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Chapter 186 Good man


"Wei Ge Wei Ge! It's a big deal! Uh..."

My roommate just opened the door with a bang and ran in excitedly, but suddenly he was stunned.

In the room, Wei Yidong, who has been obsessed with solving problems for the past two days and is almost in a daze, is leaning on the back of the chair with a satisfied smile on his face, and the table in front of the computer is filled with small paper balls.


This is a tasteful picture...

He silently walked out of the room and closed the door.

After a while.

"Dong dong!" A polite knock on the door sounded.

"Please come in."

Then the door was opened again, and the roommate with a strange look walked in.

"Uh... I'm not bothering you, right?"

Wei Yidong's face was still flushed with excitement, which was the heat dissipation of the server after the brain was running at high speed.

"No need to disturb me, it just ended."


Can iron trees bloom? Do gods eat garlic?

The person opposite didn't notice the strange expression on his roommate's face. He took the large mineral water bottle at hand and took a big sip. Then he breathed a long sigh of relief and showed a satisfied smile.

"By the way, what did you want to say just now?"

"Ah? Oh! That's right! It's a big deal!" Only then did the roommate come to his senses and talk about the serious matter.

"On the Shuimu BBS next door, there's a guy named 'Open Source Emperor Mengchangjun', yes! It's the guy offering bounties for three major problems. He just updated his post!

Guess what’s updated?”

"Could it be that... the first problem has been solved?"

"Fuck! You know that?" The roommate looked surprised.

How could he not know what his roommate looks like? Basically, even if the village has internet access, nothing will happen to him!

He doesn't hear what's going on outside the window, and he only focuses on solving math problems.

Unexpectedly, this time the other party’s information is actually better than mine?

"What does it say on the Internet?" Wei Yidong asked curiously.

"Here! See for yourself."

The roommate said, opening the BBS of his opponent Mizuki...

Time goes back a few hours.

Meng Lang's high-value bounty post two days ago has been highlighted by the administrator and continues to dominate the top three most popular posts!

As for the other two, one is the "Yanda President's Honghuzhi" incident.

One is "The Love Affair and Academic Misconduct of Ma Mouni and Song Mourui, Candidates for the Mizuki Special Prize".

One is the opponent's melon, and the other is one's own. The onlookers are watching with relish.

However, a post about a mathematical problem can actually be compared with such an eye-catching entertainment front page, which shows how out of the circle it is.

Click on the post and there are a lot of comments below.

"It's been two days and no one has come to reveal the list?"

“It’s not something I can’t do, it’s something I can’t do!”

"These are the three major problems that shocked our principal. What do you think 1+1 equals?"

"I heard that a dozen professors from our school have been meeting to discuss it in the past few days, and even several well-known foreign mathematicians have been alarmed."

"Hiss~ This question is so scary?"

"It's not scary, how can you get out of the circle like this? It is said that the dean of the School of Mathematics at Yanda has listed them as a new global super problem! You taste it, you taste it carefully..."

"What is the origin of this 'Mengchangjun'? Are our country's mathematicians about to rise?"

"I was deceived by the 10 million reward. I just want to know if the reward is real? I will really transfer to Mathematics School next semester."

"I'm passing by the Accounting Department of the School of Economics and Management. Does the boss upstairs need to calculate taxes? A reasonable way to avoid taxes."

"When passing by the Academy of Fine Arts, do you need illustrations? The kind that highlight your personalized aesthetic."

"It's over, it's over, our principals who came from several colleges have said that these problems cannot be solved in a short time, and there will definitely be no hope in at least one or two years!

Note, I didn’t say three, I said one, any one!”

"Huh? Look, the post has been updated!"

Suddenly, those with sharp eyes discovered that the content of the post had been updated by the original poster.

I saw that the first difficult problem had been marked with an eye-catching red watermark, which said..."solved"!





Below is a bunch of "papapapa" in neat formation...

"Stop lining up, our principal's face will be swollen if you 'pop' again!"

"Principal, come out and see the gods!"

"My hair is almost bald and I can't even understand any of the questions. You tell me that someone solved one in two days? This is unscientific!"

"Yes, it's not scientific, but it's mathematical..."

"I don't believe it! Unless you post the answer!"

"Yes! Come on, please post the answer!"

"Post, post, post!"

“I can’t sleep at night, please post it quickly!”


