Chapter 338 Secret Realm

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Chapter 338 Secret Realm

Reply in seconds! These two

As a provincial minister, Ouyang Yao was on an official inspection today, so naturally he couldn't bring his relatives with him. It is estimated that the world boss was not able to accompany him, and he didn't know where he was playing.

As the prophecy of the world's boss "bodyguard", you must play along.

When Mo Zhi saw the reply, he made random guesses and sighed:

Sorry for your pain, Ms. Prophecy

After thinking about it, I unexpectedly replied:

[At today’s dinner, the world boss should have a chance to meet that unpredictable person, and then his memory can be tested]

World:【Okay! No problem.】

Ouyang Ao replied first, but after replying, he seemed to think of something and added another sentence excitedly:

【Hahahaha! Dinner! So good】

[It’s so boring to be locked up in a hotel. Damn it, I’ve been so busy all day that I’m going crazy. I’m just waiting for the dinner to dance with the young lady!]


Um. It turned out that I didn't go out to play. I was locked in the hotel all the time. Mo Zhi secretly laughed in his heart.

This is true. As a provincial son, the world boss cannot travel at will. He has to consider kidnapping or assassination.

Tonight, you can meet "the world" and "prophecy".

Dongcheng City, Federal Academy of Natural Sciences.

Feng Wei in the office read the information for a long time and finished the last few pages of the last book in his hand. Then he closed the books and stacked them on the top of the nearly one-meter-high "book mountain" next to his desk.

During this period of time, his mentor Opal Plank not only prepared a large amount of literature for him, but also compiled a list of dozens of tomes related to the subject.

These contents are the "basic textbooks" for Feng Wei throughout his doctoral period. Professor Plank solemnly said to Feng Wei at that time:

"These dead knowledge in books do not need to be taught. You have reached the doctoral stage, and self-study ability is a must."

"Of course, if you have any knowledge blind spots that you don't understand, you can come and ask me."

After saying that, Professor Plank closed the door of the laboratory and went to tinker with his wind power generation model.

This time, apart from a brief chat when he personally handed over the top-secret information from Tieshan City to Feng Wei yesterday, he didn't show up much in the past ten days.

Feng Wei had time to concentrate on reading the massive homework left by his tutor - various books and documents piled as high as a hill on his desk.

So, Feng Wei activated his contract ability

Improve memory and understanding at the same time!

For an ordinary doctor, it would take nearly half a year or a year to read through this massive amount of information. With the help of the contract ability, it only takes less than a decade to read through it.

This is only during normal working hours during the day. "Mr. Knowledge" Feng Wei has never worked overtime.

I just finished reading everything today.

At this time, Feng Wei closed his eyes and carefully recalled what he had learned in the past ten days.

With the help of the contract ability, his brain was placed on a computer hard drive, copying all the data he had viewed in the past few days, as if copying this knowledge and storing it in the "hard drive" in the form of files.

That's right, all the content is stored so that it can be borrowed at any time.

And it's not just "storage".

Ability can also enhance understanding. Therefore, Feng Wei not only memorized all the knowledge he had read, but also made his own understanding of everything he saw at an extremely fast reading speed.

With his enhanced understanding, there was no knowledge point in these basic textbooks that Feng Wei could not understand. Although there were occasional difficulties in the process, after he thought for a moment, it suddenly became clear.

In short, you can learn a sentence quickly and well!

This boring process was finally over. Feng Wei played through the learning materials in his mind like a fast-paced movie. He opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief with satisfaction.

After experiencing boring study, it feels so good to master the enrichment of knowledge!

This is the first step and the foundation for building your own “technology empire”!

Feng Wei stood up, stretched his body that was a little stiff from sitting for a long time, and then slowly took back the source of the symbol and terminated his contract ability.

By the way, my contract ability is really good!

After being turned on, the symbol source consumption is extremely small, which allows him to maintain the state of "deepened memory" and "enhanced understanding" for a long time. More importantly,

This ability seems to have no price as discussed in the Lunar Eclipse group!

Even the beautiful aunt "Lingdu" in the tutor's office couldn't determine what her price was.

In short, Feng Wei didn't feel any discomfort, nor did he have any desire to do something. The so-called "paying the price" seemed to not exist in him.

Although I have doubts about this matter, no matter how I use the contract ability, I really can't feel the cost.

This couldn't help but make an idea gradually arise in his mind, and this idea became more and more firm during this period, making him excited and excited about it——

I am a contractor who does not have to pay a price!

