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Chapter 462: Bluff


Director Najib slammed the table hard and became furious!

"Hundan! How dare they!"

Our majestic empire, the world's first, has always convinced people with virtue from the perspective of strength and status.

As a result, I just punched hard and wanted to teach the opponent a lesson. Unexpectedly, the opponent didn't accept it and gave me a loud backhand slap!

And in front of the whole world!

This slap not only slaps their technological hegemony, but also the face of Director Najib!

This time things got so big that even the former leader, Pinocchio, just called him directly, sulking and asking himself how he became the director.

It’s okay that the main target of Juchang refused to give in, and he acted like he was fighting to the death. This was completely different from what he had promised!

They haven't even seen any revenue yet. Oracle has lost a lot of business first.

Okay, forget it, after all, rabbits bite when they are anxious.

But... about such important news that China has made a major breakthrough in engine technology, the CIA didn't receive any news in advance?!

This is a major dereliction of duty!

Does Congress spend so much money on intelligence every year?

"Damn it! You didn't break through early or late, but you chose this time to break through intensively! You did it on purpose!"

Najib gritted his teeth and felt very aggrieved.

Why have all kinds of bad luck happened to me? It’s such a bad year...

"Director, I think there's something fishy about this." The deputy said with a puzzled look on his face.

"According to the comprehensive assessment of the intelligence department and the opponent's research and development progress, there should not be any major breakthroughs in engine technology within five years.

After all, engine research and development is an activity that requires the cooperation of multiple types of work and multiple departments, and the amount of work is extremely large. With our intelligence channels that have been cultivated in China for many years, it is impossible for there to be no news at all..."

"What do you want to say?"

"Ahem!" He coughed dryly, but hesitated to speak.

"Well... Director, do you remember the last time NASA was hacked..."

Director Najib frowned.

How could I forget such a shameful thing, but you are just exposing my scars, you don’t want to do it anymore, right?

But he quickly reacted.

"You mean..."

"Originally, we thought that it was the Hua Kingdom and the North Kingdom who staged a double-hate plot, and they secretly tricked us, but the news that came from the North Kingdom afterwards didn't seem to be the case.

It seems that they were hacked just like us and lost some important data.

For this reason, the Kremlin got furious and fucked a lieutenant general, which didn't look like he was acting.

Although the information is not precise, we heard that the one that was invaded in the North Country seemed to be their 'Power Machinery Research and Production Organization (NPO)'.

Cough! Director, whether it is NASA or NPO, they are top organizations related to aerospace technology..."

Speaking of which, Najib would be a bit stupid if he didn't realize what the other party wanted to say.

Yes, engine research and development is a big project. It is impossible for us to have no news about any major breakthroughs made by the other party.

Unless...this breakthrough is ready-made...

No wonder...

"Thank you to the heroes in the darkness"...isn't that what I'm talking about, those hackers!

Director Najib had an instant enlightenment and connected all the clues... The truth of the matter suddenly became clear!


After working on it for a long time, I stepped on this mine, but I actually buried it myself?

Director Najib was stunned, feeling as if ten thousand grass and mud horses were galloping past...

Their guess was correct. Meng Lang left two "small gifts" for Huahang Science and Technology last time.

One is the "Reusable Liquid Oxygen Afterburning Cycle Engine Design Drawing" and the other is the "RD-180 Engine Titanium Alloy Formula".

His original intention was to help China accelerate the development of its own super-thrust and recyclable rocket engine technology to prepare for its future march into the stars and the sea.

Avoid the embarrassing situation of having software but hardware being stuck.

However, for things like aviation development, many technologies are universal...

No, the latest aerospace engine has not yet landed, but several aero engines have received good news first...

After a long time, Director Nagy coughed in embarrassment.

"Ahem! I often tell you that when we engage in intelligence work, the most important things are three things: rigor, rigor, and rigor!

Now this is just some speculation after all, it is unfounded, so don’t spread it to the outside world..."

"Uh...yes yes yes!

I just made some nonsense. In fact, if you think about it, China's breakthrough in engine technology was only a result of decades of continuous accumulation, and it was just a short step away.

Scientific research is very accidental after all!" The deputy also reacted and quickly agreed.

"Hmm~" Director Najib expressed satisfaction with his deputy's performance.

If outsiders knew that Hua's "final kick" was kicked in with his own help...

Director Nagy used the gesture of drinking coffee to cover up his embarrassment.

"By the way, regarding the hackers last time, have you found out their identities?" He quickly changed the topic.

