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Chapter 470 Cooperation

 Technology line changes the world line!

Meng Lang's "World Version Upgrade Plan" is quietly accelerating all walks of life in the world towards the future...

Although there is no great publicity and the scale of implementation is limited, several AI products have not yet leveraged much of the market.

However, the popularity and topicality brought by the significantly leading AI technology have gradually attracted more and more capital attention with the help of many media and users...

Tang Yijing was very lucky that he discovered the great treasure of Bai Ye Ji before almost all his colleagues.

Not long ago, I felt that using 10 billion RMB to obtain 67% of the equity mortgage of Baiyeji was a bit too high.

But now I realize that this deal is really a good deal!

"The vision of these Wall Street elites is really vicious..." Tang Yijing couldn't help but sigh.

It has just begun to show signs of rising, and the senior management has already decided to acquire Bai Yeji at all costs before other investment banks enter the game!

15 billion?

No! This is by no means the final valuation of Baiyeji!

Judging from the other party’s recent amazing performance, there is a high probability that it will be the next super potential stock to hit a market value of 100 billion!

Thanks to it, Gao Sheng's senior management has temporarily upgraded his authority and promised to give him the senior position of vice president of Gao Sheng AIIB after the completion of the project.

Based on his level within Gaosheng, this can almost be regarded as a step to the top!

The fly in the ointment is that the other party's rise is too fast, and they failed to acquire the other party at a lower price from the beginning...

From the acquisition of the parent company Evergreen Biotech, to the second best option of acquiring 10% of Baiyeji's shares, to now it can only obtain the other party's equity pledge.

From Gao Sheng's helpless retreat to the second best, it can be seen that the speed of Bai Yeji's rise has exceeded their strategic adjustment speed...

[It’s impossible for you capitalists to succeed in the acquisition!]

Only then did Tang Yijing have to admit that he seemed to have little chance of winning the bet that his daughter Tang Xiaoqi made with him in the restaurant.

Not to mention that Bai Yeji's amazing performance on the AI ​​track has attracted the attention of the world's top forces, and his net worth has skyrocketed.

Even Evergreen Biotechnology has recently received great attention for its development of the "Africa Z Vaccine", and it is estimated that it is on the eve of taking off.

Gao Sheng wants to gain absolute control over this kind of unicorn company that has shown great development potential...

Unless domestic capital and Gao Yuan get crazy at the same time!

However, Director Gao was so sick that he sought medical attention and made a seemingly clever move... that was to borrow money from Gao Sheng!

You must know that there is an operation called "debt-for-equity swap"...

10 billion in debt, with interest of up to 1 billion per year, is a heavy burden no matter which company is placed on it.

Not to mention that it is still a start-up enterprise with huge potential, but its actual profitability is still on the rise.

This is like a real estate owner borrowing money to buy land.

If corporate profits exceed capital costs, that is healthy borrowing, which is equivalent to leveraging development and doubling profits.

But if you can't beat the cost of capital, then compound profits will return to a vicious circle, which will undoubtedly accelerate your death.

The final outcome of most similar enterprises is that they end up jumping off the building or running away after borrowing more than they can borrow.

Therefore, a company that is big does not necessarily mean that it is strong, it may also mean that it borrows a lot...

Of course, Gao Sheng also knows that super potential stocks like Bai Yeji do have capital and the confidence to carry out high-leverage operations.

After all, with the current technological advantages, Baiyeji's market imagination is huge, and it is not unusual for profits to double several times every year.

But...this is only under normal circumstances...

What if Bai Yeji suddenly falls down?

You must know that Gao Yuan is now famous for borrowing crazily while doing various all-in operations, and the asset-liability ratio is well on the way to 150%.

While this has brought rapid development to the other party, it has also laid great hidden dangers.

That is, as long as there is a problem in any one of the entire capital chain, it will cause a systemic liquidity crisis for the entire group.

By then, not only can I exchange my 10 billion debt for 67% of Bai Yeji's shares, I will at least become one of the other party's core major shareholders!

Once he enters the board of directors, with the various business resources in Gao Sheng's hands, there will be quite a lot of room for maneuver...

It can be said that the 10 billion borrowed by Gao Yuan allowed Gao Sheng to get the ticket to this star company in almost the only window period!

Of course, the premise of all this is to disrupt Gao Yuan's investment plan.

Normal market competition may not be able to defeat Gao Yuan, who is in full swing and conquering cities and territories, but shopping malls are like battlefields, and there is more than just normal competition...

Tang Yijing raised his head and looked at the golden logo under the tall building in front of him...

