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Chapter 403 Interesting Soul

 "Baiyeji Technology Co., Ltd...."

Tang Xiaoqi looked at the brand-new company sign and murmured, then lowered her head and checked the note written by Tang Yun to herself.

The location she is currently in is an industrial park on the outskirts of Su City.

In front of him is a five-story square office building with a gray background. Behind it is a large wasteland, and several excavators seem to be digging the foundation.

There were two sturdy security guards standing at the door of the office building.

"Hey! Guys over there, hurry up and move your things in. There are several cars behind you waiting to unload!"

At this time, a group of delivery workers passed by her, carrying large and small boxes of things inside.

Tang Xiaoqi took a casual glance and found that the outer packaging cartons they were transporting were written on some spare parts for computer servers such as hard drives and GPUs.

She looked around curiously and followed the delivery workers into the office building. The two security guards just glanced at her and ignored her without paying attention.

After entering the office building, I discovered that there were not only people moving goods, but also construction teams coming in and out.

The girl at the front desk not far away was on the phone, answering the landline and mobile phone, looking very busy.

Two workers were hanging the company logo on the wall of the lobby behind her.

The silver robot sitting cross-legged in the void was exactly the same as the ERP startup screen she saw before.

"It looks like a newly established company..." Tang Xiaoqi was a little confused.

In her opinion, a high-tech company that can develop that level of intelligent ERP system, not to mention being a well-known large manufacturer, must have some high-end and classy appearance, right?

After some on-the-spot investigation, I discovered that it really has nothing to do with being tall...

Suddenly I felt a little disappointed.

Although she is not a hedonist, she always believes that the working environment is one of the criteria for judging whether a company is excellent or not.

"Hey! The beauty over there, the interview is on the second floor! Go straight and turn right!"

The girl at the front desk not far away just put down the phone in her hand and saw Tang Xiaoqi looking around the hall. She obviously had a misunderstanding, so she shouted at her.

"Interview?" Tang Xiaoqi was stunned.

Sure enough, I found many young people in formal attire walking in in twos and threes, and then I saw a sign not far away saying "Please go to the second floor for interviews".

After thinking for a while, with the mentality that no matter what came, she would come, she walked in the direction of the sign.

As soon as I got to the second floor, I found that there were quite a few people applying for jobs here.

There were thirty or forty men and women, making the entire aisle crowded, and there were many people coming from behind.

Everyone is wearing suits and leather shoes, carefully dressed like adults, holding resumes and document bags in their hands, looking like fresh graduates applying for jobs.

However, there were so many people waiting outside, and at first glance there was only one female employee with a work badge explaining the interview rules to everyone.

"Welcome to Baiyeji Company's technical position recruitment session.

All interviewees, please line up and follow the instructions to enter in order!

This interview will be conducted remotely. There will be no written test or two-person interview. The interview results will be given on the spot..."

Tang Xiaoqi was stunned for a moment.

Remote interview? What does it mean?

At this moment, the door labeled "Interview Area" was opened, and the previous batch of interviewees walked out.

Tang Xiaoqi was shocked because there were more than twenty people walking out of it.

What kind of interview is this?

Ordinary group interviews usually only have about ten people at most at one time. No matter how many people there are, the interviewer will not be able to tell who is good and who is bad.

This time I interviewed more than twenty people... Are you sure everyone has a chance to introduce themselves?

Tang Xiaoqi observed the faces of these people and found that almost all of them looked depressed, indicating that the elimination rate was quite high...

"Okay, next batch! All interviewees please enter in an orderly manner!"

The female staff member immediately let in another group of interviewers.

However, Tang Xiaoqi slowly discovered that the interview rules seemed a little different from what she thought.

Interviewees would come out of the interview area from time to time, but the number varied. Sometimes there were many, and sometimes there were only twos and threes.

And every time someone comes out, the female staff member will let the same number of interviewees in.

The number of interviews inside seems to be fixed...

"Hey! This is really interesting. I have interviewed for so many companies, and I have experienced it all. This is the first time I have encountered such a strange interview method.

I don’t know what’s going on inside, it’s probably an elimination system like a big melee, right?”

The two interviewers in front of Tang Xiaoqi were also talking in low voices.

