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Chapter 356 Never seen Go

 On the other side, the Hu family.

"Star Array V5.0...created with great devotion by the 'Demon Hunter' team..."

Hu Yifei looked at the script instructions in the USB flash drive and couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Our star array has only been developed to V4.0. You can just give me V5.0?

Isn’t it clear that no matter what we develop, your technology is better than ours?

It’s really crazy!

However, Master Meng actually carries this kind of thing with him...

You had expected the result today, so you were ready and waiting for me here?

Have you been seen through to this extent?


As for this so-called "demon hunter"... he should be the "professional person" Meng Lang calls...

It sounds like it should also be a development team.

Also, if you want to invest in the Cretaceous, your research direction must overlap with the Cretaceous...

It’s just that you have to invest in shares according to the technology... and you will get 25% of the shares without paying a penny...

There really is enough room for a lion to open his mouth!

"You must have some ability to dare to offer such a high price..."

Forget it, it’s a dead horse being treated as a living horse! There’s nothing to lose if you give it a try.”

Anyway, they said you can return the goods within 7 days without any reason...

Hu Yifei began to operate on his laptop, uploading the program in the USB flash drive to the company's server with his highest administrator rights, and divided a separate B partition to run independently.

The real Go AI is very hardware-hungry.

Fortunately, this "Star Array V5.0" is not too big, and it was uploaded and loaded quickly.

Hu Yifei couldn't wait to try it out, but as soon as he opened it, he was shocked by the screen that popped up.

In the starlight that filled the sky, a human-shaped shadow with a long beard and a fluttering beard slowly appeared above the starry sky.

"Chess is based on yin and yang, and Tao is latitude and longitude!"

A majestic and ethereal sound like the great Lu Hong bell fell.

The next moment, the mountains and rivers on the ground collapsed, forming a criss-crossing chessboard of heaven and earth, and a humanoid figure holding up the sky holding a star in its right hand fell fiercely.


At the moment of the fall, a dazzling white light flashed on the screen...

Entered the operation interface...


Hu Yifei was immediately stunned by the opening animation!

How much money does it cost? Isn’t this CG worth more than 100,000 yuan?

Just highlight one luxury!

Think about their "Star Array V4.0" which is not much better than the Win97 startup screen. Hu Yifei has not even started to experience it, but he feels that this version has a big leap...

Of course, he didn't know at this time that there was a nearly zero-cost creation model called "AI painting"...

Hu Yifei felt a little more hopeful.

Their "Star Array" has currently only developed a client version. Although people who play Go mainly focus on the game experience, humans are visual animals after all.

As soon as this startup screen was played, the quality immediately increased several times, completely different from several similar products on the market.

When it comes to Go AI, we have to talk about the world-famous "human-machine war" that began in 2016!

The artificial intelligence AlphaGo developed by Guge Company successively challenged the top Go players in Southern Peninsula, Fuso, and China. Everyone knows the result...

The human side was defeated miserably, and Alpha Dog became famous with a complete victory!

From then on, "you are as good as a dog" became a compliment...

The reason why this incident caused a sensation and attracted worldwide attention at the time is because Go is recognized as the most difficult and complex chess game in the world.

For a 19x19 Go board, there are a total of 361 positions on it.

According to the rules of Go, the number of legal 19x19 Go games is at least 171 digits!

This number is more than all the grains of sand on our planet, and even more than the number of all the planets in the known universe!

Therefore, Go is also known as "the most complex wisdom game of mankind".

However, in this competition that best represents human intelligence, the intelligence of machines surpassed humans for the first time!

This is tantamount to a bucket of cold water for the planet's overlord, human beings.

It extinguished human pride and awakened human beings, making them realize for the first time that they were no longer the "smartest" existence on the planet...

The arrival of the AI ​​era has subverted many of people's previous perceptions.

Since then, humans have not stopped researching artificial intelligence because of fear. Instead, countries have paid more attention to research and development in the field of artificial intelligence.

At the same time, AlphaGo has also single-handedly driven the rapid development of Go AI!

Although the Cretaceous Company is not too large in scale, it can be regarded as one of the first “pioneers” in the country on the Go AI track.

Hu Yifei decided to develop this Go AI. His original intention was to use this track to enter the most popular field of artificial intelligence and realize the value jump of the enterprise.

