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Chapter 347 Pay it back immediately

"Is it possible that we don't have to fight to the death?

What do you want? Land? Resources? Or the thrill of conquest?

Speak out, maybe we can find a possibility of coexistence?

You know, we earthlings are peace-loving."

Chao Ge: "..."

He didn't answer, but moved his brows slightly, as if he was receiving some information. After a moment, he looked at me and slowly spoke.

"If you want to know, I can tell you, but at the same time, we also want to know, why do you know us so well?

Including our plans, our abilities, and even the existence of the 'nest'...

This is a very incredible thing.”

"What? The master behind you is very curious about me? What did you just say he called me?"

"'Prophet' is the codename given to you by 'The Nest'. I'm also very curious, can you really predict the future?"

"Is this an exchange of information?"

"Well... you can think so."

"Okay, then I won't pretend. You guessed it right. I can indeed predict the future to some extent..."

For the first time, I reveal this secret to the world.

A look of shock appeared on Chao Ge's face, and a gasp came from the headset.

"How can this be?"

"It's like there are aliens on the earth. When I found out about it, I thought how could it be possible?"

"How do you prove that?"

"Well... in 2043, that extrasolar celestial body will arrive on Earth. Your original plan was to use it to wipe out mankind, right?"

Chao Ge was stunned.

"What exosome?"

"Huh? What? Do you even know a little about the plan? It seems that your status in the alien group is not high?

So...you are just a tool?"

Chao Ge was just about to say something more when his expression suddenly changed!

His expression struggled slightly, and after a while he gradually became numb, as if he had lost his soul.

The next moment, Chaoge's expression suddenly recovered and he looked at me with greedy and fanatical eyes.

"This is impossible! The plan of the nest cannot be leaked. The 'seed' has just arrived at the edge of the solar system. The human world knows nothing about it, but you can know its exact arrival time...

Can you really predict the future?"

The voice is still that of Chao Ge, but the tone and expression are all like a different person?

"Huh? What is this? Remote control? How to do it?"

"This is the same spiritual frequency... It seems that your so-called prophecy is not as omniscient and omnipotent as imagined.

Also, if you really know everything...

However, you were able to know the plan of the nest in advance, and you continued to sabotage our plans...Human, you have successfully aroused our interest."

"So that's it. No wonder you, the mastermind behind it, are finally willing to show up this time. It seems that it would be beneficial to increase the stimulation for you..."

The appearance of this mysterious man was definitely an unexpected bonus.

"How about it? Are you willing to join us? Regardless of whether you are a prophet or not, your ability determines that you have the right to survive in the new world.

Even if you want to be the king of the entire human world, we can satisfy you!"

"Haha! What a tempting offer. So, do you want to get my ability?

That’s right, predicting the future... Even with your level of civilization, you must be salivating, right?"

"Chaoge": "..."

"If you take me back and study it in slices, you might even be able to research the legendary law of causality weapon. How about you, take me to see that 'nest'.

After having been dealing with each other for so long, it is outrageous to receive a lunch box without even meeting the real owner.

With your ability, I believe you can reveal all the secrets in my mind on the spot, right?"

"You want to see the nest? Of course you can, but you can use your true body!

Do you think I can’t hear the echo device stuck to your throat?”

"Haha! I have no intention of hiding it from you. You find a substitute, and I'll find an actor. Everyone is acting. At most, it's just a fifty step without a smile.


Chao Ge is obviously a human body, but even the full body examination and DNA test show no flaws, no trace of transformation, and he is completely an authentic earthling.

No wonder he dares to mix in human society openly as a star.

But the strange thing is that he possesses the sonic skills of 'bewitching people', coupled with what you call today's 'spiritual synchrony'...

The only thing that might be different from humans...

I’m afraid I only have my brain…”

"Chaoge": "..."

"If Chao Ge was just a tool man, the 'nest' you call should still be hiding in the depths of the Pacific Ocean...

