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Chapter 89 For whom the death knell tolls

 "So you are now...more than friendship, but not yet lovers?"

Duan Xian, who was a little dizzy, thought for a long time and could only give this summary.

Meng Lang frowned and thought for a while.

"Although there are some discrepancies, this is probably the situation."

Duan Xian rolled his eyes.

"You've gone through so many twists and turns, why don't you still consult yourself?"

I consult myself, and I have always been myself...

"Brother! If you identify the target, don't hesitate and take action decisively!

Come! Tell me about her general situation, such as her personality, interpersonal relationships, and where you have progressed, and I will help you give her advice."

Meng Lang thought for a while, although he was still not sure whether his guess was the answer.

But it’s not a bad thing to provide yourself and your brothers with some professional advice, just be prepared!

So I thought about it and said...

"She and I had some misunderstandings at first, but later the misunderstanding was resolved and we have a pretty good relationship now.

Occasionally have a meal together, go for a run, and chat... about work.

Her parents are divorced. She is relatively independent and independent-minded. She has a strong personality and sharp words. She is an elite female white-collar worker. She has a younger sister by herself. She is usually too busy and has little time to spend with her.

Oh! I have a very good relationship with her sister."

Duan Xian nodded with satisfaction, "Yeah! Shoot the man first, shoot the horse, and get rid of the sister first and then the sister. Your strategy is very good!

How is her condition in all aspects? Are there any suitors around her? Are there any particularly threatening love rivals?"

"The conditions... apart from family and financial conditions, there is nothing else to say. With outstanding looks and versatile talents, there should be no shortage of suitors. As for threatening love rivals..."

Meng Lang thought of Yan Lihua, and his face suddenly became solemn.

"Yes! And it's very strong!"

"Is that so..." Duan Xian frowned.

"According to you, she is beautiful, charming, capable of working, and has many suitors... If it were before, I would definitely worry about you."

"What now?" Meng Lang asked confused.

"Now you have money!" Duan Xian said matter-of-factly.

"Didn't you say that the other party's financial conditions are average? Showing one's wealth and strength is an important way to give women a sense of security!"

"Uh..." Meng Lang rolled his eyes.

"Thank you! The advice you gave happened to hit the other party's minefield!"

"Why?" Duan Xian was stunned for a moment.

"Her father divorced her mother because she suddenly became a nouveau riche, so what she hates the most is nouveau riche like me!"

"Eh? Is that so..." Duan Xian touched his chin.

"This is more troublesome. Generally, families like this have instinctive wariness and rejection of the opposite sex and marriage."

Meng Lang nodded in agreement. Before saving Xiao Yu, Lin Haitang had never given him a good look.

"But the good news is, your competitors will be on the same hellish level as you."

Meng Lang couldn't help but think of Yan Lihua again.

Instinctively wary and repulsive towards the opposite sex and marriage...

I'll go! Maybe this is his natural advantage?

Duan Xian looked at Meng Lang and suddenly said, "Let me ask you, do you want to fall in love with the other person or marry the other person?"

"Is there a difference?" Meng Lang was puzzled.

"Of course there is. If you want to fall in love with the other person, it's relatively simple. Just give in to the other person's preferences, figure out the other person's preferences and make her believe that you are her destiny. Once there are sparks, you can take advantage of the other person's enthusiasm and win over you in one fell swoop!

Remember, if she doesn’t want to wear the wedding dress you gave her, then don’t stop unbuttoning her dress!”

"Uh..." Meng Lang was speechless.

"Is there a less scummy way?"

"Is that why you are going to get married? This is more troublesome. It must be further upgraded according to the way of falling in love!

You still have to give in to the opponent first and create sparks to make the other party's head get excited, but when it comes to the last step, you must not rush it!

For example, this kind of woman is like a piece of ice. If she is too hasty and chooses to use a hammer, she will easily break the other person's heart.

If you want to melt the ice, you have to persevere, touch the other person in all aspects in work and life, give the other person a sense of security, and melt the ice bit by bit!"

"Yeah!" Meng Lang nodded repeatedly. This method seemed quite reliable.

