the other hand, it was difficult for the Yang family to fully represent the military aristocracy of the empire.

This also resulted in a relatively balanced strength and influence between the two. Therefore, it would be difficult to achieve a result quickly if only the officials supported them. In fact, this was also the case, from the 20th year of Jianlong to the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In the 22nd year of the Long Dynasty, in order to put the target person in power, the powerful officials of the empire racked their brains and showed their talents. From advocating and advocating, it quickly evolved into mutual criticism. A large-scale party struggle took place so openly during the reign of Liu Wenji.


As a result, the atmosphere of the imperial court was changed. The Qingming politics that had been maintained for twenty years during the Jianlong era inevitably became a little more filthy and hazy. It even spread from the central government to the localities. In the most exaggerated case, even one side of Yuanzhou County

Officials could not help but participate in the prince's discussion, and many of them used their own methods to show their support.

This situation is far beyond many people's initial expectations. No one could have imagined that the crown prince's position could be delayed for so long. Emperor Liu Wenji bears the unshirkable responsibility for such results and effects.

Because the essence of everything lies in Liu Wenji's inner hesitation.

Like other powerful ministers, Liu Wenji also considered Liu Jiying and Liu Weizhen when choosing his successor. However, it was difficult to make a decisive decision on who to choose in the end. Everyone gave Liu Wenji many worries.

Liu Jiying is calm, ambitious, and well-educated. She is a standard elite educated by the royal family. Although she has little exercise, she is still young and has great training value. She has a promising future and there is nothing to blame about her identity.

The only thing that worried Liu Wenji was the influence of Yang's relatives. Look at the "Suiyang Sect" organized by Yang's relatives and a group of military nobles. Such momentum made Liu Wenji look askance.

Even though there were many things he had no control over, the prosperity of the Yang family lasted for so many years and even affected the next generation of emperors. Liu Wenji could not ignore these factors.

After all, Liu Wenji is an old emperor, and what worries the old emperor most is the weakening of his control. Some worries can even overwhelm rationality.

Liu Weizhen was nineteen years old when the prince died. There was no big problem in terms of age, but his temperament was more pedantic and cowardly than his father. Although he was still filial and respectful, his short-term intelligence and slowness made Liu Wenji anxious for a time.

However, there are many supporters in both the government and the public, and they cover many strata and factions. Although their voices are mixed, their intentions are very strong, especially some of the remonstrators who are stinky and tough, and they even use the name of "dead remonstrance."

Name, we must maintain the empire's orthodoxy!

Orthodoxy! Liu Wenji has been working hard for this word all his life. He never thought that it would finally be recognized in this way on the issue of succession. It is a bit ridiculous to say that.

The emperor was hesitant and sent vague signals, which naturally gave the campers an opportunity to fish in troubled waters. The trend of seizing the heir was established, and the struggle would be endless. Although Liu Wenji also used severe measures to suppress him in this process,

On the surface he could control it, but the undercurrent was still there, and he couldn't stop the turbulent people's hearts.

As a result, during the three years from the 20th to the 22nd year of Jianlong, the atmosphere in the center of the imperial court was very tense. In order to prevent the endless and bottom-breaking battles between the two factions, Liu Wenji had to resort to the most brutal tactics since taking office.

He used various methods and styles to suppress him, and a large number of ministers were demoted, including many knowledgeable people, loyal ministers and filial sons.

For example, Fan Zhongyan, who had been promoted to Luoyang Governor under the strong promotion of Liu Wenji, saw that the dispute between the prince and the public had seriously affected the stability of the country. He was saddened by this and expressed his displeasure.

The words were indeed quite irritating, and there were many insinuations that the ministers in the political hall were sitting on their seats, sitting back and watching the struggle, and not doing their best to provide advice to the king and the country. Fan Zhongyan's memorial not only aroused the annoyance of Liu Wenji, but also angered those prime ministers.

Chen Yaozuo, the Shangshu Ling, and Lu Yijian, the Finance Envoy, successively filed memorials to impeach Fan Zhongyan, saying that he disrespected the prime minister and made irresponsible comments on government affairs. Although the charges were weak, Liu Wenji was so angry that in the spring of the 21st year of Jianlong, he demoted Fan Zhongyan to the post of Longyou Dao.

The deputy chief minister has arrived.

This started Fan Zhongyan's seven-year official career in Longyou. During those seven years, Fan Zhongyan did not relax for a moment, always caring about the court situation and worrying about the king. Moreover, he completed two major events in Longyou.

The first is to further consolidate the rule of the Han Dynasty in the Qing and Tang Dynasties on the basis of Cao's use, and radiate the influence of imperial rule to the depths of the plateau; the second is to promote the westward movement of Longyou Daozhi to Lanzhou. Longyou Daozhi has always been in Fengxiang.

From a geographical point of view, the government focuses on the east, especially when it develops the Qingtang region more deeply.

It was also from the time when Fan Zhongyan was demoted that the important ministers of the imperial court were reorganized one by one by Liu Wenji. Chai Xirang was demoted to Gaochang Road as chief official, and Lv Yijian was sent to Liaodong. In the 22nd year of Jianlong, the minister ordered Chen Yaozuo to dismiss the prime minister.

By this time, although the court had calmed down under Liu Wenji's suppression, the battle over the prince was spreading across the empire. Faced with this situation, Liu Wenji was angry but helpless.

Facing many disputes, Liu Wenji became increasingly tired, and he also knew clearly that the prince's matter could not be delayed any longer. He had to make a decision, otherwise disaster might arise from Hu Wei.

In the many power struggles in the past dynasties, under those long wrestlings, the final competition is not how good you are, but how few mistakes you make. And in the fight for the position of the prince, this rule also applies

Provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters. The first release of this book??????????.??????

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