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Chapter 109: Diary of a Madman


"Ah? Oh! I'm fine."

Meng Lang came to his senses, picked up the hoe in a daze and continued walking forward.

The image that seemed to overlap between two time and space just now lingered in Meng Lang's mind for a long time.

He knew this was not his imagination...

But...this is unscientific!

Why did Lao Meng want to kill me? Just because I have Alzheimer's disease?

This doesn't make sense. Even if I can't be saved, there's no need to make my death so painful, right?

At least give me a good time!

Meng Lang took two steps and came to Lao Meng's side.

"Ahem! Dad, can I ask you a question?" he said cautiously.

"What's the problem?" Lao Meng glanced at him.

"What if... I mean what if, if someone close to you has a disease that cannot be cured, but is still painful to live in, and is a drag on others, would you choose long-term pain rather than short-term pain, and give it to you personally?

Is he on his way?"

When Lao Meng heard this, he turned his head and looked Meng Lang up and down.

"You have AIDS?"

"I..." Meng Lang almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

What kind of brain circuit is this?

"Oh no! Just do a psychological test."

"What are you testing? To test how ruthless your father is and how ruthless I am?"

"Uh... that's it. Can you just give me a message?"

"Of course not, it's better to kill someone and pay for it with a life!" Lao Meng rolled his eyes.

Huh? Although the answer is not what the question was asked, it hits the point.

Even in 2043, it is illegal for him to kill someone, right?

"Then let me change the question. If on the battlefield, a comrade with whom you have a deep relationship was injured and died of serious injuries, would you choose to give him a happy life?"

After thinking for a while, Meng Lang cited a common scene in movies as a simulation.

"Well..." Lao Meng thought seriously for a moment.

"Was the situation dangerous at that time? Are there field hospitals around? How many meters away is the enemy from us? How many bullets are there in my gun?

If I fired, would I attract enemies? Will anyone testify to me that it was out of necessity and not murder?"


Am I too stupid and naive to discuss specific issues with a bully?

"Don't worry, the enemy has been eliminated. The field hospital was bombed by the enemy. You don't have a gun in your hand, and the regiment leader asked you to kill him. There is no need to go to a military court." Meng Lang said seriously.

"How can I kill him without a gun?" Lao Meng continued.

"You have a knife! And..." Meng Lang looked at him, "You can also bite him to death."

Lao Meng: "..."

After being kicked on the butt, Meng Lang became honest.

It seems that there is no answer, but there is no need, because Lao Meng’s answer is right - there are too many loopholes that can be exploited!

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Lao Meng to make such an incredible choice.

If Lao Meng didn't do it subjectively, then what happened?

There is only one answer... Lao Meng is controlled!

Technology is developing at such a rapid pace. It’s already 2043, so it’s not necessarily impossible, right? Maybe mutants will appear?

So it was Professor X who took action?

But when something can be done with just one bullet, is it necessary to use such nuclear weapons?

Pull your thoughts back from the wild and wild imagination.

The question is, regardless of how it is done, who would spend so much effort to deal with a dying person? How much hatred is there?

Xu Jinsong? Or Yuan Li after he was released from prison? It can’t be Wang Zhiping, right?

Even if Yuan Li and Wang Zhiping have this intention, they probably don't have the strength.

But the Xu Group...

But even if they have this ability, why would they spend so much effort just to send me away early? Isn't this unnecessary?

It’s not like playing a game. You can also explode equipment by picking up heads?

And if you kill me in that situation, you really can’t tell whether you want to kill me or give me a happy favor.

I can’t figure it out! I can’t figure it out at all!

I have guessed all the possibilities, but I can't explain why.

I looked at my watch, it was nine in the morning, there should still be three hours until the truth...

When a few people arrived at their destination, the morning dew in the mountains had not yet completely dried.

A tomb made of strips of stone is exposed among the luxuriant grass that is half a man's height.

The Meng family originated from the Duke of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period.

