Chapter 3988 The arrogant and lazy soldiers lead the enemy to attack

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The black robe frowned slightly, looked at Zhu Chaoshi, and said, "The Jin army took the initiative to attack us and fight us on the river?"

Zhu Chaoshi nodded: "Yes, this is Liu Daogui's style of play. I know how he uses his troops. He will never sit still and wait for death. He will definitely find ways to actively seek changes."

The black robe softly said "Oh": "Is it like he would take the initiative to attack Huan Qian with a disadvantaged force?"

Zhu Chaoshi said sternly: "Yes, as far as the art of war is concerned, if the enemy's army comes from a long distance, it will be in full strength at this time, and it will be tired after coming from a long distance. It is the arrogant and lazy soldiers who will be hit hardest.

Good timing, but the foreign troops coming from afar are not familiar with the local situation, and they are faced with the problem of temporarily unifying the military orders after being mixed with the original defenders. The command will inevitably be confused, relying on the large number of troops, underestimating the enemy's aggressive advance, if the division of troops is made

This kind of behavior proves his arrogance. With these three points, in terms of the art of war, he is a weapon that can be attacked. Then the next step is to take him by surprise."

The black robe smiled slightly: "The weak navy of the Jin army attacked our fleet. Is this what you said was unexpected? Wouldn't you attack General Ying, General Fan and their troops?"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head and said seriously: "General Ying and General Fan are mainly marine troops. The best way to deal with them is to lure them to attack the ferry and then eliminate them on the shore. This is not a proactive approach.

Our strongest strength lies in this main fleet, which has more than a thousand warships and as many as six large eight-wheeled warships. The Jin army has only more than 200 warships, all of which are hidden in Shuicheng in Jiangling.

Among them, it seems that they don’t dare to fight at all.”

"But these warships are mostly Huanglong warships left behind by Huan Chu. Although they are small in number and not as big as our eight-armed warships, they are larger than most of the fishing boats and gondolas we have recruited in the past six months.

Many, if we really take the opportunity to make a surprise attack, and cooperate with the wind direction, hydrology and even fire attack, there is no chance that we will be defeated in one fell swoop. Moreover, if we want to attack Jiangling, the warships in these water cities are the best defense on the water.

Without destroying these warships, we cannot directly attack Jiangling Water Village, and naturally we cannot capture Jiangling."

The black robe nodded: "So, you wanted to take the opportunity to lure out these Huanglong warships and annihilate them on the river, so you deliberately divided your troops and created an illusion for the Jin army, right?"

Zhu Chaoshi nodded: "The art of war is nothing more than a battle of wits and courage, concealing one's own intentions and guessing others' intentions. If I were Liu Daogui, I would definitely not be passively beaten and let our troops divide our forces to attack each other.

Well, our army is coming, but there are no Jin troops downstream to fight the attack, which means that the situation downstream is very serious. Leader Lu personally led the army here because he is determined to win. He can no longer count on external help. He can only rely on himself to take advantage of the situation.

When we still have 50,000 troops and more than 200 warships in Jiangling, when our army is divided, a naval assault is the best option. It may seem unexpected, but in fact it is the most effective option.

Excellent play style.”

The black robe nodded with satisfaction: "General Zhu is indeed a famous general who has served in the Jin army for many years and has learned many military techniques from Liu Yu. These analyzes are very reasonable. Then your strategy is to lure out the Jin army's warships.

And then destroy them in one fell swoop?”

Zhu Chaoshi said with a smile: "Your envoy is right, I just want to do the opposite. I will use the soldiers and horses of Senior Brother Ying and Senior Brother Fan to attack the other two crossings separately, so that Liu Daogui will misjudge and think that we only have water here.

The army is poorly defended, so we will send Huanglong warships to fight, and even adopt a surprise attack, hoping to annihilate our army in one fell swoop."

The black robe smiled slightly: "Could it be that they can use fire attacks or other tactics?"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "It is the turn of spring and summer, the river is humid and the water is humid. At this time, it is not easy to attack with fire. Moreover, our army's warships are not like Cao's warships during the Three Kingdoms period.

They are connected by iron ropes and are not in a water stronghold. It is extremely difficult to attack with fire. Whether we attack the enemy or the enemy attacks us, a fire attack is basically impossible."

The black robe said "Oh": "Then what method can they use to destroy our main fleet in one fell swoop?"

Zhu Chaoshi said seriously: "The most reliable way is to make a sneak attack at night, preferably at night when there is not enough moonlight. Relying on the advantage of being familiar with the river outside Jiangling City, when our fleet is parked in the middle of the river,

They sent out dozens of Huanglong warships to catch us off guard. They would even disguise the warships as our own, sneak in, and lure us into killing each other. In this way, even if we can't all be wiped out in one night,

Our army can also catch us by surprise and cause great damage to our vitality."

Yingjiu said bitterly: "He is indeed cunning and cunning. This Liu Daogui really looks like his brother."

Fan Wubing also nodded and said: "Fortunately, Junior Brother Zhu is familiar with their fighting style and warned him in advance. Otherwise, even if we don't divide our troops, it would be difficult to resist him if he does this."

The black robe smiled and said: "Isn't this obvious to General Zhu? If the enemy dares to fight like this, we must have a way to deal with it. General Zhu, please tell us how you fight in front of all of us."

Zhu Chaoshi began to feel calm in his heart. After so much preparation, it finally seemed like he was going to lure the enemy leaders into his trap. Ever since Lu Xun left yesterday, he had been thinking hard about how to do this.

Try your best to help the brothers in Jingzhou, and what I just said will almost certainly be the tactics used by Liu Daogui and Tan Daoji, and the next way to deal with it is to finally pay back after lurking in the enemy's army for more than half a year.

It's time.

Zhu Chaoshi said seriously: "No matter how the enemy forces disguise themselves as our warships, there are at least a few ships that they cannot disguise. You should understand what I mean."

Yingjiu's heart moved and he blurted out: "Are you talking about our eight-armed warships? The Jin army does not have them. Are you planning to use them as a weapon?"

Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "Exactly, we sent four eight-armed warships and anchored them in the middle of the river as four moving water castles, and hid a large number of small and medium-sized warships behind them, blocked by giant ships.

The Jin army did not know the true strength of our army and did not dare to take action easily. However, if it was a moonless night, they might take advantage of the huge size of the giant ship and its bright lights, making it a ready target, and dispatch hundreds of warships to attack.

What our army has to do is to ambush enough troops on the giant ship and prepare fifty hidden dragon boats in the river behind the ship. Once the Jin army attacks, they will sneak under the water and circle behind it.

Cooperate with the soldiers and horses on the giant ship to attack from the front and back and destroy it!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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