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Chapter 110 Single-handedly

 When I thought it was a family theater, it suddenly switched to a suspense scene.

Just when I thought it was a suspenseful scene... the zombies are coming?

From this point of view, Lao Meng was not controlled by others at all, nor was it a conspiracy against himself. What happened in the courtyard was just the tip of the iceberg of countless tragedies on the earth at that moment.

This is not "white-haired people giving black-haired people a gift", but "a group of white-haired people giving black-haired people a gift"...

You found that a single target attack was ineffective against me, so you fired the map cannon?

Destiny, you bad old man doesn’t have martial ethics!

In addition, isn’t it said that most of the people who go crazy are the elderly? Why am I also affected? Is it because I have the word “senile” in my Alzheimer’s disease?

Do you have the ability to include "age spots"?

I have worked so hard to start a business to save myself, and I just saw some light, but you told me to stop playing?

Those who are crazy...let's call it "madman's disease".

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a zombie in a movie or TV show.

It just turned out to be a box on the ground both times. I don’t know if this disease is contagious.

If it is like the T virus in Resident Evil, it can be transmitted by being bitten, and it mutates very quickly, even if the end of the world is really coming...

So...human civilization will end in 2043?

"Brother! What's wrong with you? You're so sweaty!" Meng Qingqing's voice frightened Meng Lang and quickly closed the book.

"Oh, it's nothing. This book is a bit scary." Meng Lang wiped his sweat.

Meng Qingqing glanced at the book cover in his hand.

Diary of a Madman?

Under the wildly scrawled font with a hint of hysteria, a group of dark and twisted heads gather together, with a mixed background of red and black...

Hmm! It looks quite scary.

But the point is the title of the book...

"What era are you in? Can you read books from the Republic of China? I know you have loved reading since you were a child, but didn't you know that you are so insatiable when it comes to reading?"

Meng Qingqing's eyes widened.

Then he looked at him suspiciously.

"Also...you can sweat profusely even when you read a book. How strong is your sense of immersion?"

Can't the sense of immersion be strong? In addition to personal experience, there is also the pain of skin-cutting!

"You don't understand, this book...every word says 'cannibalism'!"

Meng Lang sighed slightly and put the book away.

"Tch! Have you noticed that your tone now sounds like grandpa, a bit like an old scholar!" Meng Qingqing rolled her eyes.

"What are you two doing? Let's go! Go home!" By this time, Lao Meng and his wife had already packed up their things and called for help.

"Oh! Here we come! Brother! What are you waiting for! Let's go!"

Go home? Yes, we still have home now, but everything is still in the distant future...

Meng Lang stood up silently.

There will always be moments like this in a person's life. It's obvious that your heart is in chaos, but in the eyes of others, you are just a little quieter than usual, and no one will find it strange.

This kind of war is destined to be fought alone...

"Xiaoqing, what's wrong with your brother? He looked so distraught when he came back." Yang Hui picked celery and pointed upstairs.


Meng Qingqing was holding her new mobile phone and was concentrating on playing Xiaoxiaole. She replied casually.

"Who knows, I'm obsessed with reading again. I didn't often do this when I was a kid."


"Oh yes! Passed!"

"This girl! She just knows how to play!" Yang Hui rolled her eyes.

"It's okay. Those entrepreneurs on TV don't all have this kind of virtue. There's no harm in reading more books. It's better than playing games all day long!

Hey! Xiaoqing, why can't I pass this level? Please help me." Lao Meng frowned and handed over the phone.

"Dad, why are you so stupid? You need to eliminate this first and let the chick fall down!"

"Oh! That's it... stinky girl, how do you talk to your dad? I'm just not very good at it!"

Yang Hui looked helplessly at the big one and the small one.

"No one can worry!"

Meng Lang was indeed obsessed with reading. He sat on the desk and took a magnifying glass to study the "Diary of a Madman" carefully.

"The first time I was in Mengjia Village, and the second time should be in the center of Sioux City.

The two places are nearly a thousand kilometers apart, but both times, madman's disease broke out without warning, catching the brothers by surprise!

This shows that neither the news nor the Internet gave advance warning, at least no domestic media exposed the news.

If such a large-scale vicious event occurs, it is highly likely that it will be impossible to conceal it.

It’s 2018, and even a minor earthquake can flood Moments within ten minutes. It makes no sense that it’s already 2043, how can the immediacy of communication be reduced?

Does this mean...that the disaster occurred on a large scale and at the same time?

This is incredible..."

