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Chapter 336 Solution Provider

"Tsk! Gao Yuan is indeed the same Gao Yuan..."

Meng Lang couldn't help but twitch his lips as he browsed through the dozens of extremely explosive "captured" photos sent by Ling.

This is definitely a divorce plan!

It is estimated that Gao Yuan will make the next move...it seems to be targeting Baiyu Pharmaceutical.

Although the blackening is not complete enough, it is foreseeable that the rise of this business queen will still step on the corpses of countless business elites...

Mr. Bai of Baiyu Pharmaceutical was obviously the first to fall...

I just don’t know how many times Mr. Bai has fallen in so many world lines?

Hmm...it's also a complete mess...

“A video software can be used as a tool to catch rapists... No one has such a sense of social responsibility...

But if the acne scar company knew that its software had an anti-pornography function, would its stock price collapse?"

After this battle, Meng Lang also gained a new understanding of the acne scars he usually used.

That's right, the acne brush was printed to the mistress's account... and it happened again and again. Naturally, this couldn't be God's fault, but Zero's fault!

Among the current major short video platforms, the accurate push algorithm for users with acne scars is considered to be at the top level in the industry.

Anyone who has used it for acne scars knows that as you swipe it, you will suddenly find that the content pushed here is all the type of videos you like.

So it got out of hand...I couldn't stop at all!

The advantage of this precise push model is that it greatly saves users’ time in searching for preferred content from massive amounts of Internet information.

From a certain perspective, what it does is no different from a zero-developed "intelligence module". They are both artificial intelligence applications that provide users with accurate search services.

However, compared with zero-developed modules, its algorithm and intelligence are still in an extremely rudimentary state.

With zero strength, you can easily get the internal push algorithm for acne marks by just reverse push.

In this case, based on the algorithm, we only need to use zombie accounts to create some targeted traffic, and then we can accurately control the push content of a certain user...

I want her to see the mistress, and the mistress will have absolutely nowhere to hide!

This is the absolute crushing of high-level artificial intelligence over low-level artificial intelligence!

Not only can he use the other person's way, but he can also repay the other person's body...

However, even if it is faced with being manipulated at any time, the acne company with massive users and data is already at the forefront of the world's mainstream intelligent AI field.

It is precisely because of the relative core competitiveness of advanced algorithms that acne scars can conquer the world on a global scale. Even the social giants who "must die" are trembling under its competition.

The leader, Bergzak, who is said to be determined to die, is currently thinking of ways to lobby the government on the other side of the ocean, preparing to launch its international version of "tiktuk" in the name of data security.

From a certain perspective, this reason is quite legitimate.

Although it is somewhat reluctant to classify users’ reading preferences as military secrets, if other countries know what types of .avi their politicians usually like to read...

Then wouldn’t the difficulty of instigating rebellion plummet?

Meng Lang touched his chin.

"Even the invasion of privacy by rudimentary intelligence has made national-level forces so nervous. Then if we come up with a high-level...

Even if it’s the castrated version of Zero, I’m afraid it will be difficult for her to survive as ‘Aunt Zheng’…”


"If the issues of user privacy and data security cannot be resolved, then the popularization of cloud computing will inevitably encounter great political resistance. In the end, we can only divide our spheres of influence and then play on our own computers..."

Meng Lang began to clearly realize such a problem.

He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The cloud computing center is an important key core mentioned in "Mencius' Art of War".

It goes without saying that the leader of the computing center is Zero, the super AI.

Others, including satellite communication constellations, super robot factories, and even ecological farms and doomsday cruise ships all over the world, are almost all planned around this "brain".

Even this time's "optical chip" technology is obviously specially prepared for this future super cloud computing center.

As the control center of our own industry, its importance cannot be overemphasized.

Not to mention, such a supercomputing center still has "zero" hardware foundation required to undergo a second evolution and advance to "black"...

Although in the future, these internal industries of our own can actually support the operation of a large-scale cloud computing center.

