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Chapter 427 Anti-Monopoly Law

 "Senior sister, that..."

"Dad, I called a car and I'm waiting outside. Let's go quickly."

"Why are you so anxious? Doesn't Xiao Zheng have something to tell you?"

"Oh...what do you have to say?"

Zheng Wan looked at the three pairs of eyes staring directly at him, with an embarrassed look on his face.

In front of so many people, how do you want me to explain this?

Is this the first time I’ve discovered that killing a chicken can actually be so comfortable that people can’t help but say, “Uh-huh?”

Gritting his teeth, he bit the bullet and said, "Pull it out."

"Senior sister, actually that day..."

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" "Stop!" "Stop him!"

At this moment, the crowd not far away suddenly burst into commotion.

They turned their heads and saw a man in a black jacket running towards them.

Behind him, several airport security personnel were chasing him.

"The suspect carrying drugs was found to be fleeing towards Exit 3. Please assist all units in arresting him!" The guard behind him pressed the intercom to request support.

"Get out of my way! Get out of my way!"

The man in the jacket waved his arms wildly, his eyes red like a trapped animal.

When he got closer, he realized that the other party actually had a bright shard of glass in his hand. The crowd around him dispersed in fear.

"Stop!" "You can't run away!"

The fleeing man saw several more guards coming from the opposite side. Guards were gathering from all directions, and he suddenly knew that he had nowhere to escape.

He swept around, and the next moment he rushed towards Tang Xiaoqi fiercely.

The incident happened so suddenly that the people around him didn't react at all, and the gangster was already approaching.

"Not good!"

Tang Xiaoqi was shocked. The gangster obviously wanted to capture the hostages, but it seemed that it was too late to run away at this time...

At the critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from beside him. When Tang Xiaoqi saw it clearly, she realized that Zheng Wan was blocking her in front of her...

"You brat is looking for death!"

Without thinking too much, the gangster raised the shards of glass in his hand and rushed towards Zheng Wan.

Although the kidnapping target was changed from a cute little girl to a man, it didn't make much difference to him.

"don't want!"

Hearing Tang Xiaoqi's exclamation behind her, Zheng Wan pulled out the gun with fear on her face.

He didn't know where his brain was twitching. His body had already reacted subconsciously without even thinking about it.

When he woke up, he realized that the gleaming glass fragments were getting closer and closer to his neck...

For a moment, he seemed to feel the approach of death again, just like on the rooftop that day.

The pupils shrank a little under the extreme fear...

"Come here!"

The gangster read the fear and fear on Zheng Wan's face, and with a ferocious look on his face, he wanted to pull him into his arms and press the sharp weapon in his hand against his neck...

However, the imagination in my mind did not become reality in the next moment...

The moment he was about to meet the other person, the young man opposite suddenly moved!

He took a step back and took advantage of the sudden slowdown in the relative speed of the two of them to grab his right hand holding the sharp weapon.

Immediately, his left hand reached out, and he moved his hands left and right at the position of his elbow.

The gangster felt a sharp pain in his arm, and his body involuntarily took a step forward. The next moment, his calf was suddenly kicked again.

The next moment, the whole person could no longer maintain his balance and fell forward.


While passing by the young man, he could even see the same shocked and stunned expression on the other person's face...


Face down, his body fell heavily to the ground, and his right hand was tightly twisted behind his back.

Under the severe pain, the murder weapon in his hand could no longer be held and fell down with a clang.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Everyone only saw the gangster rushing towards a young man with a ferocious face.

Then the next moment, the other party was pressed to the ground and rubbed...

The guards who arrived were shocked when they saw this, and a few people quickly came up, and used all kinds of tricks to control the fallen gangster, put handcuffs on him, and pulled him out.

Tang Xiaoqi and others were also shocked, and they didn't react until now.

"Xiao Wan! Are you okay?" Professor Zheng looked shocked.

"Uh... I'm fine." Zheng Wan herself was a little dazed.

I didn’t know what was going on just now, but when I saw the figure rushing towards me from the opposite side, my body subconsciously moved on its own...

I'm really scared, my calves are still trembling now.

"Okay, young man, you've practiced well as a grappler!" A guard came over and patted Zheng Wan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Grabbing hand?" Pull out

Zheng Wan was stunned.

But I don’t know how to grab a hand? I’m pretty good at “getting caught”...


Could it be that I have been beaten too much in the past few days and my body has formed muscle memory?

He looked at his hands blankly...

Could it be that...what the masters said is true?

I'm actually... really talented?

The little incident that happened at the airport, apart from giving Zheng Wan an extra banner of "acting bravely for justice", didn't seem to cause much trouble...

A few days later, Evergreen Bio...

"10 billion RMB? Haha! Gao Sheng Group really thinks highly of us."

In the chairman's office, Gao Yuan, who had returned from a business trip, couldn't help but smile.

"Director Gao, do you really want to sell Evergreen Biotech?" Tang Yun asked with some worry.

In recent times, due to two consecutive technological breakthroughs, Evergreen Biotech has entered the field of vision of many investment groups.

In the past few days, investors have called from time to time to inquire about investing and buying shares, but Gao Yuan declined them all.

Only this time is different.

After all, they gave me too much...

"How is that possible? If you add a zero at the end and change it to euros, I might give it some thought," Gao Yuan said with a smile.


Tang Yun was speechless for a moment.

Although she was relieved that the company would not be sold, wasn't Director Gao too confident in his psychological position?

