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Chapter 521 A leaping accident

Chapter 522 A leaping accident

The hustle and bustle in the welfare home gradually came to an end, but another drama on the Internet became more and more intense.

"Hey! Is this video fake? The old driver in the driver's seat, please come back to me."

"L4 fully autonomous driving? Okay, I admit that I was tricked into it by the clickbait..."

"Isn't this effect too fake? This smoothness and silky feeling are completely beyond the level that the dull systems on the market can achieve. There is no difference between it and real people driving!"

"That's right, with this corner entry angle and this deceleration and risk avoidance, you can't drive like this without a driver with ten years of driving experience!"

“I have experienced Tesla’s most advanced Autopilot 0, and it is already shocking. It requires almost no intervention when driving on simple roads.

But compared with the one in front of me, the actual effect cannot be said to be any different, it is simply a generation difference!"

"Fake videos are still so popular? Have you hired a troll?"

"Yeah, isn't it just a preset route to avoid all obstacles? I think I can do it myself."

"That's right, who doesn't know how to program? It's a bit excessive to hire extras, right? How many directors are so invested in this?"

"Just do what you say. At least remember to install a big radar bulge on your head. Who doesn't know that this is standard equipment for autonomous driving?

Your body is so smooth that you even left out key props. It’s unprofessional! Bad review!”

"I'm a little dazzled. Netizens can help me see where the company's logo is printed on the camouflage car body. Let me know which manufacturer made the ppt so well. I will definitely kill their creative director!"

"This place looks familiar to me. It seems to be the autonomous driving test base in Beijing. I just led a team there two months ago.

Isn’t it said to be completely enclosed? Why does it also have the function of a film and television city?”

"Please, how can a fake video be so popular? If you scroll through the comments a few hundred pages ago, someone revealed that this is a real test video from a certain factory..."

"No way, Tesla's FSD technology has made another breakthrough?"

"No, no, Tesla's stock price has been falling continuously in recent days, so it can basically be ruled out."

"Uh...man, you really have a unique perspective, but what you said makes sense. You can't go wrong with your sense of capital. Could it be Baidu?"

"Well, the possibility is not small. After all, Baidu is one of the first players to enter the game and has invested a huge amount of money. It takes ten years to sharpen a sword. If you count the time, the iron pestle should be ground into a needle, right?"

"Haha! I am an insider, but unfortunately it is not a Baidu car. The person in charge of their smart driving business group has held emergency meetings overnight for the past two days, and his face is very ugly.

It’s true that it takes ten years to sharpen a sword, but it’s a pity that it’s still just a mallet despite the sparks flying around.”

"But...not these two big guys, I haven't heard of any domestic manufacturer that has such strength in autonomous driving technology?

Only a few giants in China have this kind of R&D capabilities... Could it be that Juchang secretly ended up?"

"No way, they are not working on optical chips, how can they still have the energy to divide their forces and fight? Besides, they said they won't build cars, right?"

"Yeah! I think it's possible. People say they won't build cars, but they don't say they won't 'partially build cars', right?"

"Uh...it's Juchang's style..."

"Hey! Have you noticed that this car... doesn't seem to have side mirrors?"

"Rearview mirrors are for people to see. Robots don't count as people and there's nothing wrong with them."

"Exactly, in my opinion, it's just a fake video to sensationalize people. It's probably a car company preparing to hype up the stock price."

"No... I am from the Ministry of Transport. A while ago, we were suddenly asked to speed up the formulation and introduction of L4 self-driving standards. I have been very busy these days. I guess the reason has been found..."

"Hi~ No way?"

"That makes me excited. Tell me, which company is so brave? Others are launching according to standards, but this car is forced to launch according to standards?"

"Ahem! I have inside information. This car is from Idou New Energy, but the driving system... I don't need to tell you who it is, right?"

"You mean Bai Yeji? It's impossible, right?"

"Is it Bai Yeji who developed Bajie? Is it difficult to say that...it was Bajie who drove the car?"

"Hahaha! You have a lot of imagination! If pigs can drive cars, will they let them fly airplanes next?"

"Well... I just asked Bajie specifically, and he said he just got his driver's license..."

"Uh... no way? Is this some kind of subtle hint?"


There are divergent opinions on the Internet, and even expert bloggers are arguing over whether the video is fake.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world. As more and more evidence and witnesses come forward, the news that Bai Yeji has made a major breakthrough in autonomous driving technology becomes more and more solid.

The technology community has not yet reacted, but capital has already taken the lead.

The moat was broken, the share price of Tesla, the self-driving brother, was knocked to the ground and beaten violently. Investors on the other side of the ocean were completely confused and had no idea what was going on.