This is the biggest doubt in the book, and Meng Lang finds it incredible.

Under normal circumstances, even if a certain disease has an incubation period, it is impossible to make an appointment and get the disease at the same time, right?

Resident Evil also has a beehive and a raccoon city, so it's a first-come, first-served basis.

Not to mention it was a city warning, you didn't even leave time for me to write a suicide note. Isn't that a little too unscientific?

"And this description..." Meng Lang moved his finger to the last few lines.

[In the mirror, my eyes turned white, my pupils slowly shrank into a small dot, and black blood vessel lines gradually covered my forehead and corners of my eyes.

There was a strange sound buzzing in my ears, like a whisper from hell.

An unparalleled bloodthirsty feeling instantly surged into my heart, and I turned my longing eyes to the door...]

"Vision and hearing seem to be affected. The capillaries on the forehead and corners of the eyes are dilated. The affected areas include the trigeminal nerve, optic nerve and facial vagus nerve. There is also an irrepressible bloodthirsty instinct...

Judging from the symptoms, this is an invasion of the central nervous system of the brain?"

Meng Lang frowned.

In addition to neurotoxins, the causes of central neuropathy are usually infectious factors, such as viral infections, bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasitic infections, etc.

In addition, there are some degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, motor neuron disease, etc...

Wait! Alzheimer’s disease?

Could this be why I was classified into the "elderly" category?

Nervous system! The problem must be in the nervous system!

Elderly people! One of the differences between the elderly and young people is the degeneration of the nerve center!

Generally speaking, as people age, their brain functions will gradually deteriorate.

The number of brain cells will gradually decrease after a person reaches the age of 40, by about 20% after the age of 50, and by 20% to 30% after the age of 70.

At the same time, the weight of the brain is getting lighter and lighter. A normal human brain weighs about 1,500 grams, but the brain weight of an 80-year-old man is about 10% less than that, resulting in so-called "brain atrophy."

The total number of brain cells in the elderly decreases, and the number of brain cells in the cortical area decreases by even up to 45%. Therefore, the elderly may experience a series of changes in brain function.

At present, humans have not studied the reason for this change, but if "madman's disease" is an attack on the brain's nerve center, there are two clues that mutations occur in the elderly...

So nine times out of ten, this is the reason why the elderly develop the disease first!

So...the more the brain shrinks and degenerates, the more likely it is to be induced to "go crazy" by some kind of inducement?

Is this intentional? Or is it some kind of coincidence?

Meng Lang used the computer to check some information.

According to the United Nations Census, the world's population will begin to age in 2015. By 2050, the number of people aged 60 and above will increase to 2.1 billion, and the total population will reach 9.5 billion.

No matter it is the northern or southern hemisphere, whether it is the plateau or the Arctic, whether it is rural or urban, the elderly are everywhere.

If the outbreak of madman's disease is regional, it would be fine. If it is global, then more than one fifth of the population will become the god of death and take away the lives of those around them without warning.

And the more developed and aging developed countries are, the more severe the disaster will be.

[Through the iron gate of the villa, you can see an old woman knocking down a young man, and using agility and strength that is extremely inconsistent with her age, she desperately bites the passers-by underneath her. ]

From this sentence, it can be inferred that "madman's disease" not only has the effect of making people lose their minds, but should also have some kind of status bonus effect similar to "madness".

Meng Lang guessed that this should shut down the "self-protection mechanism" in the brain and achieve the effect of overdrafting the body.

These are not only gods of death, but gods of death whose strength and speed exceed those of ordinary humans!

Based on these current clues, it is conservatively estimated that it would be a miracle if only 1% of the world's population could be left after the disaster broke out.

Just thinking about it made Meng Lang shudder at that sight.

What’s even worse is that most of them, whether they are experts in the academic field, professors, scholars, or the ruling class who hold the most power in the world, can be classified as “elderly”.

If all these people are killed, it is conceivable that human civilization will not only encounter a terrible civilization fault, but also fall into a state of disorganized chaos without a leader.

Even if the disaster passes and humankind is not extinct, chaos and regression of civilization will be inevitable.

With so many coincidences, is it really a natural disaster?

Meng Lang had a vague premonition in his heart...the truth might be more terrifying than he imagined.

He turned the last page and looked at the appendix this time.

There are very few text descriptions in "Madman", but the technical documents smuggled in are thick and eloquent with tens of thousands of words.

And its title is...

"Research and Analysis on the Mechanism of X Virus Accelerating Brain Atrophy"!

This chapter has been completed!
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