Chapter 339 Lao Yangs Past

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Chapter 339 Lao Yang’s Past

Feng Wei smiled bitterly and stood up.

The old man's body in front of him is so fragile that one can't help but worry about the future of the Wisdom Order.

Looking at the situation, it is estimated that the leader will not be able to sustain it for a few more years. If this only half-spirit dies, can the Wisdom Order continue to lurk in the Wisdom Parliament?

There is not much time left for yourself. You must seize the time, grow up as soon as possible, and become independent before losing the protection of the organization. Feng Wei felt his heart sink for a while, sighed slightly, unfolded the blanket on the sofa,

Gently cover the sleeping imam.

However, just as he was walking away, he glanced at what the dean had just written on the blackboard.

On the blackboard is a long list of complex molecules depicted with dots and lines

Feng Wei couldn't help but stop.

The dense circles on the blackboard undoubtedly represent atoms, and the lines in the middle represent the connections between the forces between atoms.

Although it is chaotic, looking at it as a whole, we can still find that all atoms are arranged and combined according to inherent laws to form a spiral structure that is constantly repeated.

Feng Wei was suddenly shocked.

Isn’t this the double helix structure of DNA?

The Immortal just said that his efforts in recent years to deduce the biological nature of Ironborn reproduction turned out to be studying the molecular spatial configuration of DNA!

He is simulating the molecular space configuration of "factor". "Factor" is the term in this world, which is equivalent to the "gene" in the previous life. The dean's ability is to see the microscopic world, which is equivalent to a human-sized electron microscope. It is also the use of

Only with this ability can we first get a glimpse of the molecular structure of DNA.

In the previous life, the double helix structure of DNA was obtained through electron microscopy diffraction experiments in 1953. It was precisely because of this discovery that genetic research officially entered the molecular level, and the two discoverers won the Nobel Prize in 1962.

Bell Prize.

Feng Wei immediately gave up the idea of ​​returning, glanced back at the imam who was still sleeping, and stopped to check the content on the blackboard.

Although he dropped out of middle school to work in his previous life, he still had basic knowledge of chemistry. After coming to this life, he even mastered Ph.D.-level physics and chemistry with the help of his contract ability.

Although the technological level of this world is only equivalent to that of the late Republic of China in my previous life, don't forget that the Federal Academy of Natural Sciences can even build nuclear bombs——

This is similar to the process in the previous life, the Manhattan atomic bomb project was also completed in 1945.

The special theory of relativity was proposed as early as 1905

In short, the scientific and technological level of the Rodinia continent is still very high. For Feng Weiyi, who is already studying for a doctorate, the content of the spatial structure of organic molecules is naturally not a problem.

However, as he observed, he discovered that there were many errors on the blackboard.

Although the prototype of the DNA double helix mechanism has been established as a whole, there are still many atomic position errors in the details, especially the purine and pyrimidine parts where the nucleotides are connected to each other.

After thinking for a moment, Feng Wei roughly understood the reason for the error.

The dean is using his "Micro Vision" ability to see DNA molecules in the microscopic world. However, after all, the ability cannot reach the atomic level. In the microscopic world, the three-dimensional composition of organic macromolecules is extremely complex - even if it can be seen

A fuzzy image of an organic macromolecule, but being able to accurately copy it is already inspiring, not to mention the need to guess the connections between covalent bonds and ionic bonds based on the structure you see.

It's like giving you a God's perspective, allowing you to see a certain part of the Milky Way. It requires you to accurately depict the positions of the stars, planets and other massive planets you see on paper, and you also have to confirm the space motion laws of the planets one by one.

——If the operating rules of the microscopic world at the atomic and molecular level are enlarged to the macroscopic realm at the cosmic level, there are actually many similarities.

In short, this is not an easy task. Although the structure of the DNA molecule in high school biology textbooks is extremely simple and almost clear at a glance, don't forget that it took a lot of effort for the scientific community to actually get this picture.

