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Chapter 522: Why buy land?

Chapter 523 Why buy land?

Under Najib's cannibalistic death gaze, the deputy who wanted to be a quail could only bite the bullet and said.

"Director, there is definitely something weird here. It is impossible for a small company that has just been established to suddenly complete a technological breakthrough of this level..."

"I didn't ask you to come here to listen to your nonsense. Only fools don't know that there is something wrong with the source of this technology. What I want now is the answer!

Who gave them the technology? Where did that damn demon hunter come from?

Find him, destroy him if you can't get it! This is what I want you to do, understand!" Najib slapped the table and roared.

"Uh... Director, I already have some ideas..."

"If you fart, hurry up!"

"You see... there is 'Bajie' first, and then there is Zhijia. What is certain is that behind this mysterious demon hunter, there is definitely a force with extremely strong software research capabilities.

But for some reason, the other party was unwilling to reveal his identity, so he kept it secret.

First, we can take the lead in excluding China’s official scientific research institutions.

Their systems are rigid, and software has always been the opponent's R&D weakness. It's hard to imagine that the other party could suddenly gain such a huge technological lead.

And within China, there are only a handful of private companies that can develop this level of autonomous driving technology. They are just a few major IT giants, and they are closely monitored by us..."

"Tell me the conclusion!" Najib said impatiently.

"Uh... do you still remember the announcement from Ju Factory about replacing the ERP system a while ago?"

Najib stared at him angrily.

What? That was obviously an announcement that slapped me in the face. Are you bringing it up now to embarrass me again?

"Ahem! Director, at first our guess was that the other party was bluffing and wanted to express a strong position at the expense of himself.

But later we discovered that this system did not seem to have been implemented in a hurry.

The system replacement process within Juchang seemed to be extremely smooth, with no signs of any confusion at all...

But this is not the main point I want to say. The main point is that according to our investigation, Juchang has never cooperated with this company named Baiyeji before!

Think about it, if it were you, would you rashly hand over the enterprise management system related to your business information security to a small business that you have never cooperated with and have no trust at all?

In addition, according to reliable information, Bai Yeji has sent people to Juchang openly in recent days, and with the tacit consent of both parties, they are recruiting talents in the software field within them.

Even if someone raised objections to this, they were all suppressed by the senior management of Juchang.

Director, it is well known that Juchang attaches great importance to talents, how could the other party suddenly be so generous and give away the talents it has worked so hard to cultivate?"

"Hmm..." Najib raised his eyebrows and pondered for a moment.

"This is indeed a bit weird, keep talking!"

“The information management system is the soul of an enterprise, and talents are the soul of the soul.

No matter how urgent the need is, a large enterprise like Juchang will not rush to seek medical treatment, let alone a little-known company.

I think there is only one possibility for this situation...

That is, Juchang has extraordinary trust in this company called Baiyeji!

So, under what circumstances can one company trust another company so unreservedly?"

The deputy expressed his conclusion confidently...

"That's right! I doubt this Bai Yeji...

They are simply the white gloves of Juchang!”

Najib Juichang was startled for a moment, then thought deeply.


That's right, if there is any company in China whose R&D strength cannot even be predicted by the CIA, it is Juchang...

They are almost the only company with the funds and strength to create technological breakthroughs of this level.

Judging from the series of previous preparations, Juchang should have already had a premonition of the upcoming targeting and suppression.

As the saying goes, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

Looking around, we can see that the communications field has been decimated by the enemy, mobile phone manufacturers are trembling, and even the chip industry is in danger.

If this does not include new energy and AI...

Good guy, as long as co-authorship is in a high-profit field, you don’t even plan to leave a mouthful of soup for others?

If this is the case, then I am afraid that it will not only be Western forces like them that rush to eliminate Juchang, but also all capital at home and abroad will attack it!

No listing, no financing...

The ownership structure of Juchang determines that this is a self-sufficient closed group.

Any capitalist who faces it can only act like a mouse and have nothing to say.

It is unprofitable, and it is still focusing on the high-profit industries it invests in... You said if the capitalists don't do it, who will you do?

At this time, as long as the other party's senior management is not stupid, they should understand that what is needed at this time is to accumulate food, slowly become king, and keep a low profile as much as possible.

At least we can't kill him with one blow and push everyone to the opposite side of the competition.

Setting up another mountain... is a very good choice...

From a time point of view, the founding time of Bai Yeji is also very consistent with the time when Juchang began to be suppressed...

