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Chapter 384 The Hidden Mystery

"To be honest with you, I have never figured this out."

I saw the middle-aged short and fat businessman with a puzzled look on his face, and then said: "The residents of Shanjing Principality seem to be very unfavorable to this general of the Lengyan Kingdom who was born here."

"So is this the reason why the businesswoman Eya kept silent just now?"

Hearing this, Lei Xiao nodded slightly and couldn't help but thought to himself: "Having said that.

It is understandable that Leng Yan's traditional aristocrats, who relied on their nobility and bloodline, would not welcome Bert, who was born in a foreign land.

The local residents of Lianshanjing Principality also have this idea, which is somewhat intriguing.

It can be seen from this that it is just as I speculated just now.

Behind this giant ax general Burt, there must be a past that is unknown and does not want to be mentioned.

This can also be supported by the fact that Ju Bai, who has a close relationship with him, has no knowledge of his past."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao pondered for a moment, and then asked the pudgy businessman: "Can you be more specific about this matter?"

"Sorry sir, I don't know the specific situation."

On the other side, I saw the short and fat businessman stroking his thin hair that was almost bald, while shaking his head helplessly and saying: "I just know.

In this principality, no one wants to mention the name Bert, it seems to be a customary taboo.

As for why this happens, I don’t know.”

"I understand." Lei Xiao nodded slightly to the short and fat businessman, and thought for a moment.

He asked the other party from the side again, about what Lin had described, the sudden shaking of the whole room at night, and the sound similar to the sound of a hard object scratching the wall.

However, he received a confused negative answer from the other party.

According to this middle-aged, chubby businessman, he would stay in Shanjing Principality for a few days at the end of every month. In the past few years, the phenomenon that Lin described before had never happened.

"I see."

He nodded slightly, and after confirming that there was no other noteworthy information about the short and fat businessman, Lei Xiao casually rewarded him with a few more golden dragons.

Amid the surprise thanks from the other party, he took Lin, Hidden Tiger Stick and the others hidden in their cloaks, and started walking towards the room upstairs in the hotel.

Just like that, he opened the door with the antique copper key and successfully entered the large suite located at the end of the corridor on the second floor of the hotel. Lei Xiao observed.

Just as Chubby said, this place is spacious and elegantly decorated.

Although it cannot be compared with the rooms in the lord's mansion and the city lord's mansion, it is still very good.

Moreover, there are several plates of fresh pastries placed on the coffee table, and you can vaguely smell the mixed aroma of milk and caramel.

"Lord, I have to say that this country in the mountains is indeed very weird."

Just after Lei Xiao signaled the knotweed to use energy to completely isolate the room from the outside world.

The clear voice of Chaoyan, a girl who couldn't wait, was immediately transmitted.

It seemed that she couldn't hold it in anymore after walking around wearing an invisibility cloak and never having a chance to speak out.

"Indeed it is."

Instructing the subordinates to take off their cloaks and rest casually on the soft sofa in the hall, Lei Xiao couldn't help but look thoughtful, and he also leaned over and sat down.

"Lord, even the plates that hold the pastries here are so unique."

On the other side, Chaoyan picked up a plate of chocolate cookies on the coffee table, swallowed involuntarily, and looked at Lei Xiao expectantly.

That little face looked flushed, just like a kitten waiting to be fed.

Bai Wei, who had a pair of plush and erect ears on the side, also made the same movement, with her big white tail lying flat on the sofa seat, gently swinging back and forth.

After curling his lips slightly, he signaled to the foodie duo that they could eat freely.

Lei Xiao's eyes immediately fell on the dinner plate in Chaoyan's hand.

If you look closely, you will see that these white porcelain dinner plates are indeed somewhat special. They are all square with sharp edges and corners, which is very different from the common round plates.

"Lord, the residents here seem to be very fond of angular objects."

Ye Cang pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in a deep voice: "According to my subordinates' observations, in addition to the buildings mentioned by the short and fat businessman just now.

Whether it’s the dinner plates here or the patterns on the local residents’ clothing, they all have angular structures, giving people a very stereotyped feeling.”

"I noticed that too."

Taking the fragrant tea that Ah Bing had just brewed, Lei Xiao took a sip of the steaming tea and said thoughtfully: "Okay, next.

Let’s first review the clues we have obtained so far.”

Having said this, Lei Xiao pondered for a moment and then concluded: "The first point is just like what Ye Cang said just now.

The residents here obviously like angular shapes.

So that whether it is the architectural structure, the distinctive clothing patterns on the body, or daily utensils such as dinner plates, they are all right-angled structures without a trace of roundness."

"That's true."

A crisp voice sounded, and Chaoyan swallowed the crunchy chocolate chip cookie in his mouth first, and then continued: "And the second strange thing.

It’s because we only use golden dragons to make settlements with the outside world here. We would rather suffer a small loss than accept change from silver dragons and bronze dragons, right?”

"That's right, that's right."

Bai Wei on the side put down the fragrant cookies in her hands and echoed: "The currency system of the Cold Flame Kingdom is already very complete.

It’s really puzzling that only part of it is used.”

"The most important thing is that when the rookie mercenary took out a few silver dragons, he was even surrounded by local residents."

Chaoyan stretched out his slender hand, picked up a cookie from the square plate again, and then said: "It can be seen that the local residents seem to be very disgusted with the silver dragon and the copper dragon.

This is simply incredible.”

"The third point is undoubtedly the geographical location of the principality itself."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao drank the hot tea in the white porcelain cup in his hand and continued: "Although in these mountains of no strategic value, there is no need to worry about the annexation of Leng Yan and Sheng Ye.

But at the same time, most of the income was used in exchange for food to survive, which fundamentally restricted the further development of the city.

