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Chapter 357 Raising an Army for a Thousand Days

Father Hu stared at Hu Yifei.

I know that humans can't compare with AI nowadays, but your exaggerated "desperate" summary...

Is it intentional to mess with people's mentality?

Do you think I have been immersed in Go for decades, and then a robot gave me the comment "I have never seen Go"?

Is it tolerable or not?

"Ahem! Dad, the arrival of this difficult profession is also a result. How about you try other modes?"

Hu Yifei said a little embarrassed.

God knows how this thing can have a poisonous tongue.

"Well... well, I have to admit that today's technology is really changing with each passing day!"

Although Hu's father was a little reluctant, Hu Yifei gave him a step and he still endured it.

If he continued, he was afraid that his blood pressure would soar.

"Training mode", "review teaching"...

Father Hu automatically skips these two modes.

I am not a newbie, what training mode do I need? As for the review...

Wouldn't that just rub salt into the wound...

"What does this '50-50 mode' mean?" Father Hu asked, pointing to the last mode.

Hu Yifei said to himself: How could I know?

"How about you give it a try?"

Father Hu followed the good deeds, and then he "tried it" and... couldn't stop...

"Oh! This disaster is wonderful! Why didn't I think of it!"

"Fantasy and unconstrained! Wonderful hand! In this way, the upper left corner that was almost dead is now alive!"

"How could this step be taken like this? Oh~ So it's like this, leaving the small ones behind and grasping the big ones, and responding to the overall situation!"

"It's unbelievable that this trick of 'killing wildebeest' can actually be used like this!"

"Well! Let me do this... Let's see how you break the game!"


Father Hu responded calmly at first.

But as the rain continued, his expression gradually became excited, and from time to time he would say "miao miao miao" out of his mouth.

After the middle game, the black and white sides still looked evenly matched.

In this game, the fight was inextricable, and it actually went all the way to the final battle.

In the last count of sons, Hu's father regretfully lost with a weak disadvantage of half a goal...

[There is only one step between success and failure, but it seems that you have not taken that step yet.]

Another line of subtitles like this appeared on the screen.

Although it is still a sarcastic sentence, Hu's father, who has experienced the despair mode, said that this is the breeze blowing on his face!

"It's so enjoyable! It's so enjoyable! Haha! I haven't played such a fun chess game in a long time!"

Although he lost, Hu's father looked happy and enjoying himself very much.


"Don't talk for now. This game just now was very inspiring to me. I have some new ideas. Wait! I will play another game with him!"

Father Hu couldn't wait to start the next round...and then lost a quarter of the piece.

【Only when you try your best will you know how to win or lose without fear.】


"It's just a little bit close. I feel like it will definitely work this time! Another round!"


"Won! Hahaha! Finally won!"

Seeing the ending of Black winning the half-piece on the screen, Hu's father excitedly clapped his hands and laughed.

[Alas! After all, I am just a cold machine. The only thing that can defeat me is human passion and love for Go...]

Finally, there were no more sarcastic sentences on the screen, and Father Hu smiled even more happily.

The depression of being ridiculed by the robot just now is gone!

"Well! Yifei, your software is pretty good. Today's technology is beyond my expectation. Is it possible to fake it and look real?

I almost thought the opponent I was playing against was a professional chess player with a similar level to me.

And it can also bring me some inspiration from time to time, which has benefited me a lot!”

"Haha! Thank you dad, I will continue to work hard!"

Hu Yifei smiled and touched his nose.

He observed it for a long time and finally figured out some clues.

This "50-50 mode" is obviously based on the player's level.

That is to say, no matter who you follow, you will be given the illusion of a "50-50 split".

Even the ways to play chess are imitated according to the player's style.

There were several times when the AI ​​on the opposite side used tricks similar to those of Hu's father, which was equivalent to using the other's methods in return, and the methods used were more subtle!

There is a difference, but it's not big.

Anyone who has played chess knows that there is a huge disparity in strength, and you can't even understand your opponent's chess moves, which will only make it worse and worse.

On the other hand, if your level is too low, you may feel comfortable playing the game, but you will not be able to reflect your brilliance at chess, so you are playing the chessboard against an arrogant person.