Drones also pay attention to a limit control distance. Does your "spiritual same frequency" also have some requirements on distance? Probably the closer the signal, the better?

Let me guess, since you can be on the same frequency as Chaoge, you shouldn't change the frequency frequently and do some maintenance between CPs...

So...you shouldn't be lurking next to Chao Ge, right?"

"Chaoge": "..."

"Chaoge, both parents died. He was sent to the Jinghai Welfare Institute when he was 3 years old. He was adopted by the Chaoshan couple at the age of 6. From then on, he changed his name to Chaoge and regarded it as his own. He never disclosed this matter to the outside world. What I said Is it right?"


"The point is, he was adopted together with a little girl in the orphanage who had been blind since childhood...

Am I right...Miss Chaoshu!"

"Chaoge": "..."

The other party was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"I heard that someone sneaked into the orphanage not long ago. It seems that he was the person you sent to investigate us."

"Well... the disappearance of the black cat is indeed related to you. So, this orphanage is a bridgehead for you to infiltrate into the human world?"

"Ha! I thought you really knew everything, what? Is your so-called prediction based on this?

Then I'm afraid the expectations that 'Chao' has for you will be greatly disappointed..."

"I'm really sorry, I'm sorry for its expectations...

So, it’s really you, and I should have thought of it a long time ago!

Living in seclusion makes it easier to hide your identity.

Blindness in both eyes... is completely in line with the characteristics of your race with well-developed hearing but underdeveloped visual nerves...

The planet you live on...should lack sunlight, right?"

"Haha... Who told you that we live on a planet?"


"It seems that you are just an alternative existence who knows a little bit about it. I'm sorry, I have no interest in you anymore."

Seeing that the other person wanted to end the conversation, I quickly spoke to stop her.

"Wait! I have told you my secret. In exchange, I just want to know why you want to eliminate human beings!

Is there really no possibility of peaceful coexistence between us?"

“Peaceful coexistence? Haha!

Why do you think you humans want to launch a war to destroy your fellow humans?"


"That's right! It's for survival!"


This answer was completely beyond my expectation.

"No need to struggle, no matter how much you know, it can't change your final destiny.

As an alien among humans, you are qualified to live to the end.

We...will find you!"

"Wait a minute! Don't you care about Chaoge's life or death? These are your beloved relatives and friends who live with you day and night!

I can let him go, provided that the two sides establish diplomatic channels, and I demand direct negotiations with that 'nest'.

Even if it wants us to surrender directly, we can still negotiate!"

"Naive, will you negotiate with the monkey and decide its final fate?

As for this human being... he is just a tool that has been assimilated by my spirit. Do you think I care about his life or death?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chaoge's expression relaxed, and his original lively eyes returned again.

"Did you hear that? You were ruthlessly abandoned..." I was a little helpless.

Chao Ge smiled.

"Isn't this the final fate of being a tool?

Come on, kill me, but don’t hit me on the head, my brain may still be of some use to you.”

"Huh? It seems that you have not been completely assimilated... I can see that unlike Chaoshu just now, you still have a trace of humanity in your heart!

Death may be a kind of relief for you, right?"

When Chao Ge heard this, he looked a little surprised.

"I can't believe it. Even though this is my first time meeting you, you still give me the feeling that you understand me very well..."

He immediately shook his head.

"However, it doesn't make any sense for you to tell me this. I am just an insignificant tool..."

"Tool? Well, it seems that you also know that you are just a pawn that can be discarded by the opponent.

You know, for us humans, there is no shame in selling our souls and principles.

What’s shameful is...I couldn’t sell it for a good price!”

"What? You want to instigate rebellion against me?" Chaoge looked a little funny.

"Well! It's hard to come back anyway. I don't mind trying it if there are any extra gains."

"Then why do you think I will be incited to rebel?"

"Hmm... What do you think of the song "Light Years Away"?"

Chao Ge: "..."