On the other hand, the three companies "Wei Xiaoli" that have just announced that they may join the "Tianxuan Zhixuan" in-vehicle intelligent control solution and are expected to be equipped with Baiyeji's latest autonomous driving system and Bajie voice assistant have become hot spots of speculation...

The bosses of the three car companies were also confused.

We just wanted to ride on Bajie’s popularity, but we didn’t expect that after someone got a driver’s license, his worth would skyrocket in the blink of an eye, and the popularity was so hot...

Originally, they thought that a 3% increase in pre-IPO valuation would be enough, but based on the current trend... I'm afraid it will double!

Some people are ecstatic because they made the right bet, but some people are quite uncomfortable...

Xu's Automobile.

The company that had just been established was still crowded with people on the front foot, but those who were aiming at it on the back foot rushed to the next door to interview with Idou New Energy...

Even Wei Xiaoli, who was adopted midway, is very popular. As Bai Yeji's "biological son", idol New Energy has naturally received a lot of attention.

Now that mysterious test car has caused a sensation in the technology circle, and the first-hand information is the proper traffic password.

Even reporters from outside the province were moved by the news, let alone local media like them.

Just a test video completely suppressed the enthusiasm created by Xu's entry into the field of car manufacturing...

Unlike Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, which have a large number of leading car companies in the first tier, in the field of car manufacturing, Suzhou lacks its own strong brands. On the contrary, the supporting industries of machinery and electronic parts are quite mature, and all the hard-earned money earned from OEMs is


So when Hu Yonghua brought over a car production line of Idou New Energy, it made a big splash.

Only by establishing your own local brand can you take advantage of the terminal, which is the bulk of profits, and increase your taxes and profits significantly.

Therefore, on the day Xu Motors was established, even Cardinal Hong Tianfang came to cut the ribbon in person to congratulate the company and enhance its prestige.

Privately, they received a lot of discounts and support, which shows that Xu has high hopes for this move and has already regarded this car company as his scheduled performance.

Look, what you, Hu Yonghua, can do, I, Hong Tianfang, can do easily!

However, Xu Jinsong had just dropped the billions here and was about to show off his grand ambitions to avenge his past humiliation, when he received a slap in the head.


With a pale face, Xu Jinsong swept away a pile of design drawings on the table, and the drawings were immediately scattered all over the floor.

What I saw above were renderings of stylish cars...

"Not enough! This effect is far from enough. Call me back and redo it!"

Because it is an existing car company acquired through acquisition, although Xu Automobile has just been established, it already has its own car-making plan, and the degree of completion is not low.

Xu Jinsong had seen the design drawings of the new car and basically followed the same path as Wei Xiaoli.

They all focus on new energy, fashion and intelligence.

Originally, in his opinion, with the blessing of these elements, their new car was already ahead of many traditional car companies. Even if it could not sell well, it could still open up the market. At that time, he was full of confidence.

However, if Bai Yeji doesn't take action, he will be the king!

Even though he doesn't know much about rims, he understands that once such technology is implemented, it will be basically the same as flipping a table.

Regardless of whether you call it new energy or new power, at this moment, they will all be classified as backward "traditional car companies"...

In this regard, the electric car empire that Tesla built in just a few years is a living example!

What? Want to start a price war?

That's assuming there's no huge generational difference.

Just like with LCD HD, who would buy a plasma TV?

No matter how low you set the price, you will never be able to escape the fate of falling behind in technology and being eliminated by the market...

"Mr. Xu, please calm down. I will let the design department continue to optimize the plan."

While picking up the scattered drawings, Cui Jizhong carefully comforted the angry Xu Jinsong.

He naturally knew that Xu Jinsong did not really think that redesigning the plan would be of any use, but that only by venting in this way could the huge pressure be relieved...

Bai Yeji's heavy blow can be said to have completely disrupted the Xu Group's car-building plan.

Building a car is not just an impulsive act to deal with Gao Yuan and attack Idol New Energy, but a key part of Xu's transformation strategy.

Real estate is at the end of its rope.

While ordinary people are still struggling to get a house in a school district, the seemingly prosperous real estate developers have foresight felt the cold wind that is gradually blowing...

Some cunning people have begun to quietly transfer assets.

There are also those who are unwilling to give up and are desperately trying to make a last ditch effort to transform.

Real estate, shopping malls, senior care, long-term rental apartments... and even building buildings to raise pigs have become new investment directions for real estate tycoons.

And Xu is putting his chips on the new energy track this time!

