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Chapter 385 The hidden basement

At Lei Xiao's signal, just as his subordinates stood up from the sofa one after another, preparing to go find the businesswoman Eya again.

Without any warning, the whole room suddenly experienced an unexpected vibration.

In an instant, the square plate on the coffee table, as well as the teapot and teacup next to it, began to tremble slightly, making a crisp sound of objects colliding.

After being a little surprised, Lei Xiao noticed.

Although this sudden shock was not strong, it was far from enough to make it difficult to stand firm.

But it started from weak to strong, and then from strong to weak, until it lasted for about more than a minute, and then it completely stopped.

Wait until everything returns to normal again.

Lei Xiao did not hesitate and signaled the subordinates around him to be on alert.

While facing the sassy female knight beside him, he asked: "Lin, is the situation just now consistent with your previous encounter?"

On the other side, I saw Lin pondering for a moment, and then responded: "Back to Lord Lord, it is almost completely different from the one I encountered before.

First, this time it lasted longer, but the tremor was less severe.

Secondly, there was no sound accompanied by a sharp object scratching through the wall."

"I see."

Hearing this, Lei Xiao nodded thoughtfully and murmured to himself: "It seems that there is little possibility of a connection between the two.

At this stage, it is better to investigate the source of this sudden vibration as soon as possible."

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a rapid sound from the door not far away.

Hearing the sound, Lei Xiao motioned to Huzhang and the others who had not shown up before to put on the invisibility cloak again, and motioned to Lin to open the door.

Immediately afterwards, Lin opened the door cautiously.

The figure of the short and fat businessman appeared at the door. His greasy and fat face was full of panic and he said: "Your Excellency, it's not good! We are trapped here!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help showing a look of awe, and immediately asked: "What happened?"

"Your Excellency, you... you'd better come and see for yourself."

The short and fat businessman was obviously greatly shocked. After gesticulating with his fat hands for a few seconds, he didn't say anything.

He could only make a gesture to Lei Xiao to follow me, and then hurriedly walked in front to lead the way.

Just like that, close the door, follow the other person's footsteps, and move forward in the red-carpeted hotel corridor.

Not long after, Lei Xiao and his party arrived at the open-air balcony on this floor.

Because from this location, you can just see the entrance to Shanjing Principality, which is the scene at the pass.

In addition, this hotel is taller than ordinary buildings.

Therefore, Lei Xiao immediately noticed the abnormal situation there.

Observing carefully, you can only see the towering city wall.

It had already been covered by a thick cloud of sand and dust, which was overwhelming and the scale was astonishing.

At first glance, it looks like a huge sandstorm has occurred.

Seeing this scene, all the subordinates on our side couldn't help showing expressions of surprise and began to look at each other.

There is no doubt that this sudden change obviously exceeded everyone's expectations.

However, things are far from that simple.

Next, Lei Xiao, who narrowed his eyes slightly, took further notice.

Amidst the dust in the distance, a large number of mountains and rocks have formed a solid roadblock, tightly blocking the road connecting Shanjing Principality to the outside world.

This huge barrier made of rocks is even much higher than the ten-meter-high city wall. It undoubtedly completely blocks the only way out of the city.

Of course, a roadblock of this scale would not have any effect on Lei Xiao and his party, all of whom were level three experts or above.

However, it is obviously more than enough to block ordinary residents.

"It turns out that this is the real reason why the room trembled just now..."

After a moment of surprise, Lin was seen standing next to Lei Xiao, her long eyelashes flickering, and she couldn't help but show a thoughtful expression.

"Your Excellency, there has been such a serious landslide here.

It seems that we won’t be able to leave for a while.”

On the other side, the pudgy businessman's mood gradually calmed down a bit.

Then he sighed heavily and said: "Oh, it's really bad luck for us to encounter such a natural disaster."

"Sir, when I came here just now, my subordinates had already observed it carefully.

The mountain structure here is compact, the vegetation is densely covered, and there are no traces of groundwater erosion.

Therefore, my subordinates judge that such a severe mountain collapse should not be caused by a natural disaster."

Immediately, Lin's sassy voice reached Lei Xiao's ears again.

"So, if it's not a natural disaster, then it's a man-made disaster?"

Hearing this, Lei Xiao nodded thoughtfully and murmured to himself: "I have to say, this sudden change is really unexpected.

It seems that there is a high possibility that we will be involved in some kind of dispute inexplicably."

"Man...man-made disaster?"

Hearing this, the short and fat businessman on the side had a frightened expression on his face and said tremblingly: "Your Excellency.

You mean...someone deliberately isolated this place from the outside world?!"

After speaking, the pudgy businessman swallowed subconsciously, and then said: "So, what exactly is the other party going to do?

You know, as far as I know, compared with the powerful Lengyan Kingdom and Holy Night Kingdom.

Although the strength of this Shanjing Principality is negligible, it still has a garrison strength of 5,000 people.

It’s impossible for anyone to plan to fight against such a force, or even prepare to capture this city, right?!”

"At this stage, the specific situation is still difficult to determine." Wei Wei shook his head, Lei Xiao responded.

While speaking, his gaze moved and fell on the street under the open-air balcony.

At this moment, the streets that were bustling just now have become deserted.

Only a few groups of young soldiers in light armor, fully armed and solemn-looking, were left, trotting past in a hurry.

It seems that the entire city has entered an emergency state of comprehensive martial law.

Noticing this, Lei Xiao took steps towards the room and said to the short and fat businessman: "Okay, let's go back first."

In this way, after returning to the room just now, Lei Xiao pondered for a moment and said to the pudgy businessman who was still frightened: "At present, everything is still unclear.

Instruct everyone in the caravan not to step out of the room, and leave the rest to me."

