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Chapter 402 Commercial Espionage

 News of the major breakthrough in the research and development of the Z vaccine in Africa naturally reached Gao Yuan’s ears quickly...

"Oh, it worked again..."

Tang Yun twitched the corner of her mouth, and she was not surprised.

Not showing a strange disappointed expression like last time is already a good expression management...

Even key human medical breakthroughs such as Alzheimer's disease are not surprising. It is normal for a pig vaccine to perform so mediocre, right?

Gao Yuan's lackluster response to this technological breakthrough certainly doesn't mean she doesn't take it seriously.

On the contrary, she has already listed this pig vaccine technology as a recent development priority for Evergreen Biotechnology.

It's just that Gao Yuan is already somewhat immune to similar good news, so it's really not a "surprise".

No way, that guy's bragging seemed to come true in the end...

"Although there is insufficient sample data, a large-scale trial is needed to verify the effective protection rate of this technology.

However, since the success rate of the small-scale test is 100%, the data in the next stage will not be too bad.

It seems that we need to proceed with the next stage of commercial deployment in advance."

Gao Yuan has not forgotten the prediction that Meng Lang made when he gave her this technology.

Since all the boasts they boasted have come true, of course I can't take the warnings they gave me lightly...

"Director Gao, was the vaccine production line you purchased previously prepared for this technology?"

Jiang Wenming was of course very excited when he heard the news of the technological breakthrough, which means that the big ship of Evergreen Biotechnology will go further.

But what surprised him was Gao Yuan's preparation.

It was as if she had long expected that the company's technology would break through, and even the production line was prepared in advance.

This self-confidence is too much, right?

"That's right." Gao Yuan smiled ambiguously.

“Our company’s next stage of development strategy is to start with animal vaccines and transition to human vaccines.

And not only do we need to conduct scientific research in related fields, but we also need to expand our production lines and fully engage in the entire industry chain of R&D, production, and sales!"

From reading between the lines, Jiang Wenming could hear Gao Yuan's ambition.

This big cake made Jiang Wenming feel a little excited.

"Don't worry, Director Gao, as soon as the technology is implemented, our production line will be put into production immediately!"

However, Gao Yuan shook her head.

"Not enough! Even if this newly built production line can be put into production immediately, the maximum annual output is only 5 million doses of vaccine, which is far from enough."

"Uh... Director Gao, are you saying that you want to continue to expand production capacity?" Jiang Wenmin looked surprised.

"Yes, I hope that within half a year, our production can reach more than 100 million doses per year!"


Jiang Wenming and Tang Yun both took a breath of cold air at the same time.

100 million doses? More than that?!

Isn’t this appetite too big?

"This... Director Gao, after all, this is a new field we have just entered.

Now that the sales channels have not been opened up, it will take some time to open up the market." Jiang Wenming frowned.

"Yes, Director Gao, I also think it would be prudent to further expand production capacity after our products are put into the market and see the market response." Tang Yun also agreed.

"Haha!" Gao Yuan smiled and shook her head.

There are currently no reports related to African Z virus in China, and the general public is almost completely indifferent to this virus.

Therefore, Jiang Wenmin and Jiang Wenmin have not yet realized how significant this technology is.

Currently, Gao Yuan is the only person within the company who understands the complete technical details and development potential.

According to the news Professor Zheng brought back from there, there is already an intention to cooperate with them in the North Country, and they hope to apply for technology authorization from them, or even directly purchase products.

Relatively speaking, the profit that technology licensing can bring is of course far less than that of direct sales of products.

Vaccines are recognized around the world as a "profiteering industry" with gross profit margins generally as high as over 90%!

That is to say, if you sell a vaccine for 100 yuan, you will get 90 yuan in profit, which is a huge profit comparable to Moutai!

It is precisely because of this terrifying profit rate that "vaccines" are recognized as a shining pearl at the pinnacle of medical technology, attracting all the top pharmaceutical groups to flock to it...

Relatively speaking, although the gross profit margin of animal vaccines is not as exaggerated as that of human vaccines, it is well over 80%!

The key is that according to the technical expectations given by Meng Lang, this vaccine strain can be efficiently cultured in primary pig bone marrow cells.

The primary cells of a healthy piglet can prepare at least 200,000 doses of vaccine. As long as there is a production line, the conditions for large-scale production are fully met!

Gao Yuan made a rough estimate of the market. In the northern country alone, nearly 40 million pigs are slaughtered every year.

Not to mention, China is a major pig-raising country with an annual slaughter volume of nearly 700 million.

Coupled with the fact that Second Brother from all over the world has "suffered from the African Z virus for a long time", the market demand...

100 million doses, this is still a conservative plan that Gao Yuan did not dare to go too extreme!

