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Chapter 3987: The plan to divide the troops was seen through

Yingjiu frowned slightly: "Junior Brother Zhu, you are really sure that without the army of me and Senior Brother Fan, without the most elite sailors and those Li Dong barbarians recruited in Lingnan, you can conquer Jiangling on your own.


Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "What I want is not to capture Jiangling at once, but to divide our troops on four sides so that the Jin army can't figure out our main attack direction. We have more troops. This is the biggest advantage. We can attack from all sides, and the Jin army can attack from all sides."

The army is small. If we attack from all sides, they will not be sure at the moment. They can only divide the troops in various places. The two ferries will have no less than 5,000 defensive troops. And if the Qiaoshu army in the west city direction is dispatched, the Jin army will also be sure

At least 10,000 soldiers and horses are needed to resist, so the Jin army in Jiangling will not exceed 20,000. I have a fleet of more than 60,000 and more than 1,000 warships. How can the Jin army dare to take it lightly?"

Fan Wubing said "Oh" softly: "Then what Junior Brother Zhu means is that we are just bluffing to confront the Jin army, and are not really attacking Jingzhou, especially Jiangling?"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "Everything depends on manpower. If we divide our troops in various places and are hundreds of miles apart, it is impossible to stick to the old ways. Senior Brother Ying and Senior Brother Fan themselves are also experienced in the battlefield and can act accordingly. If they feel confident, they can defeat the enemy in front of them in one fell swoop.

If you are not sure about occupying the ferry, then confront the Jin army and attack with as many small groups as possible to force the Jin army not to relax, let alone to divide the troops to rescue."

Fan Wubing smiled and said: "Then what Junior Brother Zhu means is that we each act according to our own circumstances, fight when we have the opportunity, and if we don't have the opportunity, we will just stand in a stalemate like in Yuzhang and wait for the opportunity to appear?"

Zhu Chaoshi said seriously: "Yes, the order given to us by Master Lu is to make the enemy think that our army is coming to capture Jingzhou, thus motivating Liu Yi to take the initiative to attack. But what we want to do is not to really capture Jingzhou or Jiangling.

Of course, if there is a chance, take it, but if there is no good chance, just keep the pressure like this. I will use the banner of Master Lu here, and even dress up as Master Lu, so as to attract Liu Daogui and Tan Daoji to gather here in person.

, as long as they don't stir up trouble and join the Yuzhang battlefield, then our goal will be achieved."

The black robe suddenly said coldly: "General Zhu, I have a few questions about your plan, and I'd like to hear your answers."

Zhu Chaoshi had long expected that he would ask this question, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, this is a military meeting. Since you represent Master Lu, you can naturally ask any questions, and I will do my best to answer them here."

The black robe nodded: "Very good. Excuse me, will the Jin army be as we thought and divide their troops? There is no possibility of using the same tactics as when fighting Huan Qian, concentrating superior forces and attacking suddenly.

, what if we only fight all the way, for example, to eat the troops of General Ying and General Fan?"

Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "Their troops do not have such mobility. Senior Brother Ying and Senior Brother Fan are in the navy and go back and forth on the river. However, the Jin army does not have so many warships. Even if they can mobilize troops on land, they cannot go to the river.

I'm afraid it won't be that easy to attack our army and eat us."

The black robe shook his head: "If we are just fighting on the river, there is nothing to worry about, but what if the enemy uses conspiracy and tricks to lure our troops ashore? For example, at Ma Tou Du, that is where the British generals went to fight.

, if he feels that there are not many enemies in front of him, for example, only a few hundred or a thousand, so he storms and captures the ferry, and then pursues the victory and marches to Jiangling, what do you think of this?"

Zhu Chaoshi's heart sank, and he secretly thought that this guy was so powerful. He wanted to use this kind of tactics to lure Yingjiu and Fan Wubing ashore. With the military talents of Liu Daogui and Tan Daoji, they would inevitably set up an ambush to deal with these two people on the shore.

Although the demon thief army of about 15,000 people is powerful, if it is ambushed by the main force of the Jingzhou Army in a wilderness far away from the water, it can be solved within two or three days, as long as one of the demon thief is destroyed.

If the main force is the main force, then there is reason to shrink the defense or retreat to Changsha. In this way, it is possible to create opportunities for Liu Daogui's army to receive Western reinforcements, and may even force Lu Xun and Xu Daofu to abandon their original plan and retreat to Xiangzhou instead.


But now, Fan Wubing's admiration came to Zhu Chaoshi's ears: "The envoy must have seen it correctly. Liu Daogui has many tricks and tricks, which should not be underestimated. This is not the first time he has used this trick to lure the enemy in.

Yes, we have nothing to worry about if we fight on water, but if we fight on land, the Jin army can give full play to its advantages. Junior Brother Zhu, our method of dividing our troops may need to be carefully re-planned."

Yingjiu said in a deep voice: "Then what if we occupy the ferry but don't move lightly and wait for the main force of the army behind to come over?"

Zhu Chaoshi's heart moved and he continued: "I'm afraid this won't work. If the main force of the navy guarding outside Jiangling evacuates and goes to another ferry to go ashore, then the main force of the Jin army in Jiangling City may cross the river to the south and cooperate with Tan Zhi in Wuling.

Headquarters, attack Changsha or Baling. Before, we had been facing each other across the river, and they had no chance to cross the river. But now if the main force of the army or fleet leaves, it will be impossible to block the river."

The black robe smiled slightly: "Then what if we only leave the fleet and sailors on the river, and all the land and sea troops land? Or, we can simply concentrate the army, pick a ferry to attack, conquer it in one fell swoop, and then the whole army goes ashore, by land and water.

How about advancing side by side and taking Jiangling?"

Zhu Chaoshi sighed: "If the main force of the nearly 100,000-strong army rushes to a ferry, it will be impossible to realize the strategy of dividing the troops. Our greatest strength advantage will not be reflected. Moreover, the Jin army will also dispatch the army accordingly.

The main force is to support the ferry we are attacking. As long as there are solid fortifications and fortresses, even if it is not a strong city like Gangneung, these two crossings will be difficult to capture. This was the biggest advantage of our army at that time, and we could not capture the crossing.

, the reason for heading straight towards Gangneung.”

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"As for Jiangling, there are inner and outer cities, outer cities and water cities. Even if there are only more than 10,000 troops, they can still stop our army of 100,000. If we can't find a way to let the Jin army spread its troops around as much as possible, then they can easily send out enough

We can use our troops to support everywhere, and we can even attack to the west first to deal with the Shu army, and then come to meet our army."

The black robe's eyes flashed coldly: "So, your strategy is actually to hope that we will divide our troops in four directions and maintain pressure on the two ferries and Jiangling City at the same time, forcing the Jin army not to concentrate on attacking all the way. In fact, it does not

Are you considering actually attacking and capturing Gangneung?"

Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "No, I am doing this just to lure the Jin army to take the initiative to attack and fight our army on the river!"

This chapter has been completed!
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