Regardless of how small the stall is, Evergreen Biotech has accounted for more than half of its various loans recently, and it has a high-leverage development model and real estate that is almost like walking on a tightrope.

It is said that the assets are hundreds of billions, and the net worth is actually negative...

I don’t know where the confidence of Director Gao came from. While borrowing money like crazy, he spent billions of dollars in investment at will... He wasn’t afraid that he wouldn’t get the money back and just messed it up...

Whenever she sees Evergreen Biotech's current balance sheet, Tang Yun feels a little trembling in her heart.

Putting herself into perspective, if she were sitting in Gao Yuan's position and heard that someone was willing to buy Evergreen Biotech at a price two or three times higher, it would be hard not to be tempted.

"Director Gao Yingming, the company is booming now, it is really unwise to sell it at this time."

"Oh? I thought you would persuade me to sell it. After all, this person is an acquaintance of yours." Gao Yuan said with a smile.

Tang Yun suddenly smiled bitterly.

"It is precisely because I am familiar with Tang Yijing that I know the other party's character of not being willing to do anything early.

Since he can offer a price of 10 billion on behalf of the company, it shows that they have the confidence to earn more returns from us.

And...based on my personal understanding of him, I actually do not recommend that the company cooperate with this person."

Gao Yuan glanced at Tang Yun in surprise, and then suddenly smiled.

"Haha! Then you have a pretty good eye for seeing people."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Tang Yun was stunned.

"check it out."

Gao Yuan said and handed over the mobile phone on the table.

"This is……"

Tang Yun looked at the photo on the screen of her mobile phone and looked stunned.

What I saw above was a photo of Tang Yijing and Zheng Dalu in the same frame. In the picture, the two people were talking and laughing, looking like they were having a great time talking to each other.

Looking at the background, it seems to be somewhere like an airport.

"Our Professor Zheng is quite a celebrity now, and paparazzi actually took photos at the airport and posted them on the Internet...

Haha! How about it? What was your first thought when you saw this photo?"

Tang Yun was stunned for a moment. Looking at the photo, she hesitated to speak.

"Are you thinking that Professor Zheng holds two of our most important core technologies, and it is definitely not a good thing for him to be too close to Gao Sheng.

Whether it is being poached or losing technology, is it a threat to the company?"


Tang Yun wanted to say that Professor Zheng should not be that kind of person, but in the face of huge interests, such words seemed somewhat feeble.

After all, most of the time, human nature cannot stand the test...

"Look, even you think so, should I think so too?"

Gao Yuan smiled and pointed at the photo.

"As soon as the other party proposed to discuss cooperation with us, this photo appeared online. It was a coincidence.

Do you think I, as a boss, should be sleepless at night when I see my technical director getting so close to Gao Sheng's people?"

Tang Yun reacted immediately, "Dr. Gao, you mean... is this a divorce plan?"

"Haha! It doesn't matter if we are found out. Once we show our distrust of Professor Zheng, the other party's purpose will be achieved.

Whether you want to recruit people or negotiate terms with me, these are all bargaining chips.

This Mr. Tang really likes to be clever."

Tang Yun heard this and said helplessly.

"You are right, Director Gao. He...sometimes does use small means to achieve his goals."

"I don't have any objection to resorting to means, after all, there is nothing wrong with it in the market.

However, he was actually telling me that in addition to acquiring us, Gao Sheng had many other ways to obtain our technology.

This domineering attitude directly shows that the other party lacks sincerity and is not a good collaborator.

Today he can threaten you with poaching your people, and tomorrow he can use his equity to remove you."

"So, Director Gao, do you mean to reject the other party directly?"

Gao Yuan smiled, "Of course you have to refuse, but you can still meet people. After all, Gao Sheng is the largest investment consortium in the world. Maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future?"

Gao Sheng is an investment giant in the global financial field, with influence all over the world and a highly international and professional financial team.

Of course, as we all know, the other party has participated in many controversial financial businesses. In terms of issues such as insufficient risk control and lack of social responsibility, its image and reputation are definitely not positive.

Gao Yuan remains highly vigilant against them, but that doesn't mean she needs to avoid them like snakes and scorpions.

When an enterprise reaches a certain stage of development, it is often impossible to avoid these top consortiums in the world.

What's more... only docile sheep can be raised in the sheepfold.

To survive on the grassland, you must learn to dance with wolves...

"By the way, what have Professor Zheng been busy with these days after he came back?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Oh! Africa's Z vaccine technology has been implemented, and he seems to be conducting research on patent protection."

"Patent protection?" Gao Yuan smiled immediately after hearing this.

Patent protection protects the interests of technology forerunners, but it can also block the technology of latecomers by forerunners.

Some domestic companies have finally developed a technology, but there are countless companies that have been dragged down by foreign competing companies in the form of patent litigation.

This of course requires attention.

However, I am afraid that Professor Zheng is still a little unsure about the patent protection mentioned, and is worried about issues such as technology "plagiarism"...

Reminiscent of Meng Lang's evaluation of his own technology as "unprecedented and unmatched".

She couldn't help but joke.

"I suggest Professor Zheng, while studying patent protection, also study the Anti-Monopoly Law..."


When Tang Yun went out, Gao Yuan looked at her computer desktop with a deep look.

There is an intelligence message marked "Special Attention" on it.

"Recently, the first case of suspected African Z virus has been reported in a pig breeding area in Lanfang, Bei Ha Province. Relevant departments are paying close attention..."


This chapter has been completed!
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