Chapter 370: Lord Tianguan, you deserve it

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 Fengtian Hall was filled with voices of condemnation against Wang Wen.

However, if you have a sensitive enough political sense, you will be able to find that although they are both impeachments, they are actually different.

Luo Tong and Gao Gu had two main reasons for impeaching Wang Wen. One was negotiating peace in Liaodong and agreeing to mutual trade without authorization; the other was using the power of the capital and censorship to intimidate the imperial ministers.

The two of them focused on the former, but the censor who supported them focused on the latter.

To put it bluntly, the purposes of these two groups of people are different.

Gao Gu and Luo Tong's purpose is to make a fuss about the mutual market.

But those gang of officials from the Department of Science and Technology are purely motivated by old and new grudges.

In the recent period of Beijing's investigation, Wang Wen has indeed been targeting Ke Dao. Coupled with the indiscriminate attack just now, Ke Dao officials have been trying to find shortcomings in him.

However, as long as you observe carefully, you can find that although there seems to be a raging discussion in the court, only Gao Gu and Luo Tong can barely be called the royal officials who actually came forward.

None of the real seven ministers were involved, and even Chen Yi from the Metropolitan Procuratorate was watching with cold eyes.

The situation got worse and worse, but the emperor still didn't say a word.

But those who were alert had vaguely glimpsed the emperor's face darkening, including Yu Qian.

So, Yu Shaobao finally couldn't hold back anymore, stood up again and spoke.

"I can testify to the matter of mutual trading. It is not that Wang Wen deceived the emperor and made arbitrary decisions. The arrangements for the Liaodong Peace Conference were initiated by His Majesty, and I and Wang Wen assisted Your Majesty in completing them. This is a confidential matter, and you do not know the details.

Don’t talk nonsense.”

After the words fell, the place became quiet.

But even though louder discussions erupted soon after, no one expected that this matter would get bigger and bigger.

It was not enough to implicate a minister of the Ministry of Personnel, now even Yu Qian, the minister of the Ministry of War, was also involved.

At this time, Chen Yi also stood up, looked around majestically, and said.

"As for the Beijing inspection, I can also testify. This Beijing inspection is co-hosted by me and Master Tianguan. The Metropolitan Procuratorate is fully involved in the process. If anyone is dissatisfied with the assessment results, you can directly appeal to me. If it is indeed true, I will be fair.

Investigate strictly."

"But if you make noises and troubles, make noise in court, and form cliques to criticize ministers for your own selfish purposes without any basis or evidence, don't forget that the laws of the country and the court, if you commit a crime within the law, the crime will be increased by one level and you will be dealt with severely!"

After all, he is the big boss of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. When he spoke like this, the censors below him suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Then, Chen Yi snorted coldly and shouted: "Don't back down yet!"

This group of chief censors jumped out out of dissatisfaction with Wang Wen. Now that the situation was not good, they immediately returned to their original place in despair.

As a result, only Gao Gu and Luo Tong, as well as a few two or three chief censors and Feng Xianguan, were still standing in the same place.

At this time, the cabinet, which had been silent until now, finally made its voice heard.

Wang Ao, the chief minister of the cabinet, strode into the palace and spoke.

"Your Majesty, during the trip to Liaodong, I accompanied Mr. Tianguan. I can testify that during the negotiation process, Mr. Tianguan did not agree to any inappropriate conditions. Many of the letters brought by the Mongolian envoys were untrue.

, there are even more thieves in the court who want to use this matter to destabilize the court. Please give your Majesty a clear warning and do not cause loyal ministers to be unjustly wronged."

Relatively speaking, Wang Ao's clarification was more pragmatic and did not actually have any substantive content. Compared with the testimony of Yu Qian and Chen Yi, it was not as convincing.

But, in the final analysis, as the chief minister of the cabinet, Wang Ao not only represents himself, but also represents the cabinet.

Three important officials from the imperial court came forward to support Wang Wen, which was of great importance.

Gao Gu stood where he was, neither advancing nor retreating. He did not expect that the situation would change so quickly.

This Wang Wen clearly has a bad temper that offends others. Why did so many people suddenly appear to help him at such a moment?

You know, although Wang Wen is the emperor's confidant, it is well known that he and Yu Qian are at odds.

In recent days, the relationship between him and Chen Yi has not been good because of the Beijing inspection. After all, disturbing so many censors is almost a slap in the face of Chen Yi, the censor of Zuodu.

Why, suddenly, these two people all sided with Wang Wen?

For a moment, Gao Gu was a little confused.

On the other side, looking at the center of the hall that was gradually becoming empty, Chen Yi narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at Luo Tong and the two or three Feng Xianguan behind him. Luo Tong's spine went cold.

When Chen Yi rejected him, Luo Tong actually expected it, but he did not expect that Chen Yi would side with the emperor so simply.

Gritting his teeth, Luo Tong spoke.

"Your Majesty, no matter what, Wang Wen reprimanded the court ministers in public and threatened his official position. This is an abuse of power. How can we let it go? I beg your Majesty to convict him!"

This is like finding a way out for yourself.

Zhu Qiyu had not yet spoken, but Wang Wen, who had been silent for a long time, took the initiative to speak.

"Your Majesty, I was impulsive and made inappropriate remarks. I am requesting a fine of three months' salary. I hope your Majesty will allow it."


A bunch of old people down there were all shocked. What is going on?

The sun is rising in the west. In their lifetime, they can actually hear Wang Tianguan admit his mistake?

When it comes to this matter, there is indeed something inappropriate about Wang Wen.

Although the Ministry of Personnel has the power of selection and inspection, in the end, whether officials are promoted, transferred or demoted, they must ultimately go through the emperor's approval.

Although everyone in the court knows very well that you, Wang Jianzhai, are the emperor's confidant, the emperor will basically read the memorials you submit.

But speaking like this in public does seem a bit arrogant, and he deserves to be impeached.

Of course, everyone knows that Wang Wen has such a temper that he will kill people even if they want to kill him, so he rushed there as soon as possible.

But even so, the elders couldn't help but marvel at his stubborn temper and his willingness to bow down.

Could it be said that after this incident, Wang Wen's stubborn temper actually became more mellow?

Of course, this is the idea of ​​the ministers below. Zhu Qiyu and Wang Wen have been friends for two lifetimes. Seeing his righteous words, you know that this old guy is holding back a big move.

Zhu Qiyu nodded expressionlessly, and said: "Yes, Wang Wen, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, has violated the rules in front of the palace and will be fined three months' salary."

Wang Wen cupped his hands, bowed respectfully, and said, "I thank your Majesty for your kindness."

But immediately, Mr. Wang straightened up and spoke.

"Your Majesty, in December of last year, Wu Zheng, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry in Nanjing, reported that the Minister of the Ministry of Industry in Nanjing has been vacant for a long time, and the ministry's affairs are heavy. Wu Zheng alone is unable to handle it. I beg the imperial court to send a senior official to take charge of the overall situation."

"Last June, Zhu Yuyan, the left deputy censor of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate, became an official in old age, and both positions were vacant. After discussion with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, he recommended Gao Gu, the deputy minister of the cabinet, to be transferred to the Nanjing Ministry of Industry to take over as minister, and recommended Luo Tong, the left deputy censor.

Transfer to the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate and ask for your Majesty's sanction."


Okay, a bunch of bosses below swallowed their saliva and decided to take back their opinions that Wang Wen had changed his gender.

Lord Tianguan, it is indeed you!

This chapter has been completed!
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