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Chapter 461 Reflection

 Gao Yuan had just sent Hu Yonghua, who was smiling so hard that he couldn't see his eyes, out of the living room, when she happened to run into Hu Yifei, who was coming excitedly.

"Huh? Dad, why are you here?"

"You brat! Do I still need to report to you where I am? Okay, I still have things to do. Follow Director Gao and work hard. I'm optimistic about you! Hahaha!"


Looking at Hu Yonghua's left figure with a crooked mouth, Hu Yifei looked at Gao Yuan with a question mark on his forehead.

"Director Gao, what did you talk about with my dad to make him so happy?"

"Nothing, I just asked him to do the company a favor."

"He asked him for help and he was so happy?" Hu Yifei looked puzzled.

"Haha! Then you have to see if this helps a lot..." Gao Yuan smiled meaningfully.

"By the way, you came to see me for something?"

"Oh yes! I almost forgot about this, that... Mr. Yu from Juchang is here..."

Across the ocean, CIA headquarters.

Naji Pell looked at the latest information in his hand, with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"Shit! Where do they have the confidence to refuse us? The person is in our hands now, and we have the final say for how many years he will be imprisoned!

Doesn’t it mean that you are training the other party as your successor? You won’t give in even if you do this?

The last time we did Stone Al, it went very smoothly!"

His deputy said helplessly.

"Director, you have forgotten that the French Minister of Economy at the time was one of our own..."

"You don't need to remind me! If it weren't for us, would he be president now?

There is no country in this world that we cannot handle, let alone any company that we cannot handle!

Juchang will be no exception!”

Director Najib was quite angry.

Yes, the private negotiations with Juchang failed. The other party clearly rejected all their "unequal treaties" and threatened to use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests...

The opponent's tough attitude was obviously beyond his expectation.

When he thought about it, even if the other party refused to accept his conditions in full, he would at least be cautious and have some concerns.

Unexpectedly, he was so stubborn, and the team of lawyers was already ready to be sent over...

"Uh... Director, after all, Juchang is not Stone Al, and we are no longer in the information-blocked era of 2013. This matter is now making a big fuss on the Internet and has become a global hot spot.

Public opinion is somewhat unfavorable to us, and our business reputation has also been affected. After all...our reasons are really untenable..."

"We have listed so many crimes for her, coupled with our world-renowned long-arm jurisdiction, why is it untenable!" Najib glared at the deputy.

"Ahem! Well... Mr. Director, I just wanted to report to you that after this period of evidence collection, we did not find anything we wanted in the other party's mobile phone and notebook.

In addition, the evidence collection work for several target companies also encountered some troubles and did not go smoothly..."

"Huh? How could this happen? Hadn't it been arranged before? How could something go wrong?" Najib said angrily.

"Director, there is something strange about this matter. During the evidence collection process, we found that the other party seemed to have eliminated some key clues in advance.

Moreover, the electronic products carried by the target person had just been replaced not long ago, and they were blank without any useful content at all.

Even during the interrogation process, the other party was unusually calm and cooperative, without any panic, and all his words and deeds were flawless, as if...as if they had been rehearsed in advance..."

"What?!" Najib was stunned.

"You mean, the other party knew our plan a long time ago, so they made preparations in advance?"

"This... subordinates are not sure, but judging from the series of previous actions, the other party is indeed on guard against us.

Then it is not impossible to make preventive measures especially for certain important executives..."

"How is that possible! Are these guys... so careful?"

Najib looked a little confused.

This time, they conducted a surprise attack without any warning, and even the Chinese Intelligence Bureau was concealed.

Even if the other party notices the clues, is it possible for an ordinary company to be so watertight that even important executives have to start emergency training?

If the other party really has such vigilance... then is it a private enterprise or an intelligence unit?

However, the matter has come to this point, and it is no longer helpful to delve deeper into what went wrong.

Everyone has been arrested, and now he has an arrow on the string and has to shoot...