But if you want it to become a super-large supercomputing center that can integrate and distribute the world's resources, then you need to conquer cities and seize the world market...

And to solve the "privacy and data security issues" that the public is most worried about, is there a suitable solution based on the current technical conditions?

The answer is yes!

That is the advanced application of blockchain technology... web3.0!

The development of the Internet to this day has passed through the web1.0 era, which was dominated by "single static web pages".

And web2.0 in contemporary mode.

That is to say, a "centralized" Internet era in which a large amount of communication and business activities are concentrated on closed platforms owned by a few technology giants such as Guge, Fei Shishi, Alibaba, Penguin, Amazon, etc.

Compared with eb3.0, it is a "decentralized" new Internet world where the user's personal digital identity, digital assets and data are completely returned to the individual!

Its most important part is "decentralized identity (did)".

That is, allowing users to own and control their own digital identity!

Under web3.0, user data can only be used with user authorization.

Every interaction we have will be recorded and quantified. We can control our own data ownership and usage rights, and fairly participate in the resulting distribution of benefits!

If web2.0 solves the "efficiency" problem of communication interaction.

Then web3.0 solves the more important "trust" problem!

If all users can protect their data privacy, then all pride and prejudice, and even national borders, will no longer be an obstacle to data exchange!

"Mencius' Art of War" talks about the overall industry.

What he was thinking about at this time was global strategy.

After all, the copy of "Madman's Doomsday" has been cracked by himself in a sense, and the next thing to face is the more difficult "Pacific Rim".

If we want to deal with this kind of beast-type enemy, humanity's current technology is simply not enough.

The best way is to start by strengthening one's own hard power and comprehensively upgrade the level of human weapons.

This requires maximizing the strength of the world to accelerate development. If we can directly enter the interstellar era...

What kind of monster will you be afraid of then?

Gundam can't beat it, let's carpet bomb with rail guns!

What he wants now is not a local advantage, but a united front for all mankind...

As the saying goes, taking history as a guide, Qin Shihuang wanted to unify the world first by unifying weights and measures.

Let's set a small goal for him first...unify the global Internet!

If it is really possible to integrate the Internet and eliminate barriers, then if it is not possible, we will close the door and let the "black" forces take over the world's drones and weapons systems.

At least the problem of unified command will be solved...

However, you have to eat one bite at a time, and it is unrealistic to quickly popularize web3.0 on your own.

Is it best to conduct a small-scale "technical verification" first?


Meng Lang thought for a while and opened a "semi-finished product" file on his computer.

The file is called "Technology Sharing and Exchange Platform Based on Blockchain Technology—New Spider Web!"

This document was an idea made when Meng Lang had just acquired "IT skills" and started researching Bitcoin...cough! It was when he was studying blockchain technology.

Open source and sharing are catalysts for technological progress.

But free open source and sharing will only weaken people's enthusiasm for sharing.

This requires a "knowledge sharing platform" that can not only ensure the interests of knowledge owners, but also maximize sharing.

Compared with the existing profit model of Spider Web, he prefers to make this new "knowledge sharing platform" a public benefit to ensure the interests of knowledge sharers.

Only in this way can knowledge creation be stimulated to the greatest extent and accelerate the development of science and technology.

Isn’t this the best “technology verification” project currently?

He opened the file and began to refine the product design requirements.

The name of this application... is tentatively called "Wisdom Tree".

First, it is necessary to develop a blockchain currency similar to Bitcoin, called "smart currency", for internal "knowledge transactions".

The setting... is probably that the amount of knowledge is equal to the amount of money issued.

Well! Add an external paid link to allow buying and selling with real currency to increase liquidity.

Everyone can also set free external services or pay for knowledge...

Spider.com's existing payment system is relatively complete, and Meng Lang has made some more humane adjustments on this basis to ensure the interests of sharers.

It took more than an hour for Meng Lang to design the first draft of the new spider web "Wisdom Tree".

