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Chapter 471: The Gospel of Many Students

 "So that's it..."

Turning off the short video on the computer, Meng Lang finally showed a look of astonishment.

[In 2018, the first movie "Flying Life" edited with the assistance of AIGC was released and received a huge response. 】

Why is it that "Flying Life" has already been completed and entered post-production, and it still needs to use Bai Yeji's AI production technology.

Until this moment, the last mystery in "Braveheart" was finally solved...

The finished film that is about to be edited is lost or damaged, and the schedule has been finalized in advance and cannot be changed. If you want to complete the final film editing in a short time, you have to rely on nothing at this time.

After all, this is Duan Xian's first film, so there's no way he wouldn't help.

"But that's not right, right? Xu Jinsong's side has already been broadcast live 24 hours a day by me. If the other party takes any action, I can't possibly stop it in advance..."

Meng Lang was a little puzzled at first, but after a moment he slapped his forehead.

Stop it? Why do you want to stop this good thing that saves your own crew money in the later stage?

Visually, the crew I invested in not only do not need to pay the post-production fee, but also will soon receive a compensation payment.

However, I just feel a little pity for that editing company...

After thinking everything through, Meng Lang made himself a cup of tea in a relaxed mood.

To say that Xu Jinsong, a has-been boss, is really a bit miserable.

Although Meng Lang was worried that if he broke the killing ring and accelerated his own destruction, he had no intention of using the "elevator" as a big killer.

However, the collective "rebellion" of peripheral electronic equipment is absolutely inevitable.

It's completely 24-hour AI surveillance, and it's so ferocious that even Mr. Truman, the originator of reality shows, had to wipe his tears for Xu Jinsong when he saw it.

However, this unintentionally left useless piece of chess had unexpected side effects...

You must know that he is still hiding behind the scenes, and the one who is pushed to the front is the legendary CEO Gao Yuan.

In the eyes of outsiders, all the achievements of Evergreen Biotech and Baiyeji were created by Gao Yuan, a combination of talent and equity.

As a result, the pressure naturally fell on Gao Yuan.

As we all know, the conflict between Xu Jinsong and Gao Yuan has almost become public, forming two opposing groups.

As long as those who want to deal with Gao Yuan are not stupid, they will probably find Xu Jinsong, a natural ally.

The existence of Xu Jinsong is tantamount to setting a clear flag for the enemies and acting as a kind of "assembly call".

"Do you want to deal with Gao Yuan and her company? Come on! Come to me for cooperation!"

Xu Jinsong's body exudes such pheromones all the time...

As the saying goes, it is easier to hide from an open gun than to avoid a hidden arrow.

If the enemies reveal their cards right under your nose, the threat will naturally be greatly reduced.

This is like playing Go in which you can obviously raise pieces, but you deliberately leave a "breath" for the opponent, luring the opponent to keep adding pieces.

When the other party thinks they can make a comeback secretly, they don't know that a dragnet has been laid around them...

"Gao Sheng..."

Meng Lang drank tea and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that his opponent this time was at the level of a demon king.

Gao Sheng represents not a single group, but the entire Wall Street financial system based on the hegemony of the US dollar.

The other party is just "stealing secretly" now. If they wait for the technological potential of Evergreen Biotech and Baiyeji to fully explode and madly seize the market, they may be "stealing openly".

The examples of Stone Al and Juchang are right in front of him. He is not stupid enough to believe in "market competition".

Although Bai Yeji's business areas are all Internet IT products, there is no technology or equipment that can get stuck.

However, there is no guarantee that the other party will not come up with unconventional means such as "cutting off the Internet" or "forced acquisition of overseas business".

The reason... is nothing more than national security.

By then Bai Yeji will probably be able to play domestic stand-alone games.

However, just when Gao Sheng wanted to steal Bai Yeji's family, they had no idea that this time their opponents were also preparing to dig into their roots...

The biggest reliance on imperial capital such as Gao Sheng is undoubtedly the hegemony of the US dollar.

And just now, Bai Yeji very low-key listed two new, somewhat inconspicuous products on its official website.

One is the "Bitcoin Computing Power Supermarket", which allows users to rent or purchase Baiyeji's computing power resources for online mining, and the users will exclusively benefit from the mined Bitcoins.

Essentially it is a virtual mining farm.

The other is good news for the vast number of students...

"Oh! The duplicate check fee has increased again..."

Shuimu University.

The fat man wearing glasses and a large shirt and shorts scratched his messy hair in annoyance.