And because of the strong support of Gao Sheng, the biggest financial problem was solved much earlier than originally planned.

If it hadn't been for such a strategic plan, the board of directors of Xu Group would not have allowed Xu Jinsong to act recklessly.

Regarding the need for transformation, even Xu Boli, who had no dealings with Xu Jinsong, voted in favor.

"Mr. Xu, actually the matter has not been finalized yet. It is just a video. The other party may not really have such technical strength..." Cui Jizhong said carefully.

However, Xu Jinsong was not comforted at all.

They are all well-informed business elites. Bai Yeji's autonomous driving system is somewhat authentic, and he can probably find out.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for those hyena-like capitalists to react so violently in advance just by smelling something fishy.

Now he has come back to his senses and understands why even Huahang Science and Technology wanted to cooperate with Bai Yeji.

It must be that the other party's autonomous driving technology alarmed the senior management and was regarded as "specialized and special"...

He really regrets it now.

I thought that Idol New Energy, which had a chance to come back to life with the "Bajie" gimmick, would be Gao Yuan's weakness, and it would be a financial crushing situation if she fought on her own.

Who would have thought that the other party would not play capital games with you at all.

You compete with her for funds, she competes with you for technology...

What's the weakness here? I've just hit a brick wall!

The business world has been ups and downs for many years. Although Xu Jinsong hates Gao Yuan, he is by no means a brainless man.

Gao Sheng wants to use him to deal with Gao Yuan and get Bai Yeji. Why doesn't he want to use Gao Sheng's financial support to complete Xu Group's crucial industrial transformation?

Xu Jinsong can allow Xu's Automobile to suffer long-term losses, after all, Gao Sheng is behind to share the pressure.

But he couldn't allow Xu's Automobile to be eliminated by the market right after it was established!

Even if I really want to fall...

At least you have to hold on until you make money by going public!

Once Xu's automobile goes bankrupt before it goes on the market, the billions of initial investment will be wasted. Such a loss will even hurt Xu's Group.

No need to ask, he is basically done as a CEO...

"Damn it! Forget about evergreen biology, why can she have a technological breakthrough even in building a car? This is not scientific at all!"

Xu Jinsong roared in his heart.

Why? Why can you do one thing and then another, and I can't do anything?

Speaking of which, Evergreen Biotechnology was actually one of Xu Group’s attempts at transformation.

It's just that the domestic biomedical field is really not something that a construction layman can just start up. In the end, it was run into a mess, and then it was thrown to Gao Yuan as useless.

Who would have thought that Gao Yuan could turn stone into gold, evergreen creatures, the Cretaceous... and then today's Idou New Energy.

Obviously, they are all low-quality assets that are on the verge of bankruptcy, but in her hands, they will wither and become new again...

You succeeded in the company that I couldn't do, and the project I just wanted to do hasn't been completed yet... but you've already taken off?

Looking at the major industries it currently manages, almost all of them are considered by the outside world to be future unicorns with huge development potential.

The transformation of the Xu Group has just begun, but people are already living the way Xu wants to be...

"Technology! Technology! Where did the other party get its technology?!"

Xu Jinsong's eyes almost turned red with envy.

At this time, the person on the other side of the ocean who had the same question as him was the Director of the CIA, Mr. Najib...

"Check! Check it for me! You must investigate the other party's technical source for me!"

Chief Najib roared.

He didn't know how many times he had roared this month. It seemed that things had not gone well for him since he took office.

I went to the Black Palace several times, either for self-examination or being trained like a dog...

It doesn’t matter that the carefully planned hacker war failed miserably. Now there are optical chips first and autonomous driving later.

The key is that as the person in charge of intelligence, he didn’t even receive any news beforehand!

The gentlemen in Congress all felt that he was derelict in his duties, but he felt that it was his Mercury retrograde...

During this period of time, Hua's technological breakthroughs are like a high-pressure water pipe that cannot be blocked. If you hold down this, that will spurt out. If you hold down that, the entire water pipe will burst...

And if you don’t make a breakthrough sooner or later, why don’t you wait for me to take office and make a collective breakthrough?

How much hatred and resentment?

Good guys, we are still working on the circuit chip card for you. You can assemble the optical circuit chip for me in one go.

We are preparing to take the world by storm with our newly-breakthrough L3 self-driving system. Are you going to give me L4 in a flash?

I know that scientific research and development are somewhat accidental.

But it can’t happen by chance again and again, right?

Okay, forget it by chance, but look at the technical generation difference...

Is this an accidental leap?!

Is this reasonable?

Is this scientific?

This is so outrageous!


Provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters. The first release of this book??????????.??????

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