Meng Lang was shocked when he opened the post. He didn't expect these three problems to be so lethal. They were already out of the circle to this extent in just two days.

It is indeed a global problem in the future!

However... looking at the pile of 99+ comments below asking for answers, the idea of ​​publishing the answers disappeared in an instant.

Click the evil little cross in the upper right corner to close the web page.

Meng Lang whistled and closed the computer.

How do you say that?

A wife is worse than a concubine. She is worse than a concubine. She is worse than a concubine. She is worse than a concubine.

This shows that... what you can't get is the best, and you will never forget it...

A dozen professors held a meeting to discuss it? Several well-known foreign mathematicians were alarmed?

How effective is this publicity?

What I want is not just one or two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks, what I want is for all the heroes in the world to fall into my lap!

Wei Yidong looked at the numerous posts asking for answers strangely and wondered.

"The other party didn't post the answer?"

"Of course! I guess our professors in the School of Mathematics are about to explode with anger, right? Isn't this obviously exciting?

I even wonder if this guy came here specifically to compete in the gym, and deliberately came up with three difficult problems that he couldn’t solve to disgust us.”

"not like this!"

"Uh...how do you know?"

"Um...cough! I don't think the person who can ask such a difficult question is such a bad person."

After all, he still didn't tell why the person named "Open Source Emperor Mengchangjun" sent him an email.

And he would also put forward such a strange condition...

However, the problems and answers belong to others, and they have not made them public, so it is not easy for me to override them.

"Yes, yes, in your eyes, are there no bad people in mathematics? Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore, have you eaten?"

"That's right! I forgot to eat lunch."

"Please, it's almost time for dinner..."

"Then I'm going to the cafeteria."

Looking at the other person's back as he left, the roommate couldn't help but shake his head.

But he said that after Wei Yidong left the dormitory, he went straight to the cafeteria.

After eating and drinking, I packed a few steamed buns for midnight snack and hurried to the dormitory again.

The exquisite verification method, the tortuous problem-solving ideas... there is a wonderful feeling that is in harmony with the soul.

The more he thought about it, the more he was still unfinished. He just wanted to rush back as soon as possible and do the second or even third brush again to fully understand the problem-solving ideas of the solver.

At this moment, several reporters-looking people carrying cameras suddenly stood in front of him.

"This classmate, we are from Beijing Radio. We want to do a campus interview. Could you please take a few minutes?"

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled shyly in front of the camera.

"Of course..."

But just as he was about to say these two words, his expression became tangled as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Uh...sorry, I'm in a hurry."

He was not very good at rejecting others, so he seemed very embarrassed. After saying sorry, he tried to avoid them.

But the female reporter seemed to be interested.

"Hey! This classmate, please wait a moment. We are just doing a brief interview, so we won't waste too much of your time."

"Sorry, I can't do it."

"Classmate, our program is going to be broadcast to the whole country. Maybe your parents can also see it."

The female reporter saw that the other party was dressed simply, carrying a few steamed buns, and had messy hair comparable to Einstein's. His "personality" was very distinct, making him a perfect example of a poor and studious YSU student.

But he didn’t want to give up easily on this “interview subject” who might be able to “catch the audience’s attention.”

This trick she used has basically worked every time in the past. Not many college students can resist the temptation of being famous and being photographed in front of the whole country.


"Sorry, I can't do it."

It was still the same apologetic rejection.

"This..." The female reporter didn't expect to meet such an inexperienced guy.

"Can you tell me why? Isn't this an opportunity to bring glory to the school?" the female reporter asked curiously.

Wei Yidong scratched his head, "Because I promised others not to accept any interviews before marriage."

Female reporter: "???"

Looking at Wei Yidong walking away, the female reporter had a question mark on her forehead.

"Promised to others", "before marriage", "not accepting interviews"?

I can understand these three phrases, but what the hell does it mean when they are connected together?!

Naturally, Wei Yidong would not realize that today's actions would affect his future academic career.

His vigorous life was ultimately no match for someone's calculations that lasted for decades.

Return to silence again...

Just when the news that "one of the three major mathematical problems has been cracked" once again caused waves in certain small circles.

A huge wave sweeping across the country is hitting Changchun Biology hard!

It was the night when the State Drug Administration issued the announcement.

An article titled "The King of Vaccines" was quickly spread on new media...