It was not until 1953 that the chemical nature of DNA was completely understood, even nearly ten years after the advent of the atomic bomb. Although the scientific community had long since proven that DNA is the genetic material of living things.

No, the Rodinian continent is not called DNA, it is called factors.

Unexpectedly, the dean has been studying DNA for these years, but that's right, biology is chemistry. After thinking about it for a while, Feng Wei's heart turned to ecstasy.

For him, a time traveler, things like the molecular structure of DNA were clearly written in the high school biology textbook in his previous life.

The answer is already there

Although he never went to high school in his previous life, as a traditional science fiction writer, he taught himself a lot, including the basic knowledge of high school. Naturally, he has a very strong memory of the programmatic content of modern biology such as DNA.

Not to mention, he has already been a doctor in his life.

Feng Wei walked slowly to the blackboard and erased the blackboard full of things written by the religious elders.

He closed his eyes, exhaled a deep breath very slowly, recalled the answers from his previous life and the knowledge he had learned in this life, and connected the details of the different names between the two.

Opening his eyes, he raised his hand and redrawn it on the blackboard

In the empty office, there were bursts of scratching sounds of chalk writing.

Hot Spring City, Oriental Hotel.

When the lanterns come on, the lights inside and outside the hotel are even brighter.

This hotel is the starting point for provincial visits, and the highest floor is where the daily dinner is held.

Downstairs, security guards were stationed almost every five steps, surrounding the entire hotel. Entry and exit required several layers of inspections from the Supervisory Office.

I don’t know if it’s because the director of public security was suddenly assassinated by an exiled contractor. Anyone who enters must be carefully searched even if they have an invitation. Personal bodyguards brought by participants from Hot Spring City are also not allowed to enter.

As the punisher of the Supervisory Office, Mozhi is naturally not included in this list.

This is a big party that is unpredictable and I am complaining from my heart.

The so-called dinner is actually more like a combination of high-end buffet + dance. It is equivalent to providing the provincial party members with an opportunity to meet and communicate with the celebrities in Hot Spring City in private in addition to official inspections.

After finding a plate and "scavenging" a lot of food, Mo Zhi found a quiet table in the corner. While filling his stomach, he scanned the people in the hall with interest.

Naturally, this floor brings together all the famous people in Hot Spring City.

Ouyang Yao himself was drinking and chatting with Hot Spring City Speaker Orlando Hamilton, Caius in Huang, and Tang Xiu, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Father Ding was also nearby, but he kept his usual calm demeanor and listened.

As expected, Caius and Tang Xiu, the federal conservatives and the Pandora scientific sect are closer.

Being so close, there must be "adultery".

In obvious contrast, Zong Baiyi and Akali were also at the venue. At this time, Zong Baiyi was holding a glass of champagne in his hand and had been sitting quietly not far away for a long time, his face already a little stiff.

Zong Baiyi said that the purpose of this trip, apart from the personnel changes between Vera and Mozhi, the most important task is to find out the true purpose of Ouyang Xingsheng's trip.

He wanted to talk to Ouyang Xingsheng, but he was troubled by the fact that two judges in yellow were having a private conversation. As a man in white, it was undoubtedly awkward for him to step forward at this time - yellow and white were incompatible.

Seeing Lord Baiyi unable to advance or retreat, Mo Zhi secretly laughed secretly. Zong Baiyi, you are all good at fighting, but you are obviously inexperienced in this kind of sneaky spy work.

Colleagues, Vera and the others were scattered in various corners of the hall, scanning the people passing by and the men and women dancing gracefully on the dance floor very vigilantly.

You can easily identify them as "security" personnel of the Inspection Bureau at a glance, so you don't even have to guess.

The one who is more relaxed is, of course, Uncle Cat. The old cat has filled his stomach early for some reason, and found a window sill to curl up in a ball, as if he was sleeping quietly. Apparently, he is disguised as the personal pet of a certain big shot.

However, the old cat must be pretending to sleep. The two cats' ears have been listening to the sounds around them, moving every move.