Yu Hua, whose BBS screen name is "Yuhua Shi", is a postdoctoral fellow in computer science.

As the chief disciple of the laboratory, he is respected as the senior brother by all his brothers. In addition to his own research, he is often assigned various daily tasks by his lazy mentor...

Such as student thesis review and review.

Among them, the "duplication check rate" of the paper is an important indicator of review.

And this year, it has become a hard target...

Speaking of this, we have to mention Dr. Zhai, who "didn't know a spider's web" directly created a "new era".

This year's college graduates are undoubtedly miserable.

In the past, there were a lot of articles in the world.

In the strict academic atmosphere of domestic universities, which graduate who stays up all night playing World of Warcraft can write an academic paper that is 100% his or her own without relying on the "wisdom of predecessors"?

However, the social questioning of the entire academic system brought about by the "first year of the doctorate" has indirectly led to major universities being forced to lower the duplication rate of school papers.

The "plagiarism check rate" of graduation thesis in some colleges and universities has been reduced from the original 30% to 20%, and even more stringently it has dropped to less than 8%.

The vast majority of students did not expect that the entertainment industry's fault would actually fall on them, so they could only remain confused while tearfully revising their papers all night long.

"Woooooo~ Doctor, can you reimburse the plagiarism check fee?"

"If you don't ask for anything else, can you buy the spider web and open it to the outside world for plagiarism checking?"

"When I checked for plagiarism, it was 180 once, but now I have to pay 600 once. Who can understand this kind of pain?"

"I love you. I once had such a clear and solid belief. However, you just said, "You don't know the spider's web" and our belief was shattered!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. It doesn't matter if you don't understand and pretend to understand. Why the hell are you pretending not to understand? You're so confused!"

"This is the third time I was dismissed by my tutor. My one week's living expenses... wu wu wu..."

"If I hated you then and insulted you then, maybe the ending would be hard to tell. But now...do you know that I have so many regrets and so many expectations?"

Just looking at the comment section of Dr. Zhai’s official WeChat account 999+, you will know how angry and resentful he is.

And it is foreseeable that in the future every graduation season, a large number of graduates will come to greet you kindly...

"Doesn't the school have a free plagiarism check policy?"

Zheng Qiu, who was holding a cigarette next to him and tinkering with computer programs, said casually with a nonchalant look on his face.

"Every talent is checked twice for plagiarism. What's the use? Don't you know that the average number of revisions of a paper now is already three times? The extra money will not be used for our own funds." Yu Hua turned over.

Roll your eyes.

Although Dr. Zhai's degree was given by Yan Dian and his postdoctoral notice was given by Yan Dafa, these two colleges are at the center of the storm.

However, as it was a key school in the same school district, Mizuki was undoubtedly trembling, fearing that someone would accidentally catch her pigtails and pull her into trouble.

Therefore, one can imagine the intensity of this year’s paper review work...

"Then let's use our own funds."

"Ha! You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are, and you don't even blink when you spend money lavishly. Do you know that our budget will be in deficit this year?"

"Hey! How can you call it lavish? Servers and GPUs were not purchased for our great and lofty scientific research ideals!"

"Those Bitcoin mining machines were also bought for the great and lofty scientific research ideals?"


Zheng Qiu coughed dryly.

"We who are engaged in technology cannot build things behind closed doors. We must also learn from the current leading blockchain technology. I will buy two of them and improve the algorithm. Is there any problem?"

"Improved algorithm?" Yu Hua's eyes lit up upon hearing this.

"Old Zheng, tell me honestly, are you taking some private work outside?"

Hearing this, Zheng Qiu looked around with a guilty conscience. When he saw no one there, he whispered.

"Please keep your voice down. If I don't take on some private work, what can we do with the funds of our laboratory?"

Yu Hua couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Do you also know how much funding our laboratory has?

I have long advised you to go to the leadership office more often if you have time. If you buy a bottle of Maotai, the funds may come down?

After all, he has been in the workplace for more than ten years. How come his worldliness and sophistication are not on the same level as those of us..."

Zheng Qiu blew out a smoke ring with a sigh on his face, his expression a little unclear under the swirling smoke.

"Our problem is that too many elites are studying the ways of the world.

If we all study human relations, then who will study technology?"

Yu Hua was silent for a moment and waved his hands a little irritably.

"Forget it, I have no hope for you. I'd better go online and look for other resources for checking plagiarism. It's just a hassle. I'll save you as much as I can."