Mentioning this group of hackers, Najib gritted his teeth.

One after another operations have been frustrated. In the final analysis, the culprits are these hackers!

Without the data leakage that night, Juchang would not have been able to respond in advance, and it would be even less possible for him to encounter Hua's "intensive breakthrough" today...

He had already made up his mind, if he knew who did it.

Even if it is the end of the world, he will use all the elite agents of the CIA to completely eliminate the opponent mentally and physically!

"This... not yet." The deputy said with some embarrassment.

"The opponent's technology is quite powerful, and our people have not been able to find any clues about them from the return data link.

However, according to the information sent back by our Chinese intelligence agents, this group of people should be affiliated with the Cyber ​​Protection Team (CPT) of the Chinese Ministry of Cyber ​​Security.

Afterwards, the person in charge of China Aviation Science and Technology even sent them a banner to express their gratitude in a high-profile manner..."

"CPT... Our people have fought against each other before, but they didn't think they were so powerful?"

"This... maybe the other party was hiding their clumsiness before? But I have asked people to strengthen the intelligence investigation of this unit."


The last counterattack was obviously a warning, and the hackers in the CIA who were deceived are still worried about it.

As a result, several important military-industrial sectors in China have now become restricted areas, and the number of international cyberattacks has plummeted.

There is no airtight wall in the world.

After the incident spread, the world's major hacker organizations became more wary of China, and their daily harassment became much less severe.

After all, the No. 1 and No. 2 big brothers in the Matrix have both fallen into trouble. No one can guarantee that they will escape unscathed if they anger the other party's network security forces.

Of course, what he didn't know was that sending banners and so on was just a smokescreen put out by China.

The purpose... of course is to protect the "hero in the dark"...

Meng Lang didn't want to expose his identity, and Hua was happy to have the power of a fox pretending to be a tiger.

This is a silent tacit understanding...

"Alas! These Chinese people are really becoming more and more difficult to deal with..."

Director Najib rubbed his brows helplessly.

But soon, he chose to forget this bad thing for the time being. After all, there were more difficult things waiting for him to deal with...

The tough attitude of Hua Guo and Ju Chang was obviously beyond his expectation.

You must know that this is a critical moment for a new round of economic and trade negotiations between the two countries. The CIA planned this operation to curb Juchang's siege in communications and terminals.

At a more serious level, it means exerting pressure on China to gain leverage at the negotiating table.

The subtext of the action is... I can't help you with trade blockade, but are you afraid of technology blockade?

Unexpectedly, the other party directly proved it with actions...

I am not afraid!

This puts them in a difficult situation...

According to the normal process in the past, we have taught you a lesson. Shouldn't we quickly find a few lobbying companies and spend a public relations fee to bribe those senators?

Although in the end the public relations money spent by the other party will definitely be in vain.

However, everyone was waffling and delayed it for a month or two until the negotiation was over. Then they completed the pressure task assigned by the leader, and the second fire was successfully lit.

However, the opponent's unreasonable "strong counterattack" directly disrupted Director Najib's plan...

Negotiation is like staring, it's about momentum.

Now both sides are taking a tough stance, whoever blinks first will lose.

In order to cooperate with the actions of the Black Palace, this technological war, even if he didn't want to fight now, he would have to bite the bullet and continue to fight.

It's just that the second phase of the plan came a year earlier than he expected, which made them slightly less prepared.

At least coordinating the relevant stakeholders is a headache.

It's too late to slowly persuade and negotiate, so the only option is to forcefully persuade...

"After we took action, how did the outside world react?" Najib asked.

"Chinese local companies represented by Director Hui, Caitong, Bertong, Intel, Guge, Guangmei Technology, Weichuangli, etc. have privately responded to our call and expressed their willingness to stand on our side.

Among them, Wei Chuangli was the most active, expressing his willingness to immediately stop all cooperation with Juchang.

In addition, companies represented by Europa, Fuso, Southern Peninsula, Wangdao, etc. are generally leaning towards us and have expressed a cooperative attitude.

However, after seeing Juchang's strong stance, their attitude became a bit ambiguous and they have not yet made their position clear.

I’m afraid they are worried about getting into trouble, so they want us to charge into the battle first so that they can benefit from it.”

"Hmph! These losers... If we can't make money, they can't make it either!

Tell the financial backers behind Sanxin and Wang Semiconductor to be honest and cooperate with me.

If you let me know who is cheating and secretly shipping goods...then just wait for the IRS to come to your door!"

The IRS mentioned by Najib is the famous "Inland Revenue Service across the Ocean".