I am indeed the most special one!

I am the protagonist of the time traveler!

Then, the confidence in the future will greatly increase!

Without paying a price, you can unlock unlimited contract abilities and continuously acquire massive amounts of knowledge. If this continues, you will undoubtedly become the top being in the world's technological field, and the rest is only a matter of time.

At that time, what "world" and what "inner nightmare". Haha, can you compare with me?

Feng Wei, who was in a good mood, walked back and forth in the office a few times. Feeling that time was almost up, he turned around and took out the borrowed information on the Iron Mountain Secret Realm from the drawer.

I have already read the contents of the information and conducted transactions in the Lunar Eclipse group. It is no longer useful to keep it in my hands at this time. Moreover, these top-secret files are hot potatoes, so the sooner they are returned, the better.

He made up his mind, held the documents in both hands and went out, knocking on the door of his tutor's office across the street.


Op Plank's voice came.

Opening the door, a tutor wearing a grease-stained uniform was working on a small generator.

"Teacher, I have finished reading the information about the nuclear explosion in Tieshan City, and I will return it to you now!" Feng Wei said politely.

"Oh" Professor Plank said without raising his head.

"I am busy right now."

Immediately, he paused and pointed out the window:

"The imam personally obtained this information for you. You can return it directly to the imam. I'm busy."

"Okay." Feng Wei understood and nodded.

"That's right!" Seeing Feng Wei about to leave, Professor Plank suddenly raised his head and said:

"It just so happens that you haven't seen the leader since you joined the sacrificial ceremony. Now go and visit. You are already a glorious member of the Wisdom Religion."

"Okay, tutor." Feng Wei politely replied again:

"I see!"

After saying that, he exited the room under the smiling gaze of his instructor and slowly closed the office door.

Feeling a little disappointed in his heart, Feng Wei smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Originally, I wanted to tell the tutor that I had read all the books he requested, so that the tutor would be surprised and surprised.

In less than ten days, mastering the knowledge that others take a year to learn is undoubtedly an opportunity to shock others.

It's a pity that the instructor is very busy, so the shock effect of saying it at this time is not good.

It doesn't matter, anyway, there are plenty of opportunities, not less than once and a half, and the professor arranged for himself to meet the dean this time.

The mentor has been deliberately arranging for himself to get close to the leader. This is deliberately cultivating himself - to let Feng Wei get closer to the top leader of the Wisdom Religion.

Even in academic circles, relationships with top leaders are very important.

Feng Wei returned to the office, neatly arranged the documents in a ceremonial manner, put them into a brand new brown paper bag, and then walked downstairs.

The main building of the Academy of Sciences where the dean is located is not far away. It only took a few minutes for Feng Wei to reach the tenth floor under the scrutiny of security guards.

The elder is in good spirits today. He is leaning on a cane and writing something on the messy laboratory blackboard with his trembling right hand.

Only his face was still the color of chemical poisoning.

Hearing the knock on the door, the religious elder saw it was Feng Wei, and a kind smile appeared on his face.

"It's you, Feng Wei." The old man held the blackboard and crutches, and turned around with difficulty:

"There is a promising new member in our order."

Feng Wei quickly got up and carefully helped the old man back to the large sofa in front of his desk.

This was a sign of politeness and respect. Although Feng Wei felt that he might break the old man's body with just a little force, he did not dare to despise him in the slightest.

This is a proper half-spirit.

Even if he is dying, he is still half-spirit. He is the only half-spirit and supreme leader of the Wisdom Religion.

He might just raise his hand and drive him, a newly awakened white-level contractor, into ashes.

After hearing Feng Wei explain his purpose and receive the information, the church elder looked at Feng Wei with a smile:

"What did you learn from this top-secret information?"

Feng Wei thought for a while and replied: "I learned about crystals. Crystals can actually make contractors lose their abilities and become ordinary people."

Seeing the dean looking at him meaningfully and not commenting on his answer, Feng Wei swallowed and added:

"Learned the principles of nuclear bombs!"

"That's right!" The religious elder nodded in an inconspicuous manner and said:

"The power of technology and wisdom far exceeds contract ability and symbol source energy."

"Yes," Feng Wei felt relieved and nodded hurriedly. Perhaps he had a flash of inspiration in his panic and added:

"Technology is the primary productive force!"

"Technology is the primary productive force?" Upon hearing this, the dean's turbid eyes flashed, revealing a thoughtful look.

Feng Wei felt his throat rising, and he was extremely nervous.