"That's right! That must be it! It's just a trick to attract others, but it's just a fake thing... I was almost fooled by these guys!" Najib slapped his thigh!

"Director, your idiom is very accurate. What these Chinese people like most is to keep a low profile and bide their time!"

Seeing that his analysis was recognized by the leader, the deputy quickly flattered him.

"Well! Even if it's not a white glove from Juchang, it must have received secret technical support from the other party.

It seems that the hardest nut to crack is this troublesome company..."

Having said this, Najib couldn't help but feel deeply worried.

It’s no wonder that they had no clue and blamed Juchang for this technological breakthrough.

The more they studied this company, the more they discovered how terrible the other party's institutional advantages were.

A company is not terrible if it has money, nor is it terrible if it has top talents.

The scary thing is that a company with money and talent can still be so stupid...

"Director, you don't have to worry too much, we also have no shortage of top companies here.

I heard that several IT companies such as Tesla and Guge have been secretly negotiating to form an AI alliance.

Gao Sheng also put in a lot of effort here, working hard to lobby all parties.

Presumably they have also received the news and feel the threat from China.

As the saying goes, only when there is pressure is motivation, maybe this time it can help us and accelerate the integration of resources from all parties, and technological breakthroughs are just around the corner!"

After Najib heard this, his face finally looked better.

"Hmph! These guys finally did something serious.

We blocked the chrysanthemum factory, and they were the ones who obviously got the benefits, but they all hid behind and watched the show. How could such a good thing happen? They should have contributed a long time ago!

Instead of thinking about how to make technological breakthroughs, we just think about suppressing our opponents. Is our CIA specifically responsible for wiping their butts?

A group of old guys who sit on their laurels and eat bonuses all day long...

Only Musk is somewhat motivated..."

It’s no wonder that Najib treats Iron Man differently, it’s really because his two companies, Tesla and SpaceX, are simply the infrastructure of the new era for their intelligence collection!

In recent years, they have turned from reality to reality. Their soft power has expanded a lot, but their hard power has shrunk dramatically.

In other words, these two companies can still use their skills to conquer cities and territories on a large scale around the world.

SpaceX is sweeping the global commercial launch market with its absolute strength, and the Starlink being established is making the other two major countries have a chokehold...


The deputy opened his mouth, but seeing that his director's expression had just improved, he decided not to get into trouble yet.

He wanted to tell the other party that not only was it a high-level autonomous driving system, this Bai Yeji was cooperating with China Aviation Science and Technology, and seemed to want to enter the commercial aerospace market...

Hmm... let's forget it. It's hard to keep this month's bonus.

Anyway, this news is not a big deal, isn’t it just a cooperation announcement?

It’s not like the other party can really accomplish anything, and what kind of threat can it pose to the rising space fork?

It is impossible for God to be so partial to Easterners!


Hainan Island, Wenchang Space Launch Base.

In the crimson tail flame, a column of smoke rose into the air, and with a deafening roar, a Long March 4 rocket shot straight into the sky.

Seeing the huge rocket dragging the smoke column and successfully rushing towards the distant sky, the surrounding crowd couldn't help but let out a burst of cheers.

Hu Yifei also took off his sunglasses with excitement on his face, and his heart surged as he looked at this spectacular scene.

"Mr. Hu, how do you feel?

The "Queqiao" relay satellite launched today is the advance satellite for the second phase of my country's lunar exploration project, and will subsequently assume the relay communication mission of the lunar probe.

By then, even on the far side of the moon, they will be able to receive real-time images from the lunar lander."

A middle-aged man wearing a blue engineer's uniform smiled and said to Hu Yifei.

"Awesome! It's really awesome!"

It was also the first time for Hu Yifei to watch a rocket launch live, and he was so excited that he could not calm down for a long time.

In the face of this miracle created by human beings, he fully felt his own insignificance.

I also have a different kind of feeling about my upcoming career...

Starry sea, which man is not fascinated by it?

"Haha! Today's launch mission was a complete success, which is a good sign!"

"Of course, after seeing the technical strength of Huahang Science and Technology, I am full of confidence in the future development of the company, but in the future I will have to rely on your strong support, Mr. Cao!"

"Haha! I am now considered a member of Ark Company, so I will naturally do my best."

The person next to Hu Yifei is Cao Guoliang, a technical backbone "seconded" from Huahang Science and Technology. It is said that he once served as the deputy chief engineer of an important department.

This time, he was temporarily stationed in Baiyeji in the name of "retirement and re-employment", and his current position is chief engineer.

In addition to him, Mr. Hu even waved his hand and directly seconded an entire technical staff from relevant departments.