"Don't we still have the evidence provided by Hong Kong Bank?" Najib asked.

"With only a few emails, it may be difficult to convict the other party.

Although the Maple Leaf Country is our back garden, it is up to us to decide how we want to judge it, but the whole world is watching this matter now, and there is not much room for manipulation..."

The deputy said with a frown.

"Director, you can delay it for a while. The key is that China is putting pressure on the Black Palace.

This time, the opponent's attitude was unusually resolute. He must be well aware of Juchang's strategic influence and showed an attitude of never giving in.

There will be no problem in this short period of time, but as time goes by, the pressure on our side will probably increase..."

When Najib heard this, he felt even more angry.

Why is it so bad lately?

The first thing a new official does when he takes office is that he sets his own house on fire, leaves out important data, and gets scolded.

Now this second fire has just been half burned, and another bucket of cold water has been thrown on it...

Now that things have come to this, we can’t give up halfway now, right?

Can’t even handle a Fortune 500 company…

Do I, the CIA, have no face? How can I, the director of the CIA, be embarrassed?

If this gets out, I will definitely become an international laughing stock.

His face was gloomy, and after pondering for a moment, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he made a decision in his heart.

"Hmph! If we can't get it... then we'll ruin it!

Since they don’t eat and drink as a penalty when toasting, let’s start implementing the second phase of the plan in advance!”

"Ah?" The deputy was surprised when he heard this and said hesitantly.

“But Director, according to the original plan, the second phase should not be officially implemented until next year.

You know, after all, this plan involves an entire industry chain, as well as many countries and well-known companies in the industry chain. Just suppressing the backlash from relevant stakeholders is probably an arduous task.

Director...I'm afraid our current preparations are not sufficient yet."

Najib snorted coldly.

"Stupid! You just said that others are already prepared. When we are fully prepared, do you think the other party will be more prepared?

Whatever means are available at that time, I am afraid the effect will be greatly reduced.

We just don’t want to give each other breathing space now!

Even if they knew that we would deal with them, they would never have thought that we would act so quickly and so cruelly!

Now is the time to compete with each other. If they are tough, we must be tougher, let the other side know how heavy the losses will be if they go against us, and force the other side to surrender to us!"

The corner of his mouth curled up into a sneer.

"As for the backlash from interested parties... Huh! Fruit, Sanxin, Coutong, Wangjie... and even China's own local comprador companies...

In this world, we are not the only ones who don’t want the other party to be in power!

Otherwise, do you think that just a few words from a few politicians can lead to such a large blockade alliance?

You can rest assured that even if they suffer some losses, they will actively cooperate with us!"

"That's it...the director is wise!"

The deputy immediately flattered him, and then he didn't know what he was thinking of. After hesitating for a moment, he finally spoke.

"By the way, Director, speaking of the second phase of the suppression plan, our intelligence agents in China recently collected some strange information."

"what news?"

"I heard that Juchang recently transferred a group of key chip R&D personnel of the company and established a new department called 'Breaking Dawn'.

If it is a normal internal adjustment, then forget it, but what is strange is that this newly established R&D department actually moved to Hujian Jinghua collectively and announced to the outside world that it would engage in joint R&D."

"Hu Jian Jinghua? Isn't he the one we put on our hit list last year?"

Director Najib immediately remembered this name, but wasn't that company already half-dead?

"What projects are they working on?"

"Not sure."


"This is very strange. After all, Jinghua is one of the leading integrated circuit manufacturing companies in China. Our people originally wanted to conduct an in-depth investigation, but found that the other party's research and development projects were actually kept strictly confidential.

Not to mention announcing information to the outside world, even personnel are not allowed to enter or exit. It is very mysterious.

Logically speaking, ordinary research and development projects do not need such strict confidentiality measures at all..."

"Ha! So what about joint research and development? Do you think that if two cripples are tied together, they can walk like flying?"

Upon hearing this, Najib first smiled disdainfully, and then touched his chin.


