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130, what is this

 Thunder Dragon and Huniu were back to back, and the tiger spirits surrounded them to protect them, killing five of them, but who knew that these five would actually be resurrected together.

What does this mean? It means that the person who used the formation sacrificed his life and soul as a sacrifice, and used his own life to restore the formation to its top state.

Dragon and Tiger are indeed worthy of being the pinnacle of the Twelve Spirits' combat power, but they don't fucking play like this. This round of battle... and they are faced with the legendary formation set up by the sinister Xu Fu.

These people really spent a lot of money to deal with them.

"How about it? Should I fight or not?"

"I have no problem." Hu Niu turned her head and glanced at the five gods of good fortune approaching step by step: "It's just that it's not good for us now."

"Well, there are tanks, melee, long-range, and secondary tanks. It's a perfect lineup." Thunder Dragon took a deep breath and said, "If it doesn't work, we'll withdraw."

But in a matter of seconds, a hole was suddenly opened in the blood-dark sky, and then a beam of holy light directly enveloped Thunder Dragon and Huniu. This beam of light blocked all surrounding attacks.

Protect the two of them from the attacks of the Five Gods of Good Luck.

Then a man in a white robe with wings slowly descended, holding a harp: "You two, do you believe in religion? Believe in religion and you will be saved."

"Are you damn sick?" Thunder Dragon raised his head and cursed: "Are you crazy? You are here to preach."

Huniu turned her head and asked, "Do you know me?"

"How can you not recognize this? The herald at the other end is just a postman."

"Oh, Mr. Lei. Although we have known each other for a long time, we are familiar with each other. If you mess with me, it will be difficult for me to deal with you."

"Go away." Thunder Dragon cursed: "If you want to help, hurry up. If you don't want to help, go away. I will complain to my boss about you."

"You are a man of bad conduct, and you will go to hell."

Thunder Dragon smiled disdainfully: "There are succubi in hell."

"You...if I could curse, I would definitely curse you. What's so good about being a succubus? Isn't it just that?"

"Which point?"

Because they could not use foul language, this group of winged people rarely won in quarrels. He silently took out a two-handed sword from behind: "Mr. Lei, although you insulted me, I am merciful!


He spoke through gritted teeth, then stabbed the longevity star's heavenly cover with a sword, then twisted and pulled hard, twisting the spine of the longevity star off, and then continued to grit his teeth and said: "I will save him!

Redeem! You!”

After saying that, he threw the huge spine aside and turned to look at the other four evil spirits: "I swear in the name of my Lord, God! Love! World! Man!"

One word for each monster, the scene was like a slaughterhouse, and the formations in the lower realm could not withstand the power of the upper realm at all, so this one was quite neat.

"This friend of yours is very angry." Huniu said in a low voice.

"Hahahaha, who the hell wants to be friends with him? This guy is not in his right mind."

His words reached the angel's ears word for word, a smile appeared on his lips, and then he flew high into the sky, turning into a ray of light that directly pierced the Five Treasure Ship: "Purify!"

The whole space suddenly burst into white light. Unprepared, Thunder Dragon's dog eyes were almost blinded. He quickly covered his eyes. When he recovered, the formation had been broken. He and Huniu were standing in front of a small villa.

In front of the building, and hovering in front of them was the strange angel just now.

"Thank you, white-skinned pig." Thunder Dragon turned around and kicked open the door, shouting: "F*ck, don't move!"

And the angel slowly fell in front of Huniu: "Oh, beautiful lady, do you want to have dinner with a holy angel?"

Huniu glanced at him, then turned and entered the house. This strange angel waited outside for a while and suddenly shouted: "Do you believe in religion? If you don't believe me, I'm leaving."

"Get out!" Thunder Dragon shouted at him from the window: "I believed it."

"Infidel, legs!"

He flapped his wings and turned into a ray of light and left here, while Thunder Dragon and Huniu also began to search.

There was nothing special in the villa, it looked like an ordinary house, but it wasn't until they discovered a secret door on the kitchen floor that the mystery of the house was revealed.

But they had finished their visit. The basement was pitch dark. The thunder dragon lit up the electric ball in his hand and found that the formation on the ground had been broken, and there was a mummy sitting in the middle.

Judging from its clothes and the still-charged mobile phone next to it, it was obvious that he had not been dead for a long time. He probably died because of the driving formation.

Thunder Dragon put his hands on his hips and looked around: "Such a big formation."

"Yeah." Huniu was also quite surprised: "We turned out to be fighting with so many treasures."