Only Yang Yi, the slovenly chief of public security, would not care about a dance party. Just like Mo Ke, he packed a plate of turkey steak and other food and sat diagonally across from Mo Ke to enjoy the meal.

As for the world boss, this kid has already entered a state of excitement, dancing one dance after another endlessly.

This is like completely forgetting the important matter of checking the "unpredictable" memory.

However, this allowed Ms. "Prophecy" who had been following behind her to rest. She was also sitting quietly in the corner, watching with some trance the boss of the Lunar Eclipse Organization "cultivating sentiments" among a group of warblers.

There was no need to try to figure out what the prophecy lady was thinking at this time. Mu Zhi sighed slightly. On this occasion, the boss of the "world" was undoubtedly the real "protagonist".

Even though he is only thirteen years old and his hair has not yet fully grown, his status as the only son of the largest family in Shouyang Province undoubtedly carries with it an aura of "power" and has become the focus of attention for most of the young women present.

Let him go, he is still an unpredictable child. Suddenly he remembered this joke that he often saw in his previous life, and complained in his heart: Do you big sisters want to play a "nurturing plan"?

Do you want to leave a trace of beauty in the heart of the boss of the "world" and wait for this young man with unlimited future prospects to transform?

Hmm. I seem to have guessed what the prophecy lady is thinking. As a female video writer, I guess seeing the scene of the world boss at this time, I feel sad that I was unable to come up with such a touching plot in my previous coding career.

If I were to write it, it would be a completely different situation. Unpredictable and secretly sighing, I must write an enjoyable novel with Ouyang Ao as the protagonist.

Tonight's world boss is undoubtedly very exciting!

The current mayor of Hot Springs City was very polite to the provincial prince, and his smiles were full of kindness;

Most of the young ladies looked at Ouyang Ao as if they were staring at prey.

In this situation, if anyone shows up, he will be slapped in the face by the world's boss.

No. That’s not right! Ouyang Ao is more like a villain. Usually the protagonists come from poor families or losers. It’s only fitting that he can counterattack the rich second generation in this situation. Yes, it will be more fun this way!

Just when Mu Zhi's mind was wandering with thoughts, he suddenly noticed a slight commotion in the crowd.

Unexpectedly, he saw his sister's figure.

Wanyun arrived with her sister Luo Sheng, followed by her sister's assistant, Bingshan Jessica Yang.

Needless to say, Sister Wan's identity as the wife of the deputy speaker, she is a well-known charming mature woman, and coupled with her sister and Jessica Yang's good looks, she naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Unexpectedly, everyone was more surprised by Jessica Yang than Luo Sheng

The identity of Xinglong Villa celebrity "Ms. Mo Yao" was recognized.

At this time, Jessica Yang was surrounded like a star. If she hadn't been concerned about the identity of Speaker Wanyun's wife, I'm afraid the scene would have been chaotic.

Jessica greeted everyone with a smile, but followed Luo Sheng step by step, very cautiously.

Luo Sheng was also surprised to accidentally learn about Jessica's other identity, but he didn't mind. He whispered a few words to Jessica, then smiled in relief and followed Wan Yun into the venue.

This sister, it seems that her relationship with Jessica has made some progress during this period. After seeing this scene, Mo Bo made a guess.

Just when Mo Ke was hesitating whether to say hello to her sister, Yang Yi, who had refilled her second plate of food, looked around and saw Mo Ke in the corner, walked over and sat next to her.

Yang Yi stuffed a piece of beef into her mouth, chewed it for a while and swallowed it, then took out a cigarette and threw one to Mo Zhi next to her.

After lighting the cigarette, Mo Zhi saw that Lao Yang was silent and lost in thought without saying a word, so he followed his gaze.

At the end of my gaze, it was Sister Wan

Hey, these three people grew up together. Wan Yun and Ding Bangchang have long been a done deal. Old Yang next door still wants to be evil. Mo Zhi sighed secretly in his heart and exhaled a puff of smoke:

"Brother Yang, let go, don't make mistakes."