When it comes to the deterrent power of this department in the country on the other side of the ocean, it can be said to be even more frightening than the FBI. It can be called a "West Factory"-like terrifying existence!

No matter you are a superstar, a celebrity next to the president, or even a murderous gang boss, as long as you evade taxes, you will be pursued by the IRS until the end of the world.

It is generally accepted that there are three things that must not be done on earth.

That means banning alcohol in the North, selling powder in China, and evading taxes on the other side of the ocean.

Of course, "reasonable tax avoidance" is another matter. After all, it is reasonable...

Najib originally wanted to use force to drive the ducks to the shelves, but after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong.

"Although these guys are just outsiders, they are still letting others cut their flesh. If they feel that they are being used as cannon fodder, they may not work as hard as they can.

It seems we have to make some gestures first...

Um...you just said that Wei Chuangli has a positive attitude?

Then let them take the first shot! Stop Juchang’s OEM business first, and then seize the other party’s raw materials and interfere with the other party’s business activities...

Tell Wei Chuangli that all losses incurred will be paid for by Congress!

Huh! I want them to feel what it means to be surrounded on all sides and see how long they can be stubborn!"

"Yes! Director!"

The deputy hesitated for a moment and then spoke again.

"But Director, the nationalist sentiment in the other country is rising now.

The more drastic our methods are, the higher the support the other party will get. I heard that Juchang’s mobile phone sales surged several times today...

If our actions actually help the other party expand its market, will it be self-defeating?"

Najib didn't care at all.

"Haha! Don't you know that the bigger the faucet is opened, the faster the water flows?

How much raw material inventory do they have? Even if they prepare the goods in advance, I predict that the other party will never survive for half a year!

I also hope that their sales will increase dramatically, so the more goods they sell, the faster they will die!

Once their high-end machines are sold out, no matter how many mid-range and low-end machines they sell, whose market are they grabbing?"

"This...should be Sanxin and Huaguo's own local brand?"

"Haha! That's right! The more volume the mid- to low-end ones have, the less profit they will make. Maybe they will start fighting on their own.

Then the high-end machine with the greatest profit will be completely swallowed up by the fruit machine, and there will be no more threatening opponents!

It won't take long for the mobile phone business, which accounts for more than half of the other party's revenue, to shrink severely, which is equivalent to breaking an arm of the other party and severely damaging the other party's hematopoietic ability.

Then our goal of containing the other party's development will be achieved.

A chrysanthemum factory confined to the country is no longer a threat to us!

Once the other party's technology becomes obsolete, in a few years, our Starlink, AI, and chips will continue to lead, and if the other party wants to catch up by then, it will be a fool's errand..."

Director Nagy showed a sinister smile.

"But I think the other party is not that stupid. They will definitely choose to delay this process as much as possible, preserve the high-end brand that was finally developed, and at the same time hope that the international situation will improve.

Haha! Do you believe it or not, they will soon have to restrict sales?"

"I see, everything is under the control of the Director! The Director is really strategizing and winning thousands of miles!" The deputy immediately flattered him.


After arranging the follow-up actions, Najib took a sip of coffee and took the time to ask.

"By the way, what happened to the sudden replacement of ERP at Juchang?"

It was just a company changing its office software. This was originally a trivial matter, and there was no need for him, the director of the CIA, to personally intervene.

But who would let someone slap him in the face with the announcement? Najib immediately became concerned.

"This subordinate has already investigated it. Even their middle managers didn't know about this matter in advance. It should be a spur-of-the-moment decision made by the other party's senior management.

And as far as I know, there doesn't seem to be any particularly excellent domestic substitutes in China.

Juchang is interested in developing its own ERP system, but I heard that the project has just been approved and the progress is definitely not that fast.

Another hasty replacement will definitely cause some confusion to business operations...

I guess it was just a deliberate gesture to express a tough stance to us."

"Ha! Is this what they call 'not steaming steamed buns to win reputation'? These Chinese people are really stupid!" Najib sneered.

"The Director is right. As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes. Almost all Asians are on their knees. This group of Chinese people are particularly hard-boned."

"Ha! No matter how hard your bones are, it's all in vain in the face of absolute strength!

If you change it again, it will only change the soup but not the medicine. How can you change all our databases?"

Najib does have the confidence to say this.

Currently, database software in the commercial field is almost monopolized by companies across the ocean such as Oracle, Microsoft, and IBM.

For example, SAP and Oracle, as the absolute dominant companies in the world's ERP system, are known as the Mercedes-Benz and BMW of the ERP industry.