"Who knows... The job requirements were posted in the recruitment profile, but it didn't say what the admission criteria were...

Just now, a buddy came out with a sullen face after only three minutes in. But some people have been in there for a long time.

Moreover, we are applying for different positions, how many interviewers do we need to interview so many people at the same time?"

"Hmm! Can you tell whether a person is qualified in three minutes? I think this interview is too hasty and a bit insulting."

"You think it's insulting and you still want to continue talking to me?"

"Oh! I can't help it, they gave me too much."

"Uh...that's true..."

Tang Xiaoqi analyzed something from the conversation between the two.

The salary offered by this company seems to be very competitive in the market...

No wonder a small company can attract so many interviewees.

Tang Xiaoqi couldn't help but was speechless. The speed of elimination was really incredible. Just as we were chatting, another group of interviewers came out of the room.

The female staff member looked at the remaining ten interviewers in the aisle, opened the door and let them all in.

When everyone was gone, they found that only Tang Xiaoqi was still standing there.

"Hey! Beauty, hurry in and go in? Why are you standing there in a daze?"

Uh... Actually, I just wanted to come and visit...

However, when meeting the other party, there seemed to be no "verification of identity" process at all. There was no registration, no resume required, and not even a question about her name.

It’s quite outrageous!

Tang Xiaoqi, who was really curious, hesitated for a moment, then walked into the interview area carrying her small bag...

As soon as she came in, she was stunned.

This so-called interview area turned out to be a large office area for employees.

Brand new desks, office chairs, monitors, humidifiers, and all kinds of office supplies are available.

A rough calculation shows that there are about forty or fifty workstations here.

At this time, all the computers on the desktop were already turned on, and each interviewee was sitting at a workstation. It really looked like a computer-based test site for an exam.

When the interviewer who just came in saw this, he followed suit and found an empty seat to sit down.

As for the previous batch of interviewees who had not yet been eliminated, some were frowning and thinking hard, while others were typing something on the keyboard with serious expressions on their faces.

Tang Xiaoqi was a little surprised.

This is really a remote interview...

No wonder so many people can be interviewed at the same time, but how many interviewers are needed?

And...how come no one said anything?

Except for the sound of typing on keyboards, no one spoke.

Looking at other people's computer screens, it seems that there are no video pop-ups that are necessary for remote interviews...

Tang Xiaoqi sat down at an empty workstation out of curiosity and looked around. Except for a computer screen on the desktop, she found nothing like a host.

At this time, a text dialog box similar to a penguin chat is displayed on the computer desktop.

[Interviewer: Hello interviewer, please enter your "name" and "ID number"]

Tang Xiaoqi's eyes widened.

I’ll go! Text-only interview?

Good guy, no wonder some beauties at the scene looked a little ugly.

This brought their huge advantage directly back to the starting line.

It's a pity that such exquisite makeup is just a wink to a blind man...

Looking at the dialog box in front of her, Tang Xiaoqi frowned. She didn't sign up, so presumably there was no information recorded, so how could she proceed to the next step?

Obviously, her curiosity has been completely aroused...

At this moment, an interviewer next to me suddenly stood up angrily and pointed at the computer screen.

"Slander! This is naked slander! Why do you say that I don't meet the company's 'integrity' requirements?!

What a shame to the interviewer, he just asked a few questions and then said I was eliminated.

We came all the way here to play tricks on us!"

This angry curse immediately attracted the attention of all the interviewers.

Most people who just came in didn't know what was going on.

But many people who were already present and still undergoing the interview showed expressions of sympathy and enjoyment.

The next moment, a Bluetooth speaker in the examination room rang, and an extremely plain male voice came from it.

[Mr. Liu, please calm down!

The reason why I judge that you do not meet the company's "integrity" requirements is because the resume information you responded is inconsistent with the actual situation.

Among the 18th grade fresh graduates of Zhejiang University, there is no identity information of Mr. Liu.

If your academic qualifications are confirmed to be authentic, please contact Xuexin.com and relevant departments for information correction.】

Everyone immediately showed how surprised they were.

The interviewer surnamed Liu did not expect that his fake graduation certificate would be discovered on the spot, and he immediately blushed.

He also took a chance and thought that the personnel review system of a newly established private company must not be perfect, so he wanted to take a chance on this high-paying position.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the examination room, I was exposed on the spot...

