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Chapter 553: Desire for Power

The first thing Azshara thought of after hearing Li Ke's words was approval, but before she said the words of approval, she thought of her own situation.

I haven't finished my job in the Human Resources Department, and my subordinates are not able to directly change their bodies like me, so it's very troublesome.

After all, if there is a war and occupation, then there will be a very serious black hole in personnel transfer. Without a perfect department, then this matter will become a black box in political operations, and no one will know what this political system is.

How it works.

Although she is not unable to do this without sleep, she also knows that if she does this, except for a special person like Grayson, whoever does this will die. Li Ke can tolerate Grayson doing this, but not necessarily

Will tolerate others doing this.

So she started immediately.

"When will this matter...approximately start? I need to prepare a little bit for the personnel work..."

"I need to do this as soon as possible. Thanksgiving is coming soon. How long will it take you?"

Li Ke spoke like a ruthless reminder robot.

Azshara estimated the time and then spoke.

"It will take about a month."

Not only does it take time for the Nagas under him to adapt to Li Ke's political rules, but also the time for his subordinates to adapt to this social system.

As for work, she is not worried. Although Li Ke's administrative department was a black box before, most people were willing to follow orders when the procedures were complete.

Only a few people need to be reminded by superior officials before they can take action.

Sylvanas also spoke at this time. She knew that Azshara's purpose was to check and balance the night elves, which was the same as herself, so she spoke directly.

Moreover, although Li Ke didn't say it, she was indeed the commander-in-chief of this operation.

After all, we cannot let leader Li Ke directly engage in such a battle.

"The material mobilization and preparation time on our side will also take a while, and this matter must be helped by the night elves. This matter must be completed better by the Watcher force and a part of the Druid force.


She looked at Maiev and Tyrande who were sitting together.

"Approximately how many more manpower are needed? I am clearing away the demons here, and the manpower is slightly insufficient."

Maiev spoke without waiting for Tyrande, she directly told her situation.

The situation in Li Ke's territory was more troublesome than she thought, with a large number of demon minions everywhere.

If Li Ke hadn't given them more power of life and death, and it only belonged to his troops, then they wouldn't have been able to carry out many of their tasks.

Just the fact of supporting each other is enough for them, the Watchers, to drink a pot of water.

After all, even their armors cannot withstand the constant fire of 7.62mm bullets.

What's more, because Li Ke advocates that the products produced by experiments need to be tested in actual combat on the battlefield, Li Ke's troops have a lot of strange things on hand.

Although Li Ke didn't know these things, it did cause some trouble for their work.

So the outspoken Maiev spoke.

"In addition, regarding the execution of our work, I have something to say. When there was no general manager before, we watchers had no way to directly know the latest military equipment invented by the scientific research department, but I hope that in the future, the scientific research department will

When you develop some strange things, you can report them to us, or when we deal with relevant personnel, you can provide information about the corresponding magic equipment."

Maiev was really helpless, but when she gave her opinion, her tone was quite rude.

"This is not a problem, but due to confidentiality, you must apply before we can schedule it."

Aegwin didn't pay attention to this matter. After all, this matter was strictly Li Ke's matter, not her fault, so it was not her problem to the end.

"Thank you."

Maiev nodded and didn't say anything more about this matter. After all, it was just an application, not a big deal.

As for the security department’s questions…

She is the head of the security department!

And her intuition told her that it was not a bad thing to have a good relationship with Aegwynn, because her army also needed a lot of magical help.

If you just rely on the ancient magic of the past, you will fall behind.

Moreover, when purging some problematic personnel internally, there will also be situations where the force value is not enough.

After hearing the conversation between the two of them, Sylvanas also raised her hand and expressed her request.

"Speaking of this, I also hope to get such a list, because many times I don't know what we have, and sometimes I don't know that there are new things available until after the thing is over."

Aegwin also nodded and agreed, but thinking of the problems in his department, he also told the current situation of his department.

"Before I took office, many researchers were transferred. In this case, I was not very good at solving some problems. In addition, my department also needs some management talents. After all, researchers still have to focus on research.


Although Aegwynn hates those who point fingers, it is very necessary for some people to help with paperwork. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome if a lot of things are piled up in the hands of researchers.

"This is not a big problem. I will send some clerical staff to your department. They are all people who help mages deal with their personal affairs all year round. They are all very professional."

Azshara immediately spoke. Although the two did not get along very happily when they met Aegwynn, she now hopes to win over Aegwynn.

"That's the best, but what I don't want is a group of slaves."

Aegwynn glanced at Azshara. She didn't want her researchers to be treated like slaves.

There's no way to keep up with Li Ke's footsteps.

She thought about it and decided to make some magic puppets to replace the paperwork, but gave up after thinking about it.

Although the magic puppet is convenient, it is too easy to leak secrets, so I forgot about it.

After Aegwin finished speaking, women with various problems in various departments began to speak out their own problems. Although Li Ke's original intention was to quickly solve the problem in Stormwind City, it gradually evolved into various departments.

Time to sort out your own situation and establish systems for each department.

Azshara couldn't help but frown, because everyone has requirements for candidates in their own department, and not all departments are willing to accept Naga.

For example, in the Watcher department, Maiev refused to transfer some clerks to her Watcher department due to safety concerns. Although the departments run by humans such as Jennifer did not have any race requirements, the amount required was very large.

The number of naga she can take out now is simply not enough.