Although it was almost killed by our own side, there were still three kilograms of nails in the rotten ship.

At this juncture, Juchang suddenly cooperated with Jinghua on research and development...

Considering the troubles the other party has caused him one after another, he doesn't want any changes to occur again.

After thinking for a while, out of the caution of intelligence personnel, he still gave the order.

"I'll give you 1 million to bribe some senior executives from Jinghua and find out what kind of medicine they are selling in the gourd!"

"Yes! I'll do it right away!"

After walking out of the director's office, the deputy immediately picked up a secure phone and dialed a number.

"Hey! I'll give you 500,000, and let me find out the matter as soon as possible..."

Soon, a series of heavy news came out from the outside world.

It is rumored that the other side of the ocean has officially added Juchang to the "incorporeal list"!

Across the ocean, the Ministry of Commerce is preparing to revise some rules on foreign-produced direct products and extend jurisdiction to foreign companies...

As soon as the news came out, the entire technology circle was in an uproar.

Once this rule is revised, it means that even non-domestic companies will have jurisdiction as long as they use domestic technology.

Although it is a bit vague, everyone knows who this rule change is aimed at...

As soon as the news spread to China, the Internet went crazy!

“Holy shit! A state agency on the other side of the ocean is responsible for regulating non-national companies?

How is this different from using the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty?"

"It sounds a bit incredible, but unfortunately it is true, technological hegemony is so domineering! (Spread hands)"

"If you don't understand, just ask, does this matter have a big impact on us?"

"Let me tell you this, high-end mobile phones require high-end process semiconductors, and no matter how awesome the domestic companies are, once they encounter high-end processes... they all have to kneel down! There is no way around it..."

"Alas! Chinese enterprises are big but not strong. In most cases, this evaluation is fair.

Domestic companies can become big because they often take advantage of the vast local market. However, most of the high value-added technological elements are in the hands of Western companies. One typical example is semiconductors...

The problem is that technology development is too difficult and cannot be done in a short time..."

"Yes, Jinghua's fate is vivid in my mind!"

"They can kill a thousand enemies and suffer eight hundred losses to themselves. Can Wang Jidian and Sanxin risk their own interests and succumb to their lust?"

"Haha! I'm afraid you don't know that these two companies are all rice-funded..."

"Don't give up on Bilian. You'll catch people with your front foot and run out of goods with your back foot. This is clearly a plan to bring down Juchang!"

"Look what I said before. Xingzhong has just been disabled, and it will definitely be Juchang's turn next."

"Haha! When something happened to Xingzhong a while ago, didn't you say how about switching to Juchang, so that the technology would be more independent? What about now, you've been fooled, right?"

"Hey! Where are you from? No matter how independent you are, you can still be isolated from the world. How can you do everything in the entire industry chain?"

"If you want to say Xingzhong, then I have to come out and say a few words!

In fact, Xingzhong not only has poor financial data, but its business has already been left behind by Juchang by N levels.

There are rumors in the circle. It is said that it was precisely because Xingzhong allowed enemy agents to sneak into the company last time and easily obtained confidential information that Juchang was exposed. No, the friendly forces were successfully dragged into the water..."

"Is there still such a thing? What a waste!"

"Alas! First it's trade, and now it's technology. The other party is going to start an all-out war with us! Isn't peace bad?"

"I guess my big A is going green again..."

“The troublesome guy who said a while ago that technology has no borders comes out and takes a walk!”

"Those who say technology has no borders may not dare to come out, but according to my experience, the reflection monster is almost coming out..."

"Ahem! Well...should we reflect on why the other party doesn't engage in BAT, rice phones, or other people's petroleum and petrochemicals, but specifically engages in you? What's the problem?"


"I think the reflection above is correct. You said that if you just sell mobile phones, you won't be finished. You want to develop your own operating system, 5G, baseband, WiFi, ISP...

And what about the artificial intelligence processor ‘Shengteng’, the server CPU ‘Kunpeng’…

The mobile phone CPU ‘Qilin’ even makes Gaotong tremble...