From six o'clock in the afternoon, a friend with the online name "Zhou Lou Chu" posted an article until nine o'clock in the evening.

In three hours, the article had more than 100,000 clicks, and it was still spreading like crazy!

[In 2001, a state-owned vaccine company in Northeast China quietly underwent restructuring. Looking back many years later, people understood the significance...

At the end of 2003, Gao Fangjun, the current head of Changchun Biotechnology, transferred 20 million yuan into the company's account with the intention of privatizing Changchun Biotechnology. The price was 2.4 yuan per share.

Many bidders said they were willing to pay 3 yuan per share.

Gao Fangjun thanked them for their offer and then rejected them.

Although some people questioned and reported, Gao Fangjun still did not stop Gao Fangjun from becoming the third largest shareholder of Changchun Biotech.

In the following years, Gao Fangjun continued to acquire Changchun Biotech’s equity step by step.

Looking back ten years later, she already controls half of China's vaccines, including the largest hepatitis B vaccine company, the largest influenza vaccine company, the second largest chickenpox vaccine company, and the second largest rabies vaccine company...

You may not know that vaccines produced by Changchun Biology are continuously injected into you and your children's bodies every day.

What you may not know is...

Is there any way we can deal with such perpetrators?

Yes, because just today, the State Food and Drug Administration issued an announcement...

Justice may be late, but it will not be absent.

However, when justice is late, how can those who have been hurt...how to recover?

Perhaps in the eyes of Changchun Biotech's executives, operations and profits are not only the most important, but also almost everything.

I can even imagine that when this problem is exposed, they will not care about the children who are ultimately injected with the vaccines that are released to the market.

But they are just concerned that recalling tens of thousands of vaccines will cost hundreds of millions in revenue and how much profit will be lost...

This is a kind of indifference that goes deep into the bone marrow...]

April 15th, 10 am.

Cheng Biao came to the hospital. Today is the 7th day since he was bitten, and it is also the date for the second dose of rabies vaccine.

There are basically two ways to vaccinate rabies, one is referred to as the 5-shot method, and the other is referred to as the 211 method. Cheng Biao chose the latter.

That means two injections on day 0, one injection on day 7, and one on day 21.

"What? No way?"

"real or fake?"

"Our hospital has shut down emergency services. Are you telling the truth?"

"Oops! My baby was spanked just a few days ago..."

"These bastards!"

When I arrived, several nurses at the injection station were chattering behind their desks with angry expressions on their faces, and they even cursed from time to time.

Cheng Biao came to the front desk.

"Hello, nurse, this is my order."

Cheng Biao, who had a rough face and looked extremely tough, was very honest when he came to the hospital and did not rush. He followed the procedures in a gentle voice.

By coincidence, the person who took the order happened to be the nurse who gave him the injection last time.

She glanced at the list and then at the "fierce" Cheng Biao.

"Oh! I remember you. You are here to get the second shot of rabies vaccine, right?"

"Yes, yes, nurse, you have a really good memory." Cheng Biao smiled.

But that smile is basically the kind that can stop a child from crying at night.

It's not that nurses have a good memory, but with his appearance, it's hard to forget even if you've seen him...

The little nurse heard that he actually called her sister at such a young age, so she prepared a syringe and vaccine for him a little funny, and skillfully gave him an injection.

He said something smoothly.

"Fortunately, it's not from Changchun Biology. You are so lucky."

"Huh? Why?" Cheng Biao asked with some confusion.

"You don't know?"

"what do you know?"

A moment later, Cheng Biao broke into a cold sweat after getting the truth from the chirping little nurse.

Damn it!

Even if he lost his fishing rod and was bitten by a dog, he almost got injected with a fake vaccine?!

What evil have I done!

The fatality rate of rabies is 100%!

That dog is obviously aggressive and very strong. If it really has rabies, and then he gets a fake vaccine...


I am walking through the gate of hell!

[By the way, brother, when you go to get vaccinated, don’t get ‘Changchun Biological’! Remember that! 】

Suddenly, I thought of the little brother’s instructions before he left that day.

If he hadn't reminded me, I might have been in trouble this time. It's not an exaggeration to say that he saved his life.

But...how did the other party know that there was something wrong with the vaccine?

Did you get some inside information?

No matter what, I owe you a lot of favors.

Little brother!

Good man!

I thank you forever!

This chapter has been completed!
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