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Chapter 1213 A sudden turn of events and hope

All this happened in just the blink of an eye. When the dazzling light emitted by the [God's Stone] gradually dimmed, the long-lost reminder sounded in Lei Xiao's ears.

[Congratulations, "God's Stone ψσ" (Quality: Legend) has signed a master-servant truth contract with you and has become your exclusive item! 】

At the same time as the sound sounded, Lei Xiao glanced at the attribute bar of the [God's Stone] in his hand.

[Name: Stone of God ψσ] (Activated)

[Quality: Legend]

[Power of God: 100%]

[Owner: Lei Xiao]

[Construction of Secret Method 1: Lord's Protection (develops a sixth-level absolute defense barrier, with a scale of giant city level, and additional three special effects: additional energy supply circle, wall of healing and purification, and invisibility)]

[Composition of Secret Method 2: Lord’s Binding (develops a sixth-level absolute confinement barrier, the scale changes according to the number of targets, and additional three special effects: additional energy supply array, gravitational magnetic field, and force-removing array]

[Note: Xiaojie, the stone elf who was once stripped of her strength, is now reborn because of you and swears allegiance and protection to you until the end of time. 】

"Then, fight for me."

Lei Xiao's hand holding the [God's Stone] turned up, and with a slight thought in his mind, Xiaojie reappeared in front of him.

Compared with before, the energy fluctuations emanating from Xiaojie's body were obviously more powerful by more than one level. The originally extremely tattered single clothes had been transformed into a set of flawless white robes, making her look energetic.

"Young man, you succeeded!"

Along with an extremely powerful yet gentle majestic energy falling from the sky and pouring into Lei Xiao's body like a stormy wave, Fei'er's clear voice sounded again.

When Lei Xiao and Xiaojie signed a contract just now, the dazzling golden light also excluded her from the barrier.

It was during this period that Faier took a closer look at the increasingly lush Bloody Dark Tree.

Her voice was solemn and she added: "Although I would like to congratulate you well, unfortunately, our time is numbered."

"I understand it's time to end this."

As soon as Lei Xiao's words fell, our strong men who had broken free from their restraints had already gathered again, and the mysterious existence's gloomy face became more and more gloomy, standing on the opposite side of our side.

I saw that no matter it was Bing Lao, Yoniel, Hui Lao, the three sixth-level powerhouses, or Diana, Louise, Jiang Li, Lorenz and other stone elves, everyone was full of fighting spirit.

They all looked at Lei Xiao with respect.

It is precisely because this young man from another world has turned the tide time and time again and created miracles one after another that even the sixth-level powerhouses cannot reach, that he has retained a ray of hope full of vitality for the precarious human world!

"Lord, look, there are only three of the twelve [Stones of God] left that were originally embedded in the hole in the tree trunk!"

Xiao Huan's exciting voice immediately sounded in Lei Xiao's ears.

Following the sound, Lei Xiao noticed.

Just like what Xiao Huan said, nine of the twelve [Stones of God] that were originally neatly embedded in the trunk of the tree where he had opened a big hole had indeed disappeared without a trace.

Those represent the other puppet stone elves who have reunited with Xiaojie.

"Next, as long as the other three [God's Stones] are peeled off, the roots of the Forbidden Tree can be completely destroyed."

A hint of excitement suddenly appeared on Lei Xiao's face, and he commanded: "Xiaojie, use the confinement circle to slow down the opponent as much as possible. Bing Lao and the two old presidents are at the side to contain the opponent. The rest of the people will follow me.

Peel off the last [God’s Stone]!”

Just when everyone was taking orders and preparing to take action, the mysterious existence that had been silent suddenly burst into laughter.

"Despicable alien, I admit that you are indeed more difficult and tenacious than I imagined."

The shoulders of the mysterious being trembled violently, and his smile became more and more unscrupulous, so that the entire face became extremely distorted, and he said with a serious expression: "But unfortunately, no matter how hard the ants struggle, they can't escape the sad fate of being crushed!"

After saying that, I saw the mysterious being wave his hand, and the dark red branches that were already covered with flower buds suddenly glowed with blood. Countless flower buds mixed with darkness and blood twisted and bloomed, bringing out one after another.