"It will be too late until the market reacts. You must have confidence in the technology developed by Professor Zheng!"

Gao Yuan didn't want to explain anything to the two of them. After all, Meng Lang's prediction was not a secret that could be disclosed casually...

"That's it, Manager Jiang. You will be responsible for expanding production capacity as soon as possible. I will give you full autonomy, and the company's finance side will try its best to cooperate with you."

Seeing Gao Yuan's decision that she could not refuse, Jiang Wenming smiled bitterly.

"Okay Director Gao, I understand, but this production capacity cannot be expanded in a day or two.

Even if we want to directly acquire the existing production lines, there is no suitable seller for a while."

"The seller... really has one ready-made!" Gao Yuan said with a smile.

"Ah? Who is it?"

"Changchun Bio!"


Jiang Wenmin and Tang Yun were stunned when they heard this.

Changchun Biology and the others are naturally no strangers. After all, it can be said that their company was able to turn around from a desperate situation only by stepping on each other's scandals.

But... that's a listed company!

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Director Gao, you really dare to think...

"As far as I know, before the incident, Changchun Biotech's original vaccine production capacity was 50 million to 80 million doses per year.

Not long ago, the original production line was upgraded to expand production, increasing the annual output by 10 million.

As long as we can acquire the other party's production lines, our output can barely meet the requirements."

Although industry requirements are different, the production technologies for animal vaccines and human vaccines are actually from the same source.

In other words, Changchun Biotechnology's production line can be directly used to produce the pig vaccines Gao Yuan needs with a slight modification...

But... this is a question of whether the output can meet the requirements?

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Gao Yuan just smiled.

"Haha! What? You think it's impossible? I think you haven't paid close attention to Changchun Biology recently."

She pulled out a piece of information from the file next to her and pushed it over.

Jiang Wenmin took the document and read it with some confusion. The more he read, the more surprised he became.

According to the latest information collected from this information, Changchun Biotech has so far reached 31 consecutive limit-downs, setting a new record for the longest consecutive limit-down in A-shares.

The market value that originally exceeded 20 billion is now only 3.35 billion!

The tens of thousands of investors who bought this stock can be said to have lost nothing but their pants, and the stock market is already filled with mourners.

To make matters worse, 18 suspects, including Chairman Gao Fangjun, were submitted for approval, and the Food and Drug Administration issued a huge fine of up to 9.1 billion yuan!

Changchun Biology, which is already in dire straits, will definitely not be able to come up with this money.

A simple analysis can lead to the conclusion...Changchun Biotechnology is now completely insolvent!

Bankruptcy is only a matter of time...

"This..." Jiang Wenmin looked at Gao Yuan in surprise.

Have you already decided on this person?

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why this extremely detailed investigation information appeared on Gao Yuan's desk.

Good guy, not only did you get to the top by riding on the opponent's scandal, but now you have to peel off his skin and cramps, making the best use of everything...

So cruel?

For those who didn’t know, I thought I had a blood feud with this Changchun creature...

“Given the current situation of Changchun Biotechnology, selling assets to pay off debts is their only way out.

Now the relevant production lines of this company have been completely shut down. Only a few security and on-duty personnel are still on duty, and business activities have been completely suspended.

Taking into account asset depreciation and capital costs, the longer the process drags on, the greater their losses will be.

If someone wants to buy their production line at this time, they will probably treat it as a life-saving straw.

And the question we need to consider is just the price to pay!"

Hmm... Although I was intimidated by listed companies at first, it didn't sound realistic at first.

But now after a little analysis, Jiang Wenmin and his wife gradually came back to their senses.

It seems... they do have a chance to take advantage of the situation...

As for the question of how much it will cost...isn't it just a question of money?

Jiang Wenmin immediately raised another question.

"But Director Gao, you have taken away almost all of the company's working capital. How can we still have the money to buy these production lines now?

Although the company's operating conditions have improved a lot during this period and some profits have increased, the acquisition of shares in upstream suppliers has also incurred huge expenses.

Now I am afraid it will be impossible to get money out again in a short time."

Jiang Wenmin's tone sounded somewhat complaining.

Jiang Wenmin did not know the details of Gao Yuan's investment in Bai Yeji and the acquisition of Bincheng Shipyard.

After all, he is just the manager of Evergreen Biotech.

Unlike Tang Yun, Gao Yuan has deliberately cultivated her to be his right-hand man, so she can have access to some "group-level" affairs of Wanwu Holdings.

Therefore, Jiang Wenmin only knew that Gao Yuan had withdrawn the money, but he did not know what it was used for.

The withdrawal of working capital, in Jiang Wenmin's view, is naturally a sign that Gao Yuan's emphasis on the company's business has declined...

Gao Yuan didn't take it seriously.