When the time comes for Round A, Round B, and Round C, it will not be a dream to ring the bell for listing!

Of course, in addition to such lofty ideals, it is undeniable that it is also about making money...

Although Go is difficult to get started with, it is highly entertaining and there is no shortage of anecdotes and gossip. It has a large fan base in Asia.

In order to quickly monetize and maintain research and development, this product developed by Cretaceous has also been promoted to the market to compete for users.

However, Cretaceous's products have received very little response so far, and they are considered inferior to several similar products on the market.

In the final analysis, the popularity is enough, but the technology is not enough!

So far in the Cretaceous, there has been no algorithmic innovation that can be used...

Hu Yifei looked at the operation interface in front of him, which was somewhat similar to the original star array.

"Despair mode, training mode, review teaching... 50-50 mode?"

There are only four options, but the first three are easy to understand...

What the hell is the 50-50 mode?

However, he did not directly choose which mode to experience.

Based on his level, he is only 50-50 against a simple computer, and any Go AI can defeat him. There is no point in experiencing it at all.

His test method is very simple, that is, let V4 fight V5...

It's a mule or a horse, pull it out and run around!

He still has some confidence in the "Star Array V4.0" that the Cretaceous spent a lot of money to build.

Then the simulated battle begins...

V4 plays black first, and the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard begin to move quickly.

It has to be said that after the "human-machine war" in the past two years, Go AI has now developed to a point where it is difficult for humans to match it.

The speed alone leaves no time for human chess players to think.

Even as a spectator, Hu Yifei was dazzled and couldn't keep up with the thoughts of both parties.

Let alone him, even top chess players have to admit that today is no longer an era of fighting against AI, but of learning from AI.

Today's Go masters have been reduced to the point where they can only become off-site commentators in the game between AI...


Hu Yifei looked at the screen and was suddenly stunned.

Of course, this is not about discovering some astonishing "hand of God". At this speed, you can clearly see where the AI ​​is, even if your eyeball tremor speed is qualified.

He just simply discovered...

The speed of white stones is obviously faster than that of black stones...

One hours later……

Hu Yifei looked at the results of the simulated battle stupidly.

In the first game, "Star Array V4.0" surrendered with 209 hand-to-hand shots!

In the second game, "Star Array V4.0" surrendered with 187 hand bets!

In the third game, "Star Formation V4.0" surrendered with 176 hands!

Hu Yifei: "..."


Although he was somewhat mentally prepared, Hu Yifei was also stunned when he saw that the masterpiece he had worked so hard for for more than half a year was crushed without any suspense.

However, when he saw how time-consuming the match between the two sides was, Hu Yifei was not only confused, but completely shocked!

Compared with V4, which takes twenty minutes to move, V5 only has "after the decimal point" time consumption data...

"This is impossible!"

Hu Yifei rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe the data comparison in front of him!

You must know that for the sake of fairness, he allocates the same computing resources to the two AIs.

As a result, not only did they win, but even the calculation time was less than one-tenth of that of their own version!

What kind of outrageous data is this?

Even the top Go AI on the market can never reach this point, including the Alpha Dog who has "quit the world"!

I repeatedly confirmed several key data in the background.

Although he did not come from a professional background, Hu Yifei still held product seminars every day and was able to interpret several key data.

Then, after some analysis, he was shocked to find...

This V5 version of the star array has a more powerful algorithm and faster calculation speed, and the amount of calculations it requires is only one percent of that of V4...

Hu Yifei's breathing became somewhat rapid.

No wonder people dare to call it V5 as soon as it comes up.

What kind of V5 is this? Even if it is said to be V10, he feels that the generation difference is too big!

Compared with others, my V4 can be swept into the dustbin of history...

It’s no wonder that people have the confidence to ask for 25%. This technology that is absolutely leading the market cannot be overvalued.

After all, this is not because someone else is talking loudly, but because he is just lucky enough to be noticed by others!

Algorithm! This is definitely using a more advanced innovative algorithm!

The reason why AlphaGo has been able to achieve breakthrough progress is that it cleverly combines deep learning with innovative Monte Carlo algorithms.

Its first stage is to learn thousands of chess records that imitate humans.

The second stage is "left and right fighting each other."

