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Chapter 185 What's Next?

 The "Mask Man Capture Plan" failed...

But Meng Lang was not depressed.

I can fail countless times, but the other party will always only have one chance!

Through this failure, the other party once again exposed more information, and he definitely deserved his death this time.

"There's more than one masked man!

But the biggest mistake was to underestimate the ability of the so-called ‘listener’…”

Meng Lang began to learn lessons from his failures.

Based on human inertial thinking, he originally thought that this kind of monitoring unit might only be sensitive to extremely penetrating infrasound waves, and at most it could monitor large-decibel wide-area sound waves such as guns.

However, the facts told him that the other party could even eavesdrop on human conversations below 60 decibels from a long distance...

As far as he knows, there are also species with extraordinary hearing among various creatures on the earth, such as dogs, mankind’s loyal companions!

Its hearing is 16 times that of humans, and it can even sense sounds within one kilometer.

It is not ruled out that the other party has a hearing monitoring level that far exceeds that of species on Earth.

"What a troublesome ability..."

He had set a trap, but the other party was able to eavesdrop on information from his own communication in various languages.

This is like during a battle, one's own communication channel is being unscrupulously eavesdropped by the opponent. In this case, it is almost impossible to sneak attack on the opponent.

Fortunately, judging from the fact that his "real identity" has not been discovered by the other party, this kind of "monitoring" behavior by the other party must not be carried out on a large scale.

It is likely that after discovering the existence of "Death Melody", the "Listener" was ordered to conduct more "precise" targeted monitoring of the area.

If the other party can really monitor "all mankind" at the same time and achieve a certain degree of "omniscience and omnipotence".

Then all of your plans must be discovered by the other party in advance, and your true identity will definitely be hidden!

This is not a big or small piece of good news.

However, once being targeted by the other party, I am afraid that all members must remain in a "silent state" to avoid the other party's secret prying eyes.

This is undoubtedly the lesson that the thriller title "Silent Hill" wants to tell you!

"Sound wave again... Does the other party mean that this move will be used all over the world?" Meng Lang touched his chin.

From stimulating the brain to activate viruses, to detecting enemy traces, creating auditory hallucinations, and even eavesdropping on secrets...

Every action of the other party seems to be filled with... yes! obsession with sonic skills!

Meng Lang thought of such a word inexplicably.

Being defeated one after another with the same "attribute" skills, Meng Lang had to wonder if the enemy he was facing was a "sonic" creature in itself?

"Speaking of which, these abilities of the other party are really similar to those of bats. So if we follow the evolutionary template of bats..."

["Haha! No need to shout. Do you think you can sit back and relax by hiding in the bunker?"

Those overt and covert sentries you arranged are nothing more than a group of conspicuous targets.

This kind of sealed space has no secrets at all to me, and this level of defense means is useless to me."]

The information content in the other party's words is quite large.

Does this mean that the other party is not only proficient in ordinary sound waves and infrasound waves, but also has "ultrasonic" positioning skills?

In fact, the definitions of "ultrasonic waves" and "infrasound waves" are completely from the perspective of humans, and these sounds that cannot be heard by human ears are distinguished according to vibration frequencies.

If the opponent is really a race that is good at sonic skills, then it is entirely possible that it is "full-band sonic proficiency".

"This is a completely asymmetric attack..." Meng Lang shook his head.

Humanity is still at a relatively early stage of scientific and technological exploration in the field of sonic waves and the development of offensive and defensive weapons, and this method hits humankind's weakest point.

Meng Lang took out the notebook that recorded important information.

Assume that the other party is not of the same race as humans, and really comes from another planet far away.

Then due to the different living environment, the other party may have developed technological routes and attack methods that are completely different from humans.

The development of human science and technology is relatively balanced, but currently it is mainly good at the fields of "mechanical", "electromagnetic" and "explosion is art", and may also develop "light skills" in the future.

If the human race is compared to a kind of Pokémon, then it should be a "little magnet" with skills such as "electromagnetic wave" and "self-destruction".

There may also be an upgraded skill "Charging Beam" in the future.

The enemy is more like a "Supersonic Bat", good at "Supersonic", "Poison" and other skills.

Among them, the "ultrasonic" skill can not only detect the terrain, search for enemy traces, confuse the opponent, but can even cooperate with the "poison" skill to cause "chaos" to the enemy.

Meng Lang wrote and drew in his notebook and started to create the opponent's "racial characteristics card".

"Being so obsessed with sonic skills...could it be possible that the other person lives in the same environment as a bat, without sunlight?"

Technology may be ever-changing, but the characteristics of living things determine their habitual behavior patterns.