"I understand, please be extremely careful!" On the other side, the short and fat businessman immediately nodded and trotted back to his room.

When the figure of the pudgy businessman completely disappeared in front of him, Lei Xiao and Lin also put on the invisibility cloak again one after another, and triggered the invisibility ring to hide their aura.

At this point, the eight people currently in office are all in a state of invisibility.

"Lord, the situation here seems to be getting more and more complicated."

A rough voice sounded, and the tiger stick bowed slightly, and then said: "When we were on the open balcony just now, my subordinates investigated carefully.

I found that there was no aura of other new strong men around, so it seems that the unknown opponent obviously used some kind of method to hide the aura."

Having said this, a look of solemnity appeared on Huzhang's face again, and he cupped his fists and said, "But please don't worry, Lord.

No matter what monster comes, my subordinates will crush it completely."

On the other side, other Ye Cang, Chao Yan and others also nodded their heads one after another, with firm expressions on their faces.

"Very good." Lei Xiao nodded slightly to the subordinates beside him and closed the door again.

While speaking to the subordinates beside him, he said: "Okay, according to the original plan, let's go see what the businesswoman Eya is doing first."

After leaving the hotel, Lei Xiao immediately asked Sean and other members of the Pterodactyl Knight team for their location.

It was learned that they were following the traces left by the Sky Pterosaur and marching all the way into the mountains. They had traveled nearly ten kilometers and had already left the area around the city.

Therefore, the vibrations and sounds of the mountain collapse were not noticed.

"Understood, continue to concentrate on the work of collecting the mount. If there are other arrangements, I will inform you as soon as possible."

Just when Lei Xiao had just stopped talking.

Chaoyan's somewhat confused voice came over: "Lord, Sean and others are still far away from the pass, so they can't hear the sound of the mountain collapsing. It's normal.

But just now we were so close to the scene of the incident, but we still didn't hear any sound.

The sound insulation effect of the building here is also a bit too good, right?"

"Yes, Lord Lord, your subordinates have also discovered this." Lin on the other side also echoed.

"It seems that the buildings here can not only hide the breath, but also isolate the sound."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao couldn't help but look thoughtful again.

He murmured to himself: "What is this remote country in the mountains hiding?"

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao, who was wearing an invisibility cloak, focused his eyes on the surrounding streets again.

At this time, under the bright sunshine, the huge street was already deserted.

There were only some stalls that had not been cleaned up and garbage on the ground, which was still there, making everything look like a mess.

Just when Lei Xiao saw this, a group of his party had already arrived at the corner of the street, in front of the mottled Shuguang Exquisite Trade Fair.

I saw that the door here was still open, which was very different from the many closed shops around it.

"Lord, there is no breath in this shop." Immediately afterwards, the sound of the knotweed reached Lei Xiao's ears.

"Let's go in and take a look first." Wei Wei nodded, and surrounded by his subordinates, Lei Xiao stepped into the door of the store.

After entering it, Lei Xiao noticed.

In this slightly dimly lit store, everything was no different from before. There was indeed no breath.

Although it looks like there are some rags everywhere, it is kept quite clean.

It's just that the dilapidated wooden table where he had been sitting before, and the wooden chair fell on the ground beside Ea.

"Lord, judge based on the situation on site.

This young local businesswoman seemed to be walking in such a hurry that she didn't even notice that the chair fell over and the shop door was left open."

Immediately, Ye Cang pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said thoughtfully.

"That's true." Lei Xiao lowered himself and lifted up the wooden chair, and said thoughtfully: "Other shops have their doors closed, so you can't leave the house.

But Eya has chosen a completely different approach. It seems that our speculation about her having other special identities has obviously found another basis."

"Lord, please come quickly and take a look!"

Immediately afterwards, Bai Wei's somewhat surprised crisp sound came from not far away.

When he got closer, Lei Xiao discovered it.

At the end of the store, a large container has been moved aside.

In the original position of the container, the distance between the floor tiles and the gap next to it is different, and it seems that there is a hidden door hidden.

"Lord, there seems to be some special smell down here."

At this time, I saw Bai Wei lying on the ground, her big fluffy white tail raised high, sniffing carefully with her nose.

"I didn't expect that there is another mystery here."

Surprised, he first signaled Bai Wei to stand up again. Lei Xiao nodded to the burly man beside him: "Polygonum cuspidatum, open it."

"As you command, Lord."

On the other side, the knotweed strode forward and fumbled on the ground for a moment.

Just pull out a metal pull ring, and then easily pull up this cleverly hidden basement door.

Looking intently, Lei Xiao noticed.

This underground door, which is about one meter square, can be said to be very thick, nearly 20 centimeters thick, like a safe door in a vault.

Next, Huzhang and Yecang went in to check and found nothing unusual.

Lei Xiao, surrounded by Chao Yan and Bai Wei, followed the steep stone stairs and entered the hidden basement.

Returning to the flat ground again, under the light of the light crystal, Lei Xiao's dark eyes moved and began to look around.

I found that the area of ​​this basement is not large, only about twenty square meters in size, and the overall shape is square.

It was empty, like a rough house without windows.

However, the most eye-catching part is.

It's on the walls, the floor, and even the ceiling.

They are all covered with traces of different shades, and in some places, there are even holes the size of fists.

Moreover, the traces of these deep ravines appear to be very regular from a local perspective.

It looked like it had been scratched by the claws of some wild beast.

"Lord, my subordinates seem to know the secret of Shanjing Principality."

At this time, Bai Wei first picked out a handful of gray-black animal hair from a crack in the ground, and after sniffing it carefully for a moment.

A look of sudden realization suddenly appeared on her fair and delicate face.

This chapter has been completed!
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