Xu Group!

"Cooperate? Win with you?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu, you are a well-known entrepreneur in Jiangsu Province, and we are an internationally renowned investment bank. In fact, there is room for cooperation between both parties in many fields. We can achieve mutual benefit and achieve a win-win situation!"

Tang Yijing looked at Xu Jinsong opposite and smiled.

The conflict between Gao Yuan and Xu Jinsong is almost an open secret in Sioux City.

Xu Jinsong used the resources and connections at hand to suppress the development of Evergreen Biotechnology, not once or twice. It is not difficult to get information about this.

Coupled with the competition between Hong Tianfang and Hu Yonghua, two opposing groups have vaguely formed.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Naturally, Tang Yijing would not let go of Xu Jinsong, his best natural ally.

"Oh? I wonder in what aspects does Gao Sheng want to cooperate with our Xu Group?" Xu Jinsong looked at Tang Yijing.

Xu Jinsong was naturally a little confused about Gao Sheng's sudden invitation to cooperate.

It should be a good thing that the Xu Group can attract the favor of a capital giant like Gao Sheng.

But Xu Jinsong has also heard of Gao Sheng's behavior of eating people without spitting out their bones.

When cooperating with the group of capitalists on Wall Street, even if you are full of scheming, you have to be wary of the day you are sold and paid back...

"Haha! I heard that Mr. Xu's group is short of funds recently and is planning to enter the Internet financial field?"

Tang Yijing's words with a smile made Xu Jinsong's heart skip a beat.

Daniu Venture Capital is the backer of Xu Group, and he is indeed in urgent need of funds to fill the hole recently.

No piece of information would surprise him if taken out alone.

But the other party connected these two things together, obviously with a certain meaning...

These guys...could it be that they have discovered the secret operation they are doing?

In my heart, I became more and more afraid of Gao Sheng behind Tang Yijing.

He frowned.

"Mr. Tang, I don't know where you got the news from. Our company has never had any plans to enter Internet finance.

There may be some misunderstanding, or someone is spreading rumors!"

Although the organization and relationship management behind it all rely on the power of the Xu Group.

But in legal terms, Daniu Venture Capital has absolutely nothing to do with Xu Group, and the legal person brought to the stage is just an insignificant little player.

Even the funds went through a series of handbag companies and "Nomad Pictures" as a firewall, and finally went through several twists and turns before entering the Xu Group's related accounts, and turned into book profits in Xu's annual report.

The capital flow in the film and television industry has always been extremely maneuverable.

It is said that billions and tens of billions are invested in making a movie, but no one can tell where it will ultimately go.

This is also the reason why those with black money like to invest in movies.

One word... wash!

Of course, even if he was traced to the Xu Group, Xu Jinsong was not afraid at all.

By betraying his lust, the Xu family has completely boarded Hong Tianfang's big boat. He is neither big nor small, and can be regarded as a "secondary powerful"...

When the time comes, one or two scapegoats will be pushed out, the common people's money will be divided into 30-70 accounts, and the wealthy gentry's money will be returned in full...

He, Mrs. Xu, was still unscathed!

Dynasties may keep changing, but history always repeats itself.

It's just that the modern "Master Huang" is more hidden...

Xu Jinsong's denial was naturally expected by Tang Yijing.

"Haha! Mr. Xu, please don't get me wrong. We have no other intentions. Since we want to cooperate, we naturally understand the needs of our collaborators in advance.

If your company is short of money, we at Gaosheng can provide overseas funds at low interest rates.

If you want to enter the financial field, we can even provide a group of experienced traders.

You should know that in the field of capital, we at Gao Sheng are definitely experienced.”


Xu Jinsong was completely stunned now.

If you want money, give money, and if you want people, are you so sincere in cooperation?

Xu Jinsong doesn't believe that pie will fall from the sky, and it will be distributed by a "vampire"...

"Then...what can our Xu family do to help Gao Sheng?"

Tang Yijing smiled and immediately told Gao Shengfang's purpose without any concealment.

"It turns out that you are interested in Bai Yeji and Evergreen Creatures..."

Xu Jinsong finally realized it.

Xuan even felt overjoyed!

It’s true that when I feel sleepy, someone gives me a pillow, God help me!

Seeing the tall buildings rising over Gao Yuan's side, he was in trouble both internally and externally, and the buildings were gradually threatening to collapse.

Whether it was fear of Gao Yuan's future revenge or Xu Jinsong's own poor self-esteem, Xu Jinsong had already made a choice in his heart without any hesitation!

