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Chapter 50 Sejong Chapter 51 The Emperors Grandson

Chapter 2175 Sejong Chapter 51 The Emperor’s Grandson

In the past three years, Liu Wenji had made some in-depth assessments of Liu Jiying and Liu Weizhen's children and grandchildren. When he was carefully observed under a magnifying glass, no matter how bright and gorgeous his coat was, it would inevitably fade.

Beginning in the 21st year of Jianlong's reign, Liu Jiying, Duke of Suiyang, was assigned to the imperial ministry by Liu Wenji, where he actually participated in government affairs and learned to develop his judgment and ability to deal with state affairs.

Liu Jiying successively worked in the most core departments of the imperial court, such as the Lifan Yuan, the Financial Department, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Civil Service Department, and the Privy Council.

This series of arrangements all illustrate that Liu Jiying went further and deeper on the road of "preparing the prince". Even though Liu Wenji used strong and cruel methods to maintain the political situation and suppress the princeling party struggle, as time went by

As time went by, Suiyang Gong Liu Jiying's voice became louder and louder, which was due to the emperor's extremely instructive and confusing arrangement.

At the same time, Liu Jiying also performed well in terms of administrative ability. Especially during the time when he was with the emperor's uncle Liu Yao in the Lifan Academy, he was very practical and serious. He understood the importance the emperor attached to clan-vassal relations and studied hard.

Judgment and processing of relevant matters.

When he was on duty in other departments, he also performed diligently. Although there were many omissions, his attitude of eagerness for progress was extremely positive and upright. Even those capable officials and political experts in the political hall, regardless of their sincerity, all spoke highly of Liu Jiying.

Praise and gradually recognize his "virtuous" and "capable".

However, after two or three years, perhaps because of being burdened by those reputations, or perhaps because of pursuing the so-called virtuous and talented reputation, Liu Jiying began to go further and further down the road of neglecting the good and the weak. He did less practical work, talked too much, and was slow.

Slowly, even my thoughts changed, and I began to concentrate on trying to figure out the holy meaning and win people's hearts wholeheartedly.

Liu Wenji also specifically reprimanded and corrected this kind of behavior of seeking fame and fame, and the behavior was effective. However, Liu Jiying soon returned to his old ways. He was also led astray by his close ministers and staff.

"Translation" becomes the divine will, otherwise why bother so much?

It can be said that when Prince Zhang De Liu Jili just passed away, Liu Jiying had a lot of advantages, not because of the strong support of the Yang family's relatives, military nobles, and the overwhelming momentum between the government and the public, but because of the emperor Liu Wenji's support for him.

His favor and affection.

At least, he is more favored by Liu Wenji than the slow and slow emperor's eldest grandson. After all, Liu Wenji prides himself on being a wise master, and when it comes to choosing his successor, he always prefers to find someone "like himself".

Therefore, although the prince Liu Jili is "weak in benevolence", it does not mean that he is not smart. On the contrary, he is very smart. It is just his personality that leads to his behavior and style, which gives people a feeling of weakness.

For Liu Wenji, it was also a torment to watch his legitimate son, who had high hopes for him, slipping away step by step, his bright aura gradually dimming, revealing his "mediocre" nature.

Liu Jiying's mediocrity does not lie in any major flaws in his talents and wisdom, but as an emperor, he is too unsmart, and his many performances and methods in the process of competing for the crown prince also appear to be too unwise. Simply put, if you do more, you will make more mistakes.

If Liu Wenji had appointed a new crown prince in the 20th year of Jianlong's reign, then the winner would most likely be Liu Jiying. However, this matter was delayed for three full years, and things changed later.

As Liu Jiying's main competitor, the emperor's eldest grandson Liu Weizhen seemed much more simple. For two years, he only did two things, observing filial piety and studying. Apart from these two, Liu Weizhen did not do anything.

Any superfluous actions also seemed careless about the matter of seizing the heir, and the momentum in the court seemed to be formed spontaneously by the supporters and opponents of the Yang family.

Of course, Liu Weizhen was able to sit firmly on Diaoyutai without worrying about anything. In addition to personality factors, the more important reason was that there were people who made suggestions. Wang Shilin, who was the prince Zhongyun at the time, was the ancestor of the emperor, a famous minister of Taizong Dynasty, and a former military official.

Deshi, the chief envoy of Jiangnan Province, and the grandson of the prime minister Wang Xuanzhen.