For example, human beings are accustomed to using their eyes to observe opponents, their ears to assist in early warning, and their hands and feet to launch attacks. They do not want to howl to death when encountering an enemy.

Imagine a planet far away from its star, full of darkness and loneliness.

The creatures above have been fighting each other for control of the planet since the age of ignorance. Among them is a group of creatures that are good at sonic skills. They survive by eliminating the fittest and gradually emerge.

After countless long years, one day, they finally evolved high intelligence over countless corpses, became the overlords of the planet, and finally broke out of the planet and expanded outwards...

Meng Lang used his poor imagination to barely make up a history of the rise of civilization in his mind...

"Sound wave skills are very strong at the planetary stage, but after all, they are just mechanical waves, and the universe is a vacuum. Does this mean that the opponent's technological development route has less potential than humans?"

Meng Lang shook his head.

"People are already able to strike across planets. No matter what the potential is, at least strategic technology trees can be planted faster than humans..."

Meng Lang turned his attention away from the other party's civilization and ethnic group and returned it to more practical issues.

"Judging from the attack power, these masked men only seem to have certain individual attack capabilities, and do not have strong destructive power against 'city armor' such as heavy armor and bulletproof glass.

The lethality of that kind of 'hiding a needle in a smile' skill is at best the same as that of ordinary firearms.

If you can take precautions in advance, the threat is not great.

But the opponent's concealment, as well as various abilities to detect terrain and create auditory hallucinations, coupled with the super 'sonic radar' of the 'listener'...

This is definitely an assassination type unit!"

Thinking about it, this is the specific executor of the other party's elimination of certain "specific human beings".

The attack power does not need to be too strong. After all, humans are so fragile. An embroidery needle is enough.

In comparison, concealment and intelligence gathering capabilities are more important.

Meng Lang temporarily named the opponent's unit..."Assassin"!

I just don’t know, apart from the “assassin” and “listener” that have been exposed, does the other party have a more terrifying trump card?

After completing the information about this unit, Meng Lang looked at the end of the book.

[Ten days later, countless nuclear bombs were launched into the sky, hoping to intercept the Pluto that brought death.

However, just when it was about to hit, Pluto suddenly changed its trajectory, perfectly evading all interceptions...

It...can actually change tracks!]

Obviously, the key action "Pluto Interception Plan" that he wanted to reverse the fate of the end of the world also failed...

Originally I thought that Pluto was just a modified disposable "whistle".

Unexpectedly, it is actually a controllable aircraft!

How to break a massive meteorite that can change its orbit and hit at a speed exceeding tens of kilometers per second?

At present, the highest level of hypersonic missiles in the world can probably reach twenty or thirty times the speed of sound, reaching several kilometers per second, which basically belongs to the category of "unable to intercept".


Perhaps the attacking "spear" will be stronger, but the defensive "shield" may not be able to keep up with the development speed of the "spear".

Defensive weapons always lag behind offensive weapons.

Is it possible that I have to help humans develop anti-missile systems while curing my own Alzheimer’s disease?

This subject is a bit big!

The most advanced anti-missile systems currently known include America's TMD (NASA Ma Delegations) and NMD.

The Hebrew State's anti-missile system is called MLGB (Medium Laser Guided Bb).

There are also Da Mao’s RTMD and RNMD.

And the ones from China are the most domineering, called MD...

Technically, there is no problem. Anyway, they are just copying homework, and they are doing it for nothing without asking the source.

Question: As an angel investor who focuses on the medical field, I suddenly bought a set of "CTMD". Is it reasonable?

My head hurts...

As an ordinary wealthy citizen, Meng Lang decided to put this issue aside for the time being.

Finally, there was the piece of information that Meng Lang was most concerned about... Madman's disease!

For the first time, the experimental subject of madman was successfully sectioned, and the pathogenesis of madman was analyzed for the first time. This is undoubtedly an unprecedented and great historical breakthrough!

Brain + death melody + virus... As long as one of the links is cracked, the madman's doomsday will naturally fall apart.

The anti-missile system is too cross-border and sensitive. We cannot deal with meteorites in the sky, but we can deal with those on the ground.

The brain is not easy to change. After all, it has been passed down from ancestors for tens of thousands of years, so it is too difficult to change it.

However, we can try to find out if there is any way to block the production of the "special chemicals" that Xiaoyu mentioned.

It is unrealistic to create large-scale vacuum shelters to isolate the death melody, so the only way to tackle the problem is to study "suppressive drugs".

the last one……

The virus is the most likely breakthrough!

After all, mankind has been fighting viruses for many years, and there is still some accumulation of technology.