"Manager Jiang doesn't have to worry about money."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Jiang Wenmin was a little surprised.

"Has Manager Jiang forgotten that in addition to our ordinary departments, we also have another department that has started to make profits?" Gao Yuan said with a smile.

"Ah? What department?" Jiang Wenmin was stunned for a moment.

"R&D department!" Gao Yuan smiled.

"These days, we have approached many medical groups from various countries around the world.

They have shown a strong intention to cooperate with our "Alzheimer's disease early prediction technology".

The Victor Research Institute has even offered a price tag of 10 million US dollars per year, hoping that we can carry out technology licensing and win the regional technology agent of Northland.

As long as we liberalize technology licensing, we conservatively estimate that we should be able to earn more than 200 million U.S. dollars in licensing revenue!"

"Hiss~" Jiang Wenmin took another breath of cold air.

He knew that technology was valuable, but he didn't expect that this newly developed technology would be so valuable.

Just from the licensing fees, you can make a net profit of 200 million per year, or US dollars!?

This is already more than the profits of Evergreen Biotech in ten years combined...

It can only be said that Jiang Wenmin's vision was limited by his imagination.

For some major medical technologies, the annual technology licensing is sky-high!

Especially in a hot field like "Alzheimer's disease", where there are a large number of patients and huge market potential.

Every technological breakthrough means the birth of a cash cow...

“I plan to reserve the area south of the Yangtze River in China as the private land of Evergreen Biotechnology and build our own related downstream industries.

Except for this, other areas will all occupy the market in the form of technology licensing, and licensing contracts can be finalized with intended partners as soon as possible.

In this way, we can have extra cash flow for our production line acquisition plan."

"It turns out that Director Gao has already planned this..."

Jiang Wenmin could only express his admiration for Gao Yuan's foresight.

As for the authorized area...

The size of Evergreen Biotech is limited, and it is impossible to eat up all the markets at once. It is already the limit to retain the market south of the Yangtze River for self-development.

Rice should always be eaten one bite at a time.

"Well, Director Gao, do you need me to go to Changchun to discuss the acquisition?"

Since Gao Yuan had already made a comprehensive plan, Jiang Wenmin naturally wanted to show his unwavering support.

But Gao Yuan shook her head.

"I'd better make the trip myself. During my absence, Manager Jiang will be solely responsible for the affairs of Evergreen Biotech!"

Jiang Wenmin was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Since taking over Evergreen Biotechnology, Gao Yuan has been busy with many things and has been unable to get away from her. This is her first business trip.

Soon the mood became a little excited.

The leader is absent, but he entrusts the affairs of Evergreen Biotechnology to himself. What is this?

This is the trust of the leader!

But when she caught a glimpse of Tang Yun next to Gao Yuan, some of her excitement immediately cooled down a bit.

Although Tang Yun seems to be a little lower than him in terms of position, but when it comes to closeness and distance, Tang Yun is a proper "confidant"!

With this supervisor in the company, how dare I do anything random?

"Don't worry, Director Gao, I will definitely cooperate with Director Tang to take good care of the family!"

Gao Yuan was very satisfied with Jiang Wenmin's "informed knowledge and interests".

He smiled and said, "That's good work!"

After Jiang Wenmin left the office, Tang Yun asked.

"Director Gao, don't you need me to accompany you to Changchun this time?"

"Haha! Your precious daughter has just returned to China. I am going on a business trip this time. Are you willing to do that?"

Gao Yuan glanced at Tang Yun and smiled.


Tang Yun did not expect that Gao Yuan would know about her daughter's return to China.

"Long difference? Director Gao, how long do you plan to stay in Changchun?"

"If the negotiation for the acquisition goes well, it will be enough to spend a day or two to finalize the general terms, and let the accompanying team take care of the rest.

It’s just that when I go out this time, I have to go to two places.”

"Where?" Tang Yun was a little surprised.

"Wushi and Yangcheng."


Changchun, Wushi, Yangcheng... This is almost a trip across the country. No wonder it's a long journey.

"Going to Wu City... do you want to go to Mengshan Animal Husbandry?" Tang Yun quickly thought of Gao Yuan's purpose.

"Well! It's been a long time, so it's time to go and see it. After all..."

Gao Yuan didn't say anything else, but there seemed to be some expectation in her eyes.

"I can understand the inspection of Mengshan Animal Husbandry, but what about Yangcheng? We don't seem to have much business in Yangcheng, right?"

Gao Yuan smiled.

"Business secret!"


Tang Yun was very curious, but seeing Gao Yuan's showy look, she didn't continue to investigate.

It's just like he suddenly thought of something, and he said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Um...Director Gao, if you don't want to be too abrupt, can you let me be a commercial espionage?"


Gao Yuan was stunned.

Don’t you think your question is very abrupt?



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