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Chapter 4922: Rush to send troops after the Northern Expedition

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Liu Yu is not Huan Wen. When he really wants to withdraw his troops, he will never run away first and let his companions stay and die. This is what makes Liu Yu different from others. Yu Gong, you must remember this

Of course, it was not easy for Hu Lu to take the opportunity to defeat and kill Liu Yu. The most likely thing is that Liu Yu finally escaped back to the Central Plains at a heavy price with the joint efforts of all the soldiers.

If you gain and lose again, Qingzhou and Yuzhou will no longer be safe and will fall into a long-term tug-of-war."

"After Liu Yu comes back, he will not be reconciled to such a failure. He will definitely continue the Northern Expedition, recruit soldiers and horses again, increase taxes, and further mobilize national power. At this time, our opportunity will come."

Yu Yue laughed: "If Liu Yu lost a lot of elites and main forces, and did not benefit enough from the noble families and nobles, then their willingness to support the Northern Expedition would be reduced. After all, in the name of righteousness,

It works once, but it cannot work again and again. If you want to continue the Northern Expedition after a disastrous defeat, the time interval is too short, and the trauma of the last defeat has not been recovered. From the high-ranking families to the common people and soldiers at the bottom, even if they don't say it,

, in my heart I don’t want to fight anymore.”

"At this time, we can incite and inspire the people at the bottom to rise up and fight. Liu Yu used to collect taxes, and they were willing to obey, because they felt that the Northern Expedition would win and they would benefit, so they heard that

It is a typical villain mentality to be happy when fighting. Just like the people of the Qin State in the past, after Shang Yang's reform, they were happy to hear the war, because the Qin State could always win the battle, and they could also get personal benefits from the victory, although they risked

Your life is in danger, but as long as you survive and make meritorious deeds, you can live a good life after you come back."

"But if you lose the battle, even if you save one life, you will gain nothing. You will miss the farming season and lose the harvest. Life will be more difficult after you come back. If Liu Yu does not rest and recuperate, but gets carried away and thinks

If we want to take revenge and fight again, if we raise troops for another Northern Expedition in a short period of time, we will really make the people resentful, and it will also be unpopular with the military."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "It seems that Yu Gong has understood the truth of this. So what do you think we should do if we get to this point?"

Yu Yue pondered for a moment and said: "At this time, we can cooperate with each other. If I were the governor of a big state like Yuzhou, I would have to be proactive and proactive when I came back. I would have to follow Liu Yu's words and say that although

This time it was unfavorable, but the enemy also suffered heavy losses and was severely weakened. Yuzhou is closest to the Central Plains. I am willing to launch another Northern Expedition after the Wei army retreats to Hebei. I am even willing to take the initiative to summon the Yujia villagers from Wu to guard the border for the country, following the example of Shen Jin.

It is a righteous act of leading troops to defend an isolated city like Luoyang alone. We cannot let our hard-won victory be lost like this."

Tao Yuanming laughed loudly: "Yu Gong is really smart. If you make this gesture, it will be more powerful than the generals of Beifu. Historically, high-ranking families do not want to fight, let alone put themselves in danger, but you

Doing this can really impress people."

Yu Yue waved his hand proudly: "What's the matter? When our Yu family controlled Jingzhou, our ancestor Yu Bing sent the famous general Mao Bao to lead 5,000 troops out of Zhu City, in the enemy's territory.

He defended the isolated city alone. Later, although the Hulu were heavily besieged at that time, Mao Bao refused to retreat. In the end, he died for his country along with the soldiers in the city. Although the Northern Expedition failed, it also showed the Yu family’s Northern Expedition intention and also

It strengthens our position.”

"Now a similar situation is coming. If Liu Yu's Northern Expedition to the Central Plains failed, he still occupied some fortresses and cities in the Central Plains when he withdrew, not to mention Luoyang, at least like Xuangu, which was Runan County in the Han Dynasty.

We can let Mao Xiuzhi, a descendant of the Mao family, lead the army in the fortress city. Like us, he must also want to restore the glory of his ancestors. No one else dares to do this kind of task of guarding an isolated city alone, but this kid Mao Xiuzhi

, I think I am willing to go there."

Tao Yuanming nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yu Gong, Yu Gong, you are really there. You have even thought of Mao Xiuzhi. However, this boy is Liu Yi's current favorite general. You are not afraid of poaching Liu Yi's people directly.

Will he take revenge on you in the future?"

Yu Yue sneered and said: "If things really develop to the stage you said, I will have become the governor of Yuzhou by then, with tens of thousands of soldiers in my hand. Why should I be afraid of Liu Yi? Luo Longsheng is just the beginning, what will follow

I will continue to recruit more powerful generals. I, Yu Yue, am not the old young master who only knows how to make friends with nobles. Now I am also willing to treat virtuous corporals. For those who can fight and lead troops, at least I will give them face.

Respect must be given. These are troubled times after all. If you can't win the war, what's the use of having a noble status?"

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Yu Gong has really improved a lot compared to before. I am impressed. If you can really do this, why worry about great things? However, before you gain a firm foothold in Yuzhou,

It's better not to take advantage of Liu Yi's subordinates easily. This is a very sensitive matter. I will help you find generals like Luo Longsheng to join your subordinates first. Later, as your strength gradually grows, there will be some other military commanders.

However, if you get the land in Yuzhou, it is said that you have occupied Liu Yi's territory. If you try to win over his people again, he will probably attack you. Please be careful about this."

Yu Yue frowned: "Didn't you say that Liu Yi doesn't want Yuzhou, and Liu Yu won't give him a chance to make meritorious deeds. The most he can do is lead troops to guard the capital or go to Wudi to search. I don't have to be too careful.

Just worry about him."

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "Although Liu Yi is not as powerful as before, he still has considerable strength. Not to mention Liu Fan controls Yanzhou, he has no less than 10,000 troops in Jiankang City, which is enough to be more than a legion.

And even if I recruit Luo Longsheng, it will only be a mere army with a thousand people, which is still far behind him. I'm afraid you have to make some deals and concessions with Liu Yi before he is willing to temporarily give up Yuzhou to you. Otherwise, you will have to make some deals and concessions with Liu Yi.

, just relying on you to find people in the family, thinking that relying on the relationship between the DPRK and China can get you to sit on the post of governor of Yuzhou, instead of going to Tong Liu Yi, let him at least not object, I am afraid that you will be in this

It won’t take long to sit down.”

Yu Yue's expression changed: "Why, if the imperial court wants to give me the position of governor, does he still dare to beat me?" ()

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