Even if the level is not as good as the enemy, as long as I am cheating, sooner or later I will be able to find a way to deal with this virus.

Thinking about the longer term, is it possible to even use "stones from other mountains" to accelerate the development of biotechnology on earth?

The other party is an alien species, and it must have many "technological trees" that are not lit up on Earth.

Apart from anything else, wouldn't it be great if you could copy the opponent's "Ultrasonic" and "Poison" skills?

The so-called bottomless abyss also means a bright future...

X virus... no, what was activated by the death melody is already a brand new virus.

To pay tribute to the classic, let’s call it the “T” virus from today on.

As for those alien species...

Considering that walls have ears, in order to maintain confidentiality in the future and prevent misfortune from spreading, we had to give them code names.

Just call them... "Night Stalkers".

Meng Lang solemnly wrote the words "night devil" in his notebook.

After confirming that no key information was missing, he closed the notebook and picked up the "Silent Hill" again.

Meng Lang couldn't help but laugh when he saw the photo included in the book.

It was a photo of me wearing sportswear and holding a table tennis trophy. She seemed to be smiling quite happily.

It seems...it feels good to be a genius?

However, in the photo, half of his hair has turned white, and he looks like a veritable old man.

Facts have once again proven the safety of the "brain overclocking" skill. Even if it is used frequently, the impact on the body will be bearable until at least 2043.

At most, a black-haired person becomes a white-haired person.

As for whether overloading will affect brain life...

Then you have to wait until you can live until the end of your life!

Trading lifespan for IQ is still a good deal for the brothers.

Haha! This damn short-lived ghost's happiness...

In addition, this brother's "human experiment" also shows that for him, using it once or twice occasionally will not have much impact on him, but it can be used to deal with certain sudden dangers.

For example, if he were to encounter a boss like Yuan Li again, he would not be helpless to fight back.

After all, the only martial arts in the world that cannot be defeated is speed!

Neo cheats and can dodge bullets.

I don’t know if I can avoid the steel needle if I turn on overclocking?

With the existence of this kind of cheating device, he was already thinking about how to improve his "self-protection" ability.

Although when faced with an enemy like an "assassin", it is better to be able to "outwit" them rather than to "strengthen the enemy" by putting yourself in danger.

But it’s always better to be prepared and be more prepared.

Judging from these life experiences, the strength of the bodyguards I hired is still a bit too weak. The "assassins" are like being in a no-man's land.

But this is no wonder Cheng Biao and Ah Xing, even if one can fight ten, they are still ordinary people after all.

If you encounter someone who uses hidden weapons like the "Invincible Dongfang", you will still be knocked down with one shot.

“Perhaps you can start with equipment, but weapons and armor, especially firearms, are still difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

Or maybe we can consider popularizing the 'overclocking potion' on a large scale?" Meng Lang pinched his chin.

Even if there are side effects, it's still better than death. If you can't die after using it, then use it to death!

Didn’t you listen to what the book said? A vigorous life, even though you are dead, you are still alive!

At worst, we’ll start all over again in the next episode!

Meng Lang turned the page to the end again and looked at the technical appendix this time.

Not surprisingly, it is one of the three major problems, "problem-solving ideas."

After writing four or five pages of dense calculation formulas, Meng Lang suddenly lost interest in reading.

Scan it for backup as usual.

Looking at the information in his hand, Meng Lang suddenly thought of something. He immediately turned on the computer and used multiple springboards to protect his anonymity.

Then there was a "cracking" search, and soon I found the email address of Yanda Wei Yidong.

This thing is basically public and there is no difficulty.

I pasted the "problem-solving ideas" I just got, thought about it, and deleted the second half.

Then write a line of text in the email, confirm it is correct and click send.

Yanda faculty and staff dormitory.

Wei Yidong, who was holding a chicken coop on his head, was thinking hard in front of the desktop covered with manuscript paper, and from time to time he was doing calculations on the computer.

Ever since he saw this question, he was like a man possessed and had locked himself up for several days.

"Ding!" An email pop-up window popped up in the lower right corner.

He has always been in the habit of replying to emails in a timely manner, but he opened it casually, but his mind was still calculating.

However, the moment he saw the email, he was stunned.

"Huh? This..."

Incredulously, he swept away the manuscript paper on the table and pressed his face against the screen.

Then, my eyes opened wider and wider...

"Someone actually solved it so quickly?" He was a little surprised.

Even the beginning was difficult for me.

He was watching mesmerizedly.

Suddenly, the beautiful calculation formula came to an abrupt end...

"Where's down there?"

He continued to look itchingly, but there was only one sentence...


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