Zheng Qiu put on a playful smile.

"Oh! You are indeed my chief disciple and chief steward. I am so happy to have such an outstanding disciple like you!"


"Young man, don't be so irritable. Don't worry, after this work is finished, we will buy an Idol electric car first!"

"Really?" Yu Hua's eyes lit up.

"Of course! Which high-end artificial intelligence laboratory in Beijing doesn't buy cars now?

I get angry when I talk about this! These damn profiteers have no bottom line in bundling sales!" Professor Zheng Qiuda felt itchy with hatred.

"Hmm... let's forget it. A car costs RMB 70,000 to RMB 80,000. I don't even know how long the queue will last. Let's just wait. It's impossible to hold on to such a great product as 'Bajie'."


"Okay, okay! Just listen to the butler!"

The tired Yu Hua was too lazy to pay attention to him anymore. He opened Baidu with a look of helplessness and began to search for some duplication checking resources on the Internet.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, I found that the top-ranked plagiarism checking websites are either three-no products, and the security of the paper data cannot be guaranteed.

Or there are various tricks, and after a tedious operation, you will be given a payment QR code.

When I checked the price, it was blacker than a spider web!

Yu Hua suddenly felt even more tired...

Due to differences in duplication checking system databases and algorithms, the detection results of different duplication checking websites are different.

Generally, schools will recommend a duplication checking system, and this system is generally a spider web.

The monopoly of Spidernet in the journal article retrieval market is unquestionable, and its market share is close to an exaggerated 100%!

Spider.com's college registration accounts often only give each student one or two free opportunities to check for plagiarism during thesis season each year.

However, students often need to conduct multiple plagiarism checks in order to fully adjust the writing of the paper to meet the school's strict requirements for plagiarism check rates.

This has brought about a huge self-funded paper plagiarism checking market.

However, the cool thing about Spider Web is that it does not allow individuals to register accounts for duplication checking!

If you want to check the plagiarism on the spider website, you can only get the service through the school library and pay the corresponding fee.

After the "Dr. Zhai" incident broke out, Spider Network quickly realized the historic opportunity and decisively started the price increase mode, and the price more than tripled.

At present, the plagiarism check fee for a small paper of about 3,000 words on Spider.com is 68 yuan, while the plagiarism check by VIP and Wanfang only costs 12 yuan and 8 yuan.

This year’s graduation season has not yet ended, and Spiderweb’s duplication checking revenue has doubled several times in a row.

From this perspective, Dr. Zhai can definitely be called Spider-Web's best assister of the year!

Hmm...or maybe what Duan Xian received at that time was really an "advertising placement" worth thousands of dollars...

Of course, students can also choose not to be free sheep and spend money on the Internet to purchase plagiarism checking services from other companies.

But as we all know, almost all the results found are advertisements...

Because of this, the strong demand for plagiarism checking of graduation thesis every year makes a large number of students spend a lot of money on various so-called plagiarism checking services, but it is difficult to obtain high-quality plagiarism checking results.

While Wanfang and other companies in the industry have opened plagiarism checking services to individual users, Spidernet has always insisted on refusing to provide services to individual users.

This approach forces major universities to spend millions each year to purchase database services from Spidernet, which greatly increases the cost of knowledge sharing.

Monopoly means that you clearly know that it treats you as a fat sheep, but there is still nothing you can do about it.

This is the frustration of many universities and students...


Just when Yu Hua was about to give up and prepare to take the knife, he suddenly found a familiar company name very far back on page 8 of the search page...

White Night!

He was stunned for a moment.

As the most talked-about AI product at present, the research and development company of "Bajie" has naturally attracted the attention of people in the industry, especially those in the field of artificial intelligence research and development.

He and his mentor Zheng Qiu also got to know each other specially and found that all of the other's products were high-quality products, which greatly impressed them.

In the eyes of many professionals in the technical field, Bai Yeji, a small company that suddenly emerged, has begun to become somewhat legendary...

At first, Yu Hua thought the search results he saw were fake.

As a result, following the link, I actually entered Bai Yeji's official website...

"Old Zheng, come and see, Bai Yeji has released a new product, and it is also a knowledge sharing platform!"


Zheng Qiu was stunned when he heard this. The next moment he kicked off his feet and floated to Yu Hua's computer desk with his office swivel chair.

He stared at the big words in the center of the page on the computer and murmured...

"wisdom Tree?"

This chapter has been completed!
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