But this is just a prototype. The specific use effect and the impact it can bring...it depends on the feedback of the brothers in the next episode.

It would be best to do it in one step and share the future technologies that have reached the "end of mankind"...

After all, we are all successors of sharingism!

"Zero, this is a new project requirement, leave it to you!" Meng Lang said in Party A's daddy tone.

[Command confirmation! Automatically ranked as a secondary priority.]

The so-called secondary priorities are, in addition to executing the urgent tasks issued by Meng Lang, using the usual spare computing resources to carry out secondary tasks that are not so urgent.

Also currently under development in the secondary priority sequence is the key technology for rocket recovery, "online planning and guidance software", which is under development.

"It's so comfortable to have a god-level Party B..." Meng Lang couldn't help but sigh.

He began to imagine that once web3.0 can be popularized, privacy and data security issues will be solved, communication will be more efficient, and data barriers will no longer exist...

So will the development speed of human society enter a new stage?

Well! I don’t want to be the savior of mankind, I just want to be a “solution provider” for the accelerated development of human civilization…

【Dip! Important reminder!

Three minutes ago, Professor Zheng officially applied for a patent for 'Alzheimer's disease early prediction technology' in the name of the company, and submitted a theoretical document on 'Alzheimer's disease pathological analysis' to the international authoritative journal "The Lancet".


"Huh?" Meng Lang was stunned for a moment.

Reacted immediately.

The wheel of history... is still rolling forward...

Zheng family.

Zheng Dalu pressed the "enter" button for mail delivery, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally... I still feel ashamed to receive this "first work"...

Just after Zheng Dalu discovered that the experiment was successful, although he was shocked, his ears were deceptive and his eyes were convinced. He finally accepted the reality before him.

Then... I got into trouble.

This work...do you think you are right or wrong?

Take it for granted, I feel guilty. After all, this is not something I have researched at all. At best, it is just a piece of advice.

It shouldn’t be right, Director Gao can’t explain it.

The mysterious "Yizhuo" had no intention of showing up and was determined to remain hidden. This behavior is puzzling.

After all, this may be a major honor that subverts the history of medicine in the field of "Alzheimer's disease" treatment!

Which scientific researcher can resist the temptation of both fame and fortune?

At least Zheng Dalu couldn't do it.

But this bizarre thing happened!

At first, he was worried that this technology had "an incorrect origin".

Maybe it's through commercial theft, or maybe it's suspected of plagiarism...

But after careful analysis in the end, it was discovered that this possibility was almost non-existent.

Because what Gao Yuan gave her was already a very mature technical document. If any scientific research team researched it, it would not be left to gather dust without any news being revealed.

Any scientific researcher knows that whoever publishes something that has never appeared in the world first is the first!

Then you will say that I plagiarized?

In the eyes of the world, who copied whom?

I can’t explain it at all!

No scientific research group will take the huge risk of leaking the technology and not publish it. After all, this is not a cutting-edge technology involving military secrets.

After ruling out these possibilities, he could only guess that the mysterious team behind Gao Yuan might be a scientific research madman who just wanted to concentrate on scientific research and did not want to be burdened by fame, and did not care about such false fame at all.

He made a big mistake.


Zheng Dalu looked at the sent email with a complicated expression.

He knew that after this email was sent out, it would likely cause a hurricane-like shock to the industry...

After all, it is a classic within a classic...

In a way, as a "first author", he also has to bear certain risks.

But...whether it is from the standpoint of corporate interests, a medical worker's sympathy for patients, enthusiasm for medicine, or the tireless pursuit of science.

He felt that it was necessary to make this important discovery public as soon as possible!

And just as he expected.

Shortly after the email was sent, the headquarters of "Liuye Flying Knife" in Amsterdam exploded.

A global anti-counterfeiting storm more fierce than "I don't know the spider's web"...

Gradually sweeping the entire academic circle...

This chapter has been completed!
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