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Chapter XIII: Justice and Injustice Overdue

 【People can have many choices in life.

Some people choose to live in the present, while others choose poetry and the distance.

However, there was a person who used his own life to give up his precious right to choose to a little girl who met by chance.

His name is Meng Lang, which is Meng from Mencius and Lang from Hailang.

I met him on the bus, and I misunderstood him as a bus pervert. The second time we met, the misunderstanding became even deeper...

I regret it very much. If I had chosen to believe what he said at that time, the subsequent tragedy might have been avoided, right?

Just a few days later, one early morning, when I came back from working at "Gravity" in the heavy rain, I saw Xiaoyu lying on the ground, covered in blood...

I cried, panicked, and didn't know what to do. Until the ambulance and police arrived, I was in a state of confusion.

Fortunately, after rescue, Xiaoyu, who was seriously injured, passed the critical period and survived!

Thank God!

And the next day after the incident, the police told me that the suspect had been found.

Meng Lang, who was unconscious in the rainy night, was found by the police, and the murder weapon was found in his arms.

Attempted murder and escape, the evidence chain is very complete. Under the fermentation of public opinion, the case was characterized and closed at an alarming speed!

He was eventually sentenced to eleven years.

However, looking at Meng Lang showing a wry smile to me in the dock, I hesitated...

If he is the murderer, what is the purpose of finding me in advance and informing me of the existence of a stalker?

This move was too superfluous and only increased his own suspicion.

This is not reasonable!

What finally shook me was Xiaoyu's first words after waking up, "I believe uncle is a good person"...

So, I decided to investigate further.

However, as the action progressed, I discovered that there was a mysterious force hindering my investigation.

Not only the judicial authorities, but even the police in charge of the case showed no cooperation at all times. In the end, even Xiaoyu's and my personal safety was threatened.

Being alone and powerless, I had no choice but to take Xiaoyu and leave Sushi temporarily.

However, this made me even more convinced that there must be a hidden secret behind this incident, and there was someone else who hurt Xiaoyu!

The person who protected Xiao Yu is behind bars, but the murderer is at large.

Unfortunately, major criminal cases are public prosecution cases, and even if the victim chooses not to appeal, the final verdict cannot be affected.

Procedural "justice" makes me extremely frustrated as a lawyer.

Before leaving, I applied for visitation.

In response to my apology and gratitude, he chose to smile and feel relieved.

He gave me the most tolerant understanding of my choice to leave temporarily.

He just asked me to publish an autobiography for him and tell future generations the truth about the case as much as possible.

Finally, he asked me to be fair and drafted a property donation agreement on the spot.

At that moment I realized that he had invested wisely and was actually a multi-millionaire.

It turns out...he could have had an extremely bright future...

In the agreement, he provided 1.5 million to support his best friend Duan Xian, helping him to pay for his father's treatment.

Ten million was left to his parents to take care of him until his old age.

The remaining 1.5 million was used to help Xiaoyu complete her studies...

Although I don't understand why the sentence of only eleven years gave him the idea of ​​gifting all his property as if he had made a will in advance.

But I saw a person's most beautiful qualities.

He is loyal to his friends, filial to his parents, indifferent to money, and he can devote everything he has to protecting a little girl he meets by chance.

This is the first time I feel that men are not all heartless and unjust people.

If it were another situation...

If we can have a better meeting again...

After leaving Sioux City, I never gave up searching for the truth of the matter.

Finally, as my network of contacts gradually expanded, and after years of secret investigations, all the clues vaguely pointed to a huge force hidden behind the scenes... the Xu Group!

In an instant, I figured out a lot of things.

At that time, because of Xiaoyu's accident, she was forced to give up the follow-up of the "Xu Gao divorce case"...

Who was behind the "Xiao Yu Case" back then...

Who is the biggest beneficiary, and who is covering up the real culprit!

Xu Jinsong!

After all, it was his own calf that caused the trouble, but it also brought harm to others.

I thought I was standing on a fair battlefield written by the law, but I ignored that it is still people who write the law...

Facing a behemoth like the Xu Group, even if I have become a partner of a well-known law firm, it is a fool's errand to shake it.

