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102, I like this world

 When Qing Lingzi and Sai Dongfeng saw the five roast chickens in the bag on the table, their expressions were like those of an old subway man looking at his phone.jpg.

"Hey, it's still hot."

Sai Dongfeng tore off a chicken leg and put it in his mouth, took a bite, and immediately slapped the table and said, "Hmmmm! It's delicious!"

Qing Lingzi also went up and tore off a chicken leg and took a bite. It was really good, the bones and meat were crispy, plump and juicy, and the taste was fragrant.

He handed the remaining chicken to Xue Taotie, and then he and Sai Dongfeng ate the chicken legs with expressionless faces.

"It's delicious." Qing Lingzi swallowed a chicken leg and said, "But what does the Holy Lord want?"

"Are you being tricked and tricked? Just eat whatever is given to you. How can there be so much? Not to mention the chickens given by the Holy Lord, even if the Holy Lord brought a pack of Baba, I think it is a favor.

." Sai Dongfeng said, holding the remaining four chickens on the table in his arms: "If you don't want to eat, it's mine. I'll let you figure it out slowly."

"I don't mean that. Logically speaking, everything given by the Holy Lord is always meaningful, but this..."

"Don't let you go hungry, eat as much as the sky."

"Well..." Qing Lingzi couldn't figure it out, but he could finally understand the matter like this: "Then just do what the Holy Lord wants and eat."

On the other side, Brother Zhang seemed to have never left, sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Perhaps because he was not satisfied with the conversation, Wugenshui invited the elf magician to his home, a villa located on the hillside in a wealthy area, and chatted carefully.

Sinong and Elf are like a match made in heaven.

Brother Zhang looked at the content on the TV with no expression on his face, but Xiao Ma walked over leisurely in a pair of big pants after taking a shower.

"Boss, we need to have a serious talk about you entering society with a normal attitude."

"I tried. Aren't I still working in Zhu Zhenzhen's company?"

"Resign, that place is not a serious place, you are just a cook there. What's the point?"

Brother Zhang paused for a moment, raised his head and looked at the clock silently: "But my personality is like this, and I don't like to talk."

"It's not that you don't like talking, but you still don't like talking? I always see you hiding in the corner singing rap alone."

Brother Zhang pursed his lips and thought he farted.

"What's the reason why you're not good at words? It's because you don't dare! It's because you're cautious! It's because you're afraid that if you use a little force, you'll tear people apart!" Xiao Ma pointed at the coffee table with his finger: "That's the problem, even if you are

You can control your abilities, but you still instinctively worry about whether other people will be harmed because of your abilities. This is actually putting the cart before the horse."


"The more careful you are in controlling yourself, the more you will always remember that you are a behemoth. You might as well treat yourself as an ordinary person and do whatever you want. Holy Lord and Guardian are just the nature of your job, but

Humanity is your basic attribute, and it is inherently wrong for you to participate in human activities with the justice of the Holy Lord and the equality of the Guardian."

Xiao Ma opened his phone and pulled out a few pictures: "Look at me, I have a master's degree in philosophy."

"You? Master?"

"Boss...do you look down on people? Really?"

Brother Zhang waved his hand quickly: "No, no."

"Human beings have been discussing the proposition of opposition and unity for thousands of years, but until today there is no specific answer. Whether people can separate their identities and deal with the world with different faces, there is actually no clear answer so far. Appropriate answer, but we can get corresponding reference information from the simplest evaluation criteria."

"Huh? What?"

Xiao Ma sat up straight and said seriously: "This is the requirement for the catering industry, on the premise of ensuring the hygiene of the food. A thousand yuan meal has a thousand yuan evaluation standard, and a hundred yuan meal has a hundred yuan evaluation standard. Standard, ten yuan has a standard of ten yuan.”

"When replacing this content with you, make sure that you are in a happy mood. The Guardian has the Guardian's standards, the Holy Lord has the Holy Lord's standards, and Zhang Jiachang has Zhang Jiachang's standards."

"The guardian needs to be unkind and treat all things as stupid dogs. The guardian only needs to protect and does not need emotions. The Holy Lord needs not to worry about the widow but injustice. You would rather do nothing than take sides. But as a human being, you When the time comes, just do what you like."

Brother Zhang frowned: "But I am the guardian, I am the Holy Lord, and I am still me."