Compared with the two, Oracle is even better.

What makes his ERP system really powerful is that it has an excellent database!

In the field of databases, it is indeed difficult to find a technology company that is better than Oracle.

It is the world's largest and most widely used enterprise-level database manufacturer. It has always been the number one in the industry and even captured nearly half of the Chinese database market share, a large part of which is in the high-end market.

Not to mention anything else, even Huaguo Bank’s system almost uses Oracle.

And its database and ERP system are sold in bundles.

Including most domestic banking systems and a considerable number of large companies, Oracle's software has already been deeply ingrained in the entire enterprise operating system.

The core of the key lifeline industry uses the enemy's database.

It must be said that this is a major hidden danger for the country.

Although banks and user companies can use hardware and technical means such as firewalls and architectures to isolate the database server and external connections, fundamentally preventing the software from transmitting data.

But the underlying technology belongs to others, which means it will be much easier for others to do anything...

Of course, the country is not without backup. In addition to the first firewall established by the company itself, we also have a more peripheral second firewall——

That’s right! That’s the famous “Great Fire Wall”!

This is a comprehensive system of software and hardware built by the state itself to monitor international import and export content on the Internet.

Its powerful audit function can effectively prevent overseas snooping and theft of secrets.

Of course, it can also prevent domestic netizens from accessing some overseas unhealthy and disharmonious information...

Well... I believe many netizens have experienced the power of the Great Fire Wall. (???)

Overall, China still lacks a database system that can compete with the other side of the ocean.

Although the situation is not optimistic, with the development of technology, new architecture database systems have begun to challenge traditional databases.

The leader in this area is Alibaba Mama, who has withstood the test of massive data during Double Eleven!

The OBase database developed by Alibaba adopts a new distributed architecture, and its "online analysis processing" and "online transaction processing" have surpassed the Oracle database.

Unfortunately it is not suitable for market commercial use.

The so-called transition from luxury to frugality is difficult, and the ship will turn around in disaster!

Large international enterprises like Juchang produce massive amounts of data every day, and if something goes wrong, management chaos will occur.

It is definitely not an easy task to replace a domestic database.

Well! At least now, Director Najib and many foreign friends think so...


Just when the two were about to continue discussing how to improve the plan and not give Ju Chang any chance to turn around, the deputy's cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked up his phone and took a look at the message, and an expression of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that the other party remained silent, Najib raised his head and asked.

"There is news about the joint research and development project between Juchang and Jinghua." The deputy said with a strange expression.

"Oh? What do the investigation results say?"

"Uh... they said they are developing optical chips..."

Director Nagy was stunned immediately.

He chewed the word "optical chip" over and over in his mind, and it took him a long time to realize it.

"Pfft! Hahahahaha..."

"Optical chips? You said they are researching optical chips? Hahaha... Are you sure you're not kidding?"

500,000 investigation funds!

What kind of joke can be so expensive...

"The news that came out is indeed true..."

The deputy was also a little confused.

Even if you say that you want to overtake others in a corner and prepare to build 1 nanometer electronic chips, I can believe it.

But... light chip?!

What's the difference between this and rushing to build an airplane but first spending money to study flying saucers?

UFOs are advanced, but the problem is that you have to study them for a long time before you can get results?

They are not trying to overtake in a curve, they are trying to change lanes to overtake!

The problem is that this road is overgrown with thorns and has never been traveled by anyone...

Of course it's delicious to be the first to eat crabs, but the problem is that if you want to eat crabs, you have to clear the way.

And the time and money needed to clear the way...that's a bottomless pit!

Even my world's largest empire, with the strength of the whole country, is enough, you two cripples want to fly before you have learned how to run?

Director Najib finally suppressed his laughter.

"Forget it, I should reflect on it. I took them too seriously and wasted a lot of investigation funds..."

"But... if it is normal cutting-edge technology development, does it need to be kept secret like this?" The deputy was still a little confused.

We also study nuclear fusion, AI, and the ultimate mysteries of man and the universe...

I don’t see anyone covering such a high-level topic so tightly that they don’t even have a project name on it, right?

"Ha! What else could it be? It's just a bluff!

A while ago they said that their quantum chips were almost in mass production?

Haven’t we been deceived enough in this regard?”


The deputy thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

China definitely has a history in this regard.

What haze prevents lasers, kelp wraps around submarines...

Now we need to add another "light-making chip"?

Fool! You continue to lie!

This chapter has been completed!
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