"How to do it specifically?"

"It depends on personal conditions and understanding. It varies from person to person depending on the target. Generally speaking, for example, give her meticulous care in life and give her as much support as possible in work.

Ask for help when the other person is vulnerable. If the light bulb is broken and the heater is not hot and the air conditioner is not cold, then take the lead!"

"Isn't this... too licky?" Meng Lang asked hesitantly.

"Lick the dog?" Duan Xian seemed to have heard some funny joke.

"First of all, no beautiful and charming woman in the world will fall in love with you just because you stand coldly in the wind and say a few beautiful words, especially the kind of woman you said.

There is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no halo of the protagonist, right?"

Hmm...it seems to make sense.

"Secondly, the reason why the word "dog licking" appears is entirely because some people's methods of chasing girls are purely scumbag.

Licking a dog is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

However, they don't understand that the 1% of inspiration is far more important than the 99% of sweat.

Some people always complain about why they can't find the right person among 1.4 billion people. However, even if there are only four multiple-choice questions, the scumbag students still can't find the right answer.

In the end, the vast majority of singles became singles because they were not willing to give even 1% of their sweat, and just gathered together to drink, brag, and despise dog-licking.

Effort is necessary, but effort also requires methods, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

So what we should despise is not the dog, but the way the other person licks!"

Meng Lang nodded if he realized something.

"As expected of Duan Laoshi, listening to your words is worth reading ten books! This way we should be able to avoid some detours."


Duan Xian shook his head, his eyes looking inexplicably changed.

"If you take detours, you will definitely take detours. Even I have made many detours, haven't I?

I have also regretted it, but love is not time travel. Everyone wants to go back to the beginning, but no one can do it.

There is no rehearsal in life, every day is a live broadcast..."

Meng Lang looked at Duan Xian with a hint of surprise.

This is Duan Xian with a story, but unfortunately there is no wine now.

"Thank you Duan Laoshi, I think I probably understand!" Meng Lang looked at the time, stood up and walked out.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Go to rehearsal!"


Sitting in the back seat of the taxi, Meng Lang took out the book in his arms.

Other people's lives may be live broadcast, but my life... can really be rehearsed!

With the results of his studies under test and the hope for a better life in the future, Meng Lang lowered his head and looked at his future...

The blue-grey cover looked a little depressing, but the title of the book on the cover directly made Meng Lang feel chilled.

"For Whom the Bell Tolls"


Do you want it to be so exciting when you come up?

Don't panic, don't panic! It's just a quote out of context, this is all normal operation...right?

With a hint of apprehension, he opened the pages of the book.

[All people are actually a whole. The misfortune of others is your misfortune. Don’t think that the bell tolls for anyone, it tolls for you.

Society is like a bus, and everyone is on this bus. When someone on the bus encounters misfortune, you may be the next one.

Therefore, never be indifferent to other people's misfortunes and sufferings. No snowflake is innocent in front of the avalanche...

On April 2, 2018, I calmly accepted my destiny of charging into the future.

Even if the world ends tomorrow, we still need to dress appropriately. This is an attitude towards life.

I should be glad that my end is still far away, enough for me to think about how to spend my life...

There is no sense of loss or unwillingness. Perhaps we have been mentally prepared for this before.

After all... life is like making a phone call, either you hang up first or I hang up first.

Maybe it was due to a change in my mentality, or maybe it was because I knew that life was short. Because of this shortness and hardship, I started to work non-stop and go my own way...

The dinner that day was delicious. Under the dim candlelight, I made a bold decision that even I thought was incredible!

Mourning is too simple. It’s really cool to still love life despite everything, isn’t it?

Therefore, I chose a completely different life path from my predecessor.

I began to work hard, inspire, and decided to live in the present and seize every minute and every second of the remaining days of my life.

However... everything seems to have had the opposite effect?

Gan! Duan Laoshi misunderstood me!

I moved the next day, and I was very satisfied with my new home. I started planning the rest of my life with great interest.

That afternoon, I revealed the news about No. 324 Zhujiajiao, Hangzhou City to Wang Zhaoping.

