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Chapter 554 The Crow of the Empire

What does the Emperor want?

This is something that countless people in the empire wonder about.

If the Emperor wants to rule the entire world, then the Emperor should go to war now instead of giving them so many wonderful lives and treat them equally so that everyone can enjoy fair treatment.

Although this is cruel, a person who has a family and a job and can watch singing and dancing performances and learn various knowledge at any time will not think about going to the front line to gain status or the right to eat.

The reason most people go to the front line is definitely not to get ahead, but to make a living.

Therefore, Li Ke's behavior of teaching all soldiers will actually weaken the soldiers' desire to charge in this era.


Except for some people.

They sensed the Emperor's kindness!

They sensed the emperor's overlord thoughts!

They sensed the Emperor's ambition!

These people may not be the Emperor's Golden Guard, but they must want to help Li Ke do things.

Some of these people are well-read in poetry and books, while others cannot read a single Chinese character.

On Azeroth, even if Li Ke launched a literacy campaign, he was afraid of losing face or losing authority in the family and did not dare to learn, or he simply did not learn.

In this world, people's particularities are more obvious. Some people just can't learn some things, and there's nothing we can do about it.

If there are smart people, there will naturally be idiots.

Little Toby felt that he was a fool, because everyone said that His Majesty Li Ke had written or said a lot of things that could not be said, which proved that he must be a very knowledgeable person and a good plunderer.


But he felt that Mr. Li Ke did not want such things to appear again in this world, so he spoke out these things so that everyone could understand that when these things and things appeared again, it meant that some people started to

I'm being careful, I want to deceive you, and I've been corrupted and bribed.

However, he did not tell other people because he vaguely discovered that Li Ke had not reached the limit, because for many things, Li Ke had not solved the physical and biological problems of those people's lives.


For example, those orcs, in his opinion, all of them must be killed, but Li Ke said that these orcs have a relatively low social development and have not yet developed civilization, so they are so barbaric, so it is best.

The only way is to send them back.

The truly abominable ones are Gul'dan and Ner'zhul who used their Burning Legion and risked destroying two worlds to start a war for their own rights and power, not these orcs who were deceived by their leaders.

He didn't understand this, but since it was said by Li Ke, he believed it.

As for what Li Ke was thinking and why he had such pity for the orcs. He didn't understand that the orcs were deceived, and he didn't understand either.

He only knew that without Li Ke's order, he would definitely kill the man named Thrall, because he could really lead the orcs out of their own way.

In fact, this is also the case. Li Ke's department arrested many people who wanted to assassinate Sal, but because of Sal's own plea and the police who arrested these people did not like orcs themselves, so for these people, they

At most, he would be detained.

Little Toby felt that if he were still in the Garden City of Heaven, that is, Gus Town, then he would have assassinated the man named Sal.

Because orcs are not scary if they are just beasts, but if these beasts become humans...

Little Toby shuddered and suddenly woke up from his half-sleep. He looked at the pouring rain outside the door with some helplessness.

Their project was delayed due to rain, and they were unable to purchase fresh fish and vegetables from Lakeside Town. In fact, the former Burning Plains was now raining hard enough to raise fish.

At least those huge pits are now filled with rainwater and can almost be called lakes.

He was originally under construction, but because of the rain, he had no choice but to sit in the half-built building to avoid the rain, and fell asleep to the sounds of his friends reciting elf words.

The other party wants to become a magician, but to learn magic, you need to learn the writing of elves, but there is no way, because many magics themselves are constructed using the writing of elves. Before you get more advanced magic structures, you want to

To use it, you must use and learn the language of elves.

But fortunately, the current Ministry of Science and Technology has been replaced by Ms. Aegwin. With her help, some situations will definitely be changed.

However, little Toby is most concerned about another thing now.

"The rain here really never stops."

Looking at the submerged foundation in the rain, little Toby felt helpless. Although the accumulated water was nothing, he still had to do work such as pumping water.

