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Chapter 500: First time alive, second time familiar

It must be said that Meng Lang took great pains to code out the zero code line by line.

At the beginning, the purpose was simply to “raise children for old age”.

What he values ​​​​is the huge auxiliary role of AI in overcoming "Alzheimer's disease" medical technology, and he originally wanted to set up a research and development accelerator for Evergreen Biotech.

Although there are several "unfilial sons" and "rebellious sons" such as "Jue Juezi".

But in the face of huge survival pressure, AI has abused me thousands of times, and I can only treat it like my first love...

In Meng Lang's plan, the future biomedical field will still receive priority from zero "intelligence tilt".

This is not only profit maximization, but also an urgent need for survival.

Whether it is to deal with one's own "disease-ridden" body, or to deal with the Night Demon civilization that clearly belongs to the "biological side" category, it is crucial to develop targeted biotechnology.

The core laboratory of Evergreen Biotechnology is naturally the top priority.

If the world is still in the "0" stage, then the AI ​​intelligence level opened to the outside world by Bai Yeji will be "0 version", and the one used internally by Wanwu Holdings will be "0 version". As for the core biological laboratory, Meng Lang doesn't mind

Upgrade it to "version 0" first.

Zero's current true state is probably "0"...

As for the "Jue Juezi", it can no longer be measured by version changes. I am afraid that it can change itself, evolve to a higher level, and leave humans alone...

"The development of the world is really lagging behind..."

On the second day after arriving in Beijing, I visited a milk tea shop outside Bada Hutong.

Watching the "rickshaws" carrying tourists passing by, Meng Lang couldn't help but sigh.

Even in the eyes of outsiders, the growth rate of evergreen creatures is already astonishing.

But for Meng Lang, a person whose "speed of time" is completely out of sync with the world, there is still a huge sense of gap.

After all, his "world" has even begun to discuss "how to ascend if flesh and blood are weak", but the people on earth in reality are still helpless against a cancer...

It's not that he suddenly became sad, but Ling reported a "little video" as a "special incident" last night.

The protagonist in the video is our "Mr. Black Cat" Ning Shisan.

The footage at that time was the other party's laptop camera. Ning Shisan in the video seemed to be sorting out some information in front of his laptop, working conscientiously into dangerous situations to act as a tool.

However, after a while, he saw that the other person's face seemed to be wearing a mask of pain, and then he suddenly started coughing violently.

The next moment, without any warning, "Poof!"

The lens was instantly dyed red with blood...

After shaking for a while, the notebook seemed to be closed hastily by the other party...

"Time is running out..."

Cancer is a defect rooted in human genes.

According to statistics, the number of cancer incidences has increased year by year in recent years. In 2017, the number of cancer incidences in China reached 4.59 million.

There are about 3.8 million new cases and about 2.29 million deaths every year. The cancer incidence rate in the national tumor registration area is 27/100,000 people.

That is to say, 9 people are diagnosed with cancer basically every minute.

Basically, the risk of developing the disease increases sharply when you are over 55 years old.

And the older you get, the higher the incidence of cancer.

It's just like an underlying bug in human beings.

It seems that after running for a long time, there is too much redundant data, and it is easy to malfunction, causing the biological operating mechanism of the human body, a delicate machine, to gradually collapse...

As we all know, bugs in the underlying code of a set of software are the most difficult to repair. This is like having a problem with the foundation of a building. If you want to repair it, the building will probably collapse.

The same is true for human genetic defects.

Cancer is considered to be one of the most difficult underlying defects in the human genome to crack.

And the "pancreatic cancer" that Ning Shisan suffered from is known as the "king of cancers". It is easy to metastasize and extremely difficult to cure.

Maybe this guy was willing to go deep into the tiger's den in the past few episodes because he was determined to die...

A true dead man...

"Here!" While he was distracted, a cup of milk tea was handed to Meng Lang.

"Thank you!" Meng Lang smiled at Lin Haitang and took the milk tea.