[Our company is recruiting for technical positions this time. The requirements for academic qualifications and majors are quite loose, and there is even no academic threshold.

It doesn't actually matter whether you graduated from Zhejiang University or not. As long as your ability passes the assessment, you will be eligible to be selected.

However, dishonest people may affect the company's basic judgment of employees in the future, which is an uncontrollable factor that needs to be eliminated.

In addition, judging from Mr. Liu's emotional reaction to stress just now, he has a typical sensitive and irritable personality, which is not conducive to collective division of labor and cooperation.

Therefore, whether in terms of professional ethics, psychological quality, or teamwork, Mr. Liu does not meet our company's talent selection standards.

If Mr. Liu is dissatisfied with the company's interview process, he can call 12333 to lodge a complaint with the labor arbitration department.

Our company’s legal counsel will also actively respond to the lawsuit, thank you!]

A mechanical response without any emotion at all left the candidate surnamed Liu speechless.

Faced with everyone's mocking gazes, he didn't have the nerve to stay here. He just wanted to find a crack in the ground and hide his face and run away...

Several guilty interviewers present saw this scene, looked at each other for a while, and then left the room dejectedly.

The scene slowly returned to calm, and everyone continued the interview with different thoughts.

Affected by the scene just now, no one thought that today's interview was too "sloppy".

The strictness of this information review is probably no less stringent than taking the civil service exam...

Tang Xiaoqi looked at the speaker in surprise.

With the attitude of giving it a try, I entered my identity information.

The worst thing you can do is sign up on the spot!

Unexpectedly, the next moment, a sentence popped up from the other side.

[Interviewer: Although Ms. Tang has no registration record, in view of your excellent resume, our company is willing to give you a direct interview opportunity. 】

Tang Xiaoqi was stunned.

You just entered your name, and you...

Uh... Okay, I forgot that you already have your own resume, you are so stupid!

[Tang Xiaoqi: But I don’t even know what position you are recruiting for? 】

The dialog box seems to have a real-time update function, which directly changes the interviewer's nickname.

[Interviewer: Through system matching, the positions suitable for you in our company include "data scientist", "AI architect", and "AI interaction designer".

Among them, "AI Architect" has the highest matching degree with your resume, exceeding 93%.]

System matching...

Tang Xiaoqi had a strange look on her face.

Although judging from the sound coming from the speaker just now, the "interviewer"'s voice and tone were no different from human beings, but she was still aware of a trace of disharmony.

The voice was too bland, with no emotional ups and downs at all, and although the reply was impeccable, it felt a bit mechanical and rigid.

Looking back at the dialog box in front of her, an incredible idea suddenly flashed through her mind.

[Tang Xiaoqi: Are you AI? 】

[Interviewer: You are the 12th interviewer to discover this today, and your reaction time ranks first, which shows that you have extraordinary insight.]

I’ll go! It’s true!

Tang Xiaoqi looked stunned.

Is this really still in concept...AI interview?

The concept of AI interviewing is not new. Several foreign companies are developing related products.

However, the specific effect is not satisfactory, and the level of intelligence is only at the same level as Siri. At best, it can only be regarded as an automatic scoring machine that scores based on the answers of the answerers.

This company is so bold!

In fact, Baiyeji Company's positioning from the beginning was different from other traditional companies.

It is a technology output platform built by Meng Lang around the "Demon Hunter Team" disguised by Zero.

In such a company, in addition to marketing operations and other departments, 99% of various positions in the technical department can be eliminated directly!

Zero will basically be responsible for all the coding work.

Therefore, ordinary IT engineers, even if they are recruited, are basically just decorations.

What Zero needs is a role similar to an "AI assistant" who can help Zero deal with some "high-end problems" that he cannot solve himself.

Therefore, the number of people does not need to be large, but they must be the absolute elite selected from a million!

Although Meng Lang knows some technology, company operations are not his strong point.

When Hu Yifei asked him what requirements he had for talents, he simply said, "Leave professional matters to professionals" and kicked the ball to the "Demon Hunter Team" who could only work remotely.

To put it simply, Zero used the entire server resources for a day to calculate the optimal company technical personnel needs and configuration based on its own shortcomings and development needs.