Judging from the things scattered on the ground, Hu Niu and Thunder Dragon really had a fight with a lot of rare treasures just now. This is really a big deal. So many spiritual treasures are worth a lot of money anywhere, but now

They have lost all their spiritual power and become a pile of powder that breaks into pieces when touched.

Even the person in the middle who regards himself as the core of the formation is like this. If he touches it, it will fall apart, which is more broken than a wall-breaking machine.

What shocked Thunder Dragon the most was that the radius of the formation under their feet reached nearly fifteen meters, almost filling the 300-square-meter basement.

The fifteen-meter formation is a typical large formation. Although it is not enough to compare with the Jiuding formation, even the six digits after the decimal point are not enough, but in this era, such a large formation can still appear.

Yes, that is already quite difficult.

After Huniu identified it, this was the formation of the Xu family. Xu Fu, who was famous at that time, inherited most of Qing Lingzi's inheritance after he destroyed him.

"If this formation is performed by Qing Lingzi, we will explain it in it." Huniu touched the formation that still exuded residual warmth: "Xu Fu deserves to be the number one in the formation. This formation is quite powerful."

"It doesn't matter who he is." Thunder Dragon snorted coldly: "You must die if you die. I'll go and take a look elsewhere."

"Well, I'll go with you."

After they left the basement, no one noticed that a wandering spirit got into the ventilation duct while they were not paying attention, and then galloped toward the northeast at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Brother Zhang is sitting in a very delicious high-end restaurant. This is known as the most expensive French restaurant in the province, Hong Kong and Macao. The restaurant that was originally closed has now been reopened for Brother Zhang.

Sitting opposite him was a middle-aged man who looked quite artistic. The only drawback was that his hand was always wrapped in a bandage, and there was blood seeping from the bandage, which seemed to affect the overall senses.

"The problems before us now are actually very serious. Compared with the relative looseness and freedom of Eastern theological beliefs, we here actually care more about formalism, and we have no way to preach on the issues that have been regulated over the years, which has led to

We have lost a large number of devout believers, and even the Pope has begun to like little boys. This is a very big test and impact on our belief system." This artist-like man slowly cut a piece of bread and said to Xiao Zhang

Brother complained: "So I sincerely beg you to lift the control of the entire B-class space so that we can use our abilities."

Brother Zhang held his chin: "Back when there was no control, the Pope also liked little boys, right? Your system seems to have never been clean."

"Ah... it's mainly due to centralization of power, but this time we plan to take over the belief system ourselves and no longer have spokespersons on the road."

Brother Zhang poured tea and cut a piece of beef into his mouth. After chewing for a while, he raised his head and said, "I've told you more than once, right? It's impossible to lift the ban until you give me a complete control list. Even now

We are in the stage of spiritual energy recovery, and this kind of thing requires multiple civilizations to negotiate together. You may only have a few thousand here, but there are still those who go up and pay 8 million, what should you do? Are hundreds of ghosts walking at night?"

"Sir, please understand our difficulties. If this continues, our faith will collapse."

"This is not something I consider, it is something you need to consider. I am only responsible for reviewing and signing. If you cannot give me a satisfactory answer, I can only tell you with regret that the status quo will be maintained."

Brother Zhang is not only impartial and selfless when dealing with these matters, he is even a bit cold-blooded, but there is no way. Even if it is a Class B control, the things inside are too terrifying to be believed.

And once the release is signed, it is the release of the entire region. They are relaxed, but what about the big guys? The Quetzalcoatl of American civilization, the Kraken of Northern Europe, and the Candle Dragon of East Asia are measured in thousands of kilometers.

Yes, you can understand the consequences after the ban is lifted with your buttocks.

So this kind of thing cannot be solved by pretending to be pitiful. Now Quetzalcoatl must be in human form when walking on earth. Her size can only exist on the chest and cannot be measured by length.

The Holy Mother will perish.

Seeing that the request was rejected, the man opposite looked very disappointed. He didn't dare to speak to people in a threatening tone in this place, otherwise he would get his head broken.

But the problem is that their civilization is now on the verge of life and death. If they continue to be restrained like this, they will not be able to save it even if they want to.

"Then sir, I can take the lead and hold a meeting in the next few days. What do you think?"

"Okay." Brother Zhang nodded and said, "But again, if none of you can come up with reasonable suggestions, any meeting will be useless."

After saying that, Brother Zhang took out his fifteen-scale iron rod from his arms: "Even if the spiritual energy is revived, you must keep the scale within ten and above five. This is the bottom line."

"I see."

This chapter has been completed!
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