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Chapter 346 For Peace

 "Holy shit! 'Three Wars'?!

Is there any mistake! What kind of hellish unfolding is this?"

When Meng Lang saw this, he was completely confused.

What about the promised meteorite hitting the earth in 2043 and the decisive battle in the Pacific Ocean?

Good guy! The Gundam hasn't been built yet, and the shadow of Godzilla hasn't even been seen yet. Why are the people on earth starting to fight on their own?

He has experienced so many world lines, but none of them mentioned the word "Three World Wars". Shouldn't this world be full of love and peace?

It must be the work of the Night Demons!

In several world lines, it has been vaguely confirmed that the Night Demons have the ability to modify the body and control the mind.

There are not many spies like Chaoge in the world.

Coupled with the all-pervasive listening ability... it is not impossible to control a few key figures to add fuel to the flames and provoke infighting among humans.

But why did the opponent's strategy change again? This time it was still a divorce plan!

We agreed to fight for 300 rounds, but now you're facing me head-on!

No need to ask, just ask yourself that this little butterfly must have stimulated the other person somewhere...

[In 2022, China will build a new generation of submarine underwater acoustic monitoring network. 】


Judging from the official description of urine properties, the fewer words, the bigger the problem!

Meng Lang probably had a guess in his mind.

He asked Ling to investigate this so-called "Underwater Acoustic Monitoring Network" and found that it was nothing new.

There is a saying in the military circles that as soon as a nuclear submarine from the East leaves the harbor, it can be heard across the ocean in the West.

In addition to mocking the noise of the nuclear submarines of the two eastern powers, it also involves the submarine underwater acoustic monitoring system "SOSUS" built on the other side of the ocean in key waters of the world's oceans.

By monitoring low-frequency sound waves, the listening range of a hydrophone can reach hundreds of nautical miles. In theory, as long as 64 groups of hydrophones are installed, the monitoring network can cover most of the ocean.

On the other side of the ocean, it took more than half a century and more than 10 billion US dollars to build a super hydroacoustic array of more than 30,000 nautical miles at 64 points and 20 stations around the world.

Coupled with tactical maneuver forces such as submarines, surface ships, and patrol aircraft, as well as various specialized anti-submarine sensors, weapons, communication equipment, etc., the opponent has unprecedented advantages in submarine reconnaissance and strategic early warning.

This was also one of the key reasons why Soviet nuclear submarines were invincible during the Cold War.

However, compared with "SOSUS", which is specially used to monitor the noise of various types of underwater warships, China's "undersea underwater acoustic monitoring network" is definitely not as simple as for external military purposes.

It is likely to also have the function of monitoring the signals of the Night Demons and even some "large underwater creatures"...

"Silent War"... There is a high probability that this is a special trip for the Night Demon Tribe's "Pacific Rim" plan!

According to the information delivered in 2018, the "Undersea Hydroacoustic Monitoring Network" will be completed by 2022. In just four years, the country has already taken action.

Such a degree of trust, in addition to sufficient evidence, must be indispensable for his own contribution to boosting the country's reputation by "transferring technology" from time to time.

But with such a huge commotion, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

Judging from the infrasound signals that suddenly became more frequent like a hornet's nest, it was obvious that the Night Demons quickly realized that they might have been exposed.

Counting the time, in 2019, biochip technology will be used to crack the "madman's doomsday" in disguise.

In 2022, China will throw the "Sound Transmission Soul Searching Technique" directly at the door of people's homes...

Let’s not talk about whether it can threaten the other party. In just a few years, the other party’s Plan A and Plan B were all inexplicably targeted in a wave of precise attacks.

If you think about it from another person's perspective, if you were a night demon, you would definitely have a question mark on your forehead.

Before I, Zhang Liang, could use his plan, someone else had already used the ladder to cross the wall...

Forget about biochip technology, just treat it as a key technological breakthrough that was suddenly achieved due to bad luck on the part of mankind, and the Night Demons can still consider themselves unlucky.

But this plan failed. Plan B had just been turned around in my mind and was about to be put into practice when it was inexplicably seen through in the blink of an eye.

This is like two people fighting in the air, but the opponent completely predicted his prediction...

If it were you, would you panic?

"Isn't this wave too exciting, causing the other party to overestimate the strength of the people on Earth..." Meng Lang muttered in his heart.

Because you are worried that the "Godzilla Army" will not be able to defeat the people on Earth, why don't you just strike first and let the people on Earth fight among themselves first?