Wang Shilin entered the official position with the influence of his ancestors, so his official career was a little more "bumpy" than those of the powerful children who passed the imperial examination. However, this person may not be as good as others in other aspects, but he has political sensitivity and understanding of people.

, but got the true inheritance from his grandfather.

When the battle for the heir was first started, he carefully analyzed a series of advantages and disadvantages for Liu Weizhen, including the attitude of the emperor, the situation of the court, the strength of the relatives, the attitude of the clan, and the direction of the nobility, etc., and finally gave Liu Weizhen some suggestions, the core of which were

There is only one thing: be low-key and do things in a down-to-earth manner.

There is no need to fear that Liu Jiying will successfully seize the throne. If the Holy Will has been determined, then all efforts will be in vain. If His Majesty is hesitant, then there will definitely be people in the court who can speak for the emperor's grandson.

Liu Weizhen followed Wang Shilin's advice and did a pretty good job. He was careful in his words and deeds and did no harm to humans and animals. Moreover, he constantly adjusted his words and deeds according to changes in the political situation. Of course, more often than not, Liu Weizhen was just an old man.

Be yourself honestly.

Just like that, when Liu Wenji turned his attention to this eldest grandson, he suddenly discovered that this imperial grandson could be so quiet in the noisy environment of the court. This was a rare trait, and it was also the first time for Liu Wenji to be surprised.


Liu Wenji did not like his "cowardice and dullness", but when he was studying, he read a record in "Taizong Shilu". The text described the Spring and Autumn period brushwork, but clearly pointed out that when Emperor Taizong was young, compared with Qin and Jin,

The Three Kings of Zhao were also known for their "circumstances".

This "discovery" was also the beginning of Liu Wenji's change of view on Liu Weizhen. It is worth mentioning that the person who put the "Taizong Records" in the emperor's reading list was Bao Zheng, who was the minister of the cabinet at the time.

When Liu Wenji also shined the magnifying glass on Liu Weizhen, Wang Shilin's advice played a big role. Therefore, in Liu Wenji's eyes, although Liu Weizhen's grandson was not so satisfactory, he was at least prudent, pure and heroic.

, but "not fussing" is also a rare trait of an emperor.

It was the first time since the 22nd year of Jianlong that Liu Wenji looked at his children and grandchildren with the same eyes. While Liu Jiying was walking around the political hall to administer affairs, summoning Liu Weizhen for questioning became more frequent.


In the 22nd year of the Yellow River, during the summer flood, the water situation was abnormal. Liu Wenji issued an edict, and for the first time, the emperor's grandson Liu Weizhen was appointed as the river defense envoy. He led a team out of Beijing to inspect the river defense situation in the counties and counties in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.

Then something went wrong during the inspection. Liu Weizhen was assassinated when he was inspecting Puyang. Although he was fine, he was very frightened. The assassin seemed to be a dead man. The assassination failed and he committed suicide without leaving any useful clues.

At Wang Shilin's suggestion, Liu Weizhen did not report the matter or file a complaint. Instead, he focused on national affairs and continued to obey the imperial edict and inspect the downstream prefectures and counties to relieve the people's difficulties.

But obviously, it was impossible to hide this matter from the imperial court. Intensive informants quickly reported the matter to Emperor Liu Wenji. It is difficult to say what Liu Wenji felt about this, but he quickly issued a secret order to suppress and cover up the matter.

, no leakage of secrets is allowed.

Although the matter has been suppressed, it is still fermenting in some areas that are unknown to ordinary people. The impact is so far-reaching that it can be said that it has completely changed the situation of seizing the heir.

Of course, Liu Weizhen's "Assassination in Puyang" was also one of the major mysteries of the Jianlong court. It was not the matter itself, but the series of struggles for succession involved behind the assassination.

As for the influence on the situation of seizing the heir, the assassination case was just a primer. As the biggest "criminal suspect", according to the imperial edict, the Imperial City envoy Chen Wei launched an investigation into Suiyang Gong Liu Jiying normally.

As a result, the assassination case was indeed not found to have anything to do with the Suiyang Palace, but Chen Wei found some other things, such as Liu Jiying's secret behavior of befriending courtiers, colluding with the inner court to spy on information, and using Yang's influence

Li stretched his hands into the Third Division of the Forbidden Army in an attempt to gain control of the military, and even some of the generals he bribed were exposed.