A stinky mobile phone seller has such big ambitions and the road is still getting wider and wider. If you don’t want to do it, who are you going to do?”

"That's right, it should have reflected long ago. What are its virtues and capabilities, but it can actually rank first among the top 500 domestic private enterprises?

Renjia Fruit’s revenue is US$265.6 billion and profit is US$59.5 billion. Sanxin’s revenue is US$219.7 billion and profit is US$34 billion. What about Chrysanthemum Factory?

Revenue was US$107 billion and profit was only US$8.7 billion.

The gap between revenue and profit is a bit big, but your income is growing a bit fast. This year’s growth rate actually reached an exaggerated 19.5%!

Not only is it higher than Apple's 16%, but it also robs Sanxin of its market, and its growth rate is only 1.7%...

Beggar your neighbor, grab other people's cakes, take other people's path and leave others with nowhere to go.

Doesn’t this approach require reflection?”

"What you said above makes sense. I heard that Juchang's mobile phone business grew at a terrifying 45.1% in the first half of this year. It's still impossible to predict where the ceiling will be.

It is estimated that within a year or two, mobile phone sales will officially surpass fruit and become the world's number one!

Treat others with kindness and mercy, friendship first, competition second... Do we still need to teach this truth?

If you don’t reflect, who will?”

"That's right, I also heard that Juchang's R&D expenses last year were as high as 89.7 billion yuan, ranking first among the top 10 domestic R&D investments!

It is three times that of the three BAT companies combined, and more than the next nine companies combined!

The market size has grown, but you still want to become stronger?

If you say you won’t do it, who will you do?”

"That is, you said that you are a mainland-funded enterprise, but your size is equivalent to the total size of the joint venture giant BAT. Doesn't this need reflection?

In terms of tax payment, Ali is 10.9 billion, Baidu is 2.2 billion, Penguin is 7 billion, and the total tax payment is 20 billion. You have paid nearly 30 billion in taxes yourself!

In terms of the number of employees, Ali Mama’s 30,000 + Baidu’s 50,000 + Penguin’s 30,000 = 110,000.

And your global employees are as high as 170,000, of which nearly 100,000 are engaged in research and development, and there are 10,000 Ph.D.s. You can be called a ruthless trap for high-end talents. Doesn’t this exacerbate our labor shortage?”

"What you said above is so right! In terms of profits, Alibaba is 23.4 billion, Baidu is 10.5 billion, and Penguin is 24.2 billion. The total profit is 58 billion. Not to mention, more than 95% are earned domestically, and 70% of them are taken away by foreign investors.


And your profit is only 27.9 billion, more than 70% of which comes from overseas, and you pay dividends generously!

I heard that this year the salary and dividends of Juchang employees exceeded 100 billion, and the per capita income was as high as 780,000!

My tobacco lover is jealous after seeing this!

You said you can't reflect on the fact that you have added 170,000 high-income households, which may have pushed up housing prices in Yangcheng in disguise?"

"Pfft! I finally understand. If there is no BAT in China, there will be ABC, which will replace it in a matter of minutes.

But if China loses its chrysanthemum factory, no company can replace it.

Isn’t excellence a sin?

Xiu'er! Tell me if you should reflect on it!"

After a period of "verbal and written criticism", some netizens finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Uh... elders, we can leave our reflections later. Shouldn't we think about how to solve this problem first?"

However, what ushered in was a long silence...

"Oh! How can we solve it? If we fall behind, we will be beaten."

"It's not just semiconductors that are being beaten. A friend from abroad told me that it is said that the Guge company has started discussions within the company to not allow the overseas machines of the Ju factory to be pre-installed with the Guge Family Bucket.

In addition, the EDA company has also revealed that it will cut off cooperation with Ju Factory. By then, there may not even be software for chip design... Sihai is afraid that it will also be finished..."