Although he said not to do it and was always busy with work, Lin Haitang still took Meng Lang, a "bumpkin" who came to the capital for the first time, to visit the scenic spots in the capital on the last day they stayed in the capital.

After visiting the Forbidden City, the two went to the Bada Hutong to experience the traditional old capital.

It's not the most authentic place here, after all, it's too commercialized, and Meng Lang has more of a check-in mentality.

After shopping for a long time, Meng Lang couldn't understand the strange taste of "bean juice", so he finally chose this milk tea shop to take a break and replenish his energy.

"What happened? I see that you seem to be absent-minded today."

Lin Haitang sat across from Meng Lang, inserted the straw into the cup, glanced at Meng Lang and asked.

"Oh! It's nothing. I just have a friend who has cancer and I can't help but feel a little emotional."

"Cancer...an important person?"

"Well...it doesn't really matter. Even if people get along with each other for a long time, they still feel a little regretful."

Meng Lang said and suddenly glanced at Lin Haitang.

"What about you, Haitang, what do you think about cancer?"

"Me? I don't have much research on cancer, but as lawyers, we are exposed to many cases, and we are actually more accustomed to life and death than ordinary people.

Many family tragedies often begin with a serious illness..."

After a pause, Lin Haitang seemed to think of some past events and said with emotion.

"Just like the movie we watched that day, in this world, the existence of the 'Medicine God' is inherently deformed and an obvious legal loophole.

Morality requires the upper limit of human beings, while the law restricts the lower limit of human beings.

If he had not faced despair and encountered the unbearable weight of life, which good person would think of breaking through the bottom line and embarking on the path of breaking the law and committing crimes?

I think if there were no certain diseases in the world, people would suffer less, and maybe many people and things would not develop to the level of "cases"..."

She said and glanced at Meng Lang.

"In a sense, what doctors do is to avoid tragedies, but we lawyers can only reduce people's losses and pain after tragedies occur.

Therefore, I have no objection to Xiaoyu studying medicine with you."

"Hmm...Is that so...thank you! On behalf of Xiaoyu, and on behalf of everyone, I would like to thank you for your support of the medical industry in this world!"

"Why are you saying thank you so seriously all of a sudden?"

"It is necessary. This means that I am the only one present, otherwise medical workers from all over the world will have to come and thank you."

"Pfft! It's as if my not supporting Xiaoyu is a huge loss to the medical community."

Lin Haitang was amused.

Of course she didn't know that in the previous episode of "Meet", the gift she brought to the world was a "Universal Car-T Therapy".

Car-T therapy is what is called “chimeric antigen receptor T cell immunotherapy” in medicine.

To put it simply, immune T cells are taken out from the patient's body and used to genetically modify them to specifically kill certain viruses or diseased cells...

Yes, this is an anti-cancer technology!

Meng Lang remembered that the last time Lin Haitang ghostwrote, it was in "Little Love Song".

At that time, Lin Haitang chose the "Lotus Qingwen Prescription" and "Huiyang Nine Acupuncture Methods" developed by Xiaoyu, which were also in the medical category.

Perhaps it was some of her own experiences and insights that made her love this type of medical technology more?

To talk about Lin Haitang's character, to put it in one sentence, he is living an unsatisfactory life, but he still cannot see the suffering in the world...

This kind of medical technology that benefits the public is indeed in line with Lin Haitang's style of doing things.

As for why she, a lawyer, chose medical technology over and over again...

Meng Lang can understand it.

What else to do?

Give a "Criminal Law 2035"?

Let’s not talk about whether it is suitable at this time. The main thing is the technology...

Meng Lang really couldn't push him away...

When it comes to the value of this technology, the development potential is certainly not there.

At least Meng Lang no longer has to worry about the tragic life of "stomach cancer"...

Looking at Lin Haitang who was amused, Meng Lang leaned over and smiled.

"Haha! Haitang, you laughed more often today than you usually do in a week, and you actually offered to take me around the capital... I'm a little flattered."


The beauty is shy and has a peach blossom face.