Foul-smelling slime.

There are two types of flowers that shine with strange light. One is like a Rafflesia flower with huge lotus leaf-like petals and a big mouth in the middle. The other is like a Venus flytrap and is covered with densely packed spikes.


At first glance, this scene of thousands of flowers blooming not only has no sense of beauty, but is full of eerie and gloomy, as if you are in purgatory, which is shocking.

Because all this happened in the blink of an eye, before anyone could react, countless strange energy flows of blood and darkness rushed out from the newly bloomed petals, like a stream of pouring horses, heading straight towards the mysterious existence.

The bodies come together.

As the bloody horse entered the body, in just a moment, the momentum of the mysterious existence surged, and the cold wind surged, and it was still rising at an incredible speed.

"No, the Tree of Blood and Darkness has reached maturity, and that mysterious existence is absorbing the huge energy of the entire human world!"

Fei'er exclaimed and blurted out: "The opponent's strength is about to break through from the peak of the sixth level to the seventh level in half a step!"

Upon hearing Fei'er's voice, a line of cold sweat broke out on Lei Xiao's forehead.

Half a step to the seventh level, although it has not really reached the seventh level, it has already touched the realm of demigods. With just one move, one can destroy an army of millions.

Moreover, an opponent at the peak of Level 6 is already extremely difficult to deal with. If he is allowed to succeed again, the only result will be destruction.

With this thought in mind, neither Lei Xiao nor the other strong men on our side had any hesitation. They still held the sharp blade tightly and fired in the direction of the mysterious existence according to the predetermined plan.

"Lord's Bind!"

I saw that Xiaojie was the first to bear the brunt. A giant black square-like translucent absolute confinement barrier instantly condensed around the mysterious existence, completely imprisoning the opponent within it, causing the opponent's movement to slow down a lot.

Everyone present, as well as Xiaojie, understood clearly.

This guy also possesses extremely powerful anti-magic power. As long as he successfully touches the barrier wall, he can easily destroy the confining barrier.

Therefore, we can only use the gravity array and force-discharging array in the confinement barrier to buy time for Lei Xiao to peel off other [God's Stones].

However, before Binglao and the other three could start to assist Xiaojie in supplying energy to suppress the opponent, the mysterious being who was still receiving countless blood-dark energy flows shouted loudly, and instantly regained his ability to move, and then flew over to

The location of the barrier wall easily shattered Xiaojie's confinement barrier.

"No, this guy has probably reached the genuine Half-Step Seventh Level!"

Feeling the rich energy fluctuations emanating from the mysterious existence, a look of solemnity suddenly appeared on Binglao's old face, and he blurted out.

If we were talking about the mysterious existence of the sixth level peak before, he, Hui Lao, Yonier, and Xiao Jie could barely cope with it.

Then, a half-step seventh-level mysterious existence would need at least double or even triple the combat power to be able to fight!

"How can a group of ants shake this throne in the slightest!"

Facing Xiaojie and Bing Lao who were standing in front of him, the mysterious being sneered, and the bloody war sickle in his hand suddenly surged ten times, and slashed towards the four of them like a giant scarlet wind blade.


Wherever the super-large battle scythe went, not only did the space collapse and become extremely distorted, but even the air seemed to be instantly corroded and turned into a constantly churning black mist.

Because the attack of the mysterious existence was too fast, by the time Xiaojie and Binglao reacted, the overwhelming roaring sword blades were already very close at hand!


There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and the four of them were knocked out without any suspense, and then fell heavily to the ground. In an instant, four deep pits appeared on the extremely hard floor of the hall.

Caught off guard, even the violent energy wave caused by this attack caused the other strong men on our side except Lei Xiao to be thrown away one after another, and then hit the high platform of the throne and the giant tree trunk hard.


In the messy bloody hall, after receiving only one blow from the opponent, almost all the strong men on our side spurted out several mouthfuls of blood, and their auras were extremely weak.

Only Lei Xiao still stood on the battlefield, and in front of him, the mysterious existence stood there with an evil smile.

"Ants, I have said that you must die today!"