Moreover, the cement that was just mixed must not be usable anymore. We can only ask those enthusiastic druids to help crush it and restore it to something harmless to nature.

He didn't know why Mr. Li Ke didn't let people throw these construction waste directly into the mountains and old forests, or in some canyons, but Mr. Li Ke just said that this was right. After all, the actions of those druids against Mr. Li Ke

I also very much agree.

Heavy rain will delay too much construction period, and because of the rain here, the wire lines also need to be inspected by the dwarves, and they can only be inspected, because they can turn into the form of stone and are not afraid of leakage or electricity leakage.

Will be afraid of attacks from lightning elements caused by short circuits and leakage.

Those thunder and lightning elements that can turn them into coke even if they are wearing insulating suits, after encountering the stone statue state of the dwarves, even the dwarfs can directly crush the core of these thunder and lightning elements with their bare hands, or even chew them raw.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is something that little Toby and other workers are very envious of.

Of course, sometimes the state of the stone statues is not very friendly, because once when trying to rescue the underwater line, several dwarves jumped in without thinking, and then sank directly in, almost drowning.

But it is also because of these reasons that most dwarves can become electricians and do more work. Unlike them, once it is windy or rainy, they can only stop here and wait for the weather to clear up.

"After I learn how to descend to the earth, I can become an electrician, right?"

Little Toby, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth and trying to wake himself up, took a deep breath, because the cold air caused by the rain made him shiver, so he wanted to get closer to the man who claimed to be the Wildhammer dwarf.

But everyone knows that this guy is a Dark Iron Dwarf. This guy is the most afraid of the cold. Ragnaros' power makes their bodies seem to be flowing with magma. It can even be said that normal temperatures are like cold air to him.

But because of this, his side felt warmer...

While moving, he accidentally saw a man dressed in grass and bark, or a night elf, who was holding a plastic sheet and studying his own spells. Little Toby didn't know that he was studying.

What I know is that they want to develop a spell that can directly degrade plastic, in order to compete with those who cultivate druids who can absorb plastic.

He was actually very curious about these druids, because logically speaking, they could produce all kinds of fresh vegetables at any time, but they would not do so for their own selfish desires because of the beliefs they abided by.

He admired such a person very much, but because of his tall stature and his status as a spell caster, he didn't dare to get close to him.

Moreover, this druid doesn't like smoking.

Just as he was thinking this, the druid named Tarlov Staghelm suddenly raised his head. His experience told him that someone was approaching this place quickly, and he thought of some recent rumors, and the barely considered

He quickly frowned at the news that his relative Fandral Staghelm had conveyed to him.

"Is it really going to start? A war."

He was a little helpless. Human wars were insignificant to him, but Li Ke felt that it was wrong to directly seize a person's kingdom.

But when he thought about the lives of the civilians in Stormwind City, he felt that there was nothing wrong with what Li Ke did.

At least Li Ke's people can study.

When he frowned, little Toby became alert instantly. He didn't know what happened, but it was obvious that this night elf was a person with more experience than him.

Although the other person looks like he is only twenty years old, little Toby knows that the other person is at least old enough to be his grandfather.

And when he followed the other person's line of sight, he was shocked to find that at some point, a group of people wearing cloaks and masks that obscured their faces appeared outside their building.

But what is reassuring is that they all have something like a red scarf tied on their right arm, which illustrates their identity.


Li Ke’s former intelligence agency.

Those Defias thieves who were recruited.

As a result, the bustling building suddenly became quiet.

Unlike other co-workers who were somewhat fearful, Little Toby had no fear of these people, because there were several blacksmiths and carpenters who were Defias thieves and carpenters around him, and he knew clearly that these people were not bad people.

Just a bunch of desperate people.

So he stood up directly and started asking.

"What are you doing here? Do you need anything?"

He felt that since they were all from the same country, they naturally had to take good care of them.

The leader looked at him and suddenly let out a chuckle. Then he slowly raised his hand and took off his mask, revealing a face that little Toby had never dreamed of.

Van Cleef.