What's even more puzzling is that even the young people here seem to have no desire for the vast outside world at all, and seem very content with the status quo.

Moreover, unlike the previous Magnet Town and Red Arrow Town, there are no restrictions on local residents here."

"What the lord said is absolutely true."

On the other side, A Ling, who had neat short hair and was wearing a black and white maid uniform, picked up the teapot, leaned down first, and gave Lei Xiao a new cup of hot tea.

Then he said thoughtfully: "For a city without any pillar industries, this situation is indeed unusual."

"That makes sense."

Next to her, A Bing, who was also wearing a maid uniform and braided braids, cupped her cheeks and muttered: "It seems that this city located in the mountains has a reason why it had to be built here.

In other words, these local residents have an unspeakable secret of being unable to go to the outside world."

"It is indeed a city full of mysteries."

Hearing this, Lin, who was sitting next to Lei Xiao, immediately stood up, bowed to Lei Xiao and said: "As for the fourth point, it was when my subordinate stayed here.

What he heard was a harsh sound similar to a hard object scratching through the wall, and a sudden tremor in the room.

However, according to the description just now by the short and fat businessman who lives here every month, this has never happened.

Perhaps, this incident back then was just an accident..."

After speaking, Lin's tone couldn't help but become a little uncertain.

"It's too early to tell for sure."

Raising his hand slightly, he signaled Lin, who was standing respectfully, to sit down again. Lei Xiao picked up the freshly refilled fragrant tea, took a sip first, and then said: "If this is just an accident.

Then, it is impossible to explain the deliberate concealment of the hotel owner and staff who remained silent afterwards."

"Your Lordship's analysis is correct."

Sitting next to Lei Xiao again, Lin, who was grateful that her body was a little stiff, couldn't help showing a look of doubt again, and said in confusion: "But if it's not an accident.

How come the short, fat businessman who often lived here just now didn't feel it even once?"

"This is still unknown." Shaking his head slightly, Lei Xiao put down the steaming tea cup in his hand, and then said: "In short.

So far, these doubts have shown that this mountain country is obviously not as peaceful as we see on the surface.

And, if nothing else happens.

These doubts are likely to point to the same hidden mystery.

However, at this stage, we still lack key clues."

Hearing this, all the subordinates around Lei Xiao couldn't help but nodded thoughtfully and fell into deep thought.

After a while, Huzhang, who had been standing beside Lei Xiao, took a step forward, clasped his fists and said: "By the way, Lord Lord, in this small country, there are only a few strong men above the third level.

The subordinates have fully confirmed that there are twelve of them, the strongest one, whose strength is at the peak level of the third level, and most of them are located in the quaint castles at the end of the city.

No strong person above level 4 has been found yet."

"Twelve third-level powerhouses? For this country with almost no population movement and lack of cultivation resources, having such strength is already very impressive.

After all, the size of this place is at most equivalent to an ordinary city in the Cold Flame Kingdom."

Hearing this, Lei Xiao pondered and nodded.

On the other side, the tiger stick continued to maintain its bowing posture and added: "Lord, there is one more thing.

That is what most buildings here, including a large number of ordinary houses, use.

They are all special materials with the function of concealing breath, which makes the subordinates' perception slower.

For a mountainous country where few people visit, this situation is undoubtedly extremely rare."

"I noticed it too."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully: "It seems that this city is obviously consciously hiding its own strength.

However, it also includes a large number of ordinary residential buildings, which seems a bit puzzling.

After all, the aura of hiding the military camp and the city lord's palace is understandable.

As for the vast majority of ordinary people, even the energy vortex has not condensed, and their strength is below the first level and two stars, there is no need to hide it..."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao could not help but frown slightly, and continued to think: "Could it be that what is hidden is not just the superficial strength?

So, what is hidden in this?"

After thinking for a long time, Lei Xiao, who was still clueless, curled his lips slightly, and then said to the subordinates beside him: "It seems that the fifth doubt here has been found.

That is, these buildings have the function of concealing aura. What they conceal is obviously not just their superficial strength."

"That's true."

On the other side, Lin also frowned and pondered for a moment, then murmured to herself: "What else can they hide? It's simply unbelievable.

Plus a few previous doubts.

What kind of mystery is hidden in this weird mountain country?"

"It's unknown right now."

Raising the tea cup again and drinking the remaining tea in one gulp, Lei Xiao immediately said: "However, one thing is certain.

So far, we are getting closer and closer to this hidden mystery."

Gently putting down the empty white porcelain cup in his hand, Lei Xiao pondered for a moment and then added: "And, this is a hidden mystery.

There must be inextricable connections between him and Bert.

So, there are unknown answers about these two.

Regardless of whether we first unravel the reason why the name Bert has become taboo here.

Whether we solve the mystery hidden in this mountain principality first, we will be no longer far away from another answer."

"Your lord is right."

At this time, Chaoyan was like a little hamster, working together with Bai Wei to sweep away the cookies on the square plate, while stroking his belly with satisfaction.

On the other hand, he asked doubtfully: "Lord, what should we do next?

Judging from the current situation, it seems to have reached a dead end."

"I just asked the pudgy businessman about the local businesswoman Eya whom we contacted before, although she seems to be running a shabby shop.

But he is one of the few people from the Shanjing Principality to go to the outside world.

In addition, he once said that he has the exclusive right to sell the newly discovered white jade ore vein.

You know, even if it is an ordinary resource vein, it is definitely worth tens of thousands of gold.

Obviously it is not a resource that an ordinary small shop owner can grab casually.

It can be seen from this that Ea's identity is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Therefore, the next breakthrough will naturally lie with her."

Just when Lei Xiao came to this point in his analysis.

In this land full of mysteries, another unexpected thing happened.

This chapter has been completed!
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