I can only choose to endure it and collect evidence secretly.

However, it was not until many years later that Yuan Li, who was accidentally arrested for a murder case, was arrested, did the truth of this case finally come to light!

Only then did I learn that Yuan Li, the criminal police captain who had been sent to prison by himself for violent law enforcement, was actually from the Xu Group.

Back then, Yuan Li was released from prison early under the manipulation of the Xu Group.

Old and new grudges, coupled with the secret support of the Xu Group, planned an action against Xiao Yu, which caused Meng Lang to suffer an unreasonable disaster.

If Meng Lang hadn't tried his best to stop him, perhaps what awaited Xiao Yu would have been an even more terrifying ending!

It turns out that all of this actually originated from me!

I felt guilty and immediately set out to overturn his case, even if I was facing a behemoth like Xu.

However, the first thing I got was a critical illness notice...

On his deathbed, he left only one last word.

"I have no ambitions in this life, but I only regret that I have no power to tie a chicken. I hope that everything is well for you in this time and space..."

The case was overturned and Yuan Li was executed. The Xu family was still the Xu family.

And some things and some people can never be undone.

Many years later, Xiaoyu was admitted to the International Academy of Detective Sciences, and later returned to China to become a professional criminal investigation policeman, gradually emerging as a prodigy.

She said her lifelong wish is to make the world free of wrongful convictions.

Thank you to the hero in my heart for giving her the chance to choose life with my life.

Every year during the Qingming Festival, Xiaoyu and I would come to pay homage to his tomb.

On his tombstone is an epitaph written by me.

“Justice delayed is justice denied”

I would like to use this book to commemorate the great life of Mr. Meng Lang!

————Ghostwritten by Lin Haitang]

The beginning of the entire book is still a photo.

The difference is that there are two people on it.

Meng Lang, who was still wearing prison uniform, and Lin Haitang, who was wearing a long skirt.

In the photo, Lin Haitang is holding Meng Lang's arm very affectionately, with only a faint smile on their faces. They don't look like lovers, but more like old friends who have known each other for many years...


Closing the book, Meng Lang closed his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief.

After a long time, he opened his eyes again and took out his mobile phone.

"Kacha kacha!" First I took a few continuous shots of the photo in the book.

This is a very memorable souvenir. If it is not refreshed in the "update" tomorrow, it will be a big loss.

Immediately afterwards, he made another phone call.

"Hello, Alang?" Duan Xian's voice seemed a little hoarse on the other side of the phone.

"It's me, how is uncle doing now?"

"Huh? You...how do you know?"

"What, you still want to hide it from me?"

"Oh! No, I just didn't want to tell you so early." Duan Xian's tone was low.

"What disease?"

"Heart disease requires coronary artery bypass grafting."

"Not enough money? Why don't you ask me to get the 50,000 back?"

"For the cost of the surgery, it's just a drop in the bucket."

"1.5 million, right?"

"You...how did you know? I just..."

"Stop talking nonsense, don't do anything stupid! I just made a fortune from my investment recently, and I'll send you the money in a few days!"

Meng Lang didn't mind using future money for current use.

Hang up the phone and ignore Duan Xianhui's reaction on the other side of the phone.

He stood up, stretched out, and looked at the blue sky.

How should I put it, after reading "my" still tragic life this time, I didn't feel as angry or aggrieved as the previous two times.

Instead, I had a strange feeling of "Huh? This ending looks good."

Oh no, no, no!

Being praised by a beautiful woman made me feel happy.

Meng Lang quickly stopped the dangerous thought of "spreading flowers when the book is over".

There are so many open-ended endings in life, why bother thinking about going to jail?

Even if it's a little better than the previous "Bad end", it's still a "Bad end"!

"What a pity! I almost got state compensation. The third time I discussed the importance of 'health maintenance'..."

【Justice delayed is justice denied(Justice delayed is justice denied)

A proverb in the legal circles of Eagle Country embodies the special emphasis on judicial procedural justice rather than substantive justice.

This means that even if the result of a judicial decision is fair, if the decision is made too late or the parties are notified too late, procedural injustice will still make the decision unjust.]

This chapter has been completed!
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