Chapter 368: Work together to attack Wang Wen

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Standing in the center of the hall, Gao Gu felt helpless for a while.

To be honest, there were too many unexpected things in today's court meeting.

You know, for a major event like this, if we put it aside in normal times, just the few issues mentioned by Shen Yi would have caused quarrels for several days.

Hube was prepared, and Takatani knew that he was not completely without connections in the court.

But he didn't expect that the Ministry of Household Affairs would come up with such a detailed regulation, which caught many ministers who were originally opposed to mutual trading by surprise.

But if this is the case alone, there is still room for debate. After all, no matter how detailed the provisions are, as long as you want to find faults, you can always argue.

But who would have thought that before the bosses could react, Yu Qian stood up resolutely.

This is so unreasonable.

It doesn't matter that the Ministry of Revenue is the initiator, but according to the court's practice, such a major political matter must at least wait until everyone at the bottom has finished arguing separately, and then the big bosses can express their opinions according to the situation.

It’s not that I’m trying to be arrogant, but that for this kind of matter, multiple voices need to be taken into consideration. If the opinion is contrary to that of the majority of courtiers, it will consume one’s own popularity and authority.

In addition, even if the bosses have outstanding vision, they are not perfect, and it is inevitable that they will not consider things carefully.

Like Yu Qian, he sets his plans straight from the start and leaves no escape route for himself. If he is caught in the wrong position, he will definitely be attacked by the opposition.

Therefore, as a long-standing practice, the seven ministers are very cautious in expressing their opinions. Basically, they have to wait until the discussion is almost complete before speaking out.

But this time Yu Qian didn't follow the routine. He stood up after Hu Bu said it, and his attitude was even more determined than Shen Yi.

He acted like anyone who objected was against him, Yu Qian.

With Yu Qian's reputation and status, even if a few fools dared to jump out and choke, most courtiers would inevitably be influenced by him.

If a boss-level figure speaks out first, it will certainly consume his authority, but the advantage is that it can scare off a large number of opponents who are not firm enough.

In addition, after Yu Qian finished speaking, no senior officials at the same level came forward to object, and the people below became even more hesitant.

As a result, for such a big matter, a strangely one-sided situation formed in the court.

This embarrassed Takasuke.

His original plan was to fish in troubled waters while everyone was expressing their opinions (the quarrel was in full swing) and bring the topic to Wang Wen, making himself less conspicuous.

However, after Yu Qian finished speaking, the court fell silent. Those who originally opposed it began to hesitate because of the alliance between the two behemoths, the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of War.

Considering that this matter was originally the emperor's handiwork, if this continues, the hesitation of the bosses may be taken as acquiescence and the court discussion will be ended directly.

Gao Cifucai had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask Pei Lun and Peng Shi to come forward.

But who would have thought that this old man Wang Wen, as a heavenly official, had no respect for his status at all, and would be so vicious when he opened his mouth, blatantly bullying two juniors, forcing Gao Gu to come forward in person.

This was far from his original intention, but at this point, he had no other choice.

Facing Gao Gu, the second minister in the cabinet, Wang Wen couldn't speak so openly, but his tone wasn't very good either.

"Everything I said is true. It is true that I personally went to Liaodong for the Battle of Oara. It is true that Pei Lun, Peng Shi and others did not say a word when the enemy is facing us."

"Even the evaluation given to Peng Shi was a conclusion reached by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in accordance with the procedures of the Beijing inspection. Gao Cifeng was going to impeach me without any evidence. Why, when was he transferred to Ke Dao Fengxian?"

The surrounding group of people looked at each other in confusion.

Lord Tianguan, if you quarrel, you quarrel. Can you not use range attacks?

Although it is true that most of the time Ke Dao Feng Xian is based on rumors, is it a bit too much for you to say it so bluntly?

Fortunately, Gao Gu was not a vegetarian, so he immediately snorted and spoke.

"Which is merit or demerit? Your trip to Liaodong has indeed contributed to the country, but you are good at making opinions and reaching an agreement with Tuo Tuo Bu Hua. The court has not yet settled this debt with you."

"What's more, each yamen in the imperial court has its own responsibilities and performs its own duties. The Hanlin Academy is not responsible for military duties. Pei Lun, Peng Shi can't stay in the Hanlin Academy, how can he go to the front line?"

"Don't say that Peng Shi worked conscientiously in the Hanlin Academy and there was nothing wrong. Even if the evaluation is really bad, how to transfer and whether he can continue to stay in the Hanlin Academy will ultimately be determined by the Holy Judgment."

"You, Wang Jianzhai, as an official of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, uttered arrogant words in public, stole the power of election, overstepped your authority, abused your power, and damaged the dignity of the court. How can I not impeach you?"

As he spoke, Gao Cifu secretly glanced at Luo Tong, who was among the people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and winked secretly.

That means, what are you waiting for? It’s already this time, why don’t you go ahead?

Deputy Censor Luo expressed receipt and also stepped forward and said.

"Your Majesty, I am impeaching Wang Wen, and my virtue is not matched. Whether or not there is a mutual exchange is a major matter of the court. Wang Wen deceived the emperor, stole the imperial edict to override the court's discussion, and secretly reached an agreement with Tuo Tuo Bu Hua. He is actually a treacherous minister."

"In recent days, Wang Wen has used the name of the imperial police to eliminate dissidents and suppress the court officials. Now in the court, in front of His Majesty, he dares to speak arrogant words and threaten the court officials, as if he thinks he is in charge of the life and death of the court officials. Such evil people

, is really a minister who is causing harm to the country. Please make a clear decision, remove him from his post as a heavenly official, and restore a peaceful world to the court."

Zhu Qiyu looked at Luo Tong with an expressionless look on his face, and sneered in his heart.

This Luo Tong was not stupid at all. He blocked Wang Wen's escape route as soon as he came up.

Wang Wen's behavior of leaving according to the decree was described as "deceiving the emperor and stealing the imperial decree to override the court's discussion."

In this way, even if Zhu Qiyu admitted that he was the one who issued the edict to Wang Wen and asked him to go, it would be useless.

Because in Luo Tong's description, the emperor was already "blinded" at that time.

In view of the fact that Mr. Wang's bad temper has offended many people in the court, and the officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are not as incompetent as the Hanlin Academy.

Therefore, as soon as Luo Tong opened his mouth, he got several echoes from the censors in charge of Shi Zhonghe.

"Your Majesty, Wang Wen is the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and holds the power of election. He cannot be self-reflective and instead suppresses his colleagues. This is really inappropriate. Please forgive him."

"I second that the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Imperial Guard have their own legal procedures, but Wang Wen regarded them as his own authority, which was actually beyond his authority. In the past few days, many censors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate have been demoted without reason. This shows that the Imperial Guard has many dereliction of duties.

, your Majesty please issue an order for a thorough investigation."

Suddenly, what was originally a court meeting to discuss mutual trade suddenly turned into an impeachment meeting for Wang Wen.

Therefore, under the deliberate guidance of Gao Gu, Luo Tong and others, although the process was a bit tortuous, the court discussions were fierce, and in the end the target was still directed at Wang Wen...

This chapter has been completed!
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