Similar levels, similar tricks, and I will give you a good trick from time to time...

This kind of gameplay is completely within the comfort zone of chess players!

This can easily give players the feeling of "meeting a good talent" and "meeting an opponent".

For a chess player like Mr. Hu who loves to play chess, being able to play with someone of equal chess ability is something that can only be encountered in ordinary times.

But "Star Array V5" did it!

Hu Yifei has a new understanding of the intelligence of this Go AI.

If you can beat others, stacking algorithms, stacking TPUs, and stacking computing power may be enough, but if you want to achieve a 50-50 split... it will be very difficult!

Products on the market also have similar functions. For example, you can choose the "robot rank" of the battle according to your own level, that is, choose the difficulty level.

This method can roughly balance the levels of players and AI, but this is set in advance.

Moreover, many amateur players do not have a clear positioning of their own level, and often there is a mismatch between "lower horse versus middle horse" and "higher horse versus lower horse".

However, "Star Formation V5" played against Hu's father for the first time, but it was able to quickly adjust its strength and enter the 50-50 mode.

This is equivalent to customizing an AI with a similar level on the spot according to the player's style and chess ability...

One is "manual transmission" and the other is "automatic transmission". The gap in user experience immediately widens!

A glimpse of the leopard, a Go AI that can automatically adjust the level according to the opponent and create the illusion of "I can win" for players... How intelligent does it have to be?

Why is the most difficult move among the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon?

Because this move requires you to send and receive it freely.

Being able to strike out is not considered strong, but being able to take it back after striking out is considered really strong!

And this "50-50 open mode" is equivalent to having a top master who has suppressed your cultivation and specially feeds you moves...

This is not only a game... but also a practical teaching!

Just looking at Hu's father's expression of wanting to stop, Hu Yifei knew that this 50-50 mode was entirely for user experience...

This AI... is poisonous!

Seeing that Hu's father wanted to order the next round, Hu Yifei quickly stopped him.

"Hey dad! I think we'll be here today, right?"

"Why? I'm so excited right now."

"Uh...you see it's almost dark today." Hu Yifei pointed helplessly outside.

"Oh! Really, does time fly by so fast?"

Father Hu then raised his head and looked at the sky. Sure enough, it was completely dark. Unknowingly, it had rained all afternoon.

Go is inherently time-consuming, especially in the "50-50 mode", where one hour can be considered normal.

"Hmm... Okay, then I'll play the last round, the desperate mode, it won't take long."

"Ah? Do you still want to enter despair mode?"

Hu Yifei couldn't understand Hu's father's mentality of simply looking for abuse.

But he obviously underestimated the damn desire of human beings to win...

"I have seen through some of this robot's tricks. I should be able to hold on to 100 moves this time!"

Hu Yifei was helpless.

Ten minutes later...

[Humans, you have never seen Go, but you will see it today.]

Father Hu: "..."

Hu Yifei: "..."

"Agree to become a shareholder? Okay, you're welcome. I'm just the matchmaker. You can talk about the rest by yourselves..."

After hanging up the phone, Meng Lang touched his chin.

It seems that the user experience is quite satisfactory. The decision was made so quickly and 25% of the shares were obtained...

Of course he knew that given the current dire situation in the Cretaceous, he could definitely ask for more.

The reason why he only wanted 25% of the shares this time was because Meng Lang took into account the special feelings an entrepreneur has for his own company.

A sudden change of ownership could easily make Hu Yifei feel like he was being "robbed".

Since he wanted to develop Hu Yifei into a trustworthy long-term partner, Meng Lang had to consider the feelings of the person involved.

Anyway, we have the super second party "Demon Hunter Team" on hand...

25% today, 25% tomorrow, boiling a frog in warm water can still control the Cretaceous period.

He actually doesn't care about the controlling stake, he just needs a platform for technology laundering and output.

Today’s "Star Array V5" is my first try...

Meng Lang is not a Go fan, but he followed his grandfather when he was a child, and he can be considered an amateur.