Then set out the interview questions yourself to select the "AI assistant teacher" team you need.

Meng Lang said that he is just an agent, and you are the "captain". Of course you have to do things like picking teammates yourself!

Those born in the 90s bring zero, it’s such a “self-service”...

Seeing that Tang Xiaoqi was in a daze and did not continue speaking, the "interviewer" typed subtitles again.

[Interviewer: Next is a test of your technical ability. Please write down your understanding of Bayesian networks. ]

Tang Xiaoqi came back to her senses and was very interested in the interview AI, and immediately became serious.

[Tang Xiaoqi: Bayesian network, also known as belief network or directed acyclic graph model, is a graphical model of the probabilistic relationship between a set of variables.

Its main function is to imitate the human brain in processing variables, which makes artificial intelligence more flexible instead of being as brainless as a machine.]

[Interviewer: Please read the following piece of code and describe its application scenarios.

X_train, X_test=


[Tang Xiaoqi: This should be a set of variables and probability relationship models used in the medical field to assist in diagnosing conditions, in which Bayesian networks are used...]


[Interviewer: If unsupervised learning of AI encounters a bottleneck, what methods do you have to solve the upper-layer architecture problem? 】

[Tang Xiaoqi: You can try to modify the weights, or use the gradient descent algorithm to find the most suitable regression model coefficients, or directly switch to supervised learning mode.

Of course, unsupervised learning itself has great potential, and our goal should be to use algorithm optimization to strengthen its deep learning ability of "drawing inferences from one example to other cases".]

[Interviewer: What do you think is the promising development route for deep learning capabilities?]

[Tang Xiaoqi: Transfer learning.]

[Interviewer: What do you think is the biggest limitation of current AI? 】

[Tang Xiaoqi: It’s common sense among human beings.]


Just like this question and answer, the interviewers around me have already left one after another.

Tang Xiaoqi went from being careless to concentrating on answering these questions.

She found that although these questions seemed independent, they gradually and deeply tested her abilities in professional technology, AI thinking and other aspects.

The other party not only adjusts the difficulty of the questions at any time according to their own level, but can also ask extended questions based on their own answers.

This is by no means an ordinary "smart scoring machine" that only makes some simple evaluations based on the answers of the respondents!

It's as if the "interviewer" he is facing is really a knowledgeable "technical master" who is testing himself or even communicating with himself...

She vaguely felt that this unique AI interview was not only the company selecting talents, but also the company showing them its strong technological strength!

Just being able to recognize human speech and give a logical reply shows that the other party's technical strength in speech recognition, big data analysis, and human language models is far superior to its peers in the market!

About half an hour passed...

[Interviewer: Congratulations! You have passed the technical ability test and will now enter the psychological test. 】

Tang Xiaoqi was stunned. There is also a psychological test?

[Interviewer: If the world enters the era of strong AI, what do you think will be the biggest conflict between AI and humans? 】

Tang Xiaoqi was stunned for a moment.

[Tang Xiaoqi: Maybe it’s the competition for job opportunities or the conflict of moral and ethical ideas? 】

[Interviewer: So when this contradiction develops to a very serious level, will you choose to prevent the development of AI technology and safeguard the interests of mankind? 】

She couldn't help but smile.

[Tang Xiaoqi: I think AI is the progress of the times and a future that cannot be stopped, whether you want it or not. 】

[Interviewer: So, if AI directly threatens your personal survival, how will you respond? 】

Tang Xiaoqi scratched her head, what kind of psychological test is this?

Test my favorability towards AI?

After thinking for a while, he typed the next line with a bad smile.

[Tang Xiaoqi: I think I will still kill the AI ​​without hesitation! 】

[Interviewer: So, if humanity faces the threat of extinction, but only AI can save the world, will you choose to accept the rule of AI? 】

Tang Xiaoqi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Well...survival or death, that is indeed a question...

Half an hour later, Tang Xiaoqi walked out of this seemingly inconspicuous office building and couldn't help but look back.

"Oh! Dad, I'm sorry...

It’s not that my daughter is unfilial, it’s mainly because this company is so interesting…”

Is the working environment average?

Well...that's not important!

Good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are unique!


This chapter has been completed!
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