After more than ten seconds, the patriarch recovered from his trance and looked at Feng Wei, with an even bigger smile on his face:

"This statement is really novel!"

"You are right, technology is the primary productive force and the greatest power of the mainland."

"The power of technology transcends the source of symbols, transcends the ability of contracts, and transcends everything. This is the essence of the teachings of our Order and the meaning of the existence and continuation of the Order of Wisdom."

"I didn't expect that you could understand it so deeply."

"Really?" Feng Wei was overjoyed, and then he quickly calmed down and said modestly:

"It was an accidental feeling, an accidental gain. The dean has given me the award."

Fortunately, the random words he uttered actually contradicted the teachings of the sect. Damn it, I always fail to remember this - the wisdom sect I belong to is actually a group of people who resist the source of symbols and contracts.

A capable scientific madman.

His mentor Opal Plank was like this, and the dean must be even more like this.

However, after this exchange, Feng Wei was able to pass the test by mistake, and the leader took a high look at the new member of the sect in front of him, and the relationship became much closer.

The old man nodded approvingly, forced a kind expression on his green face, and asked:

"Any more questions? Do you want to ask me?"

Feng Wei finally relaxed completely and asked after his brain was working rapidly:

"Master Immortal, what is the secret realm of Pandora in the information?"

From the information about the nuclear explosion in Tieshan City, Feng Wei, like everyone in the Lunar Eclipse group, was horrified and had many questions. He took this opportunity to ask senior figures for advice——

If you can decrypt some content, you can take it back to the Lunar Eclipse Organization and trade it.

"It's a restricted area"

The religious elder frowned when he heard this, and said as if he was bored:

"It is the wreckage left by the contractor, it is the restricted area of ​​Fuyuan, and it is a place that excludes the existence of the contractor."

"The secret realm is the cancer of the continent. It is the divine punishment imposed by Pandora who was despised by the Iron God for excessive use of rune source energy."

I couldn't understand it anymore. They were obviously a sect that advocated science, but they always spoke with a strong aura of fanatical belief. Feng Wei groaned in his heart.

However, the general meaning can be understood. In short, it is indeed a "forbidden zone", which is caused by the energy of the talisman of the high-level contractor.

This is consistent with the conclusion speculated by everyone in the group.

"Excessive use of symbol sources?" Feng Wei asked unwillingly.

"Yeah!" The Immortal frowned even more tightly, nodded, and said:

"That's right, it's the pollution caused by the final madness of the contractor after he reaches a high level. You can understand it as pollution, and it has polluted a large area."

"These areas are harmful and are places to be sealed off by the Guardian Council."

This made it much clearer. Feng Wei nodded repeatedly and asked again:

"What is there in the secret realm?"

The Imam shook his head:


There are no rules? That means every secret realm is different? Feng Wei thought to himself.

In short, there are different restricted areas?

"So, this time in Secret Realm No. 1, something like a crystal was produced."

The Immortal's tone became slower and slower, as if he was explaining to Feng Wei or talking to himself:

"What a pity this crystal was stolen!"

"This new discovery can actually terminate the curse of the contract and make the contractee become an ordinary person. It's a pity that there are no rules. It would be great if there were rules to produce."

"Maybe we can remove all contract curses!"

"It's a pity that it was stolen. The secret realm of Serial 1 only costs twelve yuan in total, and the Wisdom Council will not give it to us again."

These words were spoken intermittently, and Feng Wei could probably understand what the old man wanted to express.

The Wisdom Order's teaching is to "advocate wisdom and science", so it naturally has to resist the extraordinary contract ability, and has been working hard for this goal for hundreds of years.

The emergence of crystals can eliminate the role of contract ability and bring new methods to this goal. The only pity is that the secret realm produces crystals irregularly. This time, a nuclear bomb was dropped on the edge of the Iron Mountain Secret Realm of Serial One.

Finding twelve irregularities means there won't be any again next time.

"I'm sleepy if I don't talk about this anymore."

After answering Feng Wei's question, the patriarch's face showed signs of fatigue.

Feng Wei understood that he had been awake for a while, but he couldn't hold on anymore.

The elder was half awake, half confused, and murmured as if talking to himself: "It's better to use less talismans and study more science."

"Over the years, I have been peering into the microcosm, trying to discover the biological essence of the Ironborn's reproduction."

"Finally, I have achieved some success and simulated the approximate configuration of the factors."

Halfway through his words, the imam fell asleep and snoring could be heard.

This chapter has been completed!
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