It’s all-out war, who still has the energy to care about the towers being built in nooks and crannies under the Pacific Ocean?

Meng Lang looked embarrassed.

What about the promised community of shared future for mankind?

What about the promised united front?

This life is really like fighting against landlords. Just a moment ago we were in a group, but in the blink of an eye we are enemies...

Regardless of how this conflict was instigated by the Night Demons and became the trigger for the Third War, this war... there is a high probability that there will be no winner.

Meng Lang looked helpless.

After finally cracking the "Madman's Doomsday", I was preparing to concentrate on building Gundam. The third battle is coming...

The other party must have been frightened by his successive predictions and felt that a "Pacific Rim" was not yet stable, so he thought of ways to weaken humanity's war potential first.

And to achieve this, what could be simpler and faster than triggering a civil war?

The other side didn't even have to lose a single soldier, and secretly started the war easily!

Human civilization itself is fragmented, filled with various interest disputes and intrigues.

In a mere 150 million square kilometers of land, more than 200 countries are not the same...

It was originally a tinderbox, and it exploded with just a spark...

Meng Lang felt a little tired.

The entire human civilization is like a passive defender full of flaws. It only cares about its head but not its buttocks.

I tried my best to get rid of him, but then I found out that this guy actually had internal injuries.

The other party just said a few rubbish words and was so angry that his meridians were cut off...

How the hell are you going to fight like this?

Although I haven't read the ending of the book yet, the "three battles" have come, and the ending of my "thirty-third generation" is naturally obvious.

After all, if the third generation or fourth generation is not dead, you would be embarrassed to call it a ninja war...

After eating such a big thing, Meng Lang didn't think about the love between his children and focused on the embarrassing fact that he was being listened to.

He continued to turn the pages...

[The United Nations calls on all parties to exercise restraint and safeguard the truth of world peace and justice.

However, when war comes, truth is the first victim...

"Although the North Country is big, there is no place to retreat! Behind us is Moscow!"

"Order our special operations brigade soldiers to defend resolutely! Okinawa is our grave, and we swear to live and die with the position!"

"Let them send a few more enemies to die!"

"Attack, attack, attack again!"

"Please report your casualties!" "Heavy casualties!"

"Please report the current battle situation!" "Our army will win!"

"Please tell my father that I have tried my best and tell my wife that I still love her..."

"Our Starlink has suffered a large-scale cyber attack, and more than one tenth of the satellites have lost contact..."

"What? Promote neutrality to the outside world immediately! Get the Minister of Defense for me!"

"Minister of Defense, all our military bases in the second island chain have been destroyed."

"All nuclear weapons are on combat readiness!"

"Three B21 strategic bombers just took off from Las Vegas Air Force Base."

"Dispatch three Tu-160s in equal measure!"

"Your Excellency, signs of strategic nuclear submarine activity have been found on Midway Island, Hawaii, and the west coast of our country..."


Trust is a spiral.

If you are willing to give trust and others respond with trust, then trust will spiral upward...

On the contrary, if you are unwilling to give trust and betray the trust of others, then trust will spiral downward!

When the two major groups distrust each other, the spiraling nuclear arms race will once again loom over the world...

Only then did we truly realize it.

The three major truths of the world are never about creation, creation, and authority.

It’s the militia on the other side of the ocean, the poplars of the northern country, and the east wind of the eastern country...

The situation evolved much faster than expected.

Even the constant leaks of information about the existence of the Night Demon Clan could not stop this already bloody war.

The world in 2025 is far from developed to the level of intelligence that allows zero to take over everything.

Due to the state of war, the development of Evergreen Creatures and White Nights has also been greatly affected.

Global social productivity continues to tilt toward the needs of war, and technological development has evolved into an arms race surrounding weapons.

While sweating, I muttered, "Don't be afraid, it's a technical adjustment, history shouldn't be like this."

While watching history go to an abyss that I never foreseen...

It wasn't until the first B61-12 new tactical nuclear bomb exploded, and I looked at the little sun that instantly eclipsed the sky and the earth, that I woke up as if from a dream.

I finally realized that from the moment I thought I could rely on foresight to block the strategic advantage of the Night Demons...

This world has been brought to a new line of destruction by me...

The hopes we have seen have been proven to be false illusions time and time again.

It’s exactly the same as the unexpected ending of “Mencius’ Art of War” last time!

Only this time, I didn't lose at the end, but directly at the starting point...

Yes, "time" is on our side, and we have the huge strategic advantage of foresight.

We can nip each crisis in the bud.

But the Night Demons... have a hundred ways to kill us...

The method of using troops is not to rely on them not coming, but to rely on me to be ready for them; not to rely on them not to attack, but to rely on me having something that cannot be attacked.

But we simply cannot achieve "impeccable" defense in a short period of time.

As long as the other side deems it necessary, they can launch a PlanA PlanB PlanC "hybrid war" against the human side!

The people of the earth are too fragile, and the civilization of the earth is also too fragile, full of all kinds of weaknesses and flaws.

In a duel between masters, a single flaw can kill someone, let alone so many flaws?

As long as the enemy is strong and we are weak, the enemy is dark and we are clear, and the inherent disadvantage of passive defense is not changed, then the strategic initiative will always be in the hands of the opponent.

If you want to defeat the opponent, you must "fight the outside" and "secure the inside"!

To find the opponent's lair, strike first to gain the upper hand, and turn passivity into initiative!

We must also be the first to deal with the other side's spies.

Unless all the spies of the Night Demons can be uncovered and the opponent is prevented from causing internal damage to the human race, once the Night Demons are over-stimulated, the opponent is likely to choose to use various means again and again to weaken the war potential of mankind and carry out sabotage behind enemy lines.


Finally, to promote world peace...


I watched the world slide into the abyss in my hands and become devastated.

I reluctantly launched the final challenge to fate!

Evergreen Biological Headquarters Underground Base.

The "melody of death" was floating, and a dark shadow sneaked into the underground research base. Then, as the gate weighing a thousand kilograms fell, a large amount of poisonous gas filled the air, and we harvested a living specimen of an assassin.

Take off the mask, and underneath is the face of an ordinary human being.

Through facial recognition, the identity of the other party was quickly discovered...a fugitive criminal named Zhao Hu.

[The singer and the assassin are approaching!]

At Zero's monitoring prompt...the anatomy experiment begins on the spot!

"The vocal organ has obvious traces of modification. This is a steel needle, and... a high-pressure airbag?!"

"The auditory nerve plexus of the inner ear is extremely dense. Oh my God, this is definitely not a normal human cochlea!"

"The muscle strength is abnormally developed, and the amount of adrenaline secreted is three times higher than that of ordinary people...the brain waves are abnormally active..."

A series of exclamations from the surgeon continued to come from the headset, and I slowly walked to the entrance of the underground base.

Two figures, a man and a woman, slowly appeared in front of me.

One is wearing a red mask and the other is wearing a white mask.

"Han Li, Chao Ge! We meet again!"

The red-masked woman roared instantly and bowed into an attacking stance.

The man in the white mask looked surprised and slowly took off his mask, revealing his handsome face.

"Have we met?"

"Of course, it's just that you don't remember it. Your companion's mind seems to be a little difficult. Is the hypnosis too much?"

"You know a lot. It seems that you are the 'prophet' that 'Chao' calls you, right?"

"'Nest'? Is that the guy hiding under the Pacific Ocean? Thank you for telling me its name."

Chaoge's eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment, just when Han Li was about to make a move, a bullet penetrated her head!

Under Chao Ge's shocked eyes, the assassin of life fell down quietly.

[Demon hunting team Chu Tian successfully killed the target!] Another voice came from the headset.

"To be safe from sniper bullets 2 kilometers away, I arranged a whole team.

For such a dangerous guy, it’s better not to give her a chance to speak. Now...can we have a good talk?"

"Have you known about her ability for a long time?" Chaoge asked.

"Well! Of course, I have deeply experienced the power of this life assassin.

To some extent, she is a more difficult character than you."

"How did you know?"

"Infrasound waves can interfere with the normal function of the biological nervous system, and can also produce resonance in the human abdominal cavity, causing strong resonance in the heart and damage to the lung walls.

High-intensity infrasound waves can also cause deafness, coma, mental disorder, and even death in humans.

These are basic physics common sense.

Of course, you may have other applications, and we can discuss them in depth.

But I advise you not to act rashly. A guy who can even kill an "elevator" is not qualified to resist under a dragnet, and I won't give you a chance to speak!"

Chaoge: "..."

"Who is 'Elevator'?"

"Well... I'm also an old friend of yours."

Chaoge didn't take it seriously either, he said calmly.

"So, you showed up today to declare war on us?"

I shook my head helplessly.

"No, I never advocate war, unless it is for peace..."]

This chapter has been completed!
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