The purpose is to use the existing mature team to verify the technical feasibility of Bai Yeji as soon as possible...

Of course, this is only temporary. If Bai Yeji's skills are not satisfactory, these people may leave their jobs at any time...

Facing such a technical master who is rarely seen by outsiders, Hu Yifei naturally respects him very much.

However, Cao Guoliang, who was opposite him, was smiling on the surface, but in fact, he was already MMP in his heart.

To be honest, he didn't believe that someone in China had quietly developed the most important "online planning and guidance" technology for rocket recovery...

As the main person in charge of specializing in this technology, he considers himself to be at the forefront of the world in related fields.

After the Space Fork Company successfully broke through the technical bottleneck, the country increased its investment in this area, and funds were provided with almost no upper limit.

In this way, they are still at a loss and progress is slow.

You said that a voice assistant company with total assets of less than a few hundred million actually boasted that it had helped us solve the most difficult problem?

Who can believe it?

When he thought about it, this might be another classic case of "a young man returning to China to start a business".

The purpose... is nothing more than to use the name of Huahang Science and Technology to attract investment...

"Mr. Hu, there is a lot of land in Hainan. Does our company have sufficient funds?" Cao Guoliang asked tentatively.

"Don't worry about the funding issue. I just borrowed 1 billion from the bank, which is not enough for subsequent loans!"

Hu Yifei was very angry.

Although the capital utilization rate within the group is full, there is currently no money to use as start-up capital for new projects. However, Gao Yuan got a lot of commitments from Mr. Hu last time, so the loan was naturally given the green light.

Of course, it was not given in vain, the remaining shares of Bai Yeji were pledged...

But when Cao Guoliang heard these words, his taste changed.

Haha! Sure enough, it was a loan. After talking for a long time, it was still the same as a white wolf with empty hands...

I sighed in my heart and made up my mind to finish the play with the "gongzi" and return to my job as soon as possible.

However, seeing that Hu Yifei, who was as old as his son, looked excited and looked like a passionate young man who wanted to show off his talents in Hainan Island, he couldn't help but remind him.

“Actually, when our company is a start-up, there is no need to spend huge sums of money to locate our headquarters here.

For example, Dongguang Province next door, or the inland area in the northwest, are actually good choices.

After all, even if we can find customers, most of them are domestic customers..."

Hu Yifei smiled and shook his head.

"Haha! Our Baiyeji style has always been to do nothing but to be the leader in the industry!

Hainan Island is the only low-latitude area in my country, and its geographical location is irreplaceable for commercial aerospace.

Rather than changing addresses frequently as it develops in the future, it’s better to do it once and for all!”

Currently, China has four space launch sites in Jiuquan, Taiyuan, Xichang and Wenchang.

Among them, Hainan Wenchang is located at the southernmost tip of China, closest to the equator.

How many provinces can the Wenchang launch base at low latitudes have?

Launching the same type of rocket in Wenchang can save tens of millions of dollars in cost compared to launching in Xichang, and the saved fuel can allow satellites to work in space for 2 to 3 more years.

For commercial companies, cost is the lifeline!

If China wants to develop commercial aerospace on a large scale, Hainan Island is definitely the first choice for a launch site!

Of course, precisely because Hainan has such advantages, the launch mission of the Wenchang launch site is also quite heavy, and launch windows are hard to find.

However, after staying in the company for a long time, Hu Yifei gradually developed arrogance.

Produced by The Witcher, it must be a high-quality product!

He has no doubt that Ark Company will have unlimited potential like other subsidiaries of the group!

In this case, do you ask him to go to a low-level map to upgrade and fight monsters step by step?

Isn't that a joke!

Thinking of the grand blueprint that Gao Yuan had described to him before leaving, Hu Yifei enthusiastically pointed to a large open space next to the Wenchang launch base and made a gesture of encirclement.

"Not only do we want to set up our headquarters in Hainan, but when the company develops and grows in the future, we also want to buy a piece of land here."

"Buy land? What are you buying land for?" Cao Guoliang looked suspicious.

Are you planning to engage in space real estate in the name of the stars and the sea?

"Of course I want to build my own launch site!"

Cao: "..."

Good guy, our first satellite hasn't even been sent up yet.

Are you thinking about building your own launch site?

No matter how innocent his Qi-nurturing skills were, he couldn't help but secretly roll his eyes.

He didn't know where Hu Yifei got his confidence, but the only thing he was sure of was...

This guy is definitely a ppt expert...


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