"Separate, separate all the contents. Just like driving a car, you set the gear. You can do whatever you are in which gear. For example, when you are an ordinary person, you see If there are two people fighting downstairs, you can mediate and break up the fight, or even fight with them. But when you are a guardian, you can treat them like nothing." Xiao Ma put his fingers on the table. Three lines were drawn on it: "Draw a clear line between your various levels of index. Don't let your status as a guardian overly squeeze your joy of being a human being. The line must be clear."


"Have you ever seen Superman? When Superman wears tights, he is Superman. But when he puts on glasses, he becomes a tabloid reporter. When he is Superman, he will not take secret photos of people's privacy. When he is a tabloid reporter, he You won’t save others. This is the separation of identities.”

Xiao Ma began to carefully analyze the identity of a superhero for Brother Zhang: "The tights and glasses here have become a barrier for his different identities. In other words, they are the anchors of his identity. .So it can be seen that you can also use some kind of anchor to separate the functions of different identities?"

"I have no idea."

"Let's discuss it together." Xiao Ma took out a note from the side: "We first determine the limits of human beings and the limits of the Holy Lord, and then we classify them layer by layer, so that we only need to anchor the identity Set it down, and then tell yourself through some kind of psychological suggestion that you can only use another identity after removing the anchor of one identity and adding another anchor."

Xiao Ma said it very seriously, and Brother Zhang also listened very seriously, because this was what he needed and he didn't understand it very well.

"If the identity of the Holy Lord is a lion, then the identity of the guardian is a Tyrannosaurus Rex or even a blue whale. If you use the body of a blue whale to come into contact with a group of ordinary people, how can you not be careful, because if you turn over, they will be gone.

"Xiao Ma drew a circle on the table: "And boss, you have to understand one thing. To others, your identity may be the only one, that is, the guardian. But to you, your identity as a person is...

The identity of the Holy Lord and the identity of the Guardian are equally divided, and it will be painful for you to lose any part of them."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ma pondered for a while: "In other words, your identity as a human being is much more important to you than the other two identities, but the other two identities squeeze out the most important part of you. Everyone.

We all feel sorry for you, but they may really not be able to do what they want."

Xiao Ma is right. Although everyone cares about Brother Zhang, they really can't do it right. They only say, "You go get in touch with society," "You go work," "You go fall in love," "You go enjoy life."

"But he didn't tell Brother Zhang how to get in touch with society, how to work, how to fall in love, and how to enjoy life. This would make him more and more frustrated, uncomfortable, and painful.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are incompatible, and none of them may be able to understand the pain and struggle in Brother Zhang's heart. Strength belongs to strength, and pain belongs to pain. There is no conflict.

"You love this world." When Xiao Ma said this, his eyes were a little red: "I also hope that you can be loved by this world. The meaning of your life is not to die, you can be full of flowers, you can live

Color brings fragrance.”

Brother Zhang just smiled but did not speak.

But early the next morning, Xiao Ma took Brother Zhang to go shopping and bought three things.

The first one is a pair of plain glasses, big, dark and thick, and looks featureless. The second one is a ring, made of alloy, which looks very cool, handsome and awesome. The third one is a package of special items.

This brand of chewing gum has a very special taste and is very representative.

Next, Xiao Ma began to continuously instill the concept of identity anchoring into Brother Zhang.

The three items represent the transformation of the three identities. When he puts on the glasses, he is just an ordinary person. He is honest and arrogant, but his temper is easy to get along with. He is the most ordinary and ordinary young man in his twenties.

When he wears the ring, he is the leader of the aliens that has been passed down from the time of the various schools of thought to the present. He is an existence that represents the highest level of human combat power, majesty, righteousness, and perseverance.

Only when he eats that piece of chewing gum, he will become the ceiling-level guardian, a barrier that isolates the terrifying forces that try to penetrate into the world from outside the safe range. Nothing can stop it and nothing can

Interference is the almighty god and the invincible wall.

These three levels of identity are independent of each other and will not interfere with each other. Afterwards, you only need to set a psychological switch on these three things. Only by using this thing can you use the corresponding power.

"That is to say, when I take out this ring, I will be the Holy Master?"

"Yes... that's not right, you are always the Holy Master. To us, don't we dare to scold you if you don't take out the ring?" Xiao Ma explained with a smile: "This anchor is for you.

I use it myself. Boss, you are a person who follows the template of a cool male protagonist, but you live a life that makes people feel distressed. This is unnecessary. So, starting from today, you have to gradually adapt and get used to the new life. Didn’t you say

Is your biggest dream to be loved by the world? If you are happy, isn't it a manifestation of love?"

This chapter has been completed!
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