You must know that in order to better isolate Li Ke's empire, she brought over most of her trusted elites.

If Li Ke allows them to do things in Naga form, she won't have to worry so much, because in Naga form, all Nagas will be controlled by the power of her bloodline, just like those guardian dragons


But if you return to the night elves, then only power and favor can win over these 'Naga'.

The conditions here in Li Ke are so good that if you are not a die-hard member of your own, it will be easy to bring people in and then directly become Li Ke's people.

But looking at it now, the number of his own iron rods is simply not able to meet the needs of Li Ke's empire. The number of personnel required by these departments alone is an astronomical number.

Moreover, the most powerful thing about Li Ke's system is the huge basic civil service system. Even every township will be equipped with enough civil servants and related equipment systems.

Under such circumstances, relying solely on her iron rod is definitely not enough. She can only rely on her own iron rod to form a political force, and then attract the night elves transformed by Naga to stabilize her position.

Otherwise, the Nagas under her will only be slowly eaten away by Li Ke's empire.

"It's really troublesome... Is this man really the one who came up with this system? Why does it feel like no matter how many races come, as long as Li Ke can still convince most people, they can all be digested..."

Azshara couldn't help but frown. The more she dealt with Li Ke's other departments and explored the system of Li Ke's empire, the more she felt that Li Ke was unfathomable, because the empire's system seemed to be born to annex other races.


As long as you recognize the existence of this country and recognize yourself as a part of this country, your race will never be a stumbling block in your career or other matters...

This absolutely equal order and system is definitely not that simple, because every time she thinks of some mistakes or omissions, Li Ke has corresponding regulations, and even says that others can make up for the mistakes at any time.

But for Azshara, this is the most incredible thing.

Because people who grow up normally will not think of such a complete and comprehensive framework. It seems that Li Ke has never lived in a backward kingdom, but in a multi-ethnic world, and everyone agrees with one system and one regime.

, just like a civilized country.

"No wonder I think Li Ke's empire is very strange..."

Looking at more and more documents in front of him, Azshara finally understood the huge gap between herself and Li Ke.

Because Li Ke's empire does not need a leader. No one is even a necessity. As long as Li Ke's system can operate normally, anyone can be a replaceable part.

Just like now...

Azshara glanced at Li Ke vaguely. Although Li Ke was constantly writing and drawing, it could be seen from the trajectory of the pen in his hand.

This guy is writing a novel!

And it’s also a pornographic novel!

The leader of this empire is writing pornographic novels in what can be said to be the most serious scene in the empire!

This is a meeting to decide the future of the empire!

But what does this matter?

Looking at the meeting that was still running smoothly without Li Ke's words, Azshara was speechless: the leaders of each department were improving the rules and regulations of each department, making a series of repairs and suggestions based on the basic system set by Li Ke.

, and then balance each other's strength with each other.

Under a good big framework, as long as the small rules do not violate the big framework, they will go in the direction Li Ke wants.

The more she watched and listened, the more Azshara understood something, something that many people here, including Sylvanas, did not understand.

Li Ke's empire really doesn't need an all-powerful leader. What it needs is a responsible leader who loves the empire or wants Azeroth to prosper.

But the problem is that such an empire can only appear in the hands of an almighty and invincible leader.

It's just that Azshara had an ominous feeling. She looked at the system formulated by Li Ke and the various regulations that were continuously improved under this meeting, and her mind started spinning rapidly.

"If these systems formulated by Li Ke are for this purpose, then this empire will become the most compact and sophisticated machine..."

Her eyes narrowed, and then a flash of light flashed in her mind, and she quickly stared at Sylvanas. There was even resentment in her eyes for a moment.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "So the leader of this empire will definitely not be lifelong! His next heir must be Sylvanas! And Sylvanas

The next heir is either Jaina or Tyrande... This cycle will probably be once every four to ten years after him... Damn it, I, Calia, and Maiev will never be able to hold the supreme power of the empire.

...After all, no one wants to see a personnel department and an officer in charge of countless people’s privacy become the leader of the empire!”

One is in control of everyone's promotion and will become a unified person.

And the other one who holds the handle for everyone will also become a one-spoken person.


Thousands of years of experience in political struggles allowed Azshara to gain insight into Li Ke's rules, and she clarified something that Li Ke had basically not discussed with too many people.

That is to say, he does not plan to control this empire forever! Instead, he plans to hand over power to representatives of all forces in Azeroth in turn! And Naga's side will definitely not be him, but Vashchi, or later.

The more outstanding Naga uses this to differentiate his rights.

Tyrande does not have such a problem, because Tyrande's own rights have been divided, and her rise to power will make other night elves who hold the power of the empire be wary.

Therefore, Tyrande can become one of the leaders of the empire in the future.

"This is not possible."

Feeling humiliated and angry, Azshara pursed her lips. After being tricked by Li Ke, she quickly began to think about how to ensure that her power would always remain at its peak.

There was something Grayson said that was right, and she agreed with it.

Before defeating Li Ke's power, their rights are essentially to share Li Ke's power.

This is true whether we use the rules set by Li Ke to constrain Li Ke or use other methods.

And in this situation, she has only one way to keep her power at its peak forever and never be divided by others.

That means Li Ke will always be in power.

I was really forced to become a jester.

"Then let Li Ke become the God Emperor and the faith of this empire."

Azshara, picked up the roster of the Emperor's Golden Guard.

She needs these people who fanatically believe in Li Ke.

This chapter has been completed!
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