There are also some old accounts. For example, as early as when Prince Zhang De was alive, Liu Jiying was already ready to take action, secretly cultivated power, and even buried his informants in the East Palace.

One after another, one after another, it was enough to give Liu Wenji a cerebral hemorrhage. Of course, Liu Wenji still did not bring these matters to trial. The majesty of the royal family still needs to be maintained, and the illusion of happiness also needs to be maintained. However, regarding Liu Jiying's proposal to be crowned king.

Completely put on hold.

Starting from the second half of the 22nd year of Jianlong's reign, Liu Wenji had already begun to favor his successors. In the final analysis, although Liu Wenji's rise to the throne was a matter of luck and conspiracy, he did not like his descendants either.

This is Liu Jiying's approach.

Liu Wenji was really upset when he played such a bad hand with a good hand.

Of course, even though Liu Wenji had the highest and final decision-making power over the prince, he was inevitably influenced by other people in the process of making decisions. After all, the Han Empire was not entirely his alone.

For example, Queen Yang, thanks to her good family tradition, was very wise, and Liu Wenji respected her. However, after Liu Jiying's "rebellion", Liu Wenji's fear of the Yang family once again gained the upper hand, which also caused Queen Yang to

The plus points have also become minus points.

Within the clan, Liu Wenji consulted Zong Zheng, Yan Wang Liu Zhao, Zhongshu Ling, and Xu Wang Liu Yao (Prince Jin in the 15th year of Jianlong) for their opinions. Yan Wang Liu Zhao was still slippery, just like his nickname of "Old Fox".

He refused to express even the slightest accurate opinion on this matter. If the emperor wanted to ask, that would be "your majesty alone."

In contrast, King Xu Liu Yao, who had been very familiar with Liu Wenji for more than 20 years, carefully pointed out some of Liu Jiying's performance in the Lifan Yuan, and expressed concerns that Liu Jiying was flashy and unrealistic.

Of course, Liu Wenji had to discuss the matter of the crown prince with his close ministers. He once had a heart-to-heart talk with Xiao Gong, Minister of War, and Xiao Gong pointed out that there were many people inside and outside the court who sympathized with Prince Zhang De and his grandson!

He even had the guts to say some heart-wrenching words. Given their temperament, Liu Weizhen's succession to the throne can still preserve the harmony of the royal family. But if it is Liu Jiying, that may not be the case. At least the lineage of Prince Zhang De may not be preserved.

Liu Wenji was always worried about Liu Weizhen's "backwardness" and proposed to establish other princes and grandsons. Xiao Gong firmly opposed this, saying that it was a way to cause chaos.

Shortly after that exchange of opinions between emperors and ministers, Xiao Gong resigned from his position as prime minister and was sent to Shanyang by Liu Wenji as governor. Xiao Gong was very happy with it. He said that he was not seeking wealth, but it was still necessary to stay away from the emperor in his later years.

On the first day of the first lunar month of the 23rd year of Jianlong's reign, on the day of the Great Dynasty, Emperor Liu Wenji officially issued an edict to appoint the emperor's eldest grandson Liu Weizhen as the emperor's grandson, officially establishing the crown prince of the Han Empire and ending the three-year struggle for the right to inherit the throne.

But the result did not mean the end of the struggle, at least Liu Jiying was extremely dissatisfied. The appointment of the emperor's grandson was also the beginning of another round of political struggle in the court, but this time, the old emperor Liu Wenji ended up personally.

For the rest of his life, Liu Wenji's most important job was to pave the way for the emperor's grandson Liu Weizhen. This job included clearing the thorns in the upper ranks. The powerful "Suiyang Sect" was gradually disintegrated by Liu Wenji, and the core of the Yang family was

Liu Wenji was torn into pieces.

The descendants of Yang Ye were either demoted or killed. Even Queen Yang was almost placed under house arrest in Kunming Palace and was no longer allowed to interact with the Yang family's children. Of course, the Yang family, with its big tree and deep roots, was not that fragile, and neither was Liu Wenji.

The idea of ​​uprooting it was just that under the emperor's ruthless hand, the Yang family, which had been glorious for almost the entire Jianlong era, began to slip, and its reputation as the "first noble family" fell.

As for Liu Jiying, in the 24th year of Jianlong's reign, Liu Wenji was directly driven to Nanchang Mansion.

I went back to my hometown and delayed the update.

Provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters. The first release of this book??????????.??????

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