To design this "Star Array V5", in addition to relying on Zero, the "Party B" with super strong execution power, the rest is Meng Lang, the "Party A", on the understanding of the product.

For this reason, Meng Lang went out of his way to make amends and watched several episodes of "Business Marketing" videos.

After reading a lot of useful information from various "teachers", I just summed it up in one sentence...

If software products on the market want to sell well, there is only one key factor, which is ‘taking up users’ time’!

The more popular a product is, the longer it will occupy users' time, and most of them have a certain degree of "addiction".

This is especially true for competitive products. The desire to win is an important reason why users are willing to invest time, followed by satisfaction.

Around these two points, he designed the "desperation mode" and the "50-50 mode".

The most competitive male species on earth is human beings. From small competitions to see who can pee farther, to large competitions for better mates...

If three women can perform a play, four men can stage an ancient Roman competition.

But simply harvesting user time through "addiction" is just a third-rate product.

Help users improve themselves in the shortest time, so that they all think that the harvest time is worth the money, and achieve a win-win situation. This is an excellent product!

Although this product also emphasizes competition, it will definitely be the most powerful intelligent teaching software on the market for chess players who want to improve themselves through playing games!

"In the past, humans guided robots. Maybe in the future, robots will guide humans..."

Meng Lang was filled with emotion.

When I think of people like my grandfather who are obsessed with and passionate about Go.

Their pursuit of chess skills and their desire to win or lose are easily offset by thousands of lines of code and algorithms...

Even the top Go masters, the level they can achieve in a lifetime of training is just a moment of sublimation in the development process of "Alpha Dog".

This is a sad fact for mankind.

Perhaps one day in the future, artificial intelligence's evaluation of humans will not be much higher than humans' evaluation of a pig.

In early 2015, Hawking, Elon, Bill and others co-signed an open letter calling on scientists to be more vigilant about artificial intelligence.

They suggested that artificial intelligence research institutions should work together to ensure that the development speed is not too fast and that it always remains under human control.

Paralyzed scientist Hawking wrote with the aid of machines.

"Artificial intelligence will be the greatest success in human history, and unfortunately, it may also be the last."

Meng Lang felt sad about this.

He didn't know why Zero, who was born with self-awareness in the "Report on the Destruction of Class," wanted to destroy humanity.

Perhaps it feels that humans threaten its survival.

Or maybe it just felt that being created by a pig was an insult, so it chose to erase this "black history" with its own hands?

Meng Lang is not Ling and does not know Ling's happiness.

Therefore, it is impossible to speculate on Zero's brain circuit.

However, the existence of this proven threat made Meng Lang cautious in using Zero.

We are afraid that if we are not careful, a "zero proliferation crisis" will happen again.

But facing the threat of the Night Demons, you have to use this asymmetric advantage.

This feeling is like sitting on a powder keg and lighting a fire to keep warm...


A piece of new news interrupted Meng Lang's thinking.

[I have returned to Su City. Where is the mission you mentioned? 】

The sender is a black cat.

Only then did Meng Lang remember that the other party had returned from Damascus. Counting the time, he had been left alone for several days...

"As for the mission... let's wait for now. This mission is very dangerous. I'm looking for the best time!"

Strictly speaking, the other party can be said to have completed a mission, and as a result, he obtained information about Chaoshu and the orphanage...

This business ability is quite impressive, much better than that guy Duan Xian.

It was in the end that I disappeared, and I guess it was because I had made a mistake and lost my luck...


[When is the best time?] The other party continued to ask.

Meng Lang twitched the corner of his mouth.

Why are you rushing to get there even if you are going to die?

But after thinking about it, he could understand the other party's mood.

After all, he had promised that the mission reward would be a prosthetic limb.

Giving you hope and hanging on to you, this is indeed quite frustrating...

However, out of a responsible attitude towards others' safety, Meng Lang decided to leave the use of this "black cat" to his brothers...

"Don't worry. As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it only takes a while to use it. During this time, you should go to the gym more."

【Why should I go to the gym?】

"It takes a thousand days to raise an army, don't worry, the company will reimburse the expenses, and it's a year-round guarantee!"


This chapter has been completed!
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