The surname Meng originated from Qingfu, the concubine of Duke Huan of Lu. Qingfu deceived the emperor. In order to avoid the crime of regicide, Qingfu's descendants changed their name to Mengsun, and Mengsun was shortened to Meng.

Later, the Meng family genealogy honored Mencius as the "first ancestor".

Meng Lang's branch is said to be the Meng family branch that migrated from Dongshan Province.

Meng Lang's grandfather was an intellectual. It is said that he was also the son of a landlord back then. He also worked as an educated youth who went to the countryside and lived in seclusion after returning.

From grandpa down, in addition to Lao Meng, there are also uncles and third uncles.

The uncle opened a trading company in the town, and the small business was very prosperous. He was the best among the three families. Grandpa now lives in the uncle's house.

The third uncle is developing in Dongguang and rarely goes home. I heard that he works in a construction company.

In previous years, more people came during the Qingming Festival, but this year, it seems that only Lao Meng's family came to visit the grave.

After putting down their things, Meng Lang and his team began to clean up the surrounding weeds.

While hoeing the grass roots around him and looking at the tomb in front of him, Meng Lang began to have strange thoughts in his mind.

Don’t you know where you will be buried after you die?

Burials are no longer allowed. If you want cremation, do you have to buy a cemetery first? I heard that the price of cemeteries is rising faster than housing prices, so you can buy more neighboring buildings for backup.

I had no choice but to "die" so many times and see so many ways to die, and I couldn't help but start thinking about what happened after my death.

Hmm...does the will also need to be put on the agenda?

What if there is another emergency and someone dies, but the Bitcoin is in the hard drive and no one knows the password? What a tragedy.

Weed, add soil, and trim the grave.

Light incense and candles, first offer sacrifices to the "land", then place the offerings in front of the graves, and then offer sacrifices to the ancestors.

After completing a formal process, it was already noon, the cemetery had a completely new look, and everyone was sweating from exhaustion. Everyone began to take a break for lunch.

The energetic Meng Qingqing was holding a pie in her mouth and taking pictures with her new mobile phone.

Meng Lang found a piece of clean and flat grass, leaned against a tree trunk and sat down, took a bite of the beef pie made by his mother, and then eagerly took out the next episode update.

"Diary of a Madman"

[We wanted to eat people, but were afraid of being eaten by others, so we looked at each other with extremely suspicious eyes.

I never thought that I would experience such a scene in my lifetime...

In 2043, memory is still in decline.

This time, I did not choose to go home. If someone was targeting me, I would let the innocent person go away.

I stayed in my single-family villa in the city, with only a few strong bodyguards around me, and the security level was set to the highest level.

However, the expected attack did not come, but chaos broke out outside first.

Scream, cry, whine...

I never thought that in China, the safest country, I would hear such a noise that seemed to come from hell.

He stood up slowly from the chair and looked out the window in astonishment.

Passing through the iron gate of the villa, you can see an old woman knocking down a young man, and using agility and strength that is extremely inconsistent with her age, she desperately bites the passers-by underneath her.

Until his mouth was full of blood, until the young man gradually lost his voice from wailing...

People were screaming, chasing, biting, and going crazy!

Watching all this in confusion.

Does this scene seem familiar?

Then I discovered that most of the people who went crazy seemed to be elderly people?

"Bang!" The sound of the bodyguard captain breaking in woke me up.

He told me to hide in the basement in a hurried tone, but halfway through, he suddenly looked at me with frightened eyes.

I looked at the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room without knowing why.

In the mirror, his eyes turned white, his pupils slowly shrank into small dots, and black veins gradually covered his forehead and corners of his eyes.

There was a strange sound buzzing in my ears, like a whisper from hell.

An unparalleled bloodthirsty feeling instantly surged into my heart, and I turned my longing eyes to the door...]


Meng Lang was completely stunned.

There were birds chirping and flowers fragrant all around, but his heart felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave and his whole body was chilled.

This chapter has been completed!
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