If it were in the past, the straight man Meng Xiaolang would not even notice Lin Haitang's subtle change in his attitude towards him today.

But now...

Don't guess what a girl is thinking unless she tells you herself...

If "history" has not changed, then he may be the only one who can understand the series of psychological processes that Lin Haitang went through last night...

"I just...want to thank you for all your help to me." Lin Haitang explained weakly.

She looked at Meng Lang, her eyes becoming a little complicated.

"Come to think of it, we are neither relatives nor friends, so why are you helping me like this?"

This is not the first time she has asked this question, but today, she has a different answer in her heart.

From risking his life to save Xiao Yu, to yesterday even paying off his debt and gaining all his wealth...

Could it be that this guy had already discovered the secret of the "photo" and recognized her from the beginning, so...

It reminds me that when the two first met, the other party inexplicably confessed his feelings on the spot.

Who in their right mind could do such a thing?

In addition, a few days ago, he once asked himself if he remembered an "old photo", and even asked himself many times if he remembered things from his childhood...

Looking back now, this is clearly a "tip" to myself!

Who said that a woman with a love brain will lower her IQ?

At this moment, Lin Haitang transformed into "Lin Hai Holmes Tang".

Blushing, I imagined a "childhood promise" theater in my mind...

The content is probably that Lang came riding a bamboo horse and went around the bed to make love with Qingmei. However, when Qingmei grew up, she forgot all about the agreement she made when she was a child. Zhuma had no choice but to hint wildly...

Naturally, Meng Lang didn't know that some of his "unplanned" words and deeds could produce such a butterfly effect.

If he were to know what Lin Haitang was thinking at this time, he would probably be stunned and exclaim...

Is this okay?

What is history? It is the echo of the past into the future.

For Meng Lang, the echoes don't just come from the past...

Perhaps the only constant thing in the world is the truth that "everything is constantly changing."

"Why...well! Maybe we were destined to meet again a long time ago." Meng Lang said with emotion.

He was referring to another "Lin Haitang".

But listening to Lin Haitang's ears at this time, it seemed as if the suspicion in his heart was confirmed...

She looked at Meng Lang as if she had made up her mind. Finally, she bit her teeth and stretched out her hand.

"Bring it here."


Meng Lang seemed to have some premonition in his heart, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Our family's household registration book..."


Meng Lang put the small notebook in the other person's hand without saying a word.

"And your ID card."


Looking at the household registration book and ID card in his hand, Lin Haitang's expression suddenly turned strange.

"You...don't you ask me why?"

"Oh! Why?" Meng Lang asked innocently.

Lin Haitang: "..."

Although Meng Lang's reaction was a bit different from what he expected, but...

"Can you... accompany me somewhere again?"

Lin Haitang's voice was as thin as a mosquito fly.

Meng Xiaolang's little heart began to beat wildly.

"You are the tour guide today, so of course you have the final say."

With each other's mood in mind, the two quickly merged into the crowd and disappeared among the numerous tourists.

In this world, countless people meet each other in the vast sea of ​​​​people, but in the end they return each other back to the vast sea of ​​​​people...

Only a few lucky ones can pass the audition and rush to the next stop...

Civil Affairs Bureau of a certain street in Dianhai District, Beijing.

"You...don't ask me why I brought you here?"

"Well...it depends on the situation at the scene, so there's no need to ask..."

"Then...do you want to go in?"

"We're already here, wouldn't it be a bit rude not to go in?"

"Then...go in!"

"Hey! That's the registration office over there. We still need an ID photo, over here."

"Uh! Sorry, I'm a little nervous..."

"It's okay, it's my first time. Come on, the photo studio is on the second floor."

"Uh...it's obviously your first time here, but why do I think you're quite familiar with this place?"


Can I say, once it’s new, it’s the second time it’s familiar?

But after saying this, will Lawyer Lin investigate whether I am guilty of bigamy on the spot?

"You came here and didn't even read the guide?"


Attorney Lin was speechless.

I just always feel like something is weird...


This chapter has been completed!
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