This unsupervised self-learning model of simulating battles with oneself allows AlphaGo, which has sufficient computing power support, to achieve astonishing learning improvements in a short period of time!

The learning method adopted in the Cretaceous followed a similar path.

But as you know, there is still a considerable gap between the two sides.

For the sake of confidentiality, the core code of AlphaGo is not made public. Only part of the code is open sourced. Every time you play against others, you are connected to Guge's internal server.

At present, the Alpha Dog series is still at the top of the world of "always imitated, never surpassed".

Not to mention that they have now "washed their hands" in hiding and continued to upgrade to an even more unfathomable Alpha Dog series.

Even among similar products on the market, Cretaceous itself does not necessarily have many technical advantages.

But now, a V5 may be enough to push the Cretaceous technology level to the forefront of the world...

Who is this "Demon Hunter"?

"Yifei! What are you doing? I called you downstairs and didn't say anything for a long time."

The sudden sound at the door woke up Hu Yifei who was trapped in fantasy.

"Oh! It's nothing. I'm busy with work. Dad, what's the matter?"

Hu's father walked into the bedroom, looked at Hu Yifei, whose face seemed a little flushed, and glanced at the computer screen suspiciously.

It turned out to be a Go board.

"Oh, it's nothing. I heard from your mother that you have been going out early and coming back late all day recently, and your overall condition is not very good.

Is the company in trouble?"

"Uh... I encountered a little trouble, but I will handle it."

Hu Yifei couldn't help but glance at the computer screen again.

Can this Star Array V5... be able to solve the Cretaceous Company's current predicament...

Following Hu Yifei's gaze, Father Hu looked at the computer screen again.

"Is this the Go AI that your company is developing that you mentioned to me last time?"

"Yeah...yes." Hu Yifei hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Just in time, let me see what the products your company has created look like." Father Hu said with an itchy expression.


Hu Yifei did not expect that Hu's father would take the initiative to play against the AI.

However... the performance of V5 has just been verified, and its "user experience" seems to be good.

Hu's father has been immersed in chess for many years, and his level is probably between "amateur chess players" and "professional chess players".

It's just right to be used as an experimenter.

"It's possible, but the current AI is not comparable to humans.

Those top professional ninth-dan chess players were basically completely defeated..."

"Ha! What kind of alpha dog is that? It's not like I haven't heard of it before. I know times have changed, but do you think your father is a person with a strong desire to win and lose?

Victory or defeat is standard issue!"

"Uh... Dad, please sit down."

Hu Yifei had no choice but to give up his seat to Hu's father, then closed the background of the simulated battle and reopened the V5 client.

"Yo! This opening animation is well done! It's a bit interesting..."

"Despair mode? Hmm! This sounds crazy enough, I'll try it first."

In the first game, Hu's father held black, but he didn't make two moves. White decisively gave up the big corner.

"Intelligent AI? That's it?"

Hu Yifei remained silent.

Next, there is no suspense. White doesn't hesitate to be penetrated by Black more than 20 times. Seeing that Black is about to escape, suddenly a clever hand flashes and cuts off the way!

Father Hu was shocked. This was only over forty hands!

"Uh... I was careless. Let's start over." Hu's father surrendered to his son.

[Human, you think you understand half of Go, but in fact, you only understand the tip of the iceberg of Go.]

Unexpectedly, a series of subtitles suddenly popped up on the computer screen.

Both of them were stunned by this scene.

"This... this software is quite interesting."

Father Hu felt his face was a little uneasy, and he immediately started the second game.

Then... Father Hu experienced what despair is...

Tricks that may not necessarily be advantageous to humans are used by AI in a wild and imaginative way, and clues are often revealed after more than ten or even dozens of steps.

After all, the thinking patterns of the human brain and computers are not on the same channel at all...

In the 67th move, Father Hu surrendered again...

[Human, you think you understand the tip of the iceberg of Go, but in fact you don’t understand Go at all.]

Father Hu: "..."

Why does this thing have taunt upgrades?

Father Hu felt that his mentality was wrong in dealing with such non-human beings...

If you don’t seek to win, at least survive the middle game...

Then he gathered his mentality and started the third game...

[I thought you didn’t understand Go, but now it seems that you have never seen Go.]

Father Hu: "..."

Hu Yifei: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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