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Chapter 88 Future Tense

Meng Lang pushed the IOU back to Duan Xian and said seriously.

"There is a question that has been bothering me recently. Duan Laoshi, can you help me solve this problem? This is a small thing and not respectful."


Upon hearing the familiar name Duan Laoshi, Duan Xian showed a knowing smile.

The four years of dormitory lights-out party are not in vain.

"Duan Laoshi's eyes are as bright as a torch."

"Don't wear a high hat, just say it."

"Ahem! Things are more complicated. Here's the thing. I have a friend. He recently opened a company and has many employees under him, but the employee's work motivation always fails to increase...

Therefore, while improving their financial incentives, we also want to create a more positive work mentality for them emotionally.

What I want to ask is about their emotional line."


Duan Xian was a little confused.

"I have a friend" is a routine opening statement, but you run a company and have many employees, so you don't follow the routine, right?

"Their" relationship problems?

This is the first time Duan Laoshi has encountered multiple consulting projects.

"What's more specific?" Duan Xian asked.

"For example, there is employee A. When he first joined the company, he had lofty ideals, was hard-working, and worked hard without complaining.

But after two years, he suddenly resigned, shouting, ‘I want to bloom and see the vastness of the world,’ and then got on a plane flying to the capital.”

"Hmm! It sounds like an Internet celebrity resigned from the organization. The world is so big and he wants to see it. Young people all have this problem. What happened next?"

"Then the plane crashed."

"Uh..." Duan Xian was speechless. Everyone was gone. Do you still want to consult a hammer?

"There is also employee B who likes to travel around the world. It is known that he has a sister-in-law who later developed Alzheimer's disease."

"Hmm..." Why does a sister-in-law have to focus on this?

"Another employee C, because he found that his terminal illness was incurable, he did not dare to make a promise easily and chose to die alone..."

"Stop it! What on earth do you want to ask? Also, what does your friend's company do?

Either it’s a plane crash, it’s Alzheimer’s or terminal illness…is the disability rate so high?”

"Ahem! Listen to what I have to say. The main thing I want to ask is that these three employees obviously have emotional connections, but they are so secretive. What's the psychology of this?"

Meng Lang asked about his true intention.

Yes, from the few words in several episodes, you can find that you can't always be single. In one episode, you even have a sister-in-law, who is obviously married and starting a business.

But the strange thing is that all "selves" have never mentioned who their sweetheart or significant other is.

Name, appearance, beauty and ugliness, height and height, not a word was mentioned!

This made him feel like he was watching a TV series where the heroine was mosaic-ed and wanted to smash the TV.

Isn’t this just to whet your appetite?

What preferences?

Hearing Meng Lang's question, Duan Xian immediately looked at him like a fool.

"I'm just an employee. Who has the obligation to disclose personal feelings to my boss? Just because he pays me a salary?"

"That's different! The personal relationship between these employees and their boss is different from the ordinary employment relationship!"

"What's the difference?"

"It's very close and intimate. You can talk about everything. Even things like how old you were when you wet the bed when you were a child, you can share it. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Uh...how old were you before you wet the bed?"

"How can I tell you?"

"Okay! Even if your assumption is true and they are brothers who talk about everything, then brothers still have the right to privacy."

Are you talking about privacy with yourself? Isn’t this nonsense?

Meng Lang looked disapproving.

Duan Xian added, "There is a saying that says, "Put your love on your lips and hide your love in your heart."

Not everyone likes to talk to others about every relationship. The deeper the love, the deeper it is hidden.

This memory should be their own, exclusive memory.

Why should you share such precious feelings with others?

Even if he is his boss who is as close as a brother, is he qualified to share?"

Meng Lang was stunned when he heard this, and he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Yes, are you taking it too much for granted?

You want to comment on other people's love without having experienced other people's lives?

A sentence that appeared in "The Scream" flashed in his mind.

[Whether you are poor or rich, who you will be with forever, where you are buried, everything is your future and has nothing to do with me...]

Just because it is you, do you have to share the most precious things together?

Starting from twelve o'clock at noon on a certain day, they have already had a different and unique second half of their lives. Different life experiences have created different personalities.

Meng Lang in every time and space, they are themselves but not themselves.

The world is harmonious and everyone is equal, which is an ideal society.

What is harmonious but different is reality.

Analyze from another angle.

If the other person really doesn't mind sharing an exclusive emotional line with you, then you can see "you" in that time and space and meet someone, get to know each other, fall in love, and even stay together for a lifetime.

Then what?

Follow the script again?

So what's the point of saying it? Wouldn't it be better to keep a little surprise and freshness for love?

Or, make random comments like "this is better", "that is better", "you deserve better", and then shake your head and move on to the next one?

Wouldn't that mean saying it and then making yourself a scumbag?

Does cheating in time and space count as cheating?

Uh...it seems that there is no such clause in the law, but even if it is just "mental infidelity", it is still infidelity!

Thinking about it this way, even if it were you, I'm afraid I would eventually choose to say less rather than more, and say less than not at all, right?

Another "mystery in the book" solved!

Meng Lang discovered that the process of interpreting his "autobiography" was also a process of analyzing "self".

There are many things you don’t understand. As long as you think carefully and then find the answer from yourself, you will be right!

And... although it was not stated clearly, Meng Lang actually had some vague guesses based on clues about some key words.

Such as Beijing, such as sister-in-law, such as pork ribs and lotus root soup...

Meng Lang's heartbeat accelerated a little.

Duan Xian smiled immediately when he saw Meng Lang's strange expression.

"Do you have a sweetheart?"

"Ah? What? I'm not! I didn't! Stop talking nonsense!"

"Okay, okay! No wonder you were indifferent when you saw my sister just now. It turns out that you have someone in your heart?" Duan Xian said with a smile.

Meng Lang shook his head and sighed softly.

"Alas! I actually can't tell clearly."

"If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Is there anything unclear about it?"

"You can say you like it, but you don't think you like it much yet, but if you say you don't like it, that's all the preparation...

Do you think there is a kind of thing you like, which is a very special...future tense?"

Duan Xian: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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