Gao Sheng, a powerful dragon, plus Xu, a local snake...

Under the alliance of powerful forces, no matter how powerful Ren Gaoyuan is, she will still fall into a big trap!

"Mr. Tang, I hope we can have a happy cooperation!"

"Haha! Happy cooperation!"

After sending Tang Yijing off, Cui Jizhong, who had been witnessing the entire process, said hesitantly.

"Mr. Xu, have you really decided to cooperate with Gao Sheng?"

Xu Jinsong's face was filled with a happy smile.

"Why not? With them, we can not only solve the group's current financial problems, but also jointly deal with Gao Yuan. I really can't think of a reason to refuse."


Cui Jizhong wanted to say something more, but was directly interrupted by Xu Jinsong.

"Okay Ji Zhong, you are too timid and too foresight. This world will starve the brave to death and starve the timid to death!

Maybe this time we can use Gao Sheng to develop our business abroad..."

Xu Jinsong's eyes flashed with light.

It's also time to leave a way out for yourself...

"By the way, you said last time that Gao Yuan is also investing in movies?"

As if remembering something, Xu Jinsong suddenly asked.

"Yes, didn't you ask me to take charge of the work at Nomad Pictures, and take a look at Master Jinfeng by the way?

By chance, I heard that Gao Yuan also established a film and television entertainment company called "Lingjing Media" under her name.

Recently, we invested 200 million to shoot a movie called "Flying Life", which is scheduled to be in the same time period as our "Fortress", so I got excited about it."

200 million... You are obviously strapped for funds, but you still don't allocate funds to make a movie?

He did it for washing, Gao Yuan, what did he do for it?

Could it be...that the other party is also...

"Go and check if there is any problem with the other party's funds!"

The thinking of bad people has always been to speculate on others with the worst malice and to bring others to the same moral level as themselves.

Naturally, he felt that Gao Yuan had invested a huge amount of money in making a movie, so there must be something fishy in it!

"Mr. Xu, I have checked and there is no problem with the other party's funds." Cui Jizhong shook his head.

Whatever Xu Jinsong could think of, he had naturally thought of it and had already ordered someone to investigate it carefully.

Xu Jinsong was stunned for a moment, then secretly resented it.

"Huh! You really have money and nowhere to spend it!"

But... this did give him a chance.

"Is there any way to ruin the other party's movie?" Xu Jinsong asked.

If the 200 million was wasted, it would probably be enough to cause the other party a lot of pain.

"This..." Cui Jizhong thought for a while.

"The other party's movie has been completed, and the schedule has been signed with the theater. The only thing left is post-production editing.

If you want to cause trouble for the other party, I'm afraid you can only start from this aspect..."

"Post-editing... Well! You should go and investigate which company is responsible for it and how to do it. You should know."

"It's Mr. Xu, I will do it as soon as possible!"

If they can destroy the original film, even if they have a backup and can edit it again, the time will probably be very tight, and the final film effect...

"By the way, isn't our "Magic City Fortress" almost finished?

To be sure, adjust the schedule and put it on the same day as the other party.

I don’t care whether we can make money or not, we must make sure they lose their 200 million yuan!" Xu Jinsong sneered.

Anyway, with the promise of a high victory, your losses can completely make the other party bleed.

Cui Jizhong hesitated for a moment.

"This... although it's a bit rushed, it shouldn't be a big problem if I hurry up.

It's just about the movie schedule. Young Master Jinfeng is in charge. I'm afraid he won't listen to me..."

The implication is that he doesn't have enough face, so he may have to let Xu Jinsong say hello to him first.

"Strong wind..."

At the mention of this name, Xu Jinsong's face flashed with gloom.

During this period, he had a falling out with Xu Boli, which made him very passive within the group.

Even the old man was a little alienated from him because of the last "incest relative assassination" incident, and the support for him within the group was visibly lower than before.

On the contrary, Xu Jinfeng, who was fooling around outside, would hang out in front of the old man and offer treasures every three days, which made the old man very happy.

Even in terms of relationship with Xu Boli's family, Xu Jinfeng gets along much better than him...

Even he didn't expect that Doudou, whom he regarded as a waste, would somehow become more popular than him in the family...

From the perspective of ability, the first heir to the Xu family is naturally Xu Jinsong.

But Li Shimin is also very capable. Did Tang Gaozu choose him in the end?

A hint of gloom flashed in Xu Jinsong's eyes.

It seems...this brother should not stay for a long time...a>vas>div>Scan the code to download Red Sleeves and Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read for free for a limited time div>div>div>

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