"You are little Toby, right? The little Toby who has adopted a lot of children, a model worker and intellectual pioneer on the construction site."

His words made little Toby very confused, but at this time, people from Defias also entered the building, but when they came in, these tightly wrapped people patted their cloaks.

and clothes, allowing the water to flow directly away from their bodies.

Looking at this scene, little Toby felt that this was a group of crows flapping their wings and then starting a grand hunt.

The same goes for Van Cleef. He put his arm around Little Toby's shoulders, and Little Toby discovered that the other person had been in the rain just now, but at this moment, his body was unusually dry.

Van Cleef didn't say much. He glanced at Little Toby's co-workers with a chuckle, then generously held Little Toby in his arms and walked upstairs.

"We have something to ask you. Please come with us to a secluded place."

Little Toby was even more confused, but he didn't see that a man who was nibbling the biscuits distributed to the workers at Li Ke's construction site quickly lowered his head.

And he would never have imagined that Van Cleef had nothing to do with him, he just had a meal with him, even on the construction site.

Nothing else was said.


"You mean, those people asked your foreman."

A nobleman held a cigarette between his two fingers and spoke irritably.

"Yes, that's it. And I can confirm that Van Cleef has not left the construction site until now, and eats the same food as you?"

The person who bowed his head before Van Cleef's turn nodded and quickly told the information he knew.

"That's it."

The noble looked at the worker kneeling on the ground with some disdain. The other person was a farmer on his own land. He sold his wife and children to him because he owed money, and now he wanted to redeem himself by selling out the news on the construction site.

's wife and children.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! But...

Thinking of the other party's wife's expression when she died tragically, and how he accidentally killed the other party's son when he castrated his son and wanted to become a pedophile, the nobleman sneered, and then from his pocket,

He took out the poison he had prepared for his father.

"Sending this to the food of you people is not a difficult thing for you, right?"

The worker was stunned, thinking of the fellow workers who were eating from the same pot as him and enjoying the future together, and his body was trembling a little.

But thinking of his wife and children who had voluntarily sold themselves to treat him, he took the poison from the noble's hand with trembling hands, but because of the trembling, he touched the noble's delicate fingers with his calloused hand.


For a moment, the noble could not help but frown. The moment the worker took the poison, he kicked the worker in the chest and knocked him to the ground.

"Trash, is it so difficult for you to kill someone?"

He retracted his finger and looked at the red marks on his finger, feeling very dissatisfied.

But the old worker did not dare to say anything, but quickly lowered his head and left here.

Just as he was walking back to his dormitory, he was swaying, but what he was thinking about was what the workers said about his family, his life in that heavenly city, and what he saw with his own eyes, those people who went there.

Things like going to class, and things that push them to learn literacy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

He kept muttering his words and tears kept flowing out. Therefore, he couldn't see the road and fell to the ground. The poison in his hand flew out and poured on the ground.

He didn't know what was going on with him now. He just screamed and trembled, trying to collect the poison mixed with the muddy water. However, when he stirred the muddy water, he could vaguely see the poison mixed with the muddy water on one side.

, seeing what he looks like now.

From the appearance of a consumptive ghost, he became his human self again.

In an instant, he thought of countless questions.

Who took him in because he couldn't do heavy work?

Who wants to find a doctor to nurse him back to health?

Who told him that life would get better in the future?

He knows very well, but, but...


Trembling, he picked up the poison mixed with mud and water, intending to put it into his mouth.

Because only if he dies, his wife and children will be of no use and will be let go. No one will think that a coward like him has the courage to commit suicide. He will be considered to have been discovered and wanted to poison.

, and then was killed!

Although his wife and children will be beaten severely and taught a lesson, there is a chance they will survive!

However, at this moment, a crow-like figure appeared in front of him and grabbed his hand.

And within the mask that covered his face, there were eyes with pity and sympathy.

"Your conscience is still intact."

On the arms of this crow, there is a red veil that is wetted by rain.

This chapter has been completed!
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