Yang Yi frowned when he heard this and looked at Mo Zhi: "What are you talking about, you bastard?"

Pretending? Huh? There was no trace of fakeness in Lao Yang's expression. He checked again and again with uncertainty, but he didn't expect that Yang Yi didn't have any fake expression.

"Sister Wan, they are a perfect match."

Mo Zhi thought for a while and reminded, "Even if it's just a soul mate."

Mobi originally wanted to say platonic marriage, but he was worried that Lao Yang wouldn't understand, so he changed it to a softer word to remind him.

Yang Yi looked bitter, bit the cigarette butt, took a deep breath, and said slowly:

"Xiao Wan, life is so miserable."

He turned his head to look at Mo Zhi, smiled and cursed: "If you have the chance to encounter the words of talisman that can repair the body, remember to pay attention to it for me."

I have an old military doctor who has the attribute of "immortality" and can cure hemiplegia. Unpredictable looked as usual and asked:

"Do you want to cure Vice Speaker Ding?"

"Nonsense!" Yang Yi snorted: "The two of them grew up with me. Old Ding is my brother and Xiaowan is like my biological sister. I hope they both"

"Alas~" Old Yang sighed heavily in the middle of his sentence.

Um, could it be that I guessed wrong? Mu Zhi frowned, but still didn't notice Yang Yi's lying expression.

Seeing Mo Zhi's surprise, Yang Yi snorted, picked up a glass of red wine on the table and drank it down in one gulp.

"Unpredictable, you bastard, I know you are thinking wrong."

I don’t know if she was in a good mood today or if she was in a bad mood. Yang Yi seemed to have the desire to talk. She sighed, put the cup back on the table, and said:

"I once had a wife."

Mo Zhi then came back to his senses and asked: "What happened next?"

But he was thinking in his heart, it seems that he really thought wrongly, but is there any woman willing to marry him?

The taste is comparable to the Hesse people from the southern provinces.

Yang Yi was silent for a while, but then she reached out and took out her wallet from the inner pocket of her windbreaker and threw it to Mu Zhi.

When I opened my wallet, there was a photo

There is a man and a woman above, leaning on each other and smiling brightly.

The man is naturally Lao Yang, but the director in the photo is more than 20 years younger, and he is very handsome with clear features.

As for women, although they are not particularly beautiful, they are dignified and generous, giving people a very gentle feeling.

Mo Chou looked at the photo, then at the greasy Yang Yi in front of him, and asked casually:

"Brother Yang, how did you ruin yourself like this?"

"Get out!" Yang Yi cursed, looked at the empty wine glass in front of him, and sighed longly:

"She woke up later."

Awakening to become a contractor? Listening with unpredictable eyebrows.

"At the beginning of the period, it was still fine and had no impact. We have been living as usual."

Yang Yi was a little lost in thought, as if she was lost in memories:

"Later, her level became higher and higher, and her mind became more and more unstable. She became more and more crazy, driven by madness caused by emotional obsession."

"One day, she suddenly disappeared and left me."

It was a very simple story, and Lao Yang didn't tell it in a sad tone. However, Mo Zhi still felt a little worried.

Obsession caused by habituation of contract ability, eventually leading to madness?

Because of this, I left Yang Yi. The greasy director of the Supervision Bureau in front of me was actually a deeply hurt person.

Mo Zhi originally wanted to say something about the fickleness of the contractor's life, to comfort this old Yang who had a vicious mouth but was like an elder brother. Who knows, but he was interrupted by another sigh from Yang Yi:

"Then she went completely crazy."

"Became an exiled contractor on the hidden list, ranked ninth, half-spirit."

After saying that, Yang Yi turned to look at the horrified Mozhi, cracked her mouth and said in a deep voice:

"No matter how gentle a person is, once he becomes a contractor, he will either die early or become a madman."

"You contractors are a group of people destined to become emotionless monsters."

"I hate contractors the most!"

Thanks to [sacmk] and [Book Friends 20200918220611762] for their tips.

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