Having said that, the mysterious existence that became more and more majestic came towards Lei Xiao with overwhelming murderous intent.

Just when Lei Xiao and the mysterious existence were about to fight again, the entire human world was already in despair and wailing.

Looking from the air, whether it is cities, villages, forests, plains, rivers, or even bridges, countless bloody and dark roots are overwhelming, just like countless slender octopus tentacles dancing wildly in the night sky, crazy

Looking for any target with energy or breath.

The most serious impact was naturally on Glow City, where Lei Xiao and his party were located.

The entire Glow City's sight was filled with shadows of blood and darkness, and a pungent stench permeated every corner.

On the piles of dark red roots that can be seen everywhere are our soldiers who are tightly wrapped.

Not to mention the elite soldiers and mid-level and low-level commanders, even the fourth-level peak kingdom generals such as Bert were not spared. They all fell into it, with only their heads exposed, and they could barely breathe.

The endless shouts of killing, the clash of weapons, and the sound of magic cannon fire all faded away, leaving only the sounds of terrified wails, violent retching, and weak gasps.

Under the influence of the strange wriggling and entangling of countless roots, every one of our soldiers turned pale, with chapped lips, and felt that their own energy was being drained away at a rapid speed, while the wounded soldiers and some of the soldiers who had consumed too much had even fainted.

In the past, only Qi is left like a gossamer.

This scene not only happened on the outer city wall of Glow City, but also on the inner city wall and the dungeon where a large number of our soldiers were imprisoned.

Especially in the unbreakable dungeon, the White Knight, Nolan, Jared and other high-level warriors and other soldiers on our side who are trapped here can only watch countless roots squirming and approaching them, but they are unable to do anything.

In the end, he had no choice but to let the inescapable darkness and scarlet wrap around his whole body.

"Hahaha, stupid Phantom Clan, this is the fate of resisting the Supreme Lord!"

On the wall of the inner city, I saw Shirley, who was finally able to move, being restrained by countless roots and being quickly dragged into the dense sea of ​​roots. Gusta's skinny face was full of jokes, and he began to act unscrupulously

The ground laughed.

However, until the last moment when she was devoured, Shirley's starry eyes still shone with determination, without any fear.

Scenes like this happen not only inside and outside Glow City, but also all over the human world.

In the tall tower at the top of the Holy Night Kingdom's palace, Teresa, who was standing at the lookout, glanced at the new King of Holy Night, who was shivering in the corner, and her starry eyes finally fell on the bottom of the tower.

I saw that the entire palace had been submerged in darkness and blood red, and countless roots were spreading crazily around the tower, and it was already very close to here.

"It seems the situation is much more serious than imagined."

Teresa's starry eyes flickered and she murmured in a low voice. Although she still looked calm, her long eyelashes began to tremble uncontrollably.

On the mountaintop on the outskirts of the Lion City, Ariel, who was also completely restrained, listened to the continuous wails and screams from around her, and her delicate face began to turn pale.

She has discovered that the soldiers with energy vortex are first drained of energy, while the civilians without energy vortex are drained of life force.

If this continues, I'm afraid it won't take long for both myself and the entire Cold Flame Kingdom to cease to exist, leaving only corpses and messes.

Even so, Ariel still did not give up and was still trying her best to comfort the soldiers and civilians around her.

Because she clearly understands that as long as that person is still fighting, hope will last forever. This is her confidence and her belief.

At the same time, it was not just Ariel, whether it was the White Knight trapped in the dungeon, Nolan, Jared and others, generals such as Burt and others inside and outside Glow City, strong men such as Shirley and Thor, and countless others like me.

Fang’s soldiers.

As well as the left-behind subordinates in the territory, the surrendered races, and even Teresa on the tower, the eyes of everyone are still shining with the light of hope.

A tall and tall figure appeared in everyone's mind one after another.

As long as the Lord (His Royal Highness) is still fighting, the human world will never be destroyed!

In the deepest part of the main hall of the Temple of Light, the vast momentum stirred up the world, and Rolandel in Lei Xiao's hand was shining brightly, already fighting fiercely with the mysterious existence.


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