Chapter 4921: The Xiongguan Road is as solid as iron

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Speaking of this, Tao Yuanming's eyes flashed with a look of pride, and his speaking speed also increased: "Why did the Later Qin give up the twelve counties of Nanyang to the Eastern Jin Dynasty? It was not because of their kindness or the personal relationship between Yao Xing and Liu Yu.

Well, purely because the gains outweigh the losses in these places, rather than forcefully occupying them and constantly consuming the country’s resources, it’s better to give them away as a favor. Only in this way is the biggest blow to Liu Yu, I want to consume his resources!”

Yu Yue laughed and said, "I understand what Mr. Tao means. We need to spend the manpower and material resources of each state to support Liu Yu in fighting this war. We are just paying some grain and grass taxes, which are in the imperial treasury anyway."

, but Liu Yu wants to consume the elite soldiers he has accumulated over the years, and let his Beifu soldiers be slowly consumed and lost in this long war with the Hulu."

Tao Yuanming sneered: "Yes, Liu Yu's strategy of everyone being equal and everyone being like a dragon sounds very beautiful and makes all lower-class people have unrealistic fantasies, but they have forgotten that this is the way to stand out."

, it must be exchanged for military merit. In other words, you have to fight with your life, and you have to win. You have to live to enjoy the benefits of victory. If you lose or die in battle, you will lose your life.

No, there are still a lot of benefits that can be enjoyed. The reason why Liu Yu's approach has always worked is that he has never lost so far, has been winning, and has always been profitable. But if he is dragged into consumption

If we fight or lose the battle, are there still these benefits?"

"Moreover, according to Liu Yu's military law, after a defeat, there must be military laws to deal with the defeated generals. Wei Shunzhi, as a veteran general who established Yi, once he was defeated and fled, he would be beheaded in public. Liu Yi, as a general guarding one side, fought against Tianshi Dao, and the soldiers

If he loses, he will be demoted and seize power. Now he is completely at the mercy of Liu Yu, and he will not be given many opportunities to make meritorious deeds in the future. And if the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, the Later Qin and the Northern Wei are allies, they will definitely join forces to fight against Liu Yu and attack Qin Ze

The Northern Wei crossed the Yellow River to attack Qingzhou, and after attacking Wei, the Qin troops left Yuzhou and Yongzhou. Liu Yu's Northern Expedition caused the Later Qin to stalemate with Liu Yu in the Central Plains. At worst, they would retreat to Tongguan. The Northern Wei could then ride out of Qingzhou and Yanzhou to invade the Huaihe River."

"Liu Yu will never win a quick victory in the short term. The war will continue to drag on. Even if he wins, it will be a tragic victory at best. He will seize the Central Plains land, and it will be difficult to hold on to it. Once the army withdraws, the Qin and Wei forces will come back again.

Taking away the Central Plains, and finally losing troops and territory, and gaining nothing. At this time, not to mention the people's sentiments in the rear, even Liu Yu's subordinates will change from the kind of eager to conquer and meritorious service, to physically and mentally exhausted, wanting to win but afraid of losing, and finally...

I’ll give it up when it’s good, I don’t want to take risks and move forward further.”

"But this is not Liu Yu's style. Even in the Battle of Guanggu, after fighting for more than half a year, the soldiers who besieged the city were actually exhausted and their thoughts were returning. Many mid-level and senior generals have repeatedly suggested to Liu Yu that they should withdraw their troops.

Withdrawal, but Liu Yu was determined to fight and refused to withdraw. He also ordered that anyone who retreated would be killed. In addition, Guanggu had an isolated city, and the whole territory of Nanyan surrendered. Later Qin's reinforcements also bluffed and finally withdrew. Everyone felt that the city had been conquered.

It was only a matter of time, so I just gritted my teeth and persisted, and there were also manpower and food support from various places in Qingzhou. In the end, I listened to Liu Yu and stayed."

"But it will be different in the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. Whether we can win or not is a big problem. If the war later does not go smoothly and we are in a dilemma, and if the food and grass cannot follow up in time to meet the needs of the army, then I am afraid that in the end, except Liu Yu himself, there will be no one

If people want to continue fighting, in addition to having a clear reason to avenge the people and attack the barbarians, Liu Yu wants to rescue his beloved wife Murong Lan, which cannot be directly stated, and everyone knows that.



"But when attacking the Central Plains, if Luoyang is captured, it is impossible to penetrate into Guanzhong and recapture Chang'an. Anyone else would have just accepted it. Liu Yu wanted to follow the path of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty and restore the glory of the Han Dynasty so that he could replace him in the future.

Can the Sima family stand on its own feet and express this idea directly?"

Yu Yue laughed: "That can only be understood, not explained. Even when you mentioned this to me just now, I didn't quite believe it. However, if Liu Yu is really what you said, he wants to use

As an emperor to forcefully implement his plan, he must break into Guanzhong and regain Chang'an. Otherwise, he cannot re-establish the Han Dynasty and win the surrender of the world. Facing the Tongguan or Wuguan defense lines of the Later Qin Dynasty,

But we have to fight Xiongguanmandao."

Tao Yuanming sneered and said: "Tongguan has been a natural hazard since ancient times. If you want to capture Tongguan, you must capture Puban on the north bank of the Yellow River opposite Tongguan. This means that the troops crossing the Yellow River will be directly attacked by the cavalry group of the Northern Wei Dynasty on the north bank.

Because the Northern Wei Dynasty is now in alliance with the Later Qin Dynasty, they can tolerate the Later Qin Dynasty having some territory in Hedong, but they will never allow the Jin army to cross the Yellow River. Liu Yu's Northern Expedition is bound to be enemies of both Qin and Wei. The number of cavalry in the Northern Wei Dynasty

They were numerous and highly mobile. Even the cavalry of the Yan army was very painful for them. Moreover, the Wei army did not care about the gains and losses of one city or one place. Like the Central Plains, the land of Yanzhou in Henan could be abandoned at any time. Unlike that of Nan Yan,

The situation of having to defend major fortresses and towns is completely different. If Liu Yu encounters such an opponent, it will be difficult to capture the main force of the enemy's army."

"As for the Qin army, although it is not as powerful as the Northern Wei Dynasty, its ability to defend the city is very powerful. Thanks to many years of fighting against Hu Xia, many Qin troops have experienced cruel and tenacious city defense battles in Lingbei.

And its generals such as Yao Shao, Yin Zhao and others are also famous generals who are good at defensive counterattacks. These people may not be Liu Yu's opponents in field battles, but if they concentrate their main force, shrink to Tongguan, and rely on the support of the Northern Wei Dynasty to defend Pu Ban, then

Liu Yu will encounter a harder bone than Guang Gu, and he will not be able to win a quick victory!"

"And if the army stays in the Central Plains for a long time, the consumption will be very huge. Over time, it will have to retreat. Although we will lose some of the food and ordnance in stock, what Liu Yu will lose is his elite army and popularity.

, and more importantly, it consumes his support and prestige among the military and civilians. This will also be the beginning of his stepping down from the altar and turning from the god of war into a mortal!"

Yu Yue laughed and said, "Your plan is better, Mr. Tao. However, if we follow Liu Yu on the expedition, wouldn't it mean that our subordinates will also suffer losses and consumption in case of withdrawal?"

At that time, like Huan Wen, Liu Yu left us behind to fight and die, while his main force withdrew first, so what we consumed and lost was not just some grain, grass and ordnance." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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