"Hiss~ The other party wants to completely destroy the Ju Factory through software and hardware!"

"Tsk, tsk! The whole country is trying to suppress a company, but it is so targeted by the world's most powerful country. I'm a little proud of Juchang. Why?"

"Old lady, look at the map, where are you going?

I estimate that as long as Juchang doesn’t bow his head, the subsequent measures will definitely become more severe!”

"I don't care, I can't let my company be bullied by outsiders like this. I can't afford the communication base station. I'll go buy a Juchang mobile phone first to calm down the panic."

"Let's go together! If it's not for anything else, it's just a donation!"


However, just as the Internet was abuzz with endless debates, Juchang, who was at the center of the whirlpool, suddenly issued a statement on its official WeChat account!

[In order to reduce costs and increase efficiency, our company has decided to comprehensively promote the replacement of the ERP system at the Yangcheng headquarters and 88 subsidiaries around the world from now on.

The contract with the original supplier will not be renewed after expiration, hereby announced!

Thanks to Oracle for its loving companionship over the years!】

Originally, this was just an inconspicuous company business announcement.

But Juchang, who is at the center of the storm, has been closely watched by the outside world for his every move. As soon as this announcement came out, it immediately aroused a lot of interpretation and quickly became a hot topic...

"Holy shit! I remember correctly that Oracle is a software company from across the ocean, right?"

"Awesome! The front foot is suppressed, but the back foot kicks the opponent's company? This operation is 666!"

"Pfft! If you cut off my goods, I will cut off our relationship with you. Doesn't this seem to be okay?"

"Guys, I smell a strong smell of gunpowder smoke...

What kind of announcement is this? This is a declaration of war!"

"If I originally wanted to buy a Juchang mobile phone out of anger and sympathy, then now it's out of sincere admiration... That's the word for it! I'm a fan!"

Netizens are excited.

But Oracle, far across the ocean, was completely confused.

Damn it! What's going on?

I'm enjoying my meal at home, but I'm losing such a huge software usage fee every year?

It's like a group of people were fighting, and the one being beaten didn't say anything, but beat up the audience first...

Just because I am a relative of the eldest brother’s family?

In this world... there is no more royal law?!

And if you replace the entire company's ERP in such a hasty manner, aren't you afraid of causing data chaos?

As for Kingdee and UF in your country, they are all left over from our play!

How much hatred is there to need to burn both jade and stone to make one's ambition known through death?

However, this wave of turmoil has not completely subsided, and another piece of news has once again detonated the whole audience.

This time it was Huahang Science and Technology who posted a high-profile official Weibo...

[Good news! The research and development of Turbofan 15 and Turbofan 20 have made important breakthroughs and have officially entered the mass production stage.

The domestic civil aviation engine CJ1000A has been successfully developed and will replace the imported CFM LEAP-1C. The domestic large aircraft C919 project has made significant progress...

Thank you to the heroes in the dark!]

This blockbuster news once again detonated major streaming media platforms at home and abroad.

"Damn it! Is it true? Didn't you say it will take several years?"

"Thank you to the heroes in the darkness...Has this sentence been used in similar announcements before? Who is the hero?"

"I said it was in the dark, can the name be made public?

I guess it must be a national treasure-level scientist who has made outstanding contributions!"

"Anyway, finally... I've finally waited for this day!"

Some people cried with joy.

As we all know, engines have always been China's shortcomings, and the above-mentioned engines are the next generation of new engines that China is developing.

Among them, the Turbofan 15 is the rumored domestic model for the J-20. Its performance is said to be comparable to the F119 engine on the other side of the ocean, and both thrust and service life have been greatly improved.


Sooner or later, China will suddenly announce a number of important engine breakthroughs in a high-profile manner, which can't help but make people think...

Netizens translated the subtext of this announcement in their minds...

Don't panic, Juchang, the country is your strong backing, I support you!

Don’t you want a technological blockade?

Let me break through one first and show it to you?

This chapter has been completed!
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