However, at the same time, I received shocking news from him...

Lu Kexin...is dead?!

Because I didn’t have a mirror, I didn’t know what my expression was like when I heard the news.

Indifferent? Sad? Sad?

One corpse, two lives!

Although this was a person I had only met twice, and I shouldn't be rude, I still felt inexplicable anger.

The body was found in an unfinished building in the suburbs.

According to the autopsy, the victim was killed around 12 a.m. and the cause of death was suffocation.

In addition to the fatal strangulation marks on his neck, there was a bruise on his forehead. He was obviously knocked unconscious, brought to the place of murder, and then committed the murder.

According to a communication investigation, at 10 o'clock on the night of the 2nd, Lu Kexin received a call from a stranger and went out late at night, and her whereabouts were unknown after that.

The police are investigating, but even if the murderer is caught, the deceased is dead.

The death knell is already tolling...

Feeling depressed, I took advantage of my drunkenness to confide this matter to Yan Weiwei and Lin Haitang.

However, for some reason, they looked at me very strangely, but I was already unconscious at that time...

After waking up, I was shocked to find that Yan Weiwei's attitude towards me had undergone some subtle changes, but I didn't know the reason for this change.

But before I had time to figure it out, I said a short goodbye to them.

On April 4th, I embarked on a journey home to worship my ancestors.

Because I have a phobia of airplanes, I chose to take the train and then the bus back to my hometown.

I bought a luggage full of gifts, and the joy of going home slightly diluted the inexplicable sadness caused by Lu Kexin's death.

But the strange thing is that Yan Weiwei actually took the initiative to send me to the station.

Before leaving, he told me in an extremely rare and coquettish way that there was something he wanted to tell me when I came back. That look on his face gave me an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

I don't understand. Is there something that can't be said directly now?

However, I was vaguely aware of the change in Yan Weiwei's attitude and abnormal expression in the past two days.

There are some doubts in my heart, and also... some expectations?

But what exactly did I do? The script didn't seem like it should have developed like this.

When did everything start to change?

Forget it, as an ordinary person, it has no meaning in my life to think about these mysteries hidden in the long river of time.

Thanks to Yan Weiwei's Porsche 911, I changed my flight schedule and took the early high-speed train.

The journey to half of China is not long. Technology has made the world smaller. However, what is long is the rugged mountain road after getting off the high-speed rail.

I was drowsy while sitting in the rickety bus, and vaguely heard a chaotic quarrel in my ears.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a woman in gray cloth arguing with the driver in front of me.

I didn't understand what was going on, but I wasn't in the mood to meddle.

Like most people in the car, they were watching the development of the situation with a lively attitude.

Among us are mothers with children, villagers going to the market, businessmen doing business, and travelers like me who return to their hometowns to worship their ancestors.

After listening, I roughly understood the whole story.

The woman overslept and sat at her stop. When she woke up, she blamed the driver for not reporting her stop, which caused her to take the extra mile, and demanded that the driver take responsibility before sending her back.

Naturally, the driver shook his head and refused this obviously unreasonable request.

The argument escalated into pushing and shoving.

From the increasing shaking of the bus, some of us finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

I looked out the car window. Below the steep mountain road, there was a rushing river and an endless abyss...

"do not do that!"

Finally, the passengers near the driver stood up and stopped drinking, but unfortunately it was still a step too late.

After the driver responded angrily, he lost control of the steering wheel and the two buses turned sharply to the left and hit the fragile guardrail on the roadside.


After a roar, I felt that my whole body began to fly upward uncontrollably, and then the world began to spin.

At the last moment of my consciousness, my eyes were filled with turbulent water, and my ears were filled with helpless cries.

There are men, women, and children...

The bell tolls for her, it tolls for me, and it tolls for everyone...

Suddenly, the tenderness of Yan Weiwei's bow in front of the station appeared in my mind...

My whole life.

Passionate since ancient times, there is no room for hatred,

Good dreams are the easiest to wake up from,

We will never see each other again,

Finally, we spend the spring and autumn alone...]

This chapter has been completed!
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