"Facing the vast sea of ​​stars, we are as tiny as dust, floating helplessly..."

"Fate makes us meet in troubled times, but fate wants us to fall in love in times of crisis.

Maybe the future is light years away, I am willing to wait for you in the unknown..."

"Landslides and tsunamis, I wouldn't want to escape without you.

My brain is so crazy for you..."

"The universe is majestic and indifferent, but our love is small but shining.

bumpy but so selfless..."

Chao Ge: "..."

"The woman in these lyrics...is Chaoshu, right?

Two sisters who grew up in an orphanage, have been blind since childhood, and have no blood relationship... This is indeed a standard CP template..."

Chao Ge: "..."

"It doesn't make any sense for you to tell me this."

"Really? But I am very curious...

Is Captain Chu here? Did you hear it just now? Take action immediately to kill Chaoshu, slice it into pieces or whatever."

"It's useless, you can't catch 'it'." Chao Ge shook his head indifferently.

"'It'? Chaoshu and 'It' are not the same individual, right?"

The other person's silence answered me, and I immediately stimulated him again.

"I'm just curious. If your body is from Earth, is Chaoshu considered an Earthling or an alien?

Doesn’t it matter if we are of different races?”

"No! Xiao Shu, she..."

Chaoge looked excited and wanted to defend, but he suddenly stopped mid-sentence and his face turned red instantly.

The next moment, he spit out a mouthful of blood, his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears were bleeding, his eyes were hollow, and he lost all life in an instant...

Facts have proved that Chaoge was right.

Including Chaoshu and the director of the orphanage, all of them bled from their orifices and died of bizarre brain death...

The brain has become a lake of slurry, and no useful information can be found at all.

The clues came to an abrupt end again.

The good news is that a lot of new information was gained this time.

News about the Night Demon Tribe also spread, but in the complex psychological warfare and information warfare, it was quickly submerged in the din of war and did not cause much trouble.

The top leaders of the country were obviously aware of the danger and wanted to prevent the war, but soon found that they were unable to do so.

Anyone can start a war, but to end a war, the winner must agree.

And for those who need war, war is just.

Others...step aside!

The bad news is that shortly after the showdown between the two sides, the first high-yield nuclear bomb exploded over the Pacific Ocean, instantly destroying an aircraft carrier fleet.

Then Tokyo, Moscow, Gotham...

Just when the human world was awakened by its own madness and wanted to stop.

In 2028, giant beasts begin to crawl out of coastlines around the world...]

Closing the book, Meng Lang sighed helplessly.

To sum up this life, this is...

The war... disrupted all my plans...

Lin Haitang worked overtime "as usual" in the evening.

After dinner, Yan Weiwei hesitated for a long time and finally told me the lines according to the script.

"I have something, and I want to ask you for a favor. It's about Junior Brother Hu..."

I roughly explained the situation when I entrusted the big wave to her.

"If possible, please help Junior Brother Hu. Although that guy is only a second generation, his character is pretty good..."


"No way... ah? You... agreed so readily?" Yan Weiwei looked stunned.

"if not?"

"But every time you..." Yan Weiwei was speechless.

"Okay, then how are you going to help him?"

"Well... take me to his Cretaceous Company tomorrow."

"Ah? What are you going to do?"

"Isn't this nonsense! If you want me to be his consultant, you have to let me know about the situation of the other company, right?"

"Uh... that's true. Then I'll take you there tomorrow. Well... thanks!"

"Do you feel that since you came back this time, your attitude towards me has become much more polite?"

"Really? It's just an illusion."

Yan Weiwei turned her head.

"I just don't like to owe others, no matter what... I owe you another favor."

Meng Lang looked at her and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Don't worry, I don't like others owing me favors. If you can, you should pay them back immediately!"

"Why pay it back?"

"It's just...please let me know next time.

After all, listening in the corner or